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You're Not Going To Get Into Area 51

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posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 07:49 PM
I say make a RC Robot that looks like a rock or bush or even gear that you would normally find at an air base. Make the device so it drops RC repeaters every 100 yards or so to keep the transmission up. Then use Solar battery chargers and slowly roll it into the base. It would be able to transmit only 100 yard so if you stay at least 100 yards away, then they wont detect it. It can sit for months watching everything they do.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 09:47 PM
why not launch one of these towards the base? Hell real jets fly around the base all the time. This thing would be hard as hell to shoot down i would think and fast enough to get in and out.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 10:56 PM
It's fairly easy to get into "Dreamland".

Get invited and keep yer trap shut.

Of course, you must be "interesting" as well, and go through some rigorous backround checking, sign a few documents ( preferrably in blood---not really)

Not that I have ever been, of course---just what I have heard.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 12:36 AM

I live in Las Vegas and all you need to do is drive up the 95 hwy past Beatty. You can see lights and flights all the time. For real.

Keep lookin up,
Shawn Kalin
Las Vegas, NV

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 01:48 AM
Id like to think if we ever get in there , we would show up, beaten, bruised, muddy, sweaty, and we'd find a guy at a desk who laughs at us and says
"HAHAH!!! We moved to Utah 4 years ago!!! Nice try!"

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 02:22 AM
Take a retired Baja 1000 Competition truck, ya the kind that can go 100mph over rough desert terraine. Paint it flat black, put some nice and quiet mufflers on it and then go for it. Possibly crash into one of the buildings and take some hostages

On a seriouse note, why not profile the employees that work there, pick the right one, cut their lines and jam the cellphones, enter the house, take the needed security clearences, use hollywood make up to mimic the look of the person closely, go to work.... thats a death wish but it would make one hell of a scifi novel

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 03:17 AM
Flying small planes in?

Nobody thought of the radar that would pick these things up? :lol

In all honesty the only way would be a very large group of people like someone else said. Someone said about 1,600 people I believe? Get some RV's and fill them all up and just floor it.

One of these would happened:

1.) Everyone makes it in and gets arrested and who knows what happens to you then.

2.) Every single RV is destroyed. Keep in mind there's apparently an 18 mile stretch of land before making it to the actual base. Who knows what sits between the area you first encounter the camo guys and the actual base?

Either way you'll be screwed in the end

You also have to consider that even if aliens and real alien craft are kept there, do you really think they'd have them out in the open? Say you operated Area 51. Would you actually keep anything like that in any area of the base that can be easily seen and photographed.

To the thread creator. Do you actually think anyone here on ATS is actually thinking about doing anything like this? From everything I've read I've seen nothing more than jokes made on the subject from people who know that it's impossible. Yeah we can sit around and think of ways to try getting in. That doesn't mean we're actually going to try it

I'd like to find the proof that they exist, but I don't know if getting shot or killed or vaporized by an unknown alien weapon is the best way of going about. Though getting vaporized by a weapon made by the very beings you're trying to prove exist would actually be a cool way to go

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Organize a concert, get all the latest and greatest bands to play, announce the location as area 51, shouldn't be to hard to get 50,000 people up there. Organize everyone into groups of say 100 each, that's 500 groups to control, all with cameras.

What are they gonna do? shoot everyone.

Ah screw it, it's to hot up there ain't it?

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:31 PM
I've thought about doing this for some time.

Here's what it can be done with.

A regiment of Marines.....

What? It could happen. We're all crazy enough to do something like that. Granted it's treason seeing as we'd be attacking our own government we fight to protect...but what if we are actually making a stand to protect the country from what's at Area 51? Nah.

Anyways...where was I going with this...oh yeah.

A regiment of Marines. Equiped with the latest gear. Flak, kevlar, sapi plates...the A4. Put in some recon guys, some arty, we got 'em licked. What are they gonna do? Open the ground and exterminate us all with a giant laser? ... They don't have one of they?

Either way, that would be my plan. You know, fight fire with fire.

[edit on 07827 by Echo3Foxtrot]

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 10:00 PM
I have been away for a year. I came back to see what's new and nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing at all....

Still same ole' Area 51 discussions. Same ole' same ole'. I said it once and will say it again.

1) If your wacky plans full of airplanes, marines etc... worked the second the "base" would be infiltrated a button is pressed and the WHOLE place gets locked down. NO ONE IN, NO ONE OUT!!!

So, even if you made it "in" you wouldn't get far. You would be locked out. And all that juicy stuff you guys are clamoring for even if it was there(I am not saying it is or not) you wouldn't even be able to get to or see because it is so securely hidden "inside" that the only way to get in is with 2 retinal scans, than 2 other people with id cards, than 2 other people with finger prints. And those 6 people know nothing whats inside, all the know is they are a "piece" to opening a "door", "vault" or whatever it maybe. So, you need nothing short than a direct nuclear strike which would blow that whole place to pieces and expose all those dirty little secrets(IF there were any, again, I am not saying there are)....

And how stupid would you feel if all you found in the rubbish were experimental planes and materials.

Pretty dumb huh?

2) Why is everyone so hung up on Area 51, people that work there or work for defense contractors(like myself, lockheed, i knew you'd ask) and are "associated" with projects don't even call it area 51 or any of that junk. Common "cooler" talk is poking fun at the Area 51 nuts.......

3) Now, if you really want "juicy" secrets there is no better place than LOS ALAMOS LABORATORY!!!!!!!

I can't emphasize this enough. Forget area 51, focus on Los Alamos...... Wh does no one ever question that place... Why does no one ever question what goes on there??

To hide something it is not always best to hide it in a "secret" place like area 51(it's not so secret now) but to hide it in plain site. Why is this you ask?

Because, people always want to know what is behind the "closed" door, however, they will walk right by the door that is semi-open......

Think about it........

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:43 PM
I would have to say that the best way to find out what goes on there is to send in Mr. T. Nobody would be able to stop him, especially if he had the rest of the A-Team with him.

On a more serious note I agree that a massive walk in might do it. But when I say massive I mean thousands of people and lots of media coverage.

Or maybe if we elect Alice Cooper for president he'd open the place up.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 05:37 PM
The answer here is quite clear.

Use a ninja,

They are masters of every style of combat and i'm pretty certain they can walk through walls or something crazy.

Trust me ninjas are the way forward!

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 06:20 PM
Look the only thing that can sneak into area 51 is a highly trained Ninja. I know one but he's already broken into area 51 dozens of times. usually to warm up before infiltrating the underground city of xiandu to battle the magic wizard Qui Tsu the Evil.

trust me elite SF guys who gaurd area 51 are chumps compared to the undead gaurdians of Xiandu. Those guys take security seriously.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by rlineker
So I think that if no new major technological developments are made you have no chance of getting into Area 51 on any Land Based vehicle/machine.

[edit on 5-8-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

thank you for your input, we all knew that Area 51 has never been Disneyland

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:28 AM
I think most everyone would be disappointed to see what is really happening at groom when satellites are not overhead

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:57 AM
The ruskies and chinese have their own spy sats. Any prototype shakedown flights would probably occur at night. I like the dirigible flat black option on a budget. If you have the money 30k, you could buy or build one of those fancy jet jobs and attach long range fuel tanks. Would need a computerized flight pattern that brings it back to radio com. I would expect some company when it does come back though.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:38 PM
Any RC craft flying unauthorized into Area51 would/will get their signals scrambled and would soar right into the ground and I doubt anybody would give it back to you when it happens.

THis is why RC craft can only be flown in certain areas. too close to another system brodcasting on a similar frequency does wonders to thr RC craft. Wander too far out of the flight line and you RC plane has a real strong chance of going into the control of someones tv remote or garage door opener, or walki talki, who knows what will interefear with the darn thing.

Also RC planes can only fly with moderate exertion for about 20 minutes. RC jets for about 5 to 8. seriously how much fuel do you think that fuselage holds?

RC planes crash all the time due to signal interference. Ever seen a guy with lots of time on his hands crash a $8,000 RC jet? I have a half dozen times in a few months worth of time over at the balboa RC field in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. THey are very very delicate.

also good luck getting the thing to take off on a sand dune or even on a relatively flat piece of land outside area 51. they need a good 125 feet of smooth un obstructed land to take off and I really don't think the jet engien will appreciate all the sand and dust. not going to happen.

Ninja...only solution.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 12:21 PM
I wonder what they do with the trash inside the base. Do they burn it. I would imagine they would make shure important documents got burned, but I'm more concerned with regular trash like a candy wrapper or a snikers bar. If Fry's Electronics(Electronics store in my home town) has over 200 cameras in the entire store, even in the eyes of manequins, I would imagine Area 51 is way tougher on security. But trash interests me for some reason.... it looks like a good exit out of the base.

I got to go I think the FBI is knocking. lol

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 12:53 PM
you guys are........ i've got the best idea, although i bet there are goverment dudes that check this website out for what ever but who cares....the best area 51 idea.......

firstly, they probebly have rubbish, so they need clean up people, so try to get a jop there as one, or as sacurity dude, you can be the one at the dead end road, where people go to check out the place, this is the best one, either research and find someone who actual works there and go to their house and kill them and take the place, i pride myself on this one, get some super powers and fight your way in, i myself would go for the ghost ability, where you can go through walls and turn invisable.

works every time.....

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by andre18
you guys are........ i've got the best idea, although i bet there are goverment dudes that check this website out for what ever but who cares....the best area 51 idea.......

firstly, they probebly have rubbish, so they need clean up people, so try to get a jop there as one, or as sacurity dude, you can be the one at the dead end road, where people go to check out the place, this is the best one, either research and find someone who actual works there and go to their house and kill them and take the place, i pride myself on this one, get some super powers and fight your way in, i myself would go for the ghost ability, where you can go through walls and turn invisable.

works every time.....

Or join the Air Force and get a job that would require you to work there

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