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Al Qaeda Serves Baked Boys To Their Families For Lunch

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posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 02:41 PM
It is impossible for one who was raised with the basic Judeo-Christian belief and a society and a government who's laws and regulations are based on those same Judeo-Christian beliefs to even comprehend that something such as this maybe possible.
Those in the West have always had almost impossible time comprehending another way of thinking (Japan comes to mind) than what we have been taught.
Islam doesn't hold life sacred. Publicly stoning a young woman to death for dating a boy of a different belief? Did not happen in New York, London, Rome or Paris or Berlin or Sydney it happened in an Islamic city.Cutting off hands for stealing? Don't know anyone where I live, that is missing limbs because of crimes committed. Caning and whipping's don't happen here,nor do public hangings.
Study your history of this region of the world! Study the history of the previous rulers of this part of the world. Study the history of this religion and the depraved atrocities that have for hundreds, if not thousands of years been their way of life.
We see photographs and video's of that area of the world and think, "They live just like us"That is not true. It has been less than one hundred years since this part of the world has become westernized. It began after World War 1.
The fanatical of any organization is capable of this type of depravity.
They were in Nazi Germany,in Imperial Japan and Communist China and Russia. Even Vietnam ,Cambodia,and Laos,atrocities and stories such as this have been heard. I won't even get into what the tribes of Africa are capable of doing.In case you have forgotten about Rwanda, and Uganda and Idi Amin who by the way performed cannibalism and was a Moslem. There are very evil people in the world that have no regard for human life. Nice guys,don't wage war.It is called terrorism for a reason.
And don't try to comprehend with a western mind what these people hold dear. "Forgive me for I have sinned" and "burning in hell for all eternity" does not compute for these people.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13

Something tells me that if this same source had said that American soldiers were feeding Iraqi children to their families, you would give it a lot more credibility.

What in my posts makes you think I would believe it ?
No, I wouldn't believe it cause we would know it was not true

You said yourself that you think this story seem a bit unrealistic

Let's put the shoe on the other foot : Something tells me that if this same source had said that American soldiers were feeding Iraqi children to their families, you would give it a lot more credibility.

Doesn't make any sense making that statement if your saying its far-fetched.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 02:57 PM

Basically, it claims Al Qaeda was recruiting people and kidnapping people from 1991...


No, they weren't.

I find that assertion 1,000% false.

ACTUALLY, Al Queda WAS IN IRAQ recruiting BEFORE 911


Such has even been in the Main Stream Media . . . though, of course, not on the front page.

There are ample links available. Maybe I'll get around to posting some.

But the above notion is utterly false.

Al Qaeda has been recruiting a long time in our era. And, they have been against all Non-Jihadi's for a long time.

And, they have used utterly horrific terror and ruthless brutality for a long time . . . just as their one time protector Saddam did. Thankfully, his days of brutal torture are over.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:12 PM
Before screaming at me that it's false and then saying "oh, maybe I'll post some links later", perhaps you could try to actually prove your point. Otherwise I'm going with the assessment that Al Aqaeda was NOT in Iraq prior to 2003 as is accepted by 99% of people. Even the US Government says so.

The claim Saddam was helping Jihadist's is so out of kilter with the person Saddam was that it's actually amusing you believe it.

I' say it again, before screaming at me that I'm wrong, perhaps you'll prove it first.

Same with the claim you made about WMD's going to Syria. What an effing joke.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by stumason
No one appears to have noticed the glaringly obvious fallacy in this story...

Basically, it claims Al Qaeda was recruiting people and kidnapping people from 1991...


No, they weren't.

Prior to the invasion, internal strife between the sects was almost non-existent. To say that Al Qaeda has been operating in Iraq on such a scale for 12 years prior to the invasion is utter bollocks.


this right here shows complete ignorance of the middle east region.
the muslem holy war against eachother is the very reason iraq is pretty much seperated into three parts,.shiite shunni and kurd..this holy war gos way way way way back...ill have to find a link but i'm sure one can find it on their own...

Now is it fact Al-Quada was in Iraq before the invasion....not so much mostly in the northern parts that saddam did not control...Now does this change the fact that there has been a bloody holy war ripping this country apart for hundreds of years? no sir

Animals will be animals and this is fact,you give our goverment to much credit,we do kill terrorists in Iraq and they do kill us...Would their influence in Iraq be so great and would they be in Iraq in such big numbers if we were not there...No,but as we continue to forget about
Afghanistan and put all media and effort into Iraq,they follow us to ruine this war for us,wich i think they have succeeded..

How is it we can find Saddam hidden in a hole in the desert but we can't find the "real" animal behind 911?....Anyway if you continue to be ignorant to the very real threat we face by these poeple you will find you do not like the outcome in the long runn.....And i pray to god our goverment does not take them as lightly as many of you on here..

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:33 PM
I myself am still waiting for proof also
I did how ever look up Al Qaeda in iraq
and found a Wiki link :::woot:::
And see nothing pre 9-11-01 listed

So searching more for proof again I go

you'd think that the info would be there for us to read to learn more

Just like eating kids would be listed here same thing nothing mentioned

From the link before I was reading the statements from posters on the site about actual accounts, I read more, this is BS, this isn't true and cracking jokes about it cause they know its false.
I have been searching for more sources then just this one place and still have not found one

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by stumason
Before screaming at me that it's false and then saying "oh, maybe I'll post some links later", perhaps you could try to actually prove your point. Otherwise I'm going with the assessment that Al Aqaeda was NOT in Iraq prior to 2003 as is accepted by 99% of people. Even the US Government says so.

The claim Saddam was helping Jihadist's is so out of kilter with the person Saddam was that it's actually amusing you believe it.

I' say it again, before screaming at me that I'm wrong, perhaps you'll prove it first.

Same with the claim you made about WMD's going to Syria. What an effing joke.

And your right it is completely false that a senior Iraqi intell official met with a Al-quada leader weeks before 911,this is a main fact that dick cheney used for years to promote this war,before and during ...He still iused this fact although the CIA told him that they have looked into it and there is no connection what so ever..

But please do not think they arent there now,they are,and they were there before in very small numbers and they were in uncoltrolled regions

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:39 PM
I don't dispute that they operate there now, what I am disputing is any sort of sectarian violence prior to the fall of Saddam. Isolated incidents aside, Saddam kept a very tight lid on it.

Until someone can provide me with any evidence AQ was abducting and killing people in Iraq in the early 90's, I'm chalking this down to utter bullcrap. Call me ignorant all you like, you know who you are, but perhaps you'd like to furnish some evidence before breaching the T&C's?

I'm waiting....

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:43 PM
what would you do ?

to fully guage the stupidity of this claim , simply ask yourself - what would i do if this happened to me ?

your child has been murdered , and you have been forced into canibalism - now the perpertators of this heoneous act want to shanghai you into thier illegal paramilitary group .

or even put yourself in the place of al-quida - having murdered a mans child and forced him to eat the corpse - would you give them a gun ? a knife ? turn your back on them for a nano second ?

chuffing daft isnt it

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by stumason
I don't dispute that they operate there now, what I am disputing is any sort of sectarian violence prior to the fall of Saddam. Isolated incidents aside, Saddam kept a very tight lid on it.

Until someone can provide me with any evidence AQ was abducting and killing people in Iraq in the early 90's, I'm chalking this down to utter bullcrap. Call me ignorant all you like, you know who you are, but perhaps you'd like to furnish some evidence before breaching the T&C's?

I'm waiting....

I have yet to claim what the OP said..u must re read,im simply stating that u have shown many inconsitances.The middle east has been rocked by Holy wars for centuries,Sunni and Shiite extremist alsready in Iraq for centuries play as dirty as Al-Quada when they confront eachother....

Your right i have no proof of masses of al quada in Iraq before this war,there were some but not many.Does this make Iraq any less of a dangerous place,nahhh you would never in a million years want to be caught inbetween these two factions...

Do i have any proof in the OP post i find it hard to believe?not so much because if you study the region for a bit one will come to the conclusion that Mid east has been raging with various wars

Like when Iran fought Iraq.Iran had more soldiers than they did gear..They had to break through Iraqi machine gun nests,,they armed themselves with books wrapped in a shirt of in a plastic bag...Iranians ran by the thousands accross the battlefield only to be mowed down by hte machine gun nests,but did they stop ...nope. Iranians with their Books for weapons coninued to run and eventually they overcame the machien gun nests with simple books...At the cost of thousands of men armed with books...

Dedication to their god and way of life is unmatched anywher ein the world..the middle east extremist will kill himself to make u believe his words,although you also will probably die,so irrational,why kill yourself then live another day to speak your word to many more poeple each day...

I give these extremists no pitty,no sorrow,and no remourse as they have shown us,and i put nothing past them/.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:53 PM
I think everyone needs to take a step back and look at what they're typing.
Now that that's over, I have to tell stumason that your just shocking. I mean, look, Project_Silo is right. To say that AlQ hasn't operating since then is like saying that Iraqi was a sunshine-filled meadow and the children had gumdrop smiles.


Just try to listen. Deny Ignorance. It's not just a saying.

**Walks off all dramaticly**

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Our open border with Mexico is presently more of a threat than anyone operating in Iraq. Terrorists are walking right in while any terrorist from Iraq has to swim across the ocean to get here. Take care of our own borders first and foremost. I know that will not make Bush's friends rich beyond their wildest dreams so it will not happen. Iraq is smoke and mirrors. The only reason we are there is because somebody who knows Bush well is making tons of money off of it.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by To_The_Heavens
I think everyone needs to take a step back and look at what they're typing.
Now that that's over, I have to tell stumason that your just shocking. I mean, look, Project_Silo is right. To say that AlQ hasn't operating since then is like saying that Iraqi was a sunshine-filled meadow and the children had gumdrop smiles.


Just try to listen. Deny Ignorance. It's not just a saying.

**Walks off all dramaticly**

Then why don't you deny my "ignorance" with even a small snippet of corroboration to this story, or any widespread kidnapping and murders that took place in the 90's as a result of Al Qaeda action.

Just saying I'm wrong and deliberately twisting my words is hardly "denying ignorance", is it?

Try backing up your claims, rather than just asking me to believe you. That's ignorance at it's height, blindly believing what someone else said. If you can show me that AQ were kidnapping and murdering people in the early 90's in Iraq, then fine, no problem.

All the evidence says otherwise.

As for the other poster who maintains that the Muslim world has been at war with itself for centuries, that's just utter garbage too. The Ottoman empire was actually very stable for over 200 years, from the end of the 17th Century to the early 20th. Any wars that the Ottomans fought before their last period of expansion ended in 1695 were about conquest, not religion. They were actually very liberal when it came to religious issues. Sectarian violence in that part of the world has only reached a head in the past couple of decades.

One could just as easily say the Christian world is the same, seeing as the major wars of the past 3-400 years have all been Christians fighting Christians. It's hardly a Muslim phenomenon.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by stumasonThe claim Saddam was helping Jihadist's is so out of kilter with the person Saddam was that it's actually amusing you believe it.

I' say it again, before screaming at me that I'm wrong, perhaps you'll prove it first.

Same with the claim you made about WMD's going to Syria. What an effing joke.

I may try and find some links before bed tonight. It's not a raging priority AND NOT THE FOCUS OF THIS THREAD.

1. there were Al Qaeda training camps in Iraq AND Saddam did support them, cooperate with them.

2. The WMD's going to Syria has been widely reported though not on the front pages of the Puppet Masters Media

3. The baked boys--have searched in vain on as many SNOPES type debunking of URBAN LEGEND threads as I could for any contrary articles. Have found 0.000000000000 ZIP. Last I checked, NO ONE HAD DEBUNKED IT AT ALL, MUCH LESS CONVINCINGLY.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 04:27 PM

am VERY underwhelmed with ya'll's side's demands to back up assertions.

Ya'll make the wildest, most brazenly biased and unfounded assertions right and left the live long day and night with virtually NO CREDIBLE support at all--much less support NOT of the Puppet Master's Media propaganda sort.


I have other priorities . . . catering to demands from such perspectives and sensibilities is not high on my list. I'll post links when I get to it.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

am VERY underwhelmed with ya'll's side's demands to back up assertions.

Ya'll make the wildest, most brazenly biased and unfounded assertions right and left the live long day and night with virtually NO CREDIBLE support at all--much less support NOT of the Puppet Master's Media propaganda sort.

I do, do I? Please, show me... Tha's assuming by "ya'll" your actually talking to me. Can't say I am familiar with that word in the English language....

Anything I say here or anywhere else can be backed up with a plethora of corroborating evidence.

Claims about AQ in Iraq during the early 90's, WMD's moving to Syria or anything else have no basis in reality.

[edit on 8/7/07 by stumason]

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
1. there were Al Qaeda training camps in Iraq AND Saddam did support them, cooperate with them.

CIA Learned in
02 that Bi Laden had no Iraq ties

Didn't the 9/11 commision draw that conclusion too? Wasn't Saddam a secular leader with a Prime Minister (Tariq Aziz) who was a christian?

Didn't Bin Laden offer to liberate Kuwait and defend Saudi Arabia using Al-Quaeda forces should Iraq attack them during the '91 Gulf War?

Didn't Bin Laden describe Hussein as "as an apostate, an infidel, or someone who is not worthy of being a fellow Muslim"?

2. The WMD's going to Syria has been widely reported though not on the front pages of the Puppet Masters Media

Lets think about this. A dictator - the "bad guy" - the "good guys" are coming after him. He is the scum of the earth, hes gassed people from his own country and his human rights record is appalling. He really doesn't give a toss about his own country, let alone the massed "infidels" that have come to depose him from power. He has these really nasty weapons. He knows that - should the "good guys" ever get to him he'll probably be tried and executed for his crimes. So what does he do? He ships his best weapons - his best chance for survival , or at least a standoff - off to the country next door - where they are no use to him whatsoever, and doesn't use them.

Yes. makes perfect sense. Its like being armed with a hunting rifle while a rhino is charging at you and deciding to try and bat it away with your hand.

3. The baked boys--have searched in vain on as many SNOPES type debunking of URBAN LEGEND threads as I could for any contrary articles. Have found 0.000000000000 ZIP. Last I checked, NO ONE HAD DEBUNKED IT AT ALL, MUCH LESS CONVINCINGLY.

In order for it to have been debunked, it has to appear on the sites first.
But thats aside the point. You are taking a single story from one source and saying that it must be true by citing the fact that no one has debunked it.

Thats like me claiming I'm regularly having four in a bed romps with the cast of desperate housewives. No one on a debunking site has disproved it, so it must be true.

And believe me, I'm having a whale of a time with Eva Longoria, Terri Hatcher, Marcia Cross and Sarah Jessica Parker....

[edit on 8/0707/07 by neformore]

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Ya'll make the wildest, most brazenly biased and unfounded assertions right and left the live long day and night with virtually NO CREDIBLE support at all--much less support NOT of the Puppet Master's Media propaganda sort.

I have been searching for this proof of the the story of the kids being ate and I have only come up with sites that go back to Yons site, to his story. Which came from someone else by word of mouth, most likely bad translation.

That is why I'm asking proof, I want to hear more from other sources instead from just one place. You know other news sources that don't link back to his story. If this were happening It would be all over the news.

Biased? I used the link you gave, about others saying its true cause so-in-so said it and I noticed there are many people on that site that agrees with what a few of us here are saying THAT ITS A FAKE STORY. Its propaganda.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

To: ElkGroveDan: maybe but the story is true........I have a cousin there and he told our family about this act 2 months ago....he said huge grown men were bawling uncontrolable

115 posted on 07/07/2007 7:46:25 AM MDT by advertising guy (If computer skills named us, I'd be back-space delete.)


POST #115

Sounds like a bit of a report on first hand observers, to me.

First, please, for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, code properly! Argh.

Second... FreeRepublic comments are reliable?

Third... Read the comment. "My cousin saw..." is the ultimate start to every urban legend ever cooked up.

Accusations of cannibalism always pop up in war, but only about "the enemy". A particular favorite is the one where enemy soldiers throw babies in the air and catch them on their bayonets (WW1 Germans, US Cavalry in the West), on their swords (Turks at Vienna, Crusaders in Syria), or on their spears (Spartans in the Peloponnesian War, Babylonians conquering the Near East) - whatever is era-appropriate. These soldiers then use their bayonets / swords / spears as a spit to roast the babies. Assuming they don't eat them raw right there.

This accusation, much like the Kuwaiti incubator accusation, or the Palestinian accusation that Israelis are stealing eyeballs, is bull. And it's the SAME kind of bull that it's been for the last five thousand years.

[edit on 8-7-2007 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 05:27 PM
To neformore

Lets think about this. . . .

You cite the hated CIA . . . which has been shown to be the granddaddy of all duplicitous government organizations . . .

headed for a time even by the deplored [by me as well] Daddy Bush.

THIS organization is your champion for your perspective???

Please excuse me . . .

I have some Roling on the Floor, Laughing Oout Loud to do.

And some Guffawing to the Max to do . . .

And some holding my aching laughing sides to do.

Y'all of your perspective are a real trip.

By The Way, Y'all can apply to a whole group but not necessarily--specific individuals may be left out on specific factors depending. It's meant by me more as a generic rough approximation term.

Individuals will have to judge for themselves whether they fit within the described group or not. I don't have sufficient info to guage on an individual basis--least not in all or maybe even most respects.

By the way, I don't find any of your assertions logical nor based in verifiable fact . . . indeed, I find them contrary to abundant facts


It's not a big deal to me. Threads wander everywhere . . . but I note it and will tend to note it . . . because

IF IT WERE A THREAD started by ya'll, propagandizing y'all's perspective, and I dared to in a microgram way say anything off topic, then I'd be slapped down so hard I'd have bruises for 3 months.

Ain't double standards nice!

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