posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 06:29 AM
This, in my opinion, is a list of a few problems men have with getting/keeping a good woman.
1. Women have this nasty habit of second guessing themselves and thus, changing their minds. Have you ever heard about the women that want ya till
they got ya? That's what I mean by my statement. They get with you and think you are the best thing that ever happened to them, then something
DIFFERENT (and usually worse) comes along and they tend to go to the "grass is always greener..." mentality.
2. Younger women search for the "bad boy" type because they are "exciting" and (ultimately) they think they can change them.
3. Most women want to "have their cake and eat it to". They tend to make a habit of wanting you to be EVERYTHING they need WHEN they need it. They
don't seem to understand that men are no more dynamic than women. We don't just change to suit their mood.
4. A lot of women have no concept of "look to the future". They see you for what you are and what you can offer them RIGHT NOW. That's why they
tend to go for the pricks of the lot. They never stop and think, "Hey this is a GREAT GUY!! I could spend the rest of my life with him", they tend
to think more along the lines of "Oh he is so awesome!!" without taking him in as a whole and thinking what he'll be like 6 months down the road.
Basically, what I'm saying is, they tend to choose for the moment and not give thought to what the person they are choosing to date will be like down
the road.
5. They tend to fault new guys with the mistakes of their old boyfriends. Say for example their ex cheated on them and when he was doing it he lied
about having to work late or something when he was really seeing his other chick. As soon as you have a night/day you have to work late BAM! you are a
cheater too. (in other words, if you remind them of an ex that they hate now...give it up.)
6. Women's logic is about as confusing as it comes. IE: You can tell a woman that her shirt looks nice and her thought could very well be "What? Do
my pants look bad?"
A good piece of advice for you would be; Women can't figure themselves as a man, don't presume that you can figure them out.
NOTE: This does NOT apply to all women. If it doesn't apply to you, please don't take it that I am including you in these points. These are simply
things I have picked up through my years of dating many women and being close friends with many many many more.