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Sorry for Luking so long I am not new But could not remeber my username. QUESTION Did you hear that?

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posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 02:06 AM
Ok this is a introduction as well as an explination of many things, you all have my word that I will be here almost every night which I am.

OK in responce to this thead.

About alien force about to correct earth. It seems like a hoax I know but I live in the US and in South Carolina. I am a few miles from an airforce base. Not going to pin myself down but I know my aircraft being an army brat. For years since my first real UFO in 98 I have seen the wierdist crap and others here have posted similar accounts.

Ok, wens the 24th july 07' Ist about 6pm est I hear my neibors dogs barking like heck and then I hear "IT" the gutteral Growle Something I have never heard in my life I am only 27 but I am a scientist, jack of all trade kinda guy. This sound made me chill on a level that I can only describe as a pimitive brain saying run someing is bad and its in the woods. That night my father was out in full cammo and is 30/30 becaus some dumb kids keep shooting a 22 outside our window. (LONG STORY) while he was out it was the witching hour 3 am and he herd sominthin in some dence brush and he knew it was no human nor black bear or wild pig. It was big. Mean while I was inside and my mom fliped her wig because of stress and called the cops. I enturned steped out the back door with an 18 shot marlin 22. simi auto and backed up into some light and motioned for him to come without alerting the thing I was now pointing my rifle at he slowly approched the dence brush and I knew something was watching me I will eloborate on my ablities in another post. we slowly walked into the house with guns drawn on a heavy braking of under brush. and we backed Our way inside the house. He later told me after the cops left what he herd in the bushes and was ready to fill with lead. he attempted to make a sound like it and it was the thing that scared the crap out of me at 6pm est. He knew it was watching him and he was actually relieved when I came out so he had a 2nd gun with him all in all we had 5 guns ready to try and kill this thing, the whole time in every direction dogs where going wild. This was no Grey and we had seen nothing of lights in the sky.

Also I have keep up a daily reacord of the USGS earthquakes i will post more about the science later.

I just want to know DID you hear it? I have never heard even movie or video game make sounds like that. we slep with all lights on that night.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 02:20 AM
Very interesting post.

A few things on tactical advantage :

-please tell me by "all the lights on" you mean all the lights OUTSIDE the house, and not the ones inside

-most animals (?) have a better sense of smell (and/or) night vision that humans; invest in one of those hand held HUGE "flash lights"

-keep a recording device close by to get a sample. many devices can do this now a days (mp3 players, cell phones, computer mics, etc). you could even invest in a noise triggered outdoor audio recording device that only recorded sounds above a certain level

-post up on the roof for a few hours (special operations style) with some sort of flash light + weapons (even consider mace). this will give you an amazing tactical advantage.

above all else, stay safe. dead men tell no tales.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 02:43 AM
Hm.... so you are a gun-toting 27 year old scientist with special abilities, unable to write a single errorfree sentence, living with his also gun-toting parents, and heard a thing, that was no grey, bigger then a bear in a bush ?

English is not my native language, so i have to ask, if i got your little ...ehm..."tale" right.

To answer your question - no, here in germany, we did not hear that special sound.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 03:49 AM
Lights on in the house am motion detection outside. And yes We had a 1,000,000 candle light powerd spotlight on it and did not see Eye shine, And as for the english language I suck at spelling and barely passed most english classes. I was just trying to be clear cut with my post. I may not be able to spell but I do have spell check.

OK I own the house my parent live in, My father is disabled vet and so is my mother. but she has not had any service under her belt. As for the guns we my father and I have concield weapons permits. their I spelld something wrong and used bad grammer.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 03:53 AM
Don't leave the inside lights on if you think "something" is stalking you (so to speak). It makes you a huge target. I'm sure you've seen this effect when walking by someone else's house at night when their inside lights are one. You can clearly see them but they can't see you.

Perhaps keep a log of this things activity, that would help yall a lot. Write everything down ASAP because memories fade a bit with time, even small details can be lost.

Good luck

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 04:15 AM
just that nigt we slep with the lights on. other that that we are armed to the hilt. becaues of a neo nazi gang in our area has targeted or family. We have been told by the athoritys to either MOVE or KILL its that bad here my father has to appear in court about the leader of this group and they want him dead. but since he is "A traveling man from the east" the sheriff patrole has told us flat out to kill the people if we see them on our poperty.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 06:15 AM
Argh...thought i'd give him the benefit of a doubt....what an error.

Alert set, descendant of the great J.

By the way, i seriously doubt, that you are
this guy and i hope, you know that indentity theft ...ah well, let's not spoil the fun.

[edit on 26-7-2007 by Phil J. Fry]

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by PsychoHoliday
And as for the english language I suck at spelling and barely passed most english classes. I was just trying to be clear cut with my post. I may not be able to spell but I do have spell check.

But in your introduction post - you said you had a very high IQ and got over 1500 on your SAT's? Wow, you seem to have a tall tale for everything don't you? Now go and be a good little boy and take your meds.

Man, you guys have GOT to read his other post. What a joke!

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:16 AM
Hmmm a successful artist, scientist, jack of all trades who's 27 and still lives with his mommy....

did anyone else catch that....

come on come clean and save yourself from further ridicule

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:18 AM
Hey PsychoHoliday, keep an eye to the sky man! I've heard of
UFO's depositing aliens in the woods to search for things. Keep
a video recorder with you every night and post what you see
and/or hear on ATS in this thread. OK? Good luck!

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:29 AM
And whilst your on PH is there any chance of you returning to your original thread and answering many of the questions put too you by other users on there. Or are you gonna keep thread jumping making wild claims without any proof of evidence to your claims.

Your username says it all to me, Some PYSCHO kid on summer HOLIDAY by the sounds of it

[edit on 26-7-2007 by thesaint]

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Man, you guys have GOT to read his other post. What a joke!

Ahahhahahaaaaaa, didn't see that, but indeed a great read. More Psycho then holiday. Ah, let me do it for you, please, this is just too funny - look at these gems-

I gan give you the password to paradise of the Masons which Is the name of a gate keeper of Hell of the Christian faith.

I am a scientist with a ba in biology, and I am Theredical Physict. I am a Friend of Kaku. For thoes who know about Physics. MY hobbies asl include Vocanoligy, and Climitology, as well as geo astro and quantem physics.

And he goes on and on and on.....

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:33 AM
Did I hear that? hmmmm.... No.... I couldn't hear anything over the loud, deafening BANJO PLAYING while I struggled to read your post.

I don’t mea.... OK ok.. yes, I did mean to sound harsh... so to show a little support for your cause here is a tip..

MS Word

It truly works wonders for spelling and punctuation. Believe me when I say that taking just a few seconds to correct spelling errors will help tremendously when presenting your “story” here… or anywhere really. Especially since you are a "jack of all trades" scientist and all..

Just some food for thought there Cletus.. =)

[edit on 26-7-2007 by Creedo]

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:37 AM
Note to self:

This is why we don't do crack.

Drugs are bad.

Everytime I do drugs I forget how to spell. It drops my 500+ IQ down to about oh, I'd say...25.

C'mon. Anybody with any self respect would dismiss everything you have said as blather.
Grow up, find a good RPG site and waste your remaining summer vacation there. I have yet to see ANYONE buying your story. I add myself to that list.

Too Cuhail for you!

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by PsychoHoliday
just that nigt we slep with the lights on. other that that we are armed to the hilt. becaues of a neo nazi gang in our area has targeted or family. We have been told by the athoritys to either MOVE or KILL its that bad here my father has to appear in court about the leader of this group and they want him dead. but since he is "A traveling man from the east" the sheriff patrole has told us flat out to kill the people if we see them on our poperty.

HUH??!! Is this a scene from a bad TV show? So, the authorities gave you clearance to KILL, eh? It must be nice to be above the law.

Curse those neo-nazis and their hooligan ways!

[edit on 26-7-2007 by horrorbiz]

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:46 AM
Oh Gawd…
I feel so much safer knowing you’re armed.

Your dad was running around in camo’s armed too; because he heard a noise?
Maybe it’s hereditary…

Still waiting on how to make that Guiness, send me a U2U on it if you don’t want it to be public knowledge, ok?

[edit on 7/26/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:52 AM
Dude how many personalities do you have living in you?

What are there names?

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 11:04 AM
The OP should be safe when the aliens try again because in his intro he claims to be pretty much the master of everything (without offering any evidence) and should be able to use his big brain and martial arts skills to defend us from them!!!!

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 11:05 AM
Here is what you should do the next time this thing comes around:

1) Use your spidy sense to locate the target.
2) Use your ninja stealth technique to sneak up on him.
3) Use a Jedi mind trick to convince it that it’s really a carrot.
4) While it’s not moving, quickly draw us a Rembrandt of the creature.
5) After this grab it in your GI-Joe Kung-fu grip ™.
6) Perform a Vulcan neck pinch to incapacitate it.
7) Freeze it with your cone of cold spell.
8) Finally torture it with your writing…

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Here is what you should do the next time this thing comes around:

1) Use your spidy sense to locate the target.
2) Use your ninja stealth technique to sneak up on him.
3) Use a Jedi mind trick to convince it that it’s really a carrot.
4) While it’s not moving, quickly draw us a Rembrandt of the creature.
5) After this grab it in your GI-Joe Kung-fu grip ™.
6) Perform a Vulcan neck pinch to incapacitate it.
7) Freeze it with your cone of cold spell.
8) Finally torture it with your writing…

I am laughing too hard to post, ((breath girl breath)).

Please don't encourage him(them). It must be a plant, nobody spells that bad, right? We are talking the great U.S. here, edjumicashun is free.

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