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Why violent revolution is a TERRIBLE idea

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posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:00 PM
If you care about America, than vote and keep your congress and senate must be involved with the process to make a difference. America is still the best reguardless of its bad days, we have too much to be thankful for, much, much more than most. If you have lived overseas at all, you would realize this country, even with how things are, is still the best place to be. Complain to the right people, elect those who best serve your interest and stay involved. Most people only complain...never vote and never make a call or write a letter, sad but true.
Things are about to get much worse in the next few years, we must stand together as a nation and stay informed and keep our elected officials accountable. They work for us.......Join groups like Numbersusa and make a difference.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:31 PM
This whole revolution idea is being attacked completely the wrong way.

You CANNOT fight the masters of choas, violence and death with their own tools - choas and violence!

They will rip you apart and change will never come - you will only serve to strengthen their cause.

You want change and real revolution? It must come from within each individual.

LEARN their game.
UNDERSTAND how they operate.
OVERCOME their propaganda and brain washing.

only once this has been achieved and each individual on a mass scale is fighting their own self revolution, will TRUE change be acheived.

Revolution MUST come from within.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Yes, it's true American gov't corruption is at an apparent all-time high. Yes, it's true that there are both implicit and explicit calls for violent revolution on this forum and elsewhere.

For the love of God (or reason, take your pick), please don't do it!!!

Let's go back to the early 1900s. The Russians thought they were getting rid of their tyrants, but instead they went from the frying pan into the fire, setting the stage for 70 years of ultra-oppressive communism.

Is this really what we want for our country?

I suppose now would be no better a time to tell you a dream I had. After praying for some direction for the future, I had a dream that took 10-15 years or so (seeing as how it was during 8 hours of sleep, I'm not sure how this obeys the laws of physics). In this dream, I saw us win The war on terror by executing Bin laden, but losing Iraq before that. Afterwards, Hillary became prez (maybe some other socialist) and began enacting socialist doctrine-limiting arms, rights, and the classics. After, the North American Union was made to defend us from non-existing terrorists. Well, then out of no where, the scattered remains of Al Queada formed a team of 20 or so. They sent them to South America, where they ditched their qurans for emergency evacuation from flooding to the US. When in the US, they began attacking small targets. Forcing martial law on some states and causing a scare. Americans felt angry at the failure of the NAU to defend them, let alone near-communism life in the US. Needless to say, in 2010, congress held an emergency meeting with the prez, members of the house, and pretty much everyone in the gov. When this happened, those terrorists set off a nuke 1 mile from the capitol (yes, you can get that close without security checks ) that killed the ENTIRE gov. Well, batta bing batta bomb, the States fall apart. A few governors stayed out of the meeting as means for protest of the socialist doctrine of the gov, and as such, took control of their states. the best. With no line of succession left, and no on left to elect a new leader, there was one position left that was in the hiarcy of the crumbling gov., the war czar. He took control of the gov, and used military means to take over the crumbling US. (note, the following is from another of my posts that was part of my dream)

[edit on 1-8-2007 by Gorman91]

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[edit on 1-8-2007 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 12:04 AM

I guarantee you the War Czar would demand to be put into leadership, and would fight over it with some other lower level managment of the gov. While the US enters civil war, this would be the world

With the US out of the way, Iraq is taken over by Iran and Saudi Arabia forms a pack in attempt to defend themselves (Sunni Shiite battles) Iran wins because it has a more powerful army (yes, it does). Israel is destroyed by Iran.

N Korea, not having any thing to worry about, invades S Korea, and Japan next (yes, they would, they hate the japs for ww2).

Russia, no longer in competition with the US, can go a few ways.

Scenario A is a revolution by southern Russia by white supremacist nazis south of Moscow. A Nazi Russia is created and wants its lost land from the USSR back.

Scenario B is that the Russian gov cracks down on revolutionaries, forms an Asian alliance with China and Iran (its already in this direction) and unites into an Asian Union. One that controls the Oil industry, and much more.

I'll go with scenario B, because even if Russia has a revolution, the Nazis are likely to join the Chinese and Iranians.


With the USA out of the picture, NATO collapses without its biggest fund giver. Many nations in Europe begin to decay without US support. England is in all out riot by Muslim extremists. France could go into riot if the Muslim extremists aren't removed, but because today they are paying them to leave, France will likely go on. Denmark collapses via Muslim revolution. Eastern Europe collapses into fire because the US isn't there to stop anything. The UN is likely to collapse due to world wide stresses and the UN building has obviously been moved out of the US. the EU is likely to stay together, but lose members.


Without US and European support, disease will spread out of control and kill many. African members of the UN will be cut off from Europe when the UN collapses. And African Union is likely to form. One that will likely be in the south and focus on economic and civil unity and strength.

Without US and European pressure, Sudan is likely to go on with genocide, likely spreading into Chad and Ethiopia. Christian and Aboriginal populations are likely to seek refuge in the African Union (AU) and they are likely to cause population disturbances much like the illegal immigrant problem in the Ex-US.

Due to Arab take over in the North, Radicals will likely begin to come in and crush all non-Muslim populations.


Without the US, the North American Union likely in place by this time will collapse due to civil war. The Civil war in the US is likely to spread into Mexico where Conservative and Liberal battles will grow. Mexico is likely to go into civil war as well. Canada is likely to close off the border to the US, where displaced US citizens will seek refuge. Canada will likely have difficulty in keeping millions of displaces Americans from coming in.

Venezuelan is likely to go into a Police State and a revolution will likely follow against Hugo Chavez. Much of South America is likely to go into revolution without US support. Drug dealers will likely lose business in the US and use their money to cause revolutions further.


Australia will likely close itself off from the world. It is likely to be harassed by the Chinese who will want one of he Last remaining "westernized" nations. Terrorism will likely spill over into Australia before the Chinese do.

So, this is what is likely to occur if the US goes into civil war. Now, I live here, and you can be guaranteed that I will join the revolution if they take our right to bare arms away. I don't care if I cause all the death and destruction around the world by helping the cause of freedom. I want my rights, and you know Americans are radical when it comes to rights.

So, hope the best to you Octavius Maximus. Because although you are likely to be the last to feel the stress of the US revolution, the effects will hit you soon enough.

Tiny things in completely separate parts of the world can cause massive problems world wide.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 12:14 AM
Anywho, eventually, the war czar continues the Socialist doctrine, banning guns all together to control the masses. Batta bing batta bomb against, you got a revolution. THe war czar took refuge in socialist California while the rebels unite in the "UER", or united Eastern Rebels. The rebs push the war czar out to the Mississippi, build a defense line not seen since Normandy, D-day, and fight it out, Europe, in need of assistance from the invading Russians, assembled an expedition force to help the war czar unite the US. If I haven't said so already, the NAU, UN, and NATO has obviously collapsed. Any who, after a bloody fight, the Euros are pushed to the sea, the rebs take on the war czar directly, and destroy them almost. Then Russia conquers Europe, and invades the War czars AND rebs (they know someone will win, and they'd rather deal with the US separated then unite in the future). The rebs fight off the Russians years after conquest, and the world finally sees liberty in the late 2020's.

Gloomy? YES! but oh well. Freedom wins in the end.

It's just a dream... for now. Hope you had fun reading a part of my mind.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:03 PM
My response is basically off the title. My bad. I just don't have the time to read through it all.

Violence, eventually, is not just an idea... it's inevitable.

Most people living in present times(especially the younger generation) are not familiar with violence. Most of the people that run the US have never saw any type of combat or played in a violent sport(like football). All this violence is in every aspect of our live(tv, movies, video games, etc.). But people are really disconnected from physical(intimate) reality.

The people in control of the US now are physical cowards. They don't fear physical harm because they never had to experience it. Lord Bush as governer of Texas oversaw more inmate's deaths than any other governor in the history of the US. And his one comment on a woman about to die, mocking her..."please don't kill me!"

Marches and protests are dead. THat's been dead since the 60's(jfk, mlk, malx, rfk, medgar evers, etc.)

The powers that be now HAVE NO FEAR WHATSOEVER. Checks and balances-DEAD! The constitution-DEAD!

Nothing wil get solved through non-violence, that has already been proven.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Conundrum04
My response is basically off the title. My bad. I just don't have the time to read through it all.

Violence, eventually, is not just an idea... it's inevitable.

Most people living in present times(especially the younger generation) are not familiar with violence. Most of the people that run the US have never saw any type of combat or played in a violent sport(like football). All this violence is in every aspect of our live(tv, movies, video games, etc.). But people are really disconnected from physical(intimate) reality.

The people in control of the US now are physical cowards. They don't fear physical harm because they never had to experience it. Lord Bush as governer of Texas oversaw more inmate's deaths than any other governor in the history of the US. And his one comment on a woman about to die, mocking her..."please don't kill me!"

Marches and protests are dead. THat's been dead since the 60's(jfk, mlk, malx, rfk, medgar evers, etc.)

The powers that be now HAVE NO FEAR WHATSOEVER. Checks and balances-DEAD! The constitution-DEAD!

Nothing wil get solved through non-violence, that has already been proven.

Ghandi? But anywho, the main point of my comment was the same as yours.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:14 PM
Topic creator, there will be no other way aside from a violent revolution. The only thing you have to worry about is whether the good side has enough people behind it, who arent blinded or converted.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 12:15 AM
no other way besides violent revolution??

Thats a bit short sighted my friend.

there is ALWAYS another way. violence will never be the answer.

Its like fighting a master swordsman with a sword. Or trying to knock out Mike Tyson.

Fighting 'them' on their terms is very unwise - i truely hope people can work that out before the violence begins and it is too late

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by srsen
no other way besides violent revolution??

Thats a bit short sighted my friend.

there is ALWAYS another way. violence will never be the answer.

Its like fighting a master swordsman with a sword. Or trying to knock out Mike Tyson.

Fighting 'them' on their terms is very unwise - i truely hope people can work that out before the violence begins and it is too late

I would like you to name one time in all of history that a revolution has not been violent. Just one, please.

It has NEVER, EVER happened.

And please don't give me a symbolic non violent revolution like the civil rights movement in the 60's. All those people are DEAD. The only thing that did was it made the elite understand that they can get away with murder, literally. Just take out the "jesus" types and the world is yours. This has been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years.

When will people wake the hell up?

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 08:15 AM
Even Buster Douglas knocked down the great Mike Tyson ... in his prime.

What needs to be done now is uniting all of the citizens in the country. We need to be strong and ready to stand up for what is right and just. Our voices are stronger than we realize.

Together, 300 million of us with one goal and not allowing us to be divided any longer by wealth, age, sex, color, religion, sexual preference, location, disability, red/blue/green, ... we all have our strengths (I believe this will also gain support from other free-spirited people of the world, creating a Global Revolution spreading freedom, rights, unity, justice, and love for fellow humans everywhere).

With a united people, the true patriots that are serving will side with the people ... this still leaves a scary proposition. The ones left have the drones, the missles ... but not the soldiers ... they would need to reset a lot of security codes to prevent the revolutionary military soldiers that are our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, cousins, sons, daughters, nieces, and nephews from taking over all the installations ... the ones that have been training and living in the real life zones ... a blockade will do nothing to stop them.

Together ... we can take back our country with the least amount of violence and bloodshed, and try those villians for their crimes against humanity and the planet Earth,

We can wipe the books clean and get back to the basics of the constitution and the bill of rights ... The New United People of America ... freedom for all ... neutral ... peace givers of the world and we take care of our citizens and PREVENT future monopolies, bank control, and world influences ... we support instead of suppress people like Tesla ... we work for progress of quality of life for all living creatures on the planet. The TRUE leaders of the Free World.


posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by srsen
Its like fighting a master swordsman with a sword. Or trying to knock out Mike Tyson.

Fighting 'them' on their terms is very unwise - i truely hope people can work that out before the violence begins and it is too late

I'm not exactly for a violent revolution, but I think you forget something ...

If you take away the Master swordman's sword, he's nothing but a man. If you take away Mike Tyson's fist, he's just a big stubby bastard with terrible linguistics.

The U.S. military is made up of our Fathers, brothers, sons, sisters, mother's, daughters, friends, co-worker, etc. Change their minds on the state of America and the government has no means to institute the plans they'd like to.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Conundrum04

I would like you to name one time in all of history that a revolution has not been violent. Just one, please.

It has NEVER, EVER happened.

Ghandi? But for the US, violence is the only way.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91

Originally posted by Conundrum04

I would like you to name one time in all of history that a revolution has not been violent. Just one, please.

It has NEVER, EVER happened.

Ghandi? But for the US, violence is the only way.

Yes, Ghandi.

But someone still shot him dead right? Yes through his deeds he got britain out of India, but why hasn't this most recent example of "Jesus type acts" continued since then? Oh yeah, MLK(shot dead). JFK(shot dead). RFK(shot dead). Malcolm X, after he evolved from a person of hatred of whitey to a person of love for all(shot dead(over and over again)).

They just keep shooting the hell out of these people! Nowadays these people are labeled "lunatics", "conspiracy theorists", "nutjobs", "crazy", "america haters", "etc.".

The powers that be have adapted, but the "seekers of truth" have not and will not understand how desperate these people are to maintain thier power.

This isn't 33 AD or even the 1960's. These people are masters of manipulation and deceit. There isn't going to be a Jesus or Ghandi that will "save" us today. Their tactics are so extreme and their power and propaganda so immense that if "Jesus" did return, he'd be laughed at so hard that he'd either want to hang himself or pick up an AK-47 and mow down these corrupt bastards. They got us by the balls and there really is only one thing we can do about it now.

The founders of this country fought a very bloody battle against the English to establish America and it's independence. The people in power now are so corrupt to the core and powerful, in both parties, that nothing other then some form of a threat(actual punishment for their actions) directed towards these people will alter anything in this country and restore the checks and balances.

The only thing these pricks fear is NOT HAVING POWER AND INFLUENCE! They don't fear YOU because they believe that YOU WORK FOR THEM, and not the other way around, you know, the way it's supposed to be. Remember "Public Servant", yeah, they are supposed to serve us not their own agendas established by secret organizations, corporations, or by other countries(can you say Israel?).

But hey, if you want to believe in the non-violent thing, cool. I can respect that. But I know what would be effective and it does require a lot of intelligence, integrity, sacrifice, and street smarts. It's legal and violence isn't nessecary but you'd really would have to be prepared for some violence.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 11:57 PM
I said in my post that for the AMerican way of life, violence is the only way to change something quickly. You can be assured that I will join a rebelion if they take away the guns. Or start one if it goes so far.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by samnx2
If you care about America, than vote and keep your congress and senate must be involved with the process to make a difference.

LoL. Vote? WOW, we can make a change by going to to ballot box! Geez. Obviously you haven't participated in the 2000 or 2004 presidential elections.

America is still the best reguardless of its bad days, we have too much to be thankful for, much, much more than most. If you have lived overseas at all, you would realize this country, even with how things are, is still the best place to be.

Where have you been overseas?

I always love the ignorant rants like, "America! Love it or live it!", or " If you don't like it here in America, go live in Iran!".


Norway is now considered the "best place to live" as of 2006, while the US was outside the top 10. Blind and ignorant arrogance is another thing that is destroying us.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 06:07 AM
""""You can be assured that I will join a rebelion if they take away the guns. Or start one if it goes so far."""

Gorman91,amen man i'll be right there with you.

[edit on 3-8-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Conundrum04

When will people wake the hell up?

Very good question, I love how people are upset about the war in this thread but their solution is another war to try and solve the problem.

I think there is a lot of revisionist and reactionist history going on here as well. People act like every other government (or heck, any large or even small company) doesn't have some corruption. You people are also acting like there wasn't corruption in the government back in Washington's time. Newsflash people, that's how things work. One man's "corruption" is another man's networking. It's not nearly as bad as some of you are making it out to be.
A lot of bravado in this thread as well. A lot of talk like "if the government comes knocking on my door, I'm not coming out and they aren't coming in". Ummm..yeah...right, 'right to bear arms' was helpful for fighting government oppression when we all had muskets, but it's a little different when you have an assault rifle and the authorities have a blackhawk helicopter. I guarantee that if the FBI wants you out of your house, you're coming out of your house, one way or another.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 09:51 AM
Revolution is the opium of the intellect.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 12:16 PM
Why do you write that Chupa101?

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