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Drone HOAX... Smoking gun?

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posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 12:03 PM
I have a link.
This is from may also.

Hope that link works.Reminds me of that film THEY LIVE.
Put on the goddamned glasses.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 12:38 PM
I'm not convinced, but if it was viral marketing they're not doing a bad job because now I'm atually taking the time to read about the game.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by MetisElara
I feel this deserves a thread of its own.

Well, I'm not deeply into video games, but yesterday, I picked up my nephew's freshly arrived issue of the magazine Game Informer. I scanned through it, flipping pages quite casually and eventually, I set it back on the table and continued on with my coffee... Sometime later, through the corner of my eye, the page it had landed on caught my attention. It was a full page ad for the new game, "The Universe at War" ....

What a bizarre way to start your story! What strange details you have added? Why not just say "I recently saw a review in a computer game mag for a game called Blah, the funny thing is...."

Don't worry, I am not accusing you of anything more than a slight deception. Me thinks the gentleman doth protest too much! I think the magazine was yours but for whatever reason, you are embarrassed about being into computer games/buying games magazines. Maybe you feel you won't gain the respect you and your theory is due if you are considered to be a gamer, maybe you worry that you are now too old to be a gamer.

I dunno, I just think this magazine is your own.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by triplesod]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 05:51 PM
First I should say that this new link, while a lot more convincing than Halo3, does not convince me either. Game companies don't make campaigns like this suggests. They always make sure their name is in it. Especially not Sega who has a very conservative, almost backward-oriented marketing department (One of the reasons why dreamcast flopped). While I do work in the field, I am no definitive authority, but I don't see a real link here.
I personally begin to think that Whitley Strieber is behind this hoax. I will elaborate on this soon in the big CARET thread.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 06:00 PM
Excuse me,I remember when palstic was discovered and the guy was cleaning the lab sink when he discovered the strange residue, now you probably have a polyester shirt as on as plastic as your comment implying deception on metaeleras part Close to personal attack I think..You should use that standard on the photos we are looking at and whole history, and then we might have an intellegent conversation. I think metaeleras story find is great find and in fact how many hoaxes are exposed. There was a guy who had made up some letters the morman chuch paid thousands of dollars for. the handwriting, paper, everything pointed to original. Others saw thru the hoax but could not prove it.They could not figure out what ink so they could not nab the guy. A detective happened to be passing thru store getting something for his grand daughter, and passed the childrens water colors and paints, and it hit him. so he checked it out and yes, that was what the hoaxer used. case closed and hoaxer in jail. You have museums with fake paintings, but are too embarassed to pull them down..
thats how scammers and hoaxers work and rely on . That you will hang on no matter what, the same with viral programs.

As for someones comment about old to be a gamer , Then they must have just been given a computer. I am an old time gamer , not your usual enthusiast but since Kinquest by Sierra , Gabriel Knight ( maybe before some here were born ) and my favorite now, Oblivion. Gamers have propelled the technology via better video cards and systems that currently push the video envelope and make available the technology you enjoy today, as well as quality software, movies and even photos you see here today. So give the gamers irrespective of age due credit and lets stop the disparaging commentaries.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by triplesod
I think the magazine was yours but for whatever reason, you are embarrassed about being into computer games/buying games magazines. Maybe you feel you won't gain the respect you and your theory is due if you are considered to be a gamer, maybe you worry that you are now too old to be a gamer.

That doesn't add up for me Triplesod...

I am 44 years old, Chief Operations Officer and 1/3 owner of a media company (The AboveNetwork, LLC) and I am a Mad Gamer! I am certainly NOT embarrassed about it or worried about being "too old" to be a gamer.

I have a lvl 70 Warlock on World of Warcraft and I play almost nightly.

I've been PC Gaming since the early 1980's. I played Zork when it was nothing but a text editor and LOVED IT!


posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by SpringerI've been PC Gaming since the early 1980's. I played Zork when it was nothing but a text editor and LOVED IT!

Zork! Now there's something I haven't thought about in a long time!

Do I remember that being on Infograms? Info... something or other. Or was that a re-release? I liked Leather Goddesses of Phobos myself. Even text-based games took half an hour to load on the C64 I had. An IBM had to give way to a BMX. I also remember the release of the first Apple. Thanks, Springer. I feel older than I did this morning, but I have a big grin on my face. I still don't think Manic Miner has been beat.

As far as I can see the whole Isaac CARET thing is about as likely to be some retro-active time reversed viral campaign for Zork as it is for this game. Ironically, you have probably succeeded in making it one though, Yuefo! I'd be willing to bet that their sales are improved 'cos of this. At least someone will gain from the eye-strain I've had looking at low-res Jpegs.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by Karilla] to correct severe typographical incompetence.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by Karilla]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 06:41 PM
A warlock... I should have known

This will probably be familiar to you:

2. CoA
3. Immolate
4. Fear
5. Rinse and repeat

| Or some variation of.

Thank you for choosing warlock, your one stop for all your pwnage needs.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by ExquisitExamplE
A warlock... I should have known

This will probably be familiar to you:

2. CoA
3. Immolate
4. Fear
5. Rinse and repeat

| Or some variation of.

Thank you for choosing warlock, your one stop for all your pwnage needs.


BUT, I am demon specced so a variation in deed.


posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 08:36 PM

while I personally agree and am a proud gamer since Atari2600 times there are many older gamers who keep their passion secret for fear of ridicule or not being taken serious. This is especially true in societies where gaming is not as accepted and widespread as in the US or the UK. Two places that come to mind are Germany and large parts of Asia.
I know several people here in Germany that can not understand how a grown man (me) can waste any time on this, even with my personal excuse of being employed in this field.
so no, his train of thought was not totally wrong.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by casketizer
Game companies don't make campaigns like this suggests.

This is factually inaccurate. On the contrary, a game campaign was prevously done in a manner resembling this one. The game "Shadow of The Colossus" had an ad campaign that featured various clips of discovery of bodies of Giants, many of which still circulate in various means as 'real'...

Here are a link to a couple of them:

Originally posted by triplesod
I think the magazine was yours but for whatever reason, you are embarrassed about being into computer games/buying games magazines. Maybe you feel you won't gain the respect you and your theory is due if you are considered to be a gamer, maybe you worry that you are now too old to be a gamer.

I'd have to also say this doesn't add up (as previously mentioned). I'm 30 and I have a subscription to Game Informer myself, and I have no children...


I personally think this was a good thread to start, because I do see the symilarities. There are two important things to keep in mind at this point, at least I believe:

1) Just because an exact match to the craft and those in the games hasn't been seen yet, doesn't mean an exact match doesn't exist in the game.

2) Even if no exact match is in the game doesn't discount the photos from being an ad campaign.

And yes, I will admit, there is the third posibility that the photos and the games are not related as well...

[edit on 7/23/2007 by bobby3]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 08:11 PM
Some people seem quite eager to believe the drones are anything but what they most obviously are: alien technology being used for an alien invasion of our planet.

Yawn... why play video games about aliens and space wars when you see the real deal and still refuse to believe it?

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 09:21 PM
I agree that this doesn't appear to be a viral. Whoever created this "Isaac" material is increasingly unlikely to be involved in a commercial enterprise (the release of material would be more patterned and calculated to increase anticipation). I think it's also becoming apparant that this couldn't be some lone hoaxer, there's simply too many disciplines involved and way too much work and talent required.

I'm going to go counter-flow to the general thinking here: I am becoming increasingly convinced that this material is genuine, that the "CARET" material is much too fine, too radical and too exquisite to be fake. I may turn out to be a complete fool but the evidence that has been presented here so far (and whew!, there's a lot of it!) fails to prove it to be a hoax.

Spend a little time looking at the "analysis" pages. If you have any interest in and have had exposure to the history of "graphic arts" (for lack of a better way to categorize this), you'll come away with a sense that there's something quite special about these images. They may be purely "form following function" in their ultimate reality, but there's some beautiful, artistic linework there that exceeds anything I've ever seen...and I have a background in art history.

People keep going over the same ground with this material, trying to tie it to video-games or CGI, without any real success. Ignore that for a minute and try to look at it from another perspective, whilst retaining your objectivity. If this were a hoax, there would be an artist of incredible talent involved in it, and he/she would've created an entire new graphic lexicon, for a throw-away performance piece? I doubt that *very* much! In my opinion, we're looking at "the real thing", and that ought to be giving all of you chills!

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by yuefo

Originally posted by win 52
I am not convinced they are the same. I also feel you are reaching at straws OP.

The more experienced people here on the subject haven't weighed in yet. I feel when they do you'll find yourself (and several others here) in the minority.

Ok, I am still waiting for the experts.................

The bottom line is that they are not from the same story.

Some say there are no shadows, well go stand outside at high noon and try to find your shadow. Oops, you are standing on it.

I am not convinced the chad drone is from outer space. I believe it is manufactured here on Earth.

This is not an introduction to a game. It has another purpose.

Any ET visiting Earth would not need something like the drone. I am 100% positive of that.

It is just a coincidence they look the similar. Like I said before. The game has used that as a model, but taken it to another level.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by win 52

Some say there are no shadows, well go stand outside at high noon and try to find your shadow. Oops, you are standing on it.

Originally posted by yuefo

Look at the grass to the bottom right. There is a shadow, the direction of which shows you where the Sun is in the sky.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 12:37 PM
What would be the reason for drone that is sent to earth to observe things would be so large? Top scientists speculate that if they were sending drones they'd be the size of insects and be able to self replicate... Think about it for a second if you were exploring a planet would you use a huge drone that was easily detectable and only able to survey one area at a time, or would you use thousands of tiny robotic insects able to collect information from all over the world and transmit it to one source? Seriously people be practical here....

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Implosion

Originally posted by win 52

Look at the grass to the bottom right. There is a shadow, the direction of which shows you where the Sun is in the sky.

If you look at the hedge of bushes in front, you see where the shadow is from the bushes.

I see the hedge of bushes obstructing the view of the shadow cast off of the drone. It is also hovering/hanging there above the ground. The shadow is behind the blury bushes.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 05:15 AM
If you fight against ALIENS, (and the alien drones resemble the ''cgi'' drones), then unless there's a weird story twist in which the aliens come to pwn you because people stole their technology (CARET?), I doubt this is viral.

This considering that the Isaac document and the aliens are related.

In any case.
The red glyph mentioned somewhere in the first pages resembles (not counting the ''flying'' alien ship in the game, which is too what I think what the red glyph is supposed to be) a Guyver Unit with 3 circles around it more, than one of those circles in the isaac documentation. lal.

Or a carwheel, with 3 circles around it.

But any of those thousand times more than a isaac circle graph thingy.

[edit on 26/7/07 by -0mega-]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 12:02 AM
It's completely possible there's no viral marketing linkage to the drones up to this point. But I really wonder whether a game designer is planning, even now, to take advantage of all the controversy and include it, the alien text, Issac's drawings...whatever else, into a game in the near future? Seems like a winner to me. I'm not sure what the time frame is for developing a game from scratch, but I wouldn't expect it to happen until next year at least. If the game included or was centered around a search for clues to its origin, art would really be imitating life.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 03:54 PM
we know why we are here..they know you are here..and now we know where they came from!

Believe if you dare..

When I was a gleam in my fathers eye..

It is good never to forget our roots..


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