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Al Qaeda Serves Baked Boys To Their Families For Lunch

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posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 01:40 PM
The 2 paragraphs posted below are a couple pages worth or so down from the top at the link below.



Speaking through an American interpreter, Lieutenant David Wallach who is a native Arabic speaker, the Iraqi official related how al Qaeda united these gangs who then became absorbed into “al Qaeda.” They recruited boys born during the years 1991, 92 and 93 who were each given weapons, including pistols, a bicycle and a phone (with phone cards paid) and a salary of $100 per month, all courtesy of al Qaeda. These boys were used for kidnapping, torturing and murdering people.

At first, he said, they would only target Shia, but over time the new al Qaeda directed attacks against Sunni, and then anyone who thought differently. The official reported that on a couple of occasions in Baqubah, al Qaeda invited to lunch families they wanted to convert to their way of thinking. In each instance, the family had a boy, he said, who was about 11 years old. As LT David Wallach interpreted the man’s words, I saw Wallach go blank and silent. He stopped interpreting for a moment. I asked Wallach, “What did he say?” Wallach said that at these luncheons, the families were sat down to eat. And then their boy was brought in with his mouth stuffed. The boy had been baked. Al Qaeda served the boy to his family.

I would love to see this disproven. Given the high ranking military Iraqi and American Commanders receiving this briefing . . . I doubt it can be disproven.

I realize it will not fit a lot of folks' construction on reality.

However, it is my understanding . . . that in spite of some chronic phenomena hereon, this site is about



That focus may well be tested yet again with this thread and some likely chronic knee jerk reflexive responses to it.

But it would be nice if some rational dialogue could be engaged in regarding the facts as reported.

God have mercy on us all . . . this sort of thing will be increasing under different banners, imho.

It is predicted that such will occur within the borders of the USA.

[edit: changed quote tags to EX]

[edit on 7-7-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 02:08 PM
I'd actually like to see them prove this happens.

Just because it comes from high ranking officials doesn't means it's correct info To name a few : Saddam has WMD's , Saddam is using chemical weapons, We caught the leader of Al Qaeda/ (how many times?),crying wolf with terrorist threats

I think is propaganda to feed more hate to the people who really don't know whats going on over there.

If AlQaeda were actually eating there young ones wouldn't that have been mentioned many years ago?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

I would love to see this disproven. Given the high ranking military Iraqi and American Commanders receiving this briefing . . . I doubt it can be disproven.

being the cynical mind I am,
the inability of proving or dis-proving the story is what is being relied upon,
which will give this story legs and a long shelf-life even it it's just merely urban legend material.

it is commonly held that 'cannibalism' is the most heineous of depravity.

and the publisher of this sickening account will always be remembered,
perhaps that is the point of this storys publication...
a sort of Infamy Launch....

let's see if MainStreamMedia (MSM)
aka; (LSM=lame-stream-media) publicizes this.


it does give a new twist to the phrase 'Banquet Boy' doesn't it ?!

[edit on 7-7-2007 by St Udio]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 02:21 PM
While I don't totally disbelieve this story I have to place it in the same class as the story about the Iraqi soldiers removing babies from their incubators and crushing their skulls during the invasion of Kuwait.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 02:30 PM
I just read this on Michael Yon's website last night and I nearly threw up from reading it. It wasn't as much cannibalism as I don't believe Al Qaeda was eating the child but forcing an unknowing family to do so.

I really wish upon anything else in this world that this is completely untrue. However, if this story turns out to be verifiable, maybe people will realize what we are up against.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 03:12 PM
Wow, that's just horrible.
I once knew this evil little kid that served another, older boy his parents in a bowl of chili...

but of course, both of these tales are complete fiction.

Let's look at this logically, if you are trying to recruit someone, especially for such an extreme cause, you DO NOT cook their son. It just doesn't work that way.
If someone kills your child then the rest of your life will be devoted to revenge, even at the cost of your own life. That's it, done, end of story. Even if you have more children whom are then subsequently threatened, you may ACT like you are cooperating, but at the very least you will covertly sabotage the organization that caused your son's death.

If this story only stated that Al Kaida "threatened" to bake children it would be far more believable, but would cause far less outrage...

Whoever wrote this piece of nonsense is brewing some mighty fine

Of course, the morons that make up the "majority" will drink this up like it'll make their junk grow and not even notice the HUGE logically fallacy contained within'.

I give this story a big fat

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 03:28 PM
You guys might not want to take this literally.

Think of it as an urban legend. In the US, it's the hook man on lover's lane. But in a Muslim country, you wouldn't have a lover's lane, therefore the hook man story wouldn't play. Cultural themes drive local legend, what plays in Europe or the Middle East may not make sense here.

In the Middle Ages, it was a common boogey-man story that the Jews kidnapped Christian babies and used their blood to make Passover matzoh. That went over so well that the Arabs embraced it and have been accusing people of baby-eating ever since. It's a cultural meme. They're not the only ones that do it, though.

For an interesting read, go look up "blood libel", it's the generic term for accusations of ritual murder/cannibalism.

[edit on 7-7-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 04:54 PM
To build319

However, if this story turns out to be verifiable, maybe people will realize what we are up against.

Welllllll at the moment, if my count is right, it's 1.5 of us even remotely considering that this is true.

I don't know how anyone could read his website and even imagine that the guy would write anything but the absolute truth.

It would be out of character.

It would be against his goals.

It would be against his values.

It would be against his sponsors' goals.

It would be against his sponsors' values.

He has gone to significant bother, hassle, pains to get the truth and report it.

I think the business about recruting is unnecessarily confusing. My suspicion is that these were families who balked at having their kids recruited. And that baking them and serving them would be a well reported threat around the community so that the other families would not balk at their children being recruited.

We shall see. Will do what I can to come up with verification.

The reflexive skeptics in abundance are about what I expected. The truth doesn't seem to be popular hereon


it's negative and/or against one's favorite baddies. Sociologically fascinating.

Of course, there is also the issue of the favorite baddies trying to destroy others MUCH MORE HATED . . .

a variation on "the enemy of my enemy is my friend' phenomenon.

It was interesting, upthread someone was ranting about how Saddam did not have WMD's when he did. Most were sent to Syria but some were found and reported even in the Main Stream Media. Just the NWO propaganda experts ignored the facts and kept the lies up.

And the sheeple have been happy to prove Marx right--tell the lies enough and people will treat as the truth.

Certainly IT WAS PROVEN TRUE that Saddam had used chemical weapons on the Kurds and evidently did in a lesser way on others. I think there was even some relatively minor use on our troops that was briefly reported and lost in the noise.

But I wouldn't want to confuse the faithful appeasers with facts. /sar

Urban ledgend. . . . . maybe, down the rabbit hole . . . .In Alice's Wonderland.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by EvilBat
I'd actually like to see them prove this happens.

Just because it comes from high ranking officials doesn't means it's correct info To name a few : Saddam has WMD's , Saddam is using chemical weapons, We caught the leader of Al Qaeda/ (how many times?),crying wolf with terrorist threats

I think is propaganda to feed more hate to the people who really don't know whats going on over there.

If AlQaeda were actually eating there young ones wouldn't that have been mentioned many years ago?

Sadam did use chemical weapons on the for wmds ya he had them,but because the US supplied them to him to fight iran

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn
Wow, that's just horrible.
I once knew this evil little kid that served another, older boy his parents in a bowl of chili...

but of course, both of these tales are complete fiction.

Let's look at this logically, if you are trying to recruit someone, especially for such an extreme cause, you DO NOT cook their son. It just doesn't work that way.
If someone kills your child then the rest of your life will be devoted to revenge, even at the cost of your own life. That's it, done, end of story. Even if you have more children whom are then subsequently threatened, you may ACT like you are cooperating, but at the very least you will covertly sabotage the organization that caused your son's death.

If this story only stated that Al Kaida "threatened" to bake children it would be far more believable, but would cause far less outrage...

Whoever wrote this piece of nonsense is brewing some mighty fine

Of course, the morons that make up the "majority" will drink this up like it'll make their junk grow and not even notice the HUGE logically fallacy contained within'.

I give this story a big fat

ahah i find the funniest part of your story is giving Al-queda the credit of being logical blahahahahahah..shows your lack of knowledge for these ruthless killers.

[edit on 7-7-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Project_Silo

Sadam did use chemical weapons on the for wmds ya he had them,but because the US supplied them to him to fight iran

I'm speaking of when the US invaded Iraq in 2003 not before hand.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 05:29 PM
I would put NOTHING past Al Queda. The website mentioned reads like propaganda to me though. It seems like something this horrible would be coming out from other sources. Every red white and blue blooded journalist should be all over a story like this. I will wait and see who can confirm it.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:44 PM

Thanks for a more reality based response.

Nice someone is awake to looming horrors.

Here's an interesting paragraph or so from some parents who's son met Yon. Their son was impressed. This is from his comments section:

Dear Mr. Yon:

Beverly and I want to thank you for the work you are doing. Our son, Major Mark Reeves (2-7 Cav), met you recently and told us about what your work. He had good words about you so I checked in to your on-line magazine and was impressed. Your impressions about what this war is about need to be heard loud and clear throughout the media. Your courage and willingness to be in the action are commendable. We will continue to support your work. I am looking forward to your next dispatch on 2-7 Cav’s operations.


Jess & Beverly Reeves
Comment #49 from:

I've probably read more than 150 comments on his website. Not all are laudatory--some are as cheeky and ignorant as one finds . . . in more familiar territory.

But an interesting number are from folks who include Yon in their personal network--are personal friends, associates of his. And, they support his work. It is clear from their comments that they consider him one of the most HONEST and HONORABLE, STRAIGHT SHOOTER sorts of people they know.

Once again, THE BIASED, OFF-THE-WALL, ASSUMPTIONS of those who think the Jihadi's are unfortunate misunderstood flower pickers

those ASSUMPTIONS from rigid, poorly informed bias--those ASSUMPTIONS just wither, evaporate as a rare fog in Phoenix, AZ--in the light of reality and daylight.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Here's another comment from another military woman who served, evidently there . . . She seems like she has her head on straight and an accurate perspective on the various realities there and here:


The article I read at FoxNews today that you wrote entitled “Reports from Iraq” reporting that Mr. Pyle had died was the best piece of journalism I have read in my life. America needs more passionate and truthful correspondants and journalists like yourself sir. I also liked this article that had photos and I find it was also a great piece and I thank you very much for it.

People who were not in the military (as I and my husband were 10 years ago), do not understand what is going on and listen to the things spewing out of the mouths of politicians and journalists with agendas. It is very refreshing to see someone who has fought for the freedoms of our country and those of other nations as well… report so well and truely have a grasp on what is at stake for America and Iraqian citizens.

God bless you sir!

A Young Veteran,

March 13th, 2007 at 1:39 pm

Comment #74 from:

Seems to me the lady has her head screwed on very well and her feet both firmly planted in objective reality.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
I realize it will not fit a lot of folks' construction on reality.

But it seems to fit yours.


So, you've decided that this IS the truth?

But it would be nice if some rational dialogue could be engaged in regarding the facts as reported.

Yes, it would be nice... If they were facts and if, when people give rational reasons why they think it isn't true, you didn't jump to calling them sheeple and "faithful appeasers". Not very conducive to rational dialog...

I don't think this is true, either. Call me whatever you like.
And the burden of proof, yadda, yadda, yadda.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn
Wow, that's just horrible.
I once knew this evil little kid that served another, older boy his parents in a bowl of chili...

but of course, both of these tales are complete fiction.

Let's look at this logically, if you are trying to recruit someone, especially for such an extreme cause, you DO NOT cook their son. It just doesn't work that way.
If someone kills your child then the rest of your life will be devoted to revenge, even at the cost of your own life. That's it, done, end of story. Even if you have more children whom are then subsequently threatened, you may ACT like you are cooperating, but at the very least you will covertly sabotage the organization that caused your son's death.

If this story only stated that Al Kaida "threatened" to bake children it would be far more believable, but would cause far less outrage...

You live in a "world" where all you know is free will, they live in a world, where all they know, is death is right around the corner, and unless they want to end up like that boy, they'll do as they're told.
You see it's so much easier to call this story a hoax, or bs, when we don't live in a nation where we see this everyday.
Heck, to them the idea of a Christas tree in your living room, with lots of presents, and peaceful, non-attack filled days are only a dream.
Our lives, our worlds are completely different.

Yes, I believe this did, and still does happen.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by BO XIAN
I realize it will not fit a lot of folks' construction on reality.

But it seems to fit yours.


So, you've decided that this IS the truth?

But it would be nice if some rational dialogue could be engaged in regarding the facts as reported.

Yes, it would be nice... If they were facts and if, when people give rational reasons why they think it isn't true, you didn't jump to calling them sheeple and "faithful appeasers". Not very conducive to rational dialog...

I don't think this is true, either. Call me whatever you like.
And the burden of proof, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Pretty sure his burden of proof came in form of a reporter that gets paid by donations not by the gov.If i ever believed anything i saw on the news,it would be provided by a jounalist that has no motives to fabricate evidence hat makes the war look chummy.

Another part that adds credibility to his story is the FACT that these animals(extremist) do not feel for human pain or sorrow,

They will do anything they please to anyone,behead children,you know you can be killed for carrying oranges and bananas in the same basket?this is considered sexualy wrong...

In fact many Iraqi towns that have been cleared of the animals ask for smokes more than they ask for food and water,,,,Why one might ask,because the animals put a smoking ban into effect,if you were caught with a smoke your smoking fingers would be amputated..

Don't get me wrong,i know we entered this war for oil like the next guy,but there should be no doubt that these animals do exist,they are out there,and they are willing to die to kill you and everything you stand for..They dont hate us because they are poor(example the doctors in London recently) they hate the fact that we live with all the extras.No oen shoudl smoek watch tv,anything at all but worship Allah..

So how is it so irrational to think they could perform such a sadistic act?when in FACT a understanding mind would come to the conclusion that they are capable of any unimaginable act of cruelty. Even if this reporter is proven wrong and his sources lied,i would still believe the animals have done this or would do this..

[edit on 7-7-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 09:25 PM
I find this story totally nonconstructive. How exactly does this contribute to anything? There is enough bad about this group that we can talk about without needing to throw around things that are unverified and only serve to fuel the agendae of those who think that the threat of Al-Qaeda is a myth propagated by the powers that be.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 09:31 PM
Al-Quada is not fabricated nor does OP post suggest that,hes simply putting forth another example of the ruthlesness of these animals..

FACT Alqueda did recieve funds and weapons form the U.S to fight off the soviets..

SPECULATION- they were created by the us to act out criminal acts arround the world to support the secret agenda,,,I don't buy it

[removed quote of entire previous post]
Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 9-7-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 10:25 PM
I am not accusing the OP of saying that they don't exist. But I am saying that people who want to make those claims will argue that such things are sensationalist and "can't possibly be true."

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