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Bush's Martial Law Plan Is So Shocking, Even Congress Can't See it

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posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:23 PM
"Shocking" is a strong word.

If this is legislation passed by the Bush administration, however, then no doubt it's disturbing. Shocking may be appropriate, but don't let the vocabulary create unnecessary trepidation.

One has to wonder on what basis (i.e., with what prompting) this administration would feel the need to create provisions for a state of emergency necessitating Martial Law that was not necessary when the greatest attack on our soil took place in September 2001. What about the aftermath, which included anthrax attacks at several media and political headquarters in this same year?

Are they expecting a ragtag group of middle-easterners, who pulled off their last heist with box cutters, to make a quantum leap and procure a nuclear weapon (or weapons) and to detonate it within the continental U.S.?

So what? I'm not being insensitive, I'm being real. These guerrillas, which in the worst case scenario is what they are, are not going to be able to do enough damage to necessitate Martial Law in this country - even if they had several nuclear weapons.

The hype and disproportionate fear associate with "NUCLEAR WEAPONS" has been propagated by the United States government as a carte blanche for every criminal and unconscionable activity that they have engaged in since the advent of this terrible technology.

The movies that depict a world devastated by a nuclear explosion are just that - movies! These are dramatic embellishments of definitely destructive explosive devices, but are greatly exaggerated.

If we don't get a handle on the reality of this situation we're bound to let this government have their way, which means taking away the absolutely last vestige of our freedoms - not by force, but by psychological manipulation. Believe me, force will not work in this country. If this government is misguided enough to believe this, then they do so at their own peril.

Not one citizen in this country should be under this mistaken impression. If you are, stand behind me, because I'll be ready to go should it come to this. I'm not speaking as a patriotic American; I'm speaking as a human being facing a despotic rule attempting to subdue a populace seeking to protect their own countrymen, and god-given freedoms.

Reel it in a little, people. Look at the real force of a nuclear explosion, and try to get a handle on how many of these devices that terrorists would need to use to effect conditions necessitating a state of national Martial Law.

Does implementing a state of Martial Law seem slightly disproportionate to one, maybe two three-and-a-half mile explosions? Does it seem more of a control tactic in response to an angry and refractory public who is clearly tired of this administration's reckless behavior? I say it's the latter.

This report is a scare tactic. If the United States government enacted Martial Law they would be effecting their own demise. These reports are scare tactics; a program that this administration has used to good effect without having to apply real force, for decades.

We don't need to worry about Martial Law - our government does. For if this were to actually become a reality this government would be overthrown and a new rule put in place - a rule of the people.

To me, reports like this should only increase the fire of resentment this citizenry feels toward this administration. This is not a government trying to protect its citizens from outside threats - it is a government trying to protect itself from its citizens. We need to begin reading these reports as such.

To anyone alarmed by legislation, and articles spreading these reports, instead of allowing these articles create fear, let them create their opposite; strength and resolve.

This administration survives on creating and perpetuating fear - "terror!" This is the one and only tool they have to keep the populace in check. It's a paper tiger. It's only as effective as we let it be.

I heard a terrific summation of this government's policy, and that is that it has attempted to create solidarity in a country by creating an enemy/foe (e.g., terror, or terrorism, fear, etc.), which it now has to feed and keep alive if it wishes to maintain its own power, and the solidarity of its citizens.

The problem is that this commonality is based on a lie, and that lie is falling apart around this administration. This is just the natural result - it is inherent - in a fabrication of this sort.

It is a flawed policy, and its days are coming to an end. The goal was never to have to implement Martial Law - only to create the perception of the possibility as a last resort. It's a threat, but the threat can never work in practice. To believe as much is madness; fortunately, this madness only exists in the administration who lives by such a policy - not in its citizens.

I am of the firm belief that there are forces beyond any government on this planet, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, who are taking part in these times of great strife and change. Nuclear weapons and war are not going to be a part of our future. The time for these things has come and gone.

We are moving into a different future, one without fear or war. One indication of this new reality is the terrific solidarity the citizens of the United States share in opposition to an administration gone wild. This administration is responding in fear - in a reactionary way- to this massive call for an end to this insanity.

There is no legislation, and there are no weapons to quell a fire such as this once it is lit. And it's lit, so whatchoo gonna do now?

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:28 PM
Tyranny22, I appreciate your thought-provoking responses, not just to me, but to others.

My personal jury is still out just as to how these predictions are so apparently relevant. Is the nwo control of the universe really this thorough and precise? . . or is that really Divinely inspired? If not, why not? What is the scientific principle which says that if there really was/is a God, It could not intermingle in the "real-world" affairs of man? This is not a challenge, merely an inquiry.

Can we consider that perhaps the craziest of options might just turn out to be the most sane. Is this world really that mature, organized and humane that we cannot consider a manuscript which has survived every intellectual assault centuries have managed to rage against it with? Not who has done what stupid thing with it, or if it can be used to brainwash (any form of media can), but is the information usable, and is it accurate.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Megadeth
The Bible continues to predict the future because Jesus was sent to us to be the light of the world. His words in the New Testament were meant for the days of the end, and I can promise each of you that we do indeed live in those days.

Every generation thinks they are in the "end times." Jesus' disciples thought he would be coming again before their lifetime. There has always been war, natural disasters, yadda yadda, and everytime something happens people claim we're in the end times. WW1 + 2 had doomsday preachers saying hitler was the anti-christ.

About Bush though. He has been using many executive priviledges, denying his or his staff's accountability to Congress. It is very dangerous to have ANYONE with a significant amount of power to go unchecked. The country's founders recognized the need for balance, which is why their are 3 bodies to run this country.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Alpha Grey
if you voted for that fool you have no one to blame but yourself and you should be ashamed !!

Originally posted by russ1969And the person who said that it is not the people who voted for bush's fault, I beg to differ. They should have done there homework on the bush clan.

If you really think things would be that much better with Kerry in charge, I've got some property to sell you. Are you of the mind that Obama's gonna save us? You think Hillary is gonna put everything back in order?

Any statement to the effect that those that voted for Bush are responsible for the current state of affairs sets a new bar for the Most Ignorant Post award.

And Russ, anyone who thinks the "hard times" began with G.W. Bush, should do some research of their own.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Unit541

And Russ, anyone who thinks the "hard times" began with G.W. Bush, should do some research of their own.

Yes but the term "exacerbate" comes to mind.

Edit: Added quote marks.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by intrepid]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:53 PM
well, we could all speculate...even speculate wildly,
as I think the author of the article did about the reason the Representative
was denied access in the irst place.

classified info isn't just on security clearance - it is also based on the "Need-To-Know" criteria,
just being one of the bevy of Reps, on the HomelandSecurity Committee
doesn't make the documents a open book to him.
but the author fails to point that out...
instead calling the denial of access an Admission of something sinister, diabolical, in the works by a republcan administation....

want to delve into what can possibly be in the requested policy document??

then review the recent Execuitive Orders that Bush enacted with the approval of Congress
EO13303, EO13315. EO13350, EO13364, & the newest EO that is pending,

then hit the Archives at the "American Enterprise Institute"
a think tank of like minded elites, which Bush & the regime mutually springboard ideas
You' ll be on firmer ground that what raw speculation provides.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
One has to wonder on what basis (i.e., with what prompting) this administration would feel the need to create provisions for a state of emergency necessitating Martial Law that was not necessary when the greatest attack on our soil took place in September 2001. What about the aftermath, which included anthrax attacks at several media and political headquarters in this same year?

You have to remember that those events culminated in the passing of laws that now enable the administration to enact such things as martial law and restrict civil liberties. Remember the "New Pearl Harbor" statement from the New American Century group? Whether or not you buy into the "conspiracy theory" of it all, you have to admit that it was pretty convienent that they got exactly what they said they needed to boost the Military Industrial Complex and conduct such things as covert monitoring of private citizen's internet usage, phone conversations, bank accounts, etc.

Originally posted by OptionToChoose
Is the nwo control of the universe really this thorough and precise? . . or is that really Divinely inspired? If not, why not? What is the scientific principle which says that if there really was/is a God, It could not intermingle in the "real-world" affairs of man? This is not a challenge, merely an inquiry.

It's a good question. Though, I'm not sure I have a response for such a question. I do think that governments and other people in control of the masses have been using religion as a tool and weapon to influence people's thoughts and feelings toward world policies for centuries. I do believe in a Creator of the Universe, whether you want to call it God, Allah or whatever (I prefer not to refer to such an entity with a name given by man) and I do believe that even though we're given free will, it's all directly related to a certain end. Thus, I guess you could say, in my opinion, that it does indeed influence the real-world affairs of people. But, I also think that those who use religion to influence policy to their own benefit have no such divinely inspired notions and I think they believe in what they preach as much as the Easter Bunny believes in Santa Claus. Thanks for the humbling inquiry.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:55 PM
well, we could all speculate...even speculate wildly,
as I think the author of the article did about the reason the Representative
was denied access in the irst place.

classified info isn't just on security clearance - it is also based on the "Need-To-Know" criteria,
just being one of the bevy of Reps, on the HomelandSecurity Committee
doesn't make the documents a open book to him.
but the author fails to point that out...
instead calling the denial of access an Admission of something sinister, diabolical, in the works, by a republcan administration....

want to delve into what can possibly be in the requested policy/plan/ document??

then review the recent Execuitive Orders that Bush enacted with the approval of Congress
EO13303, EO13315. EO13350, EO13364, & the newest EO that is now pending, since 17 July 2007

then hit the Archives at the "American Enterprise Institute"
a think tank of like minded elites, which Bush & the regime mutually springboard ideas
You' ll be on firmer ground, than what just raw speculation provides.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by St Udio]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Yes but the term "exacerbate" comes to mind.

Speculation on that point also requires us to speculate on how much power the Prez actually has.

Speaking of Executive Orders and Presidential Directives, a point was brought up elsewhere that got me thinking, and I'd like to get some input from you guys. Could the filing of the articles of impeachment be considered "interference" with normal governmental operations enough that the administration might consider it a "catastrophic emergency", thereby enacting said directives? Thoughts?

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22

Originally posted by merryxmas
I, for one, welcome our new Overlords.

Hey for everyone boohooing this it's for your own good. The GOP said they wanted a permenant republican rule and I'm sure their intentions are pure. A 1 party system is what they had in Soviet Russia and it worked wonders for them!

I doubt you'll like your new Overlords once they have total control and can enact any law they think is appropriate. Such as saying "No more computers," or "No more sex". I doubt they would take away anything so frivilous as computers and it be aweful hard to keep people from having sex, but the example remains: The can do whatever they please whether you like it or not if they're allow to assume total control.

I can't see why anyone would want such a thing. It'd be like staying 7 years old and living with your parents for your entire life – (wouldn't life be so much easier to not have to work - maybe this isn't the best example) - you would have no final say in anyting.


That's the sound of my post going completely over your head.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
This tells me the worst of our nightmares are going to come true. At the very least it will be the instant dictatorship of one George W Bush and this just makes me sick.
What could be the worse case scenario? Probably everything that will take place once he establishes the dictatorship.

what the hell is wrong with congress, this nation, this world, doesnt anyone care?
(nervous laugh) If only it were. There are no more conspiracies anymore. These are facts, my friends.

I call for that hag, Pelosi's HEAD. That would be MY first request.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by dgtempe]

Wow... with brilliant insights like these it's no wonder our country is heading in the wrong direction. So, you believe Bush will seize control of the U.S. under marshall law so your first action is to seize Pelosi's head? That makes a whole lot of sense.

Do you even have the smallest understanding of how our government works and the votes needed to actually get anything done.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:33 PM
I have been writing and podcasting about this very subject here on ATS for some time; so has Justin Oldham. Apparently no one has been listening. You can listen to my podcasts here:
Lightcast episode 2

...and here:
Lightcast episode 3

The thread is here:
What If Bush Decides He Is Not Ready To Leave Office In 2009?(My Crazy Conspiracy Theory)

[edit on 7/25/2007 by lightseeker]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:07 PM
by Medadeth

So chew on that for awhile and feel free to bitch and moan about it. It is healthy for us to discuss these thinks and yes even complain. Its better than denying ignorance. So i would ask again to HORUSNOW, what is it you think we conplainers should do about it? I would love to here your plan.

You know I can't tell you that in this public place since it's swarming with gov.officials

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:15 PM
Pelosi could have that evil-those evil people impeached-NO i'm NO MORON- ARE YOU????:

i DONT have the slightest idea? Who do you think you're speaking to?

Pelosi should be dethroned along with all the evil lurking in Washington.

Do me a favor, dont address me anymore or quote me. MK?????

I appreciate it.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by zoopnfunk

Do you even have the smallest understanding of how our government works and the votes needed to actually get anything done.

Oh, hon, we HAVE the votes. Do you have any idea?

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by merryxmas
That's the sound of my post going completely over your head.

LOL. Apparently so.

I thought to question the sincerety of your post, but guess it slipped my mind when I went on to cite multiple quotes on my reply. Had I left the entire quote, I might have caught the sarcasm when I re-read my reply.

I've ran into many people here that actually agree with the idea of a NWO, glad to see you're not one of them.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by Unit541

And Russ, anyone who thinks the "hard times" began with G.W. Bush, should do some research of their own.

Yes but the term "exacerbate" comes to mind.

Edit: Added quote marks.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by intrepid]

Exactly! unit541, I never said it started with george bush. I was saying that if anyone who voted for him would have looked at what he was involved in and cheney, Then they might have had second thoughts about putting someone like that in office. And you ask if i think kerry would have done better? The fact is we will never know and there is no point in speculating something that didnt happen. But take a look at the bush family crime tree:

And before he was re-elected for a second term, His approval rating was down and if it wasnt for 9/11 he probably would not have been re- elected.

These are dangerous men with there own agenda. In my opinion time will show that G.W Bush may be as close as anyone has come to being the anti christ. Lets see what his next move is. People may think he is an idiot and he couldnt pull these things off. But you must see that he is part of a bigger group of people that run the world, Not just the usa.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:58 PM

Note to H2owater... posting in all caps is discouraged

You have a U2U

[edit on 25/7/07 by masqua]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 05:16 PM
Martial Law , lol do you people forget that this is the United States and that there is no way in hell that the citizens of this country would let this happen. Did you all forget that there are more fire-arms then people in the USA? I personally own 6 gun's two of them being AK-47'S and so do 90% of the people I know .There are alot of us that would fight back and there are alot of soilder's that would not participate in Martial Law. All this would create is havoc and there is nothing that would benefit Bush out of this.

Keep watching your conspiracy movies on youtube because this will never happen.Im saving this post on my PC and will post it again in 2 year's to show how paranoid some of you are.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 05:44 PM
All I can say is wow....

I really can't wait until november 2008 elections. You folks have been preaching marhall law for a long time on ATS.

How come it hasn't happened yet? How come nothing that you folks have talked and "warned" people about has not come true?

I'm waiting for just one thing on ATS to turn out to be true and I will "eat my hat"

Until then, I'm laughing at all these predictions... They mean absolutely nothing.

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