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Aliens are always depicted having two eyes,legs,hands,torso. Why?

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posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by jimmy1200i guess in saying that, i am forced to reply with something worthwhile. i will try tonight. im tired. (yawn)

your opinion on the OP's question please!

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:06 PM
Humans have a difficulty perceiving aliens as these aliens operate on wavelengths foreign to what a human is prepared to perceive.

Humans have even more difficulty perceiving aliens that dont look humanoid. Once the human progresses he will start perceiving a larger variety of forms. Anything that is too dissimilar to his concepts of reality cannot be seen.

In addition the human has been conditioned to perceive the "grey" type of alien. Movies further enforce this conditioning by depicting most aliens as more "ugly" than him and something to be afraid of.

My personal belief and experience is that there are amazingly beautiful and fascinating extraterrestrial and extradimensional forms out there.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:37 PM
noone ever answered my question so here goes again:

When discussing 'Alien' forms/bodily features; are you looking at it from evolutionary perspective or a Creationism point of view. This is fundamental to the discussion.

[edit on 23-7-2007 by shadow fax]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:43 PM
In "Response to Your Concern" about "Aliens" being Anthropomorphic"... First of all; as You can see, there are Numerous species that are "Anthropomorphic" on earth... with a brain being in a skull, and having motor and grasping appendages(hands/paws with an opposable thumb and fingers. "Humans" are the "Ultimate Expression"(on this Planet) of the FORM! Which if You really think about it, is a very efficient form, to gain Intelligence, "TECHNOLOGY" and exploit it. Dolphins, being "Very Intelligent" have evolved to live "Very Efficiently" in there "Water World". They have NO "Arms or Fingers" to develop Technology, they gave them up to form "Flippers" when they went "Back" to the DEEP"... But there is a "LOT of Mechanical Improvement" that can/could be made on the "Anthro/Human" form. The exterior or eye cosmetics/mechanics can be infinite to cope with "Suns" of different "Outputs" and planets in their respective "Habitable Zone Climates" As is evidenced by the various creatures dreamed up for our "Movie Audiences" For a Real Example of what would have been the dominant form on "Earth" had that Asteroid not Hit 65 Million years ago... There Is a "Canadian University Model" of a "Humanoid Dino" (I forget the Site) but it was very impressive

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by shadow faxWhen discussing 'Alien' forms/bodily features; are you looking at it from evolutionary perspective or a Creationism point of view. This is fundamental to the discussion.[edit on 23-7-2007 by shadow fax]

when talking "alien", why should either the evolutionary (lack of evidence for same environment) or creationist (general lack of evidence for a "creator") point of view apply?

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by mursilisWhich if You really think about it, is a very efficient form, to gain Intelligence, "TECHNOLOGY" and exploit it.

is the ability to create "stuff"/technology a clear sign of superiority (in intelligence) over the features of, say, a dolphin or whale or elephant?

[edit on 23-7-2007 by Lamâshtu]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Lamâshtu

Originally posted by shadow faxWhen discussing 'Alien' forms/bodily features; are you looking at it from evolutionary perspective or a Creationism point of view. This is fundamental to the discussion.[edit on 23-7-2007 by shadow fax]

when talking "alien", why should either the evolutionary (lack of evidence for same environment) or creationist (general lack of evidence for a "creator") point of view apply?

like i mentioned before;

if looking at life on earth and taking the perspective of evolution, you could argue/assume/conclude that any living thing not originating from earth will not have basic human features as described by those who have encountered such lifeforms. It's simply damn near impossible unless they also evolved from apes, in oxygen rich environment etc etc. They'd more likely be alike bacteria or a virus, which are much more resilliant to our elements.

If taking the creationism side, and assuming that a "god" created all and everything, then by that theory Alien life woould simply not exist, unless that God had a secret seperate agenda on different planets.

of course, im just covering the basics, im not going into detail because quite simply, i have to get up in 7 hours, i need nap-time.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by shadow fax
noone ever answered my question so here goes again:

When discussing 'Alien' forms/bodily features; are you looking at it from evolutionary perspective or a Creationism point of view. This is fundamental to the discussion.

Wouldn't one have to consider both scenarios to be fully objective with respect to this issue?

I'm not 100% swayed in either direction. . . Even though I feel the "force" somewhat, and wish to feel confident that there is a divine presence in control of me-

I believe we are in charge of ourselves, and the choices we make in our lives. There is no prescribed"destiny". . . It makes more sense IMHO. . . Yet I'm torn between the two-


posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Interesting thread

Another thought to muddy up the waters -

Possibly it is because those are the only ones we notice. What if there are many Aliens here that do not fit into our preconceived notions of what intelligent life should look like.

I like the Dolphin or Porpoise example in that they have an environment where all needs are met without technology so they are actually far more free than we are. They are free to develop mentally without the handicap of dealing with surviving a hostile environment. Who is to say whether a Whale is not more intelligent than us in the first place?

Another example could be those who's appearance resembles Earths animal life like quadrapeds or insects. Would we even notice them? If we did notice them, we would probably name them, call them a new rare species and assume they were of earthly origin.

[edit on 7/23/2007 by Blaine91555]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 08:44 PM
Whats interesting is that way before our information age and in the beginning before they were widely reported in the news reports came all corners of the country and many of them gave very similar descriptions of their "alien abductors."
It would be easier to call these people liars in this day and age where information literally travels at the speed of light. Of course I dont know the real truth, all I can do is offer up possible theories and opinions.
There could be many reason as to why the aliens that people claim to visit earth have humanoid characteristics, especially if these beings had a hand in our creation or evolution.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 03:14 AM

Another example could be those who's appearance resembles Earths animal life like quadrapeds or insects. Would we even notice them? If we did notice them, we would probably name them, call them a new rare species and assume they were of earthly origin.

Blaine - Excellent post. I think this is probably what is going on. There are lot of incidents of sighting new species in different parts of the world. May be these are the aliens whom we simply ignore because they dont fit into our idea of intelligent life forms.

All of us have almost driven the fact home that aliens are always superior to us ( obviously,as they are visiting us in their interstellar spaceships) and if they are superior they must have a form which is somewhat similar to us. Then just to prove that they are actually superior,we try and give them the characteristics which we presume to be superior.For example,we feel that it would be better if we had the peripheral view,so we see some images and descriptions of aliens where they have eyes which can see in all the directions.

It's not difficult to find other such examples.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 05:30 AM

I would venture that the aliens that may be drawn to this planet come here because the environment suits them, in so far as gravity atmosphere etc.

neformore - Excellent post again.Your viewpoint has given a whole new dimension to this debate. It made me think and discuss with some of my friends. I have a question: Is our environment being suitable the only criteria for them to visit us? Do you think they will travel ,probably,across galaxies just to find a planet which has a suitable environment? Or there can be other reasons? If the adaptable atmosphere is the only reason then you have a very strong point. This theory is in direct ccontradiction to the abduction theories where experementation is involved. Maybe,they want to find out the details of the life forms on earth which makes them suitable for this environment. In that case,we are left with a possibility of whole lot of other varied anatomy. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by neformore
I would venture that the aliens that may be drawn to this planet come here because the environment suits them, in so far as gravity atmosphere etc.

The vast majority of our planet is water. I would think aquatic aliens would be more drawn to us than any other.

Then again, if an alien crashes or visits one our oceans, since it is so vast, who would be there to see it? Of course, there are still unexplored spots in our oceans.

EDIT: I just googled, 80% of the earth is water.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by curme]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by AryanWatch
Is our environment being suitable the only criteria for them to visit us? Do you think they will travel ,probably,across galaxies just to find a planet which has a suitable environment?

I would venture that if they have the technology to travel such vast differences then it makes them easier to be more selective about where they go.

It would probably be possible for them to create artificial environments similar to their own but when you think about that its like the difference between watching a film about a green field and actually walking across one.

Or there can be other reasons? If the adaptable atmosphere is the only reason then you have a very strong point. This theory is in direct ccontradiction to the abduction theories where experementation is involved. Maybe,they want to find out the details of the life forms on earth which makes them suitable for this environment. In that case,we are left with a possibility of whole lot of other varied anatomy. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

I wouldn't say it was in direct contradiction

The common factor between ourselves and aliens who could get here would - I believe - be intelligence and a desire to explore and secure the future. Those traits would be irrespective of physical appearance.

If we were looking at other planets - carrying out explorations and learning - we'd get close the habitat too. We'd look at the wildlife and the way the indigenous culture worked - its almost archaeology but on an interstellar basis rather than a historical one.

Maybe they'd go so far to do as we have done with the nomadic tribes in the Amazon and Brazillian rainforests where one or two scientists will go and live among the population? Being a part of it is the best way to learn.

Of course, the abduction/experimentation issue implies that some of them see us as animals - not unlike how we view the great apes and dolphins/whales.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 07:34 AM

Of course, the abduction/experimentation issue implies that some of them see us as animals - not unlike how we view the great apes and dolphins/whales.

Now that's scary. I'am very uncomfortable with the fact that there might be sentient beings somewhere in the universe who view me just as I view an ape or a dolphine - A specimen.

However,it will actually make sense for them to try and find out the conditions which make us adaptable to this kind of environment and as you rightly said - This might be their agenda in trying to secure their own future.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 11:29 AM
I can't imagine that any et's would have evolved in the same form as us...i.e two arms, two would mean that out of the limitless variables of other worlds and their ecosystems et would have faced exactly the same challenge and overcame them in a exactly the same way to us. Even on this planet, where the same variables are experienced by different species, different adaptive responses are displayed.

In my opinion, it would be essential that they do develop a 'big' brain and some sort of refined hand structure. They are essential to think of an idea and to then actually go and implement it.

We have evolved is from a tree dwelling mammal to a bipedal mammal with the main change being the 330% increase in the size of our cranium over the last 4 million years. The question that we should ask is:

what caused our brain to develop? are they any common variables that could exist on extra solar planets to permit the development of a large brain?

From an evolutionary perspective it is an expensive choice to have an enlarged brain as it requires a lot more energy to function. IMHO we evolved a larger brain as a long term response to may different and ever changing problems. Instead of evolving a smaller adaptive response to climatic change (like more fur if it is cold), somehow we evolved a larger adaptive response to the many variables that, as a species, we were facing (like wear the fur of animals and live in a cave, hunt in groups etc).

So if we look at the human form and pick out why we evolved certain human traits then we should be able to identify if it is a specific response to a change in this environment or whether it is a change likely to occur in any extraterrestrial life.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Ok, here is why I think it is reasonable to assume all intelligent life in the universe would be similar to us. Biological life on Earth is based primarily on carbon-12 atoms. Why carbon-12? Because it is the most stable element, even used as the international standard for atomic weight because of its ability to bind with the most elements, particularly itself. Amino acid chains emerge from this self binding force. As carbon resonates into larger and larger forms, it follows a universal harmonic shape of symmetry and interconnected cardioids. The proportions of the cardioids are governed by harmonic resonance and damping, resulting in attenuation of energy as it grows outward. There is much more to bio-harmonics, but the net effect is that the more complex the organism (i.e., brain), the more it comes to resemble the coherent bi-pedal of a human. Mainstream science is based on an incorrect belief that random selection occurs during evolution without any quantum lattice effect, so are therefore confused about the significance of atomic structure in affecting the organization of life. The most advanced life will be based on carbon atom organizing principles, with the possible exception of silicon which is almost as stable.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by Maxpageant]

[edit on 25-7-2007 by Maxpageant]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:06 PM
or if the sightings of aliens ie abductions are all some sort of hallucination, that would make sense since hollywood and TV almost always portrays aliens being humanoid.

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