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Aliens causing Mental Illness

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posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 04:34 PM
It's not post traumatic, it is ongoing stress disorder... They electrcute you...
They put an implant up your nose into your frontal lobe which alters perception at their command... they install implants all over your body... They install tiny speakers in your ears, kinda like the secret service ear peices... It's like a rollercoaster of pain and pleasure... I've been told that the first 2 years are the roughest and then things get better... However they too can lie alot... Be careful what you wish for.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 03:27 AM
I agree with you, The problem is the government must know about these experiments and harrassments by the aliens. and the microchips, instead of protecting us some way they deny the whole thing as schizo. They might be helpless but the truth will come out some day. too much evidence in the bible about ufo's and people hearing voices. I believe revelations was a glaxic war and that we terriformed this planet over 6000 years ago before the war and we lost all knowledge. I am hoping for another glaxic war to rid this solar system of aliens but its been a long time since we knew the truth about earth and the universe. some land massess still look like pictures. egyption art shows flying machines, etc. hopefull the future will get better. casmodian

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 09:22 PM
Alien abduction is perhaps why we have so many deranged minds on the loose. The human mind is incapable of accepting somethings it does not understand, let alone forced to perceive as a supernatural experience alien abduction. Our minds interpret every second and cannot be expected to normalize every situation as an accepted reaction. Aliens pulling and pushing on the physical body is beyond what the mind is ready to accept.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 10:20 PM
If your not sure, it's a better chance it was just the symptoms of the illness taking over your mind thus giving you a realistic visualization of the aliens causing you the illness. I've got a schizo disorder myself and I don't think a particular alien would want to harm an individual with mental illness. It's quite insignificant, what would you think?

We all had experiences but how many can actally discern the false from reality? I had an episode where I believed I was in contact with this warring species of alien, it was night I was laying in bed I woke up to find myself levitating 3ft in the air. I look back telling myself it could not have been real, although at the time I experienced it.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 11:44 PM

I was laying in bed I woke up to find myself levitating 3ft in the air. I look back telling myself it could not have been real, although at the time I experienced it.

How could it not be real if thats what you experienced? Are you saying you imagined or dreamed you were floating? If you experienced it, then it was real ... for you.

Also medications dont correct one's reality they alter it. Any drug will do so, and i dont buy into the whole chemical imbalance theory whereby adding artificial drugs encourages the brain into a state of equilibrium. I was diagnosed with ADD as a child and later discovered that the Ritalin i was perscribed is basically chemically identical to coc aine... how is that putting anyones brain into balance? I would imagine the same argument holds true if not more true with mental diseases and psychotic drugs. Drugs work because they force you to adhere to the social expectations of society despite your conflict of percieved reality.

[edit on 6-8-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 12:28 AM
This is only my personal idea again pure speculation.

Here we go.

Maybe we are all switched off i mean sciance has said we all only use 10% of our brain's dont you find that odd ? We have organ's like the heart and lungs i presume they work at 100% so why not the brain ?

Maybe psychics and the mentally ill a have a little more power maybe 11%. Maybe we are slowly being upgraded like a pc for example ?

When we get up there to the 100% were totally different from how we are now at 10%. Maybe the ones who are taking us thru this process were taken thru it by another advanced Multi Dimensional Race ?

Maybe the one's who become mentally ill get the extra 1% at some point in there life after there born and this makes them the way they are.

Where as the psychics are born with the 1% and there minds can handle it ?

Who knows....


posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 01:43 AM

In America, the Condon Study stands alone as the only major study, and a close reading supports the conclusion that a lot more academic work needs to be done on UFOs. The Condon Study also supports the skeptic and "believer," and not the debunker.

Strictly speaking, because the academics have yet to do their work, we actually have no real knowledge about UFOs. Fortunately, because of the decades of diligent work by UFO researchers and investigators, we do have some very good provisional knowledge about UFOs. In my opinion, this provisional knowledge points squarely at the existence of a new, officially unacknowledged phenomenon, having an intelligence of some sort strongly associated with it. In other words, are flying saucers real? Of course they are!

Imagine that you’re a security guard at a nuclear facility You’re outside one night at your post and you see eight intensely bright lights in a wide V-shape formation. These lights then enter the restricted airspace of your facility. They’re extremely low, way too low (you think) for any standard aircraft. This is very unsettling, to say the least. First of all, if this is a single object, it’s immense – much larger than a football field in length. It’s also silent -- completely silent. It’s also moving extremely slowly and steadily, despite very strong winds that night, almost as though it’s gliding on a flat plane. As it enters your airspace, the security system throughout the facility goes offline.

So you and the other guards gather together to watch this thing. You all agree that you can see -- behind those bright lights -- some kind of dark solid structure connecting them. At least that’s what it looks like. This apparently solid object is now moving toward the single operational reactor at the facility (several others were there but were not on line that evening). It just hovers directly over this reactor. A rather provocative act. Your boss (the shift commander) orders you and the other guards to be ready to fire your rifles at the object. He then phones a nearby National Guard base and asks if they can identify this object. Obviously they can’t. What are they going to say? So he says, ‘can you send over an armed helicopter to shoot this thing down?’ Luckily for everyone, however, there won’t be a confrontation – the object is now beginning to leave. By the time it leaves, you’ve watched it for a total of twenty minutes. The next day you’re told by your boss that none of this ever happened. Just forget it.

As you probably surmise, this event was real. It took place in New York State in July 1984, at the Indian Head Nuclear Power Plant. It occurred in the midst of the notorious Hudson Valley sightings, which were seen by literally thousands of people just north of New York City over a few years. Not far from where we are today.

The Limits of Science in UFO Research

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by h3akalee
Maybe we are all switched off i mean sciance has said we all only use 10% of our brain's dont you find that odd ? We have organ's like the heart and lungs i presume they work at 100% so why not the brain ?

It's a myth that we use only 10% of our brains. Here is one of many explanations.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98

I was laying in bed I woke up to find myself levitating 3ft in the air. I look back telling myself it could not have been real, although at the time I experienced it.

How could it not be real if thats what you experienced? Are you saying you imagined or dreamed you were floating? If you experienced it, then it was real ... for you.

Also medications dont correct one's reality they alter it. Any drug will do so, and i dont buy into the whole chemical imbalance theory whereby adding artificial drugs encourages the brain into a state of equilibrium. I was diagnosed with ADD as a child and later discovered that the Ritalin i was perscribed is basically chemically identical to coc aine... how is that putting anyones brain into balance? I would imagine the same argument holds true if not more true with mental diseases and psychotic drugs. Drugs work because they force you to adhere to the social expectations of society despite your conflict of percieved reality.

[edit on 6-8-2007 by hiii_98]

I must of been in a dream state.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 05:59 PM
People are not the only things they levitate fine sir

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 05:59 PM
People are not the only things they levitate fine sir

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 06:33 PM
Yes yes schuyler.

I think i heard 10 percent at some point in my life and i used it as an example for my idea.

So what percent do our brains work at ? 10, 20, 30 or 40 ? Anyone have a fact based answer ?

My idea and that's all it is. No matter what the percent range from one to one hundred percent is it still an idea worth thinking about ? What do you think schuyler ?

I mean could you consider it possible ?

Love that King Charles Spaniel btw.


posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 03:13 PM
With today's society, im sorry to say id be more worried about the increasing volume of powerful wireless transmissions damaging us than aliens, although i have to admit you are not the first case i've seen on this site of someone claiming to have such an affliction.

Frankly, when im stood near a transmitting tower, with microwave dishes, arials - even infrared comms equipment as well - it scares me just how much EM energy is being pulsed through our bodies every single day of our lives.

It cant be good for us.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
The longer you're off the meds, the more damage you accumulate. Buzz can still hold down a construction job. John can't manage door greeter anymore partly because he messed around and didn't take the meds and tried to self medicate instead. In his defense, it was cheaper to smoke doobies than to buy Geodon, but it was a bad decision.

That form of self medication is not good for schizophrenia patients.

To the OP: I would blame your disease before the aliens.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by CASMODIAN

A friend of mine had a similar experience, she was living a normal healthy life one day and the next she was being admitted into the hospital for 72 hour mental evaluation hold. She was complaining of an electrical current running through her and felt she was being posessed by the time, I was much younger and my eyes were still very closed, I thought she was crazy and wrote her off. Now reading this post, I have to wonder...was she telling the truth???

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Schizoflux

ANYHTING is possible.......

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:09 PM
In the west, whether true or not, you would be classed as mentailly ill. They know this stuff happens, but they never would use those terms.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 06:15 PM
i was abducted by aliens. i said jeus help me. then they let me go. they were cutting open my sexual organs. they made a clone of me and there are probably loads of aliens with my gene now. are they trying to make a superior evil human and that is when god will put the world on fire. i sound schizz why me?

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 02:12 AM
Greetings folks,
Long time lurker, recently signed up member.
Here's my two cents of possibilities.
The brain is a tool among others in which one uses in order to function in this reality. A shell designed for higher performance will have 'higher performance' and can deal with larger amounts of data. Yet stumbling blocks can be placed in that shell limiting ones potential but there are ways around that. I'm somewhat off topic. Anyways...
Mental Illness. It is an imbalance. The causes can be many including by artificial means such as mentioned...psychotronics, substances, implants and what not. There is a 'flood gate', if that gate is defect or is penetrated, the brain will receive signals that are real but because it is receiving mass amounts of data in a way 'not healthy' it will overload the brain and the brain is unable to interpret the signals properly and in a way that is 'healthy' and what one gets is a chaotic mish mash of data. This may also happen if data is artificially forced through the 'flood gates'. The forced data may not necessarily be massive but because it is penetrating the 'flood gates' one can have the same results of chaotic mish mashed data or other results.
There is a healthy way to perceive what Is as well. But one lives in a world where everything is backwards. so some assume all 'visions' and what not are unnatural or simply unreal. Due to some of the nature of what Is, somethings may seem...odd. Not all things are meant to be interpreted in a literal way. If you are seeing flying ninjas, you may be receiving data and it is being interpreted differently and or this has some meaning other than what is apparent. Like Symbols. They can have many levels of understanding to them. There is also the issue of perceiving with the physical senses and with the higher senses. It is not always the brain that perceives but something else.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by CASMODIAN
Back in 99' I was as I preceived, attacked by ufo's, lasers and sound was used. It left me with what our doctors call schizophrenia, I hear transmissions, it's very electrical It's my belief that the aliens everyone thinks is so benign are really experimenting on us. This attack has never really stopped, just is not as bad as the 6 months I felt I was being attacked, some people believe the government is aware of the situation, I am a college graduate from Nursing, I lost everything and had to go on s.s., Does anyone else believe these aliens are using us for experiments? Casmodian

did it get worse at night?

Perhaps they just visit the earth / people.

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