posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:32 PM
agree that there are many forms of bullying. jealousy/resentment is a big motivating factor; I was in a very well-known film a few years ago, it won a
few oscars..and, on my FB page, I talked about the night we premiered it at the toronto film festival. now, my role was small, but, the film was
filled with A-listers. I, as a cast member, got to hob-nob with all of them, not just the ones I met on set. the full red-carpet deal and all the
stuff you see on access hollywood, etc.. I was included, and treated just as well as these A-listers. so, I told the story, thinking that other actors
on the page would take some inspiration from it. instead, I was outright called a liar for posting the story, by a couple of those actors. see, when
you shine too brightly, that's a target for insecure people. it didn't happen for them, so who are "you" to have something like that happen?
that's the thought process, whether its hollywood, or any office of any company. if I'd never gotten any success, I never would have been
targeted..but, a black actor, getting more work than some of his white actor friends? 0.o the hate
I gotta just laugh at it now, even though
their actions cost me quite a bit. I wish I'd been stronger in the moment. I wish I'd just blown it off instead of reacting(which is what they
wanted) and making it worse. hard and costly lesson learned.