posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 05:39 AM
Originally posted by loam
Based on the comments made in this thread, it's no wonder we are in the mess we are in.
America is such a great place. Only here can a person who is a friend of Israel , a supporter of the Iraqi war, actually thumb their nose down at a
common suicide bomber merely because his explosives come wrapped in a shiny metal casing and can go over a mile away, kill 20 or so civilians, destroy
an entire building , the target and still consider it and themselves a highly moral person and way to fight only because he's wearing a yarmulke or
wears a cross around his neck instead of a hijab, a burka or a skullcap. He can merely chalk it up to human error, malfunctioning equipment or use the
always useful "hiding behind civilian dresses" excuse and come up smelling like roses instead of the feces it really is.
They consider people sitting on fences as being dangerous to themselves and "their" country but no consideration is taken in that their friends are
whats helping these things to occur because its inconvenient or their beliefs prevent this from happening.
I'd like to ask those friends of Israel what is the difference between a suicide bomber killing innocent civilians with a bomb belt and a "friend"
of yours that drops cluster bombs of which thousands of them go unexploded and are left out in the open for children to find and get killed by, as
well as land mines buried all over the place? Lets not forget that requests for maps of land mine positions being refused as well as co-ordinates for
drop zones being refused as well.
Not to mention the bombs were purchased under specific agreements made to AMERICA and AMERICANS that paid for
these weapons, that they NOT be used as an offensive weapon. What makes YOU and YOUR friends better then a terrorist and what gives you the right
to stay in this country and shouldn't we be hunting people like you and your friends in the Churches and synagogues too? You are after all placing
the rest of us at risk who dont want to have anything to do with all this and just want to live our lives peacefully.Reigning in the terrorists is
fine, but you can't do half the job and leave the other half out there just because they are your friends. Otherwise you are just as bad as the
moderate muslim sitting on a fence saying nothing about his bretheren blowing up innocent civilians with a bomb-belt.