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Larry King Live to talk about UFOs Friday

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posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:02 AM
I saw the show, good balanced presentation, lots of real good information, both believer and skeptical, would recommend to everyone.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:03 AM
Stanton Freidman is a GOOD GUY. He is one of the VERY FEW "UFO" people that I can listen to without getting the sudden urge to protect my wallet and my sanity.


posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:06 AM
Stanton Friedman is almost certainly the most popular voice in the Ufology community today and for good reason.

He's got my vote.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:09 AM
I thought the show was an absolute mess. Larry didn't even try to moderate the insanity. Michael Sherman is an ass and he knows it and Buzz dissapointed me. One more for Circus master Larry. Hope he made that dime.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:11 AM
Just as I thought buissness as usual, no real disclosure just the whole ufo's are misterious bit.

They may have even been de-brifed on how far to go with the conversation with media officials. There is no way that they would be able to do full disclosure like that.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by observe50
I think he is doing a good job and I can't wait to see what Buzz has to say.

Speaking of what Buzz said, I just saw the last 3/4ths of the show and Buzz was saying something about remembering that he had seen a pre-flight prediction of the locations of the SLA Panels. Right then, to my disappointment, Larry cut Buzz off and went to break. I had to walk off during the commercial and when I came back the show had resumed and the subject had changed.

Does anyone know if Buzz elaborated on that pre-flight SLA document he mentioned before the commercial break?

Or did he say where he thought the SLA Panel was in location to the CSM/LM?

The reason I ask is that this seems to be contradictory to what Armstrong's Biography says, that Mission Control calculated a location for the SLA Panels after the Crew Debriefing and then offered an SLA Panel as an explaination for the sighting by the crew.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by WickedStar
I thought the show was an absolute mess. Larry didn't even try to moderate the insanity. Michael Sherman is an ass and he knows it and Buzz dissapointed me. One more for Circus master Larry. Hope he made that dime.

I think the Ufology community can have impossibly high standards sometimes and your comment illustrates this. At least this high quality information is getting into the mainstream where it belongs.

Disclosure can be messy.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

Originally posted by observe50
I think he is doing a good job and I can't wait to see what Buzz has to say.

Speaking of what Buzz said, I just saw the last 3/4ths of the show and Buzz was saying something about remembering that he had seen a pre-flight prediction of the locations of the SLA Panels. Right then, to my disappointment, Larry cut Buzz off and went to break. I had to walk off during the commercial and when I came back the show had resumed and the subject had changed.

Does anyone know if Buzz elaborated on that pre-flight SLA document he mentioned before the commercial break?

Nope, the subject was changed as soon as they came back from break.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist

I think the Ufology community can have impossibly high standards sometimes and your comment illustrates this. At least this high quality information is getting into the mainstream where it belongs.

I'd agree with that.

The thing I was most disappointed about, other than Buzz getting cut off right when he was about to say something quite important, was the fact that the debate seemed centered around E.T. Visitation or no E.T. Visitation rather than the fact that the UFOs/UAP are present in the Atmosphere and we can see them and study them whether they represent E.T. Visitation or not. The UAP are still there and are still a fascinating Scientific mystery even if they are not Extraterrestrial in origin.

Edit: Thanks section8citizen.

[edit on 14-7-2007 by lost_shaman]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:33 AM
I will watch the show if it becomes available on the 'net. I have the one from 2005 with Stanton and Bruce Maccabee and that annoying Jensen woman from Boston or wherever.

I concur, with the opinions postive toward Stanton Friedman. He even answers his own email unlike some "researchers and groups" that are unavailable by design. I heard him speak live twice 10 or so years apart and asked some questions about orange sphere phenomenon in Canada in the '60's.

He remembered my name and what I asked about a decade previous... he is exceedingly witty and is great in front of a live crowd. He doesn't come across as well on the tube as some more telegenic and polished "others" who may have lots of letters before and after their names and fancier CV's. But Stanton is there, always there and he simply doesn't give up. I like that almost as much as his research and documentation rigor which no other researcher or group can honestly claim to exceed.

Times change, like many of us Stanton isn't getting any younger and for him to work at the general high level he has may not be sustainable for many more decades - I wish that were not true.

I don't see anyone "raising the bar" academically in the field so for now he and a select few that reach the public in a meaningful way will have to keep on "toting that pail" and giving it their best efforts. For those with an interest Stanton's involvement with other researchers through the years is to be admired and seemingly becoming more rare in the field.

I do "see" a different sort of future in the field of study unless someone that has the neccessary gravitas and intellectual "weight" steps up with the backing to get this thing done... or should I say started?

It could all change in a moment - everything. Exciting.



posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:37 AM
My take on it (watched it twice) for anyone who's missed it or is interested:

*Buzz waffled and flopped around like a fish out of water. I think he was given an 'oath reminder' about what he can/cannot say. Or, he's getting senile. "We saw one - we didn't - we saw something - we didn't..." Geez. And that drooling bit with the Saturn 5/command module/LEM (*yawn*).

*Stanton was fair - but couldn't complete a thought (not his fault entirely). Gazrok is right on - the character is not the same as the man behind the mask. I had higher hopes for my man Stan. He was railroaded, but tried to be polite - it was not easy sitting next to:

*The Skeptic Sherman was brutal and a dominatrix - though he could have left his little green action figure aliens at home - that was childish. His arguments were hollow and trite. The smirk on his face was excruciating.

*The Out of the Blue guy whatshisname was pushing his DVD too hard but made a couple of salient points against the skeptic. Yup - I'll buy his DVD.

*Jesse was not completely coherent but sounded sincere about his Dad at least. He was out of his league under the lights. Same "metal frags on the kitchen floor when I was 11..." story. Nothing new.

*Haut's daughter from Roswell was redundant as hell but made her point that her dad insisted the crash material "was not of this Earth" again, and again, and again. I liked her, but could've done without the alien/strobe light prop in the background.

*Larry himself acted in his usual aloof, condescending manner, and seemed to not really care about the gravity of the topic whatsoever. He couldn't wait to get out of there. This was not his favorite panel - clearly prefers Hollywood bimbos, death row inmates, washed-up candidates and the like...
*The winner on this panel, IMO, was ex-Governor Fyfe Symington of Arizona: he relayed the Phoenix lights case (BOTH sightings (giant v-shaped craft AND the diversionary flares) with finesse (in the few minutes he had). He spoke in a smooth, carefully-worded, articulate manner. He was humble about his own experience(s), but very believable and trustworthy. He made a strong, factual, indisputable declaration that what we are dealing with IS REAL, he KNOWS it's real, and he clearly wants to spread the knowledge/awareness of this issue. And this from a credit-worthy government official, now that IS something.

Final Analysis: My bets were on Friedman. but Gov. Symington took the pot.

One more thing: I was painfully reminded why I so despise watching that buffoon Larry King. What a jerk. If it wasn't for the topic and the panel...

Anyway - there's the nutshell - with my favors thrown in...


[edit on 7/14/2007 by Outrageo]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:47 AM
Too cool Outrageo!!! Wailin' synopsis. So Fyfe now whistles a new tune 10 years on... sounds like music? Interesting development. Republican too, right? Hmmm. Cool.

Based on your synopsis I too will pay to own "Out of the Blue MKII". About Gov. Symington... I have the short from the TV interview he released a couple of months back where he recants the '97 account of events. Did he seem to be pushing an agenda to you?

Thanks again,


[edit on 14-7-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:49 AM
I don't know how trustworthy symington is. Perhaps he's just realized the sexiness of disclosure and is doing this for political gain.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:00 AM
Outstanding synopsis Outrageo! Larry King is actually considered in mainstream a softee for not asking tough questions. If I were a viewer unfamilar with the subject, I would have been impressed at the caliber of the witnesses, like Stan and the Gov, sober (as far as I know) pillars of the community that tilted the seesaw argument in our favor.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Sys_Config
Outstanding synopsis Outrageo! Larry King is actually considered in mainstream a softee for not asking tough questions. If I were a viewer unfamilar with the subject, I would have been impressed at the caliber of the witnesses, like Stan and the Gov, sober (as far as I know) pillars of the community that tilted the seesaw argument in our favor.

Big thanks...didn't see the show, sounds like same-o again. New player was the guy who didn't have the nads to do something when had the another goof-ball gov. from nowhere.
Did the Buzz come off w/o the heavy meds...hope so.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 03:57 AM
Plan on watching a rererun of it in a couple of minutes. Can't wait.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:18 AM
20 minutes in. The skeptic is annoying as hell, and Larry's UFO graphics aren't helping.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:20 AM
Looking for the re-run... Anybody care to give us a link to that?

PS.... thanks

[edit on 14-7-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:29 AM
It's on live right now. Not sure about a link (would have recorded it myself, but sound's not working).

The skeptic's purpose seemed to be to just waste time. Friedman pwned him so badly.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:33 AM
The show was complete bullcrap. I really didnt like it... Larry did a horrible job, and that debunker was a piece of trash with the same old childish logic, loudness, and dismissive of EVERYTHING. I wouldnt be surprised if that guy were getting a check for derailing and disrupting anything to do with UFOs.
Buzz Aldrin was horrible, he whent on about nothing, for like 15 minutes...said nothing, just blabbering nonesense....basically killing time.
Stan Friedman was able to say like two sentences in the whole segment, he was always cut off by that loudmouth irrational debunker, and by Larry's "we have to go to commercial break!" with no warning whatsoever.
This was complete crap

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