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Originally posted by CSkys
I have no problem with the Real ID card.
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the problem others have...some will ramble on and on about NWO or 'The mark of the Beast'. We have all of these forms of ID regardless, what difference does it really make if it is all housed on one card?
As for the RFID....*shrug* Don't use mobile phones or OnStar systems... it is not like the government can't locate you now if they really wanted to. Why do so many people act as though none of this technology exists until the card is implemented?
The masses NEED to be controlled. It's a fact of life. The majority of human beings can not think for themselves, let alone lead themselves. They need someone or something to tell them exactly what to do. Hence the term, SHEEPLE.
Due to the career I have chosen, past experience has shown me that those that so vehemently fight for their "Privacy" are normally people who have something to hide.
A very long time ago I was anti NWO, until I started really paying attention to human beings. Until someone can point out something really BAD about a one world government and a REAL ID card, I'll stick to my opinion.... The world needs one form of government, one form of control, and one form of individualizing members of the herd. SAD BUT TRUE.
[edit on 8/12/2007 by CSkys]
heck dont they do that now? i mean for those of us with gps units and cell phones and so on...
Originally posted by St James
Well, for starters there will be an RFID chip in the REAL ID card. It will carry all your personal information and you will need it to enter any goverment building, open a bank account, board an airplane etc. This will allow the government to track your movements...
Originally posted by MasterRegal
If you're all worried about right to privacy, you should not be on the internet, you should not make phone calls, you should not use credit cards and you should not go to school, because everything I just mentioned is trackable today.
Seriously guys, you're worried about an National ID card that says you are a citizen of the United States? Get real. I'l take the card. They want to track me, fine, but they could already do it with my credit card.
You have every right to privacy, and that privacy is limited to your home.
Afraid of a card? It never gets old. Next you'll be afraid of your own bodies. Wonder what you will do then.
Then that is your choice, but dont complain that society doesnt conform to your standards. You leave society because you believe we have all become "sheep". That is our choice and you should not say one is better than the other.
Who decides that we deserve neither?
I assume you mean America.
We would also be disgusted with their bathing habits, wouldnt we?
It works both ways.
Sometimes rights should be violated, no? These rights you speak of is the constitution, i take it? This constitution was written in an age past, and its laws should not be considered written in stone.
If you think old laws are better, i could of course bring some Roman laws. I could run for Tribune of the Plebs in the next election. Meaning i can create my own legislation and avoid the democratic process completly, i can also veto any law i wish.
Man, that would kick ass.
You only find sinister things when you look for sinister things.
Im Australian, i havnt been "trained" and yet i see the chessboard as a whole, with 2 sides. The pieces all seeing in black and white, while they all spout ideas in grey.
perhaps you have trained yourself to delve into the invisible. You have done so you see ghosts where there are none.
You mean mob rule?
Well the processes are there, to get your opinion heard you must have your idea for a law to be drafted by your local representative, is it not?
have you done so?
I can admit your idea on 'election' is skewed. Rarely is the person you elect your ideal in all ideas and forms, he or she is merely the 'best fit'.
Then you may live as you wish. With none of the benefits or downfalls of the chip, or the card. If society moves on you shouldnt be unhappy if you are forgotten, it was your choice to do so.
I am standing up for my beliefs.
An UNCLEAR possibility. With possible negative effects, the effects of which have been attributed to a mythical secret society which may exist, which may want to do 'evil' things, etc etc.
Here is my quibble. I believe that no document should give a person those liberties and ideas, they should be indelible.
I may sound harsh, if i do that is just my way. I am here to eradicate fear ...
You live in a different country, and although my own personal experience, age, environment,ect., may biased my take on the latter of American, you still don't have to see this society all around you. (or at least I'm assuming, since I know some Australians, and you all Rock!)
I'm sorry I'm definitley venting. But, it's hard to say anymore what I actaully even believe, cause Im scared its not even my own ideas or thoughts.
This is why.
again, i'll get one & even try to get several,
Neither is particularly pleasing. I would fight the chip in any way I could. My body is mine and no-one is poking around in it without my permission.
ID cards, too, I would fight against. I enjoy walking down the street uninterrupted and free. Having a card that could be tracked and showed to the police whenever they wanted isn't my idea of being free.
My dog is already chipped, my brothers Falcon is already chipped, my licence plate my drivers licence, credit card and debit card. Hey did I in anyway except the sign of the devil? I don't 'feel' any different...
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the problem others have...some will ramble on and on about NWO or 'The mark of the Beast'. We have all of these forms of ID regardless, what difference does it really make if it is all housed on one card?
Due to the career I have chosen, past experience has shown me that those that so vehemently fight for their "Privacy" are normally people who have something to hide.
Never, I will fight and run until the end
Just one answer to your question; 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely'.
I actually do know people who feel the same way. I know people who feel more severely.
Those in power obviously. They take your rights, then decide you are happier and 'safe' that way. Protect you from yourself, right?
Maybe you think that they didn't bath much, but how do you know? They may have been cleaner than you realize. They did have soap. There have been bath houses for centuries, hot springs too. They had bath tubs ... that is a gross assumption by you as to their habits, I doubt you were alive 200 years ago, if so, call the book of records, you win an award.
NO, human rights should NEVER be violated. Would you like me to violate you on a whim?
free thinker
I take it most people haven't read the works from WWII ... pick up some Ayn Rand, some George Orwell. There are a lot of great books that show what oppression is like, and how the majority don't see or question it. We are being slowly coerced into the desire to be controlled. Hitler was good at this, but we have a whole gang of them playing us for fools, and protecting each other by lies and pardons![/qoute]
Nice Ayn Rand reference. I have been feeling this 'Atals Shrugged' theme in all of my aspects of life- I'ts insane.
But, seriously, 'Atlas Shrugged' is a long book, but entirely worth it. Still now, after years since reading it, I notice is't themes, philosophy and psychology, in an almost, fighteningly scary intensity and frfequency all around me....
i will continue my rhetoric later. i must leave now to fight superheros.
Laws that violate liberty of those who are not harming another ... that is an unjust law.
So you are out of reach of the corporative media and disinfo. I see now, Australia is the true land of truth. Why are you arguing against what u.s.americans want if this doesn't affect you in the first place?
nope, I am against mob rule/anarchy/etc. I have written to my senators and congressmen. I have written my newspaper.
Am I now worthy of having an opinion in your eyes?
Agreed and agreed. Sometimes it seems we don't have a choice, sometimes who we choose doesn't get the office.
Fine by me. I already said I am going back to basics, and my life is better already. I am not forgotten, I just live without unnecessary 'spoils' that don't make 'me' happy, friends and family do.
This doesn't have to do with secret societies per se, but corruption in power ... and the ID chip to me.
I know my rights and freedoms established and taught to me in school as a child.
I am NOT AFRAID, neither to stand up for myself, nor to die for what I believe in. I wish no harm to anyone, even those corrupt.
Read up on our founding history more and find out what we truly stand for.
I have watched tyranny close in bit by bit in several places. Most don't notice it because they are not paying attention, or don't care.
Since the government is going to try and close line us
It might be much easier to hack into one database and steal anyone's sensitive information than many.
The individual would have to rely on our government for security as well which I don't like the thought of.
Do our elected officials think terrorists are stupid?
Smoking. It is a person's choice, just like drinking.
I am not some hoodlum, mis-guided punk you have to watch out for on the street. I am the one holding the door open for people, saying please, thank you, excuse me. Leaving nice tips to the driver/wait staff, helping people I don't know even at my own emotional, time, and monetary expense ...
What I think a lot of people are trying to say, is, it doesn't matter the benefits, we have the right, as law abiding citizens, to not have our freedoms trampled on
in even the most remote way. We will not give an inch, because they take a mile.
I have tried to show examples, and you take me out of context.
For if you deny our freedom to refuse this, then why should we not deny your freedoms to have it?
This is the point you cannot seem to comprehend, and I apologize that it doesn't get through to you. I wish it could.
There is no more point of making examples to someone who will not listen to what you have to say.
We say, I don't want to take vitamins, they make me feel sick and I get my supplements through a varied diet of healthy foods ... you say, so, I am wiring your mouth open and you are eating it anyway.
What you want means nothing to me, I made the decision, and what I say goes, TRUST me, I know what is best for everyone else in the world. I am the decider.
when I have a purpose behind it and exhibit control of those passions at the same time. You can take your half (Europe, Asia, Australia) and I can take mine (Americas). I say that half-joking.
Why continue to adopt new problems, when all of the other solutions haven't worked. What would make life easier?
It would be like a gambler asking for a large loan.
The only thing about the public is, after being slapped so much, they have begun to like it.
don't state how I perceive a perfect world much, because it mirrors a NWO ... no countries, no boundaries, not discrimination, no money ... everyone works for the greater good. People enjoy even crappy jobs ... because the business isn't profit oriented.
Things are still invented because we don't wish to stagnate. The best of the new inventions are produced for everyone to have.
because, as a citizen of a world that works together, we are each entitled to at least one of everything, have the food you want or go out and eat, everything works together in one big, happy, free system.
You see more meaning in my name? I am more of a dreamer than I let on. If I had to take over the world to save it, this is how I would do it.
Hope you like it. I am sure I would be shot before I could implement such a beautiful world. People who think like that don't last long in the world.
Don't you feel making people have a pet and care for it properly is much more of a needed thing than an ID card?
it is just privacy is a core issue for people. It is a need.
I don't know, time to sleep for a bit and get some things done.
What this means to me is, people like Einstein and Newton would have been stifled by the system. Forced to dig ditches or polish windows; something that would fully limit their potential.
For now, most of us here in the u.s.a. realize there is too much corruption in our government right now to consider giving them a system to control us
but, I have a feeling this system will all but do away with physical money.
Computers have glitches, but, there is no glitch when I spend the paper and metal.
I would be a fool to put my money into the hands of those who have misplaced and miscalculated before. I will take that responsibility myself.
I should not need a special card to get a job. If I work, I get compensation. Simple as it can be.
Do away with income tax, we are taxed when we buy
How many other hands need to be on the money I worked hard to earn?
I should not need a card to go into a library, to read books. Not to go into the grocery store, for nourishment. My life shouldn't depend on a fallible computer system, nor a piece of plastic. I would rather go back to a barter system.
If I could, I would go back to feudal Japan ... and be a honorable samurai. Live by the sword and protect those who I care for. Farm and live humbly
I think guns are for weak people. If you can't fight with a fist or a melee weapon, then step down. It is easier to face an enemy from a distance than to stand and look them in the eye and give it all you got.
It is this same type of disgusting people who want to put video cameras on every street and in your homes, to watch you.
I am sorry you don't understand why privacy is so important. I wish you could
if you had a daughter, would you want some pervert monitoring the cameras zooming in on her 'special' areas? Oh, it may be against the rules, but then, now where does the monitoring stop? Monitors watching monitors? How far back does it go?
If we had no money to drool over ... except for a few mentally ill people, crime would be virtually non-existent, hence, no need for over bearing security measures.
Why should I not be trusted? I have done no wrong. Why put a camera on my street? I didn't feel unsafe, and I don't feel safer with it, I feel less safe, honestly. Why, if I am an innocent person, does my every detail need to be recorded? Shouldn't I be able to say naughty things in a loved ones ear without a microphone recording, without a video recording?
I see the card as another useless piece of plastic made to make life more complicated. If you lose it, you can't buy anything until you get another.
Oh no! You shocked yourself fixing your car, now you need a replacement chip. You can't eat, all your proof of existence is on the chip (future children). How do you prove who you are? Surgery to get the old chip out for a serial number to access the database ... that is of course we also have tattoo serial numbers to make that easier.
Oh no! Hurricane knocks power out to the area. There is no cash, so purchasing supplies is impossible. A week passes by, still no power, all your reserve food and water are gone. The stores could sell canned goods and bottled water, but they have no way of making transactions, physical money being abolished for the chips. Future looks grim once it has become 'normal'.