posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:17 AM
Ok. I'll belatedly bite.
Although I should know better than to volunteer to be involved with anyone who posts seemingly harmless proposals at 4:21 A.M.
Nothing personal you understand, but I have learned, sometimes rather painfully, that innocent ideas offered before 5:00 have downsides.
Partially because, without exception, alcohol was somehow involved. All too often, those downsides were too horrible to even contemplate, let alone
Also, I am concerned about the 6,800 word maximum limitation. Why not 6,850, or even 6,853 words ?
Seriously, I suggest if you are to limit the total number of words you should also limit the number of words in a response. Primarily to keep clowns
like me from posting 6,215-words in the first response, thereby devastating all opportunity for effective rebuttal.
Sort of like a chess game with three moves to check. Or parking spot hogs, who cleverly maneuver so as to occupy three prime spaces with a Honda
An additional benefit: In my experience, word count limitations are one of the best ways to hone writing skills. A sterling example, from personal
experience: Explain why American forces should be brought home from Iraq. Lots of (prolific) writers can explain why in 22,000 words or less.
Explaining this in 450 words or less is a much more difficult task.
If this program is still on or being considered, count me in. I love blood-free jostling. Especially when pennants are offered to winners. I am
assuming the pennant will be alcohol-soaked and squeezable, since this proposal was made before 5:00 AM.