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You're Not Going To Get Into Area 51

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posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 04:30 PM
Anything that was at S-4 is not there anymore...

There has to be a NEW "S-4"...somewhere else...think about it...the secret government will always be at least a step ahead of the public on this...

My bet is on an underground base somewhere in the Colorado backcountry...or maybe south of Tuscon...hell...they might have even moved beyond that...

[edit on 21-10-2007 by coastlinekid]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 05:20 PM
did u every think that the government is watching us? i mean watching us right now, seeing what we say, watching what we do.

It would be difficult to say whose e-mail, text messages or Internet phone calls the government is monitoring at any given time, but according to a former AT&T employee, the government has warrantless access to a great deal of Internet traffic should they care to take a peek.

now if your wondering why would they do this, its to keep track of people who are known or suspected terrorists, this is known as the Government 's Consolidated Terrorist Watch List so if a suspected terrorist says bomb in a e-mail he gos straight on the GCTWL now these are the people the U.S. government doesn't want to board planes, enter the country or obtain a visa without a lot of hassle.

While the government makes no secret of the list's existence, its official contents are off-limits to the public. That's because the federal government believes if terrorists are aware of being on a watch list, they will become more vigilant and tricky in committing heinous crimes.

So what im trying to say here is they can do anything, they could read everything you post because as you can see the do have the power to do so, so by posting all this stuff about how to break into area 51 its a dumb move because all you could be doing is helping them.

as for fill0000 talking about flying a small plain over the base, don't you think they have radars or something that could pick it up i mean seriously what are you, 5? >_>

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 11:11 PM
in my opinion the easiest, and probably only way, to get on there is to be assigned there by the defence force or to somehow get a contract there by the government which is still EXTREMELY hard. Yet i dont think they have all there secrets, if any, out in the open and would most likely have a lot of sophisticated technology to secure the area. They would also have planned for any kind of "invasion" and will most likey lock down the area and all other possible area, containing government secrets, around there if they see any possible threat of losing any secrets they may or may not have. And also, if they were intelligent they wouldve have moved anything top secret a long time ago and use area 51 as a disctraction. They might even have moved just "physical evidence" like UFOs or aliens, if any, to somewhere else and are keeping intelligence on computers at the base and communicating with the place that has the ufos. Just my opinion though, which didnt take much thought. If the American Govt, or any govt of the world, has evidence of aliens, they might be trying to verify it before they tell us. Or maybe they have nothing to hide about aliens or hardware/software that could allow us to perform things like SPACE TRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 11:25 PM
What I can't understand about Area 51 is that everyone knows it's there!! It cannot be THE base to house EBE's and UFO's anymore. It is simply a top secret base for advanced airframes for our military. The real work has long since been moved elsewhere.
I think that getting in there would be next to impossible all the same. All of the ground sensors are still there as well as the guards and UCAV's. I think that the security is still in place for appearances mostly.
As I stated, I think that there are still top secret things going on there, just not the things you're (we) are looking for.
If you allow yourself to think like a paranoid military planner, you simply move the UFO's and such to a place that is not in the national headlines.
At the same time, why inform us, the people, that you have moved that good stuff out of there. You don't!!
Simple diversion. Get people to look over here while the real stuff is happening over there.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:28 PM
Ok well u guys should get beter ideas about geting into Ara 51

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:35 AM
i already have i am on my laptop right now i have seen some of the weirdest # in my life here things i have never seen before it took ten of us now its only two of us left the aliens are brown and green i'll come back to you with more update./

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by mrjenka
3) Now, if you really want "juicy" secrets there is no better place than LOS ALAMOS LABORATORY!!!!!!!

I can't emphasize this enough. Forget area 51, focus on Los Alamos...... Wh does no one ever question that place... Why does no one ever question what goes on there??

Los Alamos has a history of UFO sightings. I knew someone from New Mexico who's father had worked there as a physicist. I wasn't into UFOs at the time of the conversation, but he did volunteer to me that while in school, a mate's dad who also worked in the laboratory, was tragically killed in an accident involving extremely high voltage electricity.

[edit on 20-11-2008 by Schaden]

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 05:47 PM
Why would you want to get into Area 51? All the good stuff's in Write Patterson.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by darkheartrising

Look you cannot get into area 51 uninvited. My friend tried that and he got a little passed the no entrance sign. He evaded some cammo dudes but got caught real fast. He was beaten pretty bad. They didn't kill him though. They just took him into a building for about 4 hours and he came out and didn't say a word to anyone for 3 whole days. Ever since then he never answers his phone or even opens the door for anyone. He is too traumitized about whatever happened in that room. I would advise not to end up like him.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by wolf241e
What I can't understand about Area 51 is that everyone knows it's there!! It cannot be THE base to house EBE's and UFO's anymore. It is simply a top secret base for advanced airframes for our military. The real work has long since been moved elsewhere.
I think that getting in there would be next to impossible all the same. All of the ground sensors are still there as well as the guards and UCAV's. I think that the security is still in place for appearances mostly.
As I stated, I think that there are still top secret things going on there, just not the things you're (we) are looking for.
If you allow yourself to think like a paranoid military planner, you simply move the UFO's and such to a place that is not in the national headlines.
At the same time, why inform us, the people, that you have moved that good stuff out of there. You don't!!
Simple diversion. Get people to look over here while the real stuff is happening over there.

Agreed. When you can see a "Top Secret" military research center in hi-def on google earth, there is something very very wrong. If there is one person who actually thinks in the US gov, they would have moved all the cool stuff from there around the collapse of Soviet Union.
No one looking there, so they could have moved alot of stuff from there with relative ease. Wish i knew where...

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by coastlinekid

ok hers how you do it............ dress up like a local animal that lives in the area and just scurrry your way in lol........... ok plan 2.......... make 2 fake aliens and throw them onto the base property and when all the gaurds come out to get the alien bodies kill tyhem and take their clthes.............. or a ninja

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:23 PM
You could always use a very small size camera with wheels on it.
Remotely controlled to turn off and on, and obviously wireless.
Wonder if you could sneak past with that?
Do you think they have like scanners and metal detectors and stuff?
Or not, because have the stuff that's in there is metal?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Everyone is focused more so on getting something in the base on their own...why not use the things already allowed to go in? For example...the bus. There is a bus that goes into the base, correct? Well, find out where it gets loaded up at, walk by and slap a small sticky camera on it, and you'll be semi-set.

Or somehow disguise yourself as some contest give-away guy and give one of the Area 51 workers a brand new laptop with some pre-installed program set to use the webcam every couple seconds and send them somewhere else. Although I imagine the government would force the workers to use Area 51 computers...hell, make a little virus on their home PC that will transfer itself onto a thumbdrive or something which they might take into Area 51 trained to use the webcam or something.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:34 PM
I have to say, that putting something on the transportation of the workers is impossible. They will be scanned and checker more accurately than anything else and then some. Any frequency going out from A51 will be noticed and blocked by the security systems there. And they will track it and hunt you down. You are more likely to hack the Norad system and control it than get a simple bug to A51. Like said before there wont be anything intresting there. Everything would have been moved away ages ago.

Unless you are in a full body aluminium foil suit and have your home completely isolated from everything else. Then the aliens will know that you are smarter than they are and they will make you their king. Then you can land on A51 and cotrol it with the magical cigarette lighter. Just saying that its a possibility.

Truly yours,

Yankee White

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:15 PM
Ive enjoyed this thread so far. it has a lot of humor and some clever ideas.

in my own thinking it would make sense to me that if there were something to protect there they need not move it with all the time and effort put into security.
obviously no one is going in uninvited .... for long.

if someone WERE to get in however i would think that security personnel and dogs would only be a first line of defense. it wouldn't be difficult to think that if someone got past a certain point that security would be seriously breached and it wouldn't take much technology at all to setup and hide automated guns for such a purpose. going in without knowing the defense layout is suicide at best regardless of what their security is like.
for all anyone knows there could be mines, and any range of sensing equipment.

lets assume for a moment they did have automated guns. what ranges can they traverse and sense movement? what size? if you fly a small fast RC plane at low altitude would it be detected and intercepted?

if you went in on foot you probably wouldn't have much success. just saying.

what about a H.A.L.O jump. would it be possible to parachute in and at what distance safely? what about going under the perimeter? could someone tunnel that far potentially? what if you come up in the middle of a mine field?

i mean lets face it. if your serious about hiding or protecting something and you have the means and money to do it i suspect you would have 10 guys just sitting around thinking this stuff up and putting it into play.

i mean short of having a squad of marksmen with 50 cal rifles shooting security at ranges of a mile consistently and fighting their way through i don't see it happening. even a squad of shooters would get smashed in no time in my opinion. and the closer you get to the target the higher ranked you'll be as a security risk.

just my 2 cents

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:00 PM
Who knows what might happen. Maybe Obama will call in the 82nd Airborne Division to parachute in to find the EBE's and stuff.

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