Thanks for sharing that with me here Deson..
That was a sad tale my friend, and Ive found when it rains it pours..
One thing after another, the walls come down when the fountation is not there!
But you are umoung friends now here. and its very good to know we have a little place here to bear our hearts and minds a bit..
Its healthy thing, and you are very right, its important not to bottle up these feelings and emotions! It can be very deadly if one does that..
Not only to yourself, but those around you..
Thats what I think about today.. Those I still have left with me here..
I know I will lose them within a few years, but Im sticking it out for them!
They need me, and I need them..
I will just be a little lost when I lose them.. Prehaps I will find out what my life will be at that point..
But until then, I have a new job, new truck! Yep I was able to afford my own truck now! I have a roof over my head, plenty of food and water
I have everything a man needs now a days
I even started seeing this girl named Katy.. Shes a fun chick to just go out with.. Not someone I would want to settle down with, but oh well, atleast
Im in a better mood now
ps- To note for those who where asking about me being married at such a young age.. We had to wait till Naomi turned 18..
We where 4 years apart. I was a senior in highschool, and she was but a lowly freshman
We had met long ago threw family friends..
We where always a part of eachothers lives all my life, in and out..
We got serious in highschool.
4 years threw highschool, she was 13 I was 17. She was very mature for her age aswell
She made it until she was 24.. Like 3 months from her 25th birthday she was killed..
Its stuff like this that makes life so sureal.. Things can be going great and then bam!! everything changes..
My advice to those still married, or have that love in their life..
Dont fight over small things.. Those things come and go.. WE all fight!
Naomi and I fought alot.. But now that she is gone it really makes me think.. All the times we fought I could have been more understanding..
Or a little more pacient with her..
I guess the next love of my life will find Ive learned so much..
And will always cherish what I have, and what I may have soon..
And everyone please cherish those you love.. NEVER let stupid little things come between you! They are meaningless things..
SUch as money, bills, and that nonesense.. Sure it seems real, and those things make us fight alot.. But please learn from me that such things do not
The only things that do matter is cherishing those you love! And spending as much time as you can together...
Life is very short.. Belive me.. People say that all the time.. But I have learned this is very true..
Short is life.. enjoy it while you have it!