posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 06:38 AM
What seems to be missed in most discussions of Islamic fundamentalism / terrorism, are the root grievances and objectives of the leadership concerned.
Although the historic origins of many of these organizations can be traced to the aftermath of World War II, their proclaimed justifications go back
much further.
Essentially, they fall into two camps: 1) They seek to reclaim the territories once ruled by Islamic states, won before or after the medieval
Crusades. I am quite certain, the United States did not have a role in these campaigns. 2) They seek to establish Islamic states, ruled under Koranic
law. Therefore, all secular societies including all democratic societies, are evil and must be purged from the face of the Earth. I imagine most
Americans and Europeans would object to this.
Just returning territory that was once ruled by the furthest extent of Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, would incorporate much of southern
Europe and southern Asia. Suppliers of armaments to these terrorists, China, France and Russia come to mind, have clearly forgotten their local
history. Portions of these countries were once under Islamic rule.
Apologists for Islamic fundamentalists / terrorists, decry "Western Imperialism". But I ask you, how is it any different, when the Islamic
warmongers seek to return to the glory days of Saladin? And of course, the leaders of these "Islamic entities" see themselves as Saladin. Not that
they would admit this out loud. Regardless of their claimed justifications, this all amounts to Islamic imperialism.
In this regard, I think it is instructive to look at the several Arab-Israeli wars. Why is it, that Israel has managed to ultimately prevail in these
conflicts? The combined military forces of the involved Arab countries arrayed against Israel, were greater than the total population of Israel.
Qualitative differences in training, tactics and weaponry, can only take a combat formation so far. I believe the answer to be, that each time the
invading forces have had Israel on the ropes, the Arab leaders begin quibbling over the Israeli carcass while the fighting remained ongoing. They
defeated themselves.
Does the World owe the US a debt? That is for the historians to decide, with the 20/20 hindsight of the rearview mirror; twenty, fifty, one hundred
years from now. And even then, there is not likely to be any sort of consensus. In its recent history, i.e. the 20th Century to present, I believe the
US leadership has tried to "do the right thing." Their motivations or methods may not have appropriate at all times, but by their understanding of
what was correct and honorable, they honestly did what they believed to be right. But like all nations, there are times when some of the people in the
nation's leadership, have been true scum. I leave it to you, to decide which people deserve that appellation. In this, honorable people will
From the American perspective, the US has pulled Europe's fanny from the fire in two World Wars, and the Cold War. Additionally, the US Marshall Plan
after World War II was the driving force in the reconstruction of a Europe devastated by war. And until the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US bore
the lion's share of the NATO budget, in addition to the extra-NATO US military budget. Ironically, the NATO force created for the defense of Europe,
saw its first defensive mobilization in the aftermath of 9/11, over US airspace.
Now that European and Asian democracies have strong economies of their own, their is a belief that they should bear a fair share of the peacekeeping
burden. Particularly in their respective spheres of influence, and other regions vital to the World's economies. Call it motivated self-interest, if
you must. That does not mean that it is wrong. There is an ancient Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times." By that standard, we are all
cursed, on all sides. Then again, when has this never been so?