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Conservatives: Do you still support The Bush Administration?

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posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by aimlessly

wow colonel I bow to the master of generlization.

Ok I think I finally get it. You think that no one abuses the system and everyone on welfare is blind, handicapped, or has some other affliction which causes them not to be a productive member of the American workforce. Every homeless person deserves a hand out, even if they go directly to the liquor store with it. (which is why one of the charities I give to is soup kitchens so I know it is used for good purposes, and by the way, I don't itemize my taxes so, guess what, I don't "write them off")

This is patently absurd and a repugnant cop-out. No, some of the unfortuante DO abuse the system but, even so, "there but for the grace of God go I," so I will help that person if they ask, scammer or no because I don't know if they are scamming me for the liquor store or being honest.

And even if they were needing money for the liquor store, I believe ANYhelp I can give to relieve their misery is good.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:24 AM

Is it a generalization? of course. You can't talk about millions of people without doing that.

Sure you can. I do it all the time. You use words like "most, many, much, a lot, majority, few, less, some ect..."

For example, many black people have curly hair.
Many Democrats believe in social programs.
Some black people are racist.
Some white people are racist.
Most of the time, Colonel generalizes.

See it works. Give it a try. It's better than calling everyone the same thing.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by joehayner
Colonel, I never thought I'd say this, but if you don't want to live in America then move. If it's such a horrible place then go help the fight against AIDS in Africa, or help promote peace in the Middle East. Go to #ing Canada or something. What ever you do, don't stay here, you're ruining it for the rest of us. Extremist hypocritical idiots like you and Rush should be put on a #ing island or something.

You say all Republicans act the same, you are wrong. Just like I'd be wrong if I said all Democrats act the same. I know for a fact that there are good Republicans and good Democrats out there, you're not one of them though. You have one of the most narrow-minded views on the world that I've ever seen. Your mind is clouded with religeon and hate for what opposes you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, seperation of church and state is there for a reason. I've never come across anymore proof of the existance of god than the bible, which isn't enough for me to aknowledge or deny. You believe so blindly, and yet accuse others of being the blind believers.

I think you and Rush have more in common than you think. You're both hypocrits, you both hate the other party and think it's ruining America, you blindly follow your party without a second thought, and you both are the reason for America's current state.

The gloves are off...


AND FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP LYING FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE. You know that all repugnants think the same way: Bush is God, Dems are tax and spend, AA is a quota program, abortion is agianst God. ITS THE SAME DAMN MANTRA EVERY TIME AND YOU BOUGHT INTO IT ON YOUR WAY TO HELL.

[Edited on 14-1-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Joe - it's pointless. colonels mind is.... well, its wrapped too tight to let any light of day in.

I think we are in understanding of each other. I agree with everything you have said. I have views of both parties, but I am mostly conservative. I don't think this makes me a bad person I just have strong beliefs in responsibility and accountability.

But, I love America and all the differences that come along with it.

Take care

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by aimlessly
Joe - it's pointless. colonels mind is.... well, its wrapped too tight to let any light of day in.

I think we are in understanding of each other. I agree with everything you have said. I have views of both parties, but I am mostly conservative. I don't think this makes me a bad person I just have strong beliefs in responsibility and accountability.

But, I love America and all the differences that come along with it.

Take care



posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Do you two not get it? He is proving a point. One which is best made boldly.

It's not that Republicans are evil, because no man ever has been evil throughly.

It's that now in the spotlight are a bunch of Idiots.

These idiots are the ones saying things like
-If you don't like it here, move
-If you don't like what we are doing, move
-If you dissent about our policies/actions/etc, then you are Un-American.
-I think Bush is doing a great job
-I sure love prayer time with my good unschooled buddy GW

(note-for those of less than adequate intellegence, these are not direct quotes, but ones taken from a compiled list of statements heard by me by idiots)

Most of these things are downright Un-Constitutional. Since the Constitution is the basis of America, then it would be THEM who is Un-American.

The problem is, is that with all these samethinking idiots out there (something I am sure the White House is banking on), then taking away rights here and there for "the good of the people" will not be missed.

But what then? What happens when it does not work? Take some more?

Ignore the Bill or Rights?

That is where we are headed.

As a side note, I am sick and tired of people respecting others opinions.

Stand up for what you believe in for God's sake and stop with the "everyone has the right to their opinion" CRAP.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:53 AM
I'm a conservative and no, I do not support the Bush regime.....

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:54 AM
Some Thoughts:
- We will not have a country, in any semblance to our current or past state, with another Bush term. Things that have been implemented & those that will be, with a goose stepping GOP Congress & Courts, will be near irreversible. All those futuristic movies where those who can live in the crystal city & those who don't live in squalor, will come to pass. It really is at that level if you extrapolate it outward - THINK. The social programs that act as a safety net will be abolished, and we will be left to a Darwinistic society. The news flash for most of you is this: you're no where near the shark, you're a flightless bird. To put it more succinctly, think of a $150K per year in income being the dividing line - something that the go-to-work-buy-groceries-pay-taxes-church-goer is not going to see anytime soon. Better yourself? Annual tuition to a state college will be closer to $50K in ten years or so. Scholarship? See social programs as well as population growth. Move to a better company? You mean an outsourcing company, right? Competition is pretty thick; lots of folks who've been doing it since straight off college....see Social Programs.
Gay Marriage? No religion will ever be required to sanction it, and a domestic partners civil entitlements is of no ones concern. Marriage, as a definition of procreation, is more than antiquated & irrelevant in modern society, it's asinine. Besides, someone in your family is gay, look around you. One of those offspring of yours or a sibling will be gay.
"Lay Down like a welcome Mat?" For who? Especially in the last 100 yrs. News Flash: We are the 800 lb Gorilla, we F**k who we want, eat want we want, take want we want and no one is going to say s***t about it, regardless of who was president over the last 100 yrs. Anyone who thinks otherwise is too caught up into the mental programming being fed to you - US Global dominance is without question and things don't happen unless we let them.
Believe in guns ownership? Me too. Who is taking your guns away? No one is taking mine, how about you? Oh, are you talking about assault rifles? Join the Army, they'll let you pop off rounds to your hearts content; other than that, it's a non issue. As a clue, all the Dem lead dogs are for gun rights; they're just not on the NRA payroll & advocate a wait period.
Protect our nation at all costs? Me too! Same with the Dem lead dogs; that's why they've question a grandiose , unnecessary, money pit war against a fixed & easy target like Iraq, instead of light-fast-hard relentless surgical strikes against Al Qeda & terror networks. Also, it seems our President is not funding the states for homeland security measures nearly as much as promised. His administration has actually made it harder for the states to get the federal funds for port security. Must be why the Carlyle Group purchased CSX?
God? Great, me too, that's why I have trouble trusting atheists. Jesus? Not everyone wears a WWJD bracelet. Being a humanitarian & respecting the golden rule should be the end point for all - how you get to that point, be it Buddha, Tao or Charlie Tuna is no concern of mine.
Invaded? Uh yeah.
Pansy social programs? Such as Unemployment insurance? Welfare? You know, funny thing about welfare. About $15B is spent on food stamps by the federal government. That same Federal government spent $22B on the airline industry in 2001 and about that much in retroactive tax rebates to the Big Three. The only welfare folks need to zero in on is CORPORATE WELFARE. That is what is sucking you dry, whether you're smart enough to realize it or not. Every tax break they get while being allowed to move registry overseas to avoid even more taxes, has you shoulder more of the cost......if there's a job left for you to contribute.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 11:56 AM
Thanks Aim, I see what you mean.

I knew I shouldn't have taken that bait. The bit about you not liking America. But seriously, if you hate it so much then try doing something else, somewhere else. I don't think America is the greatest country in the world, but it's far from worst.

Colonel, you make absolutly no sense. You're delusional. I for one, am not a republican, as I have told you countless times. I like many of their policies, and a few democratic policies too. I hate having to explain myself, only to have you put words in my mouth. I know what I am, and I know what you are, an extremist #head with major tunnel-vision complex. Open your eyes Colonel.

That's all I have to say, end discussion. Goodbye Colonel, or should I call you Rush?

[Edited on 14-1-2004 by joehayner]

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by joehayner
Thanks Aim, I see what you mean.

Colonel, you make absolutly no sense. You're delusional. I for one, am not a republican, as I have told you countless times. I like many of their policies, and a few democratic policies too. I hate having to explain myself, only to have you put words in my mouth. I know what I am, and I know what you are, an extremist #head with major tunnel-vision complex. Open your eyes Colonel.

That's all I have to say, end discussion. Goodbye Colonel, or should I call you Rush?

[Edited on 14-1-2004 by joehayner]

Delusional? You may not be a republican but you sure do act like one. Goose-stepping along, supporitng this vile and facist adminstration. Sieg Heil, repugnant!

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 07:01 PM
Tis not much you can say to either side to get them to change their point of view...either you believe government should work for all the people or you believe it should work for some. that's the difference between a dem and republican. but once politicans get behind closed doors they behave the same. they are basically on the same team. it doesn't matter who you pick they are all selling america to the highest bidder, and if you can't admit that then you are suffering from delusions i don't care what you call yourself.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 10:04 AM
Colonel, I must break my vow of silence to this thread because you are one of the best baiters I have ever witnessed.

Ok, when did I ever say I supported the current administration? Like I said, you're delusional. I said I agreed with a few things they've done, but I also agreed with some of the things Clinton did.(And I sure as hell didn't support him) I'm more like America was durring the cold war in foreign policy. They were anti-communist not pro-democracy. I'm anti-extremist, not pro-anything.(I'm against right wingers too, you left wingers are just louder)

How am I a republican? Your definition of a republican is a psycho-religous fanatic-rich-asshole who wants the poor to say poor and the rich to stay rich, and who wants to turn America into some facist dictatorship.

Let's start from the start. Psycho; I doubt it, I think I'm more sane than you. Religous fanatic; I'm not even religous. Rich; far from it. Asshole; maybe, you might have me there, but so are you and you're not a republican. Want the poor to stay poor and rich to stay rich; Only if they want to be, I believe everyone should work for their bread. Wants to turn America into some facist dictatorship; No, I've said countless times that balace between the parties should be maintaind and democracy preserved.

I know what I am, and I know what you are. Do you know what you are?

I'm not some right-wing anti-liberal, I'm just against people like you.

And Saph, that was one of the most intelligent things I've heard in a while. I'm not sucking up, but I totally agree with you. That's why I disagree so strongly with Colonel.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by joehayner
Colonel, I must break my vow of silence to this thread because you are one of the best baiters I have ever witnessed.

Ok, when did I ever say I supported the current administration? Like I said, you're delusional. I said I agreed with a few things they've done, but I also agreed with some of the things Clinton did.(And I sure as hell didn't support him) I'm more like America was durring the cold war in foreign policy. They were anti-communist not pro-democracy. I'm anti-extremist, not pro-anything.(I'm against right wingers too, you left wingers are just louder)

How am I a republican? Your definition of a republican is a psycho-religous fanatic-rich-asshole who wants the poor to say poor and the rich to stay rich, and who wants to turn America into some facist dictatorship.

Let's start from the start. Psycho; I doubt it, I think I'm more sane than you. Religous fanatic; I'm not even religous. Rich; far from it. Asshole; maybe, you might have me there, but so are you and you're not a republican. Want the poor to stay poor and rich to stay rich; Only if they want to be, I believe everyone should work for their bread. Wants to turn America into some facist dictatorship; No, I've said countless times that balace between the parties should be maintaind and democracy preserved.

I know what I am, and I know what you are. Do you know what you are?

I'm not some right-wing anti-liberal, I'm just against people like you.

Look, you just need to come out of the cloest , repugnant. Stop lying to me. Stop lying to the people, And stop lying to yourself cause you ain't fooling anyone, repugnant.

If you were'n't a repugnant, you would see that the polices of Dean or Kucinich were on point and the right directoin for this country. Instead, you flip flop with your measely mouth rhetoric only to side with Bush.

Just like a repugnant.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:51 PM
I like Kucinich...hmm, that doesn't add anything to this topic but every time his name comes up I gotta say I like em...he dope.

Dean is no Kucinich, though. He supports NAFTA and the WTO...he wants to work within them...we need to pull out of these immoral international institutions and take our sovereignty back. America is bleeding out, and the sooner we realize that it was Clinton's fault and start repealing his policies of one world governance the better off we will be.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:48 PM
Well, I stumbled upon this today while looking for something else.
This should definitely stir up a bit 'o mud.

I don't agree with or disagree with all that was written in the above essay. I came across the site while reading some second amendment material.( )
The whole main site is agreeable but when you dig deeper you find the uglier parts of the hardcore right wing conservatives. Ahh but I forgot, I'm supposed to be a "repugnant" and agree with all of it...

Have a good read. It's kind of like watching a cool car crash in a movie and then finding out it was all real at the end.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 10:07 AM

Look, you just need to come out of the cloest , repugnant. Stop lying to me. Stop lying to the people, And stop lying to yourself cause you ain't fooling anyone, repugnant.

If you were'n't a repugnant, you would see that the polices of Dean or Kucinich were on point and the right directoin for this country. Instead, you flip flop with your measely mouth rhetoric only to side with Bush.

Just like a repugnant.

I'm not a repubican. I do not like Dean or Kucinich. Both want to repeal tax cuts and Kucinich opposes anti-missile defense. No where in your sorry excuse for a reply was there any proof that I'm a republican. You just lable people who disagree with you, just like the far right calls the people that disagree with them "un-patriotic". All you do is rant about things that make no sense. Grow the # up so maybe you can challenge logic effectivly.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 10:20 AM
I just thought you should read this, Colonel.

joehayner-posted on 15-1-2004 at 05:06 AM Post Number: 331463
I'm voting for Lieberman in my primary. If he makes it on the dems ticket, I'll vote for him instead of Bush.
(hear that Colonel?)

I refuse, however, to vote for Dean. The guy just doesn't work with me. I don't want some asshole doctor who can't move without stepping in his own #, running the country.

Why is it that whatever a republican says is lies, but whatever a dem says is truth? (sarcasm) Don't you find that a little strange.(I may be asking the wrong person) What if I said that everything Dean says is lies, without presenting any proof whatsoever. I'd be wrong wouldn't I?

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by joehayner
I just thought you should read this, Colonel.

joehayner-posted on 15-1-2004 at 05:06 AM Post Number: 331463
I'm voting for Lieberman in my primary. If he makes it on the dems ticket, I'll vote for him instead of Bush.
(hear that Colonel?)

I refuse, however, to vote for Dean. The guy just doesn't work with me. I don't want some asshole doctor who can't move without stepping in his own #, running the country.

Why is it that whatever a republican says is lies, but whatever a dem says is truth? (sarcasm) Don't you find that a little strange.(I may be asking the wrong person) What if I said that everything Dean says is lies, without presenting any proof whatsoever. I'd be wrong wouldn't I?

Lieberman?? You might as well vote your true leanings...REPUGNANT! Lieberman is Bush-lite! Plus, Liberman has no chin. We need a president with a chin---not some mealey mouth whiny looking momma's boy who sides with the repugnants.

Figures you'd vote for him, repugnant.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 03:50 PM
So you're saying we should vote for Jay Leno?

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by joehayner
So you're saying we should vote for Jay Leno?

You should vote for Dean, Kucinich, or Clark. Just vote democrat and be on the RIGHT side of history. Join the good guys for once!

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