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The Truth About The Columbine Massacre: A Black Op.

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posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 05:26 PM
Okay. I don't know about Columbine but I do know about the Santana High School Shooting. This shooting was not a black op. I live in San Diego about ten minutes from this school and I had friends who went to Santana and several of them knew the person who did the shooting. He was disturbed and it wasnt a "black op". I think you're just being a little paranoid. Columbine was probably the same... a horrible day when some disturbed kids took revenge on people who they hated.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Sky Eyes
Sighhhh.... Does everything have to turn into a conspiracy theory??

I have to agree with you about that, too. Some of the sources aren't the most stable (sorry, Wiki just doesn't do it for me as a "credible source").

I might have missed it, but I'm still trying to find the link saying Harris was undergoing "mind control experiments" at Plattsburgh AFB. And how his father, who was a transport pilot, had connections with some sort of covert agency.

Maybe there were others involved in the shooting that decided suicide wasn't their bag and just faded into the background with other kids that were leaving the building. Who knows?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 05:31 PM
To the OP, good job. You put alot of research into this, and it brings plenty to the table. Until now, I guess I never really thought much about the situation.

On the original story though, I've always said something like this was inevitable. I was bullied throughout middle school and high school, although the only thing it did to me was give me more reason to dropout and get a GED. During that era, I did develop a darkness that I've since been able to curb. Bullying is not something to be taken lightly, no matter what environment.

On the OP's side, there are reasons to do such a thing. How about, count the occurences that happened in the months following. There was one only blocks from my mother's in El Cajon, at Granite Hills HS, and one at East High School in Green Bay, where I went to high school. You put the idea into the heads of those who are looking for a way out, and it happens. After this happens a few times, the gov't has a reason to push for stricter gun control rules, and metal detectors in the entrances of schools across the country.

On gun control. Try that one in northern Wisconsin once. We hunt. From fall till spring, and sometimes in the summer, we hunt. A good majority of us live for it. Our guns will not be taken away without much resistance.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by thizellewashington
Okay. I don't know about Columbine but I do know about the Santana High School Shooting. This shooting was not a black op. I live in San Diego about ten minutes from this school and I had friends who went to Santana and several of them knew the person who did the shooting. He was disturbed and it wasnt a "black op". I think you're just being a little paranoid. Columbine was probably the same... a horrible day when some disturbed kids took revenge on people who they hated.

I am sorry for any pain the shooting caused you.

He was disturbed alright, but he had also had a father who worked as a technician in the San Diego Naval Medical Center. There were also a lot of conflicting reports of what gun he was using. Andy Williams' father was also connected to Fort Detrick, which is linked to numerous psychological operations, including the post-9/11 Anthrax Attacks.

As for Columbine, they were disturbed, but one of them had been subjected to Project MKULTRA, which is extremely compelling evidence to say that he was mind controlled.

[QUOTE]I have to agree with you about that, too. Some of the sources aren't the most stable (sorry, Wiki just doesn't do it for me as a "credible source").[/QUOTE]

The 'Don't trust Wikipedia' argument. Well, Wikipedia cites it's sources better than any other website, so they're credible. It all depends on who their sources are.

[QUOTE]I might have missed it, but I'm still trying to find the link saying Harris was undergoing "mind control experiments" at Plattsburgh AFB. And how his father, who was a transport pilot, had connections with some sort of covert agency.[/QUOTE]

It's in the Think About It article by John Quinn. That is the decisive smoking gun.

[QUOTE]Maybe there were others involved in the shooting that decided suicide wasn't their bag and just faded into the background with other kids that were leaving the building. Who knows?[/QUOTE]

Some of these shooters were men. I don't think they could fit into the crowd of running students.


The major smoking gun in this case is that Eric Harris was subjected to MKULTRA experiments in Plattsburgh. That is the decisive smoking gun we must acknowledge. For this smoking gun, just go to the Think About It article. John Quinn has received first-hand testimony from a former Plattsburgh AFB employee who says that Eric Harris was subjected to Project MKULTRA, and that Wayne Harris was linked to covert AF intelligence projects going back nearly 20 years.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by LordCarpainter]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:19 PM
By the way, your quotes didn't work because you used capitol letters :]

Did anyone read the link I offered?

It tells of a video of a "dry run" that was facilitated by one of the FBI agents son.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by interestedalways]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:20 PM
First of all Good thread and welcome to ATS!, I too have in the past considered these nightmare situations to be related to "black-op" type programs, though I have never gone as far as to create a thread on th esubject which Im glad to see you have.

In the light of the tragedies mentioned eg Virginia Tech it was always just in time to deflect the heat from something else in the media spotlight, eg Iraq preying on peoples emotions calling for change in gun laws etc.

How many now? school/college shootings I mean..too many, yet where are the changing gun laws, as I dont live in the US I am not aware of any changes to gun laws, and am sure if their had been our media would have covered it, as per usual the only thing VT brought about was the inevitable clamp down on everyones "freedom", more ruined lives, and a lot more people willing to accept less "freedom" for a "greater good" so that they & loved ones may be "safe".

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
By the way, your quotes didn't work because you used capitol letters :]

Did anyone read the link I offered?

It tells of a video of a "dry run" that was facilitated by one of the FBI agents son.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by interestedalways]

Yes, that was Fuselier. He made a video about how two trench coated guys attacked Columbine before it happened (Or lasers destroying Columbine. I forget.), and his father is an FBI agent who was involved in the Freeman Standoff. That whole Fuselier scandal is good evidence of complicity.

In the light of the tragedies mentioned eg Virginia Tech it was always just in time to deflect the heat from something else in the media spotlight, eg Iraq preying on peoples emotions calling for change in gun laws etc.

Virginia Tech also acted as a distraction because the impeachment files on Cheney were 'put on hold' due to the horrible tragedy, and all evidence showed he was a mind controlled patsy. His old highschool was right by the NRO. There's a secret DARPA base in Blacksburg, V.Tech is partners with DARPA and the CIA recruits there. There's Cho's sister, who works for McNeil Technologies, a state department contractor that helps the government in it's 'most complex service needs', and she personally oversaw the sending of billions of dollars to Iraq. There is also the infamous photo of Cho and another man in Marines uniforms. I've also found something that is a chilling reminder of the suspicious witness deaths of the JFK assassination. Eyewitness to the V.Tech killings Jeff Soriano was killed in a suspicious car crash where his car was completely charred and destroyed, and the car he allegedly rammed into was nearly undamaged. Many of the witnesses described a 6 foot tall chinese man, which didn't fit in with Cho, indicating the involvement of multiple shooters. Many people said the shooter was doing different things such as laughing, and these inconsistent testimonies indicate more assassins. There were also Marine "Aftermath" drills. You know it's a black op when the military has strange exercises going on at the same time, shortly before, or shortly after the actual event.

How many now? school/college shootings I mean..too many, yet where are the changing gun laws, as I dont live in the US I am not aware of any changes to gun laws, and am sure if their had been our media would have covered it, as per usual the only thing VT brought about was the inevitable clamp down on everyones "freedom", more ruined lives, and a lot more people willing to accept less "freedom" for a "greater good" so that they & loved ones may be "safe".

I agree. After VT, there was another push to turn schools into surveillance prisons.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by LordCarpainter]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by LordCarpainter

Can you tell me where it mentions the other 5? Thanks!

This information comes from the which states:

Articles from the Associated Press state that ballistics from Columbine show that six of the thirteen victims were possibly shot and killed by Jefferson County SWAT (AP, December 7th, 2001, "Columbine Student Killed by Cop"; AP, December 8th, 2001, "Rohrbough, Ballistics show police killed Daniel"). In 2002, an independent investigation disproved accusations against the Jefferson County sheriff's department to the satisfaction of Daniel Rohrbough's parents, the chief proponents of this theory.

Thanks for the help! It looks like you did a lot of work, much of this I have never read. Best of luck!


posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:54 PM
In Australia we have many people calling conspiracy on a massacre that occured in Tasmania. Alot of what was suppose to have happened didnt add up.(wont get into the nitty gritty but its not hard to lookup if you are interested)

After the event we had a massive government and police opperation to disarm the population. Many millions of firearms were handed in during an amnesty.

As a country we do not have the right to bare arms and to be honest we dont have many about apart from rural people/hunters and of course your crminal elements. Your average citizen in Australia dosnt even give gun ownership a second thought.

So if this masacre in Tasmania was a governement plan(please note our intelligence services are one and the same with the CIA) Then we have a clear motive of disarming the population in Australia.

What i cant seem to get my head around is the motive for a conspiracy at Columbine.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by KTK

What i cant seem to get my head around is the motive for a conspiracy at Columbine.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?

What better way to motivate a populace than getting them to believe their offspring aren't safe.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 07:22 PM
First off, great thread there is a lot of good information here. You obviously took a lot of time and researched a lot of information for this topic. I don't however, believe most of this to be true. Heres my thoughts on some of the topics I don't agree with.

Dylan Klebold was a mystery, though he too was taking mind-altering drugs,

The toxicology reports came back negative for any illegal drugs on both of the individuals. Now I'm aware that drugs can get out of your system in time, but Dylan would have had to have stopped taking the mind altering drugs in advance to show up clean in the toxicology.

As for NATO, this is based on videotapes showing NATO trucks (The feed was cut as soon as it closed up on the truck), and eyewitnesses who saw NATO personell.

I seriously doubt NATO would have anything to do with a school shooting. They are not disaster relief like FEMA or the Red Cross. What purpose would they serve at the scene as they have no special training for this situation.

Another huge smoking gun I mentioned is that half the school was absent, according to witnesses. This indicates the foreknowledge of thousands of people.

Don't forget what day this occurred, that might explain why so many people were missing school. April 20th, I don't think I was in school for April 20th all four years of high school. April 20th or 4/20 is a "holiday" for stoners, so it's not unusual to see students cutting school on 4/20, it happens all over the US.

The major smoking gun in this case is that Eric Harris was subjected to MKULTRA experiments in Plattsburgh. That is the decisive smoking gun we must acknowledge. For this smoking gun, just go to the Think About It article. John Quinn has received first-hand testimony from a former Plattsburgh AFB employee who says that Eric Harris was subjected to Project MKULTRA, and that Wayne Harris was linked to covert AF intelligence projects going back nearly 20 years.

I'm a former employee of a USAF base too. Does that mean I can make claims of black op stuff that happened at my base and people must believe me because I worked there? Someone's testimony isn't really that convincing to me, I've met a ton of people while I was in the military that lie through their teeth.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by USAFSF]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 07:49 PM
"The 'Don't trust Wikipedia' argument. Well, Wikipedia cites it's sources better than any other website, so they're credible. It all depends on who their sources are. "

That's just it. Depends on how credible the source is. I can set up a website saying that Wookies shot JFK and it can be quoted in Wiki. Doesn't make it true.

"It's in the Think About It article by John Quinn. That is the decisive smoking gun."

That article said that, "One of those who has just contacted us about Plattsburgh AFB and the mind-control programs in operation there is a scientist/researcher who was until VERY RECENTLY directly involved in a number of these terrible and inhuman activities. This person has to some degree gotten a conscience about his participation."

Who is "this person"?

"Some of these shooters were men. I don't think they could fit into the crowd of running students."

Eric was 18, Dylan was 17. When I was that age, I was 6 foot tall and weighted 157 pounds. Kids on my football team were bigger. My niece was dating a guy that was 6+ and 200+ (another football player). True, an adult would have a harder time, but if you wanted, you could get guys that would pass as students.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Good point. I forgot about the "Stoner Holiday". That would account for kids being out of the school.

NATO Trucks: Could have been local Guard/Reserve vehicles called in for assistance. Medicals, Communications??

And the only time I lie thru my teeth about the military is when women are involved!!

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:19 PM

The toxicology reports came back negative for any illegal drugs on both of the individuals. Now I'm aware that drugs can get out of your system in time, but Dylan would have had to have stopped taking the mind altering drugs in advance to show up clean in the toxicology.

Yes, there were reports that Dylan had been given these drugs before he and Harris broke into the van. This information comes from a friend of his, and I heard of this friend's testimony on this on a clip from a radio program. This means that Dylan hadn't taken them for a long time after he originally took them, because they found no evidence that he had been drugged. As for Harris, Luvox was found in his system. We have testimony from people who have had experience with this drug and variations of it, who say that it drives one nuts and has them hallucinatiing.

I seriously doubt NATO would have anything to do with a school shooting. They are not disaster relief like FEMA or the Red Cross. What purpose would they serve at the scene as they have no special training for this situation.

That's what is so bizarre about the eyewitnesses and video evidence showing NATO SWAT personell (Yes, as bizarre as that sounds, John Quinn received a video of NATO SWAT personell at Columbine. Though the video is low quality, they do have NATO inscriptions on their shields. There was a video that zoomed on a truck with the letters NATO on it, but the feed was cut when it zoomed. The question is, why was NATO there?

Don't forget what day this occurred, that might explain why so many people were missing school. April 20th, I don't think I was in school for April 20th all four years of high school. April 20th or 4/20 is a "holiday" for stoners, so it's not unusual to see students cutting school on 4/20, it happens all over the US.

Yeah, stoners cut school on 4/20, but are we to believe that 50% (Maybe even more. The witnesses to this were describing seriously empty classes) of Columbine consisted of stoners? 4/20 can account for some of the absence, but not all of it. Some of it indicates foreknowledge.

I'm a former employee of a USAF base too. Does that mean I can make claims of black op stuff that happened at my base and people must believe me because I worked there? Someone's testimony isn't really that convincing to me, I've met a ton of people while I was in the military that lie through their teeth.

Perhaps, but unless this man was lying, then Eric Harris was a guinea pig in Project MKULTRA. I'm sure anyone who's studied conspiracy theories on underground bases has heard about the rumors surrounding Plattsburgh AFB. It's rumored to have an 18 level secret facility under the runway, where covert government projects and experiments are conducted. They used to have nukes in Plattsburgh.

This contact was supposedly directly involved in the experiments done on Eric.

One of those who has just contacted us about Plattsburgh AFB and the mind-control programs in operation there is a scientist/researcher who was until very recently directly involved in a number of these terrible and inhuman activities. This person has to some degree gotten a conscience about his participation. This person was in fact personally involved in one major aspect of the programming and training activities which Eric Harris himself was subjected to at Plattsburgh. He has informed us that Eric was one of scores of children injected with mind-altering drugs and chemicals on a regular and extensive basis; that his physiological and psychological responses to these various chemicals were continually monitored and tabulated until the "perfect" combination of substances was found which synergized most effectively with the other mind control technologies and programming Harris was subjected to.

Their contact is a whistleblower, who wanted to make up for what he did by exposing this mad operation.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
"The 'Don't trust Wikipedia' argument. Well, Wikipedia cites it's sources better than any other website, so they're credible. It all depends on who their sources are. "

That's just it. Depends on how credible the source is. I can set up a website saying that Wookies shot JFK and it can be quoted in Wiki. Doesn't make it true.

"It's in the Think About It article by John Quinn. That is the decisive smoking gun."

That article said that, "One of those who has just contacted us about Plattsburgh AFB and the mind-control programs in operation there is a scientist/researcher who was until VERY RECENTLY directly involved in a number of these terrible and inhuman activities. This person has to some degree gotten a conscience about his participation."

Who is "this person"?

"Some of these shooters were men. I don't think they could fit into the crowd of running students."

Eric was 18, Dylan was 17. When I was that age, I was 6 foot tall and weighted 157 pounds. Kids on my football team were bigger. My niece was dating a guy that was 6+ and 200+ (another football player). True, an adult would have a harder time, but if you wanted, you could get guys that would pass as students.

Yes, but I referenced to Wikipedia when I spoke of the Ballistics evidence showing the possibility that authorities had killed 6 of the 13 victims. I assure you, the only sources there are Associated Press articles, none of which have to do with Wookies.

As for your inquiry into the identity of the whistleblower, would you want your name public after you blew a black op wide open? Let's remember what happened to Terrence Yeakey and Gary Underhill.

I find it hard to believe that armed men in black jumpsuits would be able to fit in with the rest.

And, no, 4/20 doesn't explain the absence at all. It can account for a small portion of it, but we're talking about half or over half the school.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 09:16 PM
Reallly quite eerie.

I used to think about doing some...stuff.

But, be assured I don't anymore.

His essay is eerie because he has the same writing style as me.
And, I think I might have been the next Harris had it not been for my parents or religon.

Makes you wonder...

Anyway, I don't quite see a reason. I mean, just WHY? There's no motive.
No logic. These where, as far as I'm concerned, Pissed off kids with a bit of hate in the minds.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by LordCarpainter

Yes, but I referenced to Wikipedia when I spoke of the Ballistics evidence showing the possibility that authorities had killed 6 of the 13 victims. I assure you, the only sources there are Associated Press articles, none of which have to do with Wookies.

As for your inquiry into the identity of the whistleblower, would you want your name public after you blew a black op wide open? Let's remember what happened to Terrence Yeakey and Gary Underhill.

I find it hard to believe that armed men in black jumpsuits would be able to fit in with the rest.

And, no, 4/20 doesn't explain the absence at all. It can account for a small portion of it, but we're talking about half or over half the school.

Even if the person wasn't named, there's no background whatsoever on the person; just "a person".

I was referring back to another post about other gunmen. They would have ditched the black jumpsuits and just faded away. If there were any there at all.

And if someone want Harris dead, there are easier ways to go about it.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:01 PM
CRAP. There I said it or I could not sleep. This thread is the biggest bunch of nonsense I have ever seen. Black op? lol.....jeesh.....Who are they going to get to pull of this op.......secret army under another airport.
OH OH OH WAIT ...maybe the Activity did it...Yeah...WOW

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:27 PM
Here is the thread with all the info that others were involved in the shooting(40+ witnesses actually ID'ed other shooters) and that Columbine was a covert op:


As for motive, there were several:

--impetus for more gun control(Colorado was on the verge of a liberal 'concealed carry' law at the time)

--impetus for turning our schools into something resembling medium security prisons, complete with mandatory lock-downs, pat-downs, and shake-downs

--impetus for forcing every teen to be psychllogically 'screened,' meaning being forced to consume mind-altering drugs.

--impetus for ever harsher punishments for ever minor crimes amongst the young.

--generalized terror: keep the populace off-balance with mindless acts of terror, causing ever more citizens to turn away from a world they can no longer understand.


And you can bet the some in Jefferson County knew something was about to happen:

--Dick Strange, Clement Park Worker next to the school, hears gunfire coming from school. Turns to what he describes as an "undercover officer" standing near him and tells him he'd better get to the school. Comment: since Strange notices this 'undercover'(FBI?) man almost at the same time he sees and hears shooting, this guy must have had foreknowledge. (16437)

-- More than 100 school administrators, including a handful from Littleton, sat through a state workshop Monday[4-19-99], which was prophetically called "Crisis Response — Prepare for the Unthinkable: It Could Happen to You."
The main presenters: the Jefferson County school response team.
Coordinator Janice) Hartmangruber said that at first she could not believe the Littleton incident was happening — a day after her emergency preparation class. "It was too eerie," she said of the coincidence." Article dated April 21, 1999

[edit on 1-8-2007 by starviego]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:29 PM
The reason (if it was a Black Op) for it was to create a fog for the NWO to control your guns! Think about it, two high school kids go in to school one day and shoot the place up killing other kids, parents and people in general think "There needs to be stricter gun control" the next day the government says "Yea there is gonna be stricter gun controls" which is what they want because a nation without guns can't protect themselves therefore the government can do with you what they wish.

If the shooting never happened and the goverement said there is going to be stricter gun contol, the people would have went into an uproar saying no way.

Thats why i believe there was something fishy about the Virginia Tech shooting, the next day what did you see? Those airport scanners in every school in America!

Every day cars kill more people than guns but you don't see the government having "Stricter Car Control" do you? thats because they cant be used to protect yourself. Guns were made to protect people, so protect yourselves people, a few major shootings, a few dumb people with guns, it doesn't mean every person who owns a gun is a killer or a psycho.

We in the UK can't own guns the same way as in America, which makes us easy to take over, don't lose yuor right to own a gun, or you will be losing your rights as a human being.

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