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Aliens causing Mental Illness

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posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 01:14 PM
Back in 99' I was as I preceived, attacked by ufo's, lasers and sound was used. It left me with what our doctors call schizophrenia, I hear transmissions, it's very electrical It's my belief that the aliens everyone thinks is so benign are really experimenting on us. This attack has never really stopped, just is not as bad as the 6 months I felt I was being attacked, some people believe the government is aware of the situation, I am a college graduate from Nursing, I lost everything and had to go on s.s., Does anyone else believe these aliens are using us for experiments? Casmodian

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 01:17 PM
Maybe you have been Possessed by ET.

Anything is possible. Hope things get better for you though.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 01:20 PM
No sorry as there is no proof of any aliens being on earth.
Try as you may you will not find anything proveable or verifiable and considering how long we have had cameras, movie cameras and videocameras you would think that, if there actually were aliens walking around that someone would have caught them on one of the apparatus mentioned.
They havent.
There are no aliens on the earth, sorry.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 01:24 PM
Maybe not in a physical form. Try to think outside the box, beyond our puny human brains.
Maybe they are in a energy form that cannot be filmed with cameras or seen with human eyes.
In all reality you know nothing about ET's.

[edit on 30-7-2007 by earth2]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by earth2
Maybe not in a physical form. Try to think outside the box, beyond our puny human brains. Maybe they are in a energy form that cannot be filmed with cameras or seen with human eyes.

Maybe. But that makes them conveniently non-documentable. If you make this claim, then at some point they have to be detectable. Otherwise I think you're putting the cart before the horse. It's an absurd discussion:

"Aliens caused my illness."
"Show me one."
"Well, you can't see them."
"Give me a picture."
"No, they can't be photographed."
"Show me the implant."
"They're undetectable."

You can't go very far with that line of thinking. With all due respect to the OP, schizophrenia is a disease that commonly postulates aliens talking in heads, control of the person by cell phone towers via implants, etc. That's the whole tin foil hat issue. As described, this is a classic case. It's not new. Among the mentally ill, it's common. And it changes with the times. Way back when I knew a guy who actually wore a tin foil hat because the government was controlling him through telephone pole wires. Today we've got a better candidate in cell phones. This is all well documented in the medical literature.

That being said, schizophrenia is real. It's not a laughing matter. Hopefully we are way beyond making fun of this kind of issue or sticking people conveniently away. Like many other diseases, it can be treated. I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing the OP the best and encouraging her to keep seeking medical treatment.

[edit on 7/30/2007 by schuyler]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 02:18 PM
I am with you schuyler on wishing OP the best if he is sick.

Anyway if the ET is a energy form that cant be detected by our tech could be thier intentions at this time. Maybe they could speak to us telepathically
or however when they wanted to make contact.

I think your statement concerning our thoughts is the absurd discussion.

[edit on 30-7-2007 by earth2]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 02:35 PM
Mental illness caused by "aliens" is nothing new. I personally know some people who have been very badly affected by alien experiences. One, a 14 year old "abductee" spent a few months in a mental care facility, directly AFTER his experience, when he couldn't cope with the wierd after effects. Another was hospitalised for a short while and off work for months after being taken from his car by little "men", and another was left an emotional wreck after seeing a large demonic creature jump from a thirty foot roof to land standing in front of their van. None of these people were alone when they had their experiences and they were all on the road at night. I've also heard of another man who saw strange creatures outside his remote house one night who fled to his parents house in the city and NEVER went home. If you're really having these problems I'd advise reading every personal UFO experience you can get your hands on. Stick to published books, (there are a lot of crazy folk on the internet). Knowing you're not unique might make you feel better and stronger a lot faster. It does get better. Check out the side effects of any medication you might be on too, they could be delaying any healing, or making your symptoms worse. Be careful though, you might really need them.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 02:47 PM
Perhaps schizophrenia-like hallucinations can occur when the observed (us) becomes aware of the observers?

ie. other entities could be around us, perhaps 'out of phase', 'through the veil', whatever. But only when a particular experience makes us aware of their presence do we notice. Sorta like the natives 'not seeing the ships right away' kinda scenario.

Hallucinogens like '___' have been said to open up consciousness to other realms. This may very well be connected. Perhaps it opens us up to seeing the observers? (or meddlers in some cases)

Anyway, it's all just speculation, but something to think about. After all, mental illnesses often cannot be proven by doing a medical test. Usually patients are diagnosed without any physical tests being taken... they're just given prescriptions based on what they claim to have experienced. Someone says they hear voices or are seeing things other people don't see are simply considered "skitzo" on the spot. This is a big 'what if', but what if they're not crazy?

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 02:53 PM
In cases like these, I personally think it makes sense to try and eliminate all of the mundane possibilities first, then once those are exhausted move a little farther afield.

Just for the sake of argument, let's say that some little creatures are showing up and messing with your head. They could be aliens. Other the other hand, human culture has a lot more documentation of such creatures that have been around for thousands of years, but until recently they weren't called aliens, but demons. Fortunately, over those millennia, there have been techniques developed to get rid of these nasty little buggers. Demons can be manipulated. Jesus was apparently quite the demon fighter, and it became a large part of his business. He was able to guide demons out of people and into animals. Nice trick, if you can do it. Unfortunately the Gospels are a little short on the specific details of how it's done. Sorcery is probably one of the big reasons Jesus was killed. People don't much like it.

So I would suggest that you try psychotherapy and medication to see if you can get rid of these annoying critters that way first. Then I would suggest that you head to your local occult book store and see if you can get your hands on some demon fighting equipment. Talismans, a good spirit (OUIJA) board, particular kinds of incense and oils. Because curiously enough, these things might not have a direct effect on chasing the boogie man away, but as long as you think they work, then they will work. That's good.

You need to watch out, though. Demons are very difficult and potentially dangerous to deal with. They're smart, and they'll take every advantage they can to turn the tables on you and make trouble for you and everybody around you. You might want to start small, manipulating smaller entities with a spirit board. Once you get a feel for handling demons, then you can work your way up to the annoying ones that are giving you trouble.

Good luck!

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 03:31 PM
Hello, i am assuming you must be very upset with the situation by now...You have my sympathy and well wishes...
There are plenty of earth made devices that are documented and in Goverment hands that may do similar things to someones mind....
Though you obviously should seek medical attention may be wise to familiarise yourself with some of these "mind control devices"
As early as the seventies there were patents being taken out on such things that could produce auditory and even visual responses from a distance by beaming micro or other waves directly to the brain.
If you search the net, there are hats made of special material that may relieve such symptoms as you are experiencing.....
This post is a serious attempt to help you, and not a spoof or joke...If you look you will find the product to which i am referring.It is available through mail order and the manufacturer claims it works quite well. There are abductee reports also listed on its effectiveness.
Just a thought, but electronic harrassment is not totally uncommon in the USA and it is a subject that has its own support groups as well.
You may find all this and more with a few simple searches by typing in the key words electronic harrassment...
Please look at this possibility too.
sincerly bergle

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Kruel

Anyway, it's all just speculation, but something to think about. After all, mental illnesses often cannot be proven by doing a medical test. Usually patients are diagnosed without any physical tests being taken... they're just given prescriptions based on what they claim to have experienced. Someone says they hear voices or are seeing things other people don't see are simply considered "skitzo" on the spot. This is a big 'what if', but what if they're not crazy?

Schizophrenia does cause brain damage due to chemical imbalance, you can see this damage on PET scans. It's got a strong genetic component, too.

I've got two schizo friends, they aren't seeing a higher plane of existence, and are more than happy to take their meds. When they get off of them (sometimes they just stop working very well and they have to switch) then they relapse into seeing things, hearing things, flight of ideas, clang, the whole megillah.

With one of them, he'll generally break over pretty abruptly (he hides it at first) and we'll get a call at 2AM from secret agent x214. The problem is, Buzz will get a rifle and hide behind the Piggly Wiggly to waylay the Russian agents. We try to get there before the cops - he doesn't have any ammo but they don't know that.

If you haven't been around a full-bore delusional schiz who's on a tear, it's probably easier to think they're speaking to the next world or energy beings or what have you. The truth is, their wiring is crossed. You know Buzz is about to go when he starts getting clues from the TV.

Now, both Johnny and Buzz are just fine when their meds are working. John can't cope with the job world anymore and lives with his parents, he used to be a greeter down at the Walmart. John sees ninjas in the yard, and Satan speaks to him from the drains when he's sick. He's a nice guy - my kids fish in his parents' pond sometimes with him. But this year John's meds quit and he had to switch onto Geodon and valproic acid, and spend a week at the clinic.

I don't really think there are invisible hyperdimensional energy field ninjas stalking him, and the Prince of Darkness probably doesn't take the time to infest his drains. He's really convinced of it - when he's off the meds. But when it's working - no voices, no ninjas, and he can tell the difference.

The longer you're off the meds, the more damage you accumulate. Buzz can still hold down a construction job. John can't manage door greeter anymore partly because he messed around and didn't take the meds and tried to self medicate instead. In his defense, it was cheaper to smoke doobies than to buy Geodon, but it was a bad decision.

[edit on 30-7-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Chorlton

There are no aliens on the earth, sorry.

I agree completely. No matter what the form, there are no aliens here.

I think the thread title needs to be changed to "Mental Illness Causing Aliens." That's the more likely explanation in many cases.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 03:47 PM
One thing i would sya, no way in hell do humans have ultimate ower here on earth. If we did we would never of got this far.

All civilisations believe in demon posession, and higher forces that are above us. Its just that living in societies like england and usa, we are told there is only us. Posession goes back as far as records go in mans written accounts, and the stories have been passed down through the ages.

One thing i would say to you, is try to understand your own thoughts. We all have thoughts that are not our own, but most never question this, and assume that all the thoughts we all have are our own. When you have a thought, ask yourself, is this something that i would think, if its not, just ignore it.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 03:56 PM
Just because people thought there was possession doesn't mean it existed.

They used to use that term for anti-social people, mentally ill people, depressed people, and people that other people wanted to get rid of.

Even if 100% of people believe in something not real, doesn't make it exist. Otherwise I'd be on Santa's Naughty list.

[edit] used wrong word. D'oh

[edit on 30-7-2007 by MajorMalfunction]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
If you haven't been around a full-bore delusional schiz who's on a tear, it's probably easier to think they're speaking to the next world or energy beings or what have you. The truth is, their wiring is crossed. You know Buzz is about to go when he starts getting clues from the TV.

Admittedly I haven't ever had the chance to observe a person suffering from the disorder. Indeed chemical imbalance is the most logical possibility... but it's fun to speculate.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 04:18 PM
Back when I had free time, I did some mental health volunteer work, mostly for certain types with PTSD as a "befriender" which translates to "reality boat anchor you can talk to that's not your doctor/parent/sibling/mate", although I got a few schizophrenic friends that way.

Schizophrenia is really a lot different than what I expected.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
Just because people thought there was possession doesn't mean it existed.

On the other hand, in cases like this, as sociologist Emile Durkheim once essentially said, "Anything perceived as real is real in its consequences." Sometimes you have a better chance of fighting demons on their own home turf, reality be damned.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 04:34 PM
On the gripping hand, acknowledging their delusions as real can often disorient them even more. It's the first thing you get in the Cliff Notes Counseling course.

There's all sorts of terms and phrases you aren't supposed to use in order to avoid that. You aren't supposed to attack their delusion, but you're not supposed to support it either.

For example, if you told me "I hear voices from the light socket", I would first ask what "the voices" are telling you to do, in order to assess whether you are going on the quick trip to suicide watch. Command voices don't usually tell you to make sure you brush your teeth before going to bed, for whatever reason.

But I wouldn't say "what do THEY tell you to do", because that implies to you that I believe they have an objective reality.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
Just because people thought there was possession doesn't mean it existed.

They used to use that term for anti-social people, mentally ill people, depressed people, and people that other people wanted to get rid of.

Even if 100% of people believe in something not real, doesn't make it exist. Otherwise I'd be on Santa's Naughty list.

[edit] used wrong word. D'oh

[edit on 30-7-2007 by MajorMalfunction]

I would take the vatican over you any day, in saying whether entities can posess bodies. i am not talking about med evil times, i am talking about still today.

The vatican > MajorMalfunction, anyday.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 04:41 PM
sorry double post.

[edit on 7/30/2007 by andy1033]

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