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A new Minister of France saying it is possible that GW BUSH was behind 911 attacks.

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posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:15 AM
Charlie ...

I have read all the so called "facts"....and that is not the word i would use for them. Because a minister from France says something is "possible" , does that indeed make it factual? No.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Charlie ...

I have read all the so called "facts"....and that is not the word i would use for them. Because a minister from France says something is "possible" , does that indeed make it factual? No.

and if your president or his administration or secret services says something, that doesn't mean it's true

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:59 AM
So lets bomb the **** out of france for their disrespect. IT's bad enough our own citizens babble on and on with this traitorus talk..the last thing we need is some stupid frenchies running their mouth as well.

I say bomb france to the ground WEEWEE.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by charlie_the_loafer
and if your president or his administration or secret services says something, that doesn't mean it's true

What are you talking about ? Who cares what the president said?? I'm talking FACTS! Hello??

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

Originally posted by charlie_the_loafer
and if your president or his administration or secret services says something, that doesn't mean it's true

What are you talking about ? Who cares what the president said?? I'm talking FACTS! Hello??

that "hello ?? " at the end was not smart at all
i'll tell you who cares about what the president say : the millions of people that support " the war on terrorism " , they care

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
So lets bomb the **** out of france for their disrespect. IT's bad enough our own citizens babble on and on with this traitorus talk..the last thing we need is some stupid frenchies running their mouth as well.

I say bomb france to the ground WEEWEE.

Unfortunately, that's the mind set of a lot of Americans--bomb what you don't like. And certainly that's the approach of the Bush administration. Never has there been so little negotiation between the US and other countries. "You're with us or against us" is Bush's simplistic, moronic chant.

Which is why, of course, we are hated by so many and considered a terrorist rogue state by much of the world. It's questionable whether the US will ever be able to regain its stature in the world as a force for peace and justice. There's just too much wrong with the country now.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by charlie_the_loafer

that "hello ?? " at the end was not smart at all
i'll tell you who cares about what the president say : the millions of people that support " the war on terrorism " , they care

Allow me to please rephrase that. Knowing that 911 was NOT an inside job was not a decision I made by anything Bush said. There is not any proof at all that shows otherwise.

Please provide me with some facts that PROVE 911 was deon by the Bush Administration.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Knowingthat 911 was NOT an inside job was not a decision I made by anything Bush said. There is not any proof at all that shows otherwise.

Please provide me with some facts that PROVE 911 was deon by the Bush Administration.

you don't even know to express your thoughts , and if you can't express them maybe you have problems in thinking too.

i ain't here to give you proof about one thing or another, nor am i trying to convince anyone of anything.

check the entire 9/11 section and you'll find proof , although it might dismissed by someone qouting " accepted sources " like known media (big newspapers , televisions ) .
an easy search on the net will bring you enough evidence.

the problem with people like you, is that you believe only what you consider " official evidence" and something like this you will never find in big newspapers or in other " accepted sources"

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by charlie_the_loafer

you don't even know to express your thoughts , and if you can't express them maybe you have problems in thinking too.


the problem with people like you, is that you believe only what you consider " official evidence" and something like this you will never find in big newspapers or in other " accepted sources"

Do you think you could have made your point without this personal crap? Try please.

Edit: Review this link.

[edit on 6-7-2007 by intrepid]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Spoodily, The way you follow me around in this forum...people are going to think we are ....well....

Everyone knows we are working together for the NWO.

We must divide the people because together they stand and divided they fall, muwhahahaha.

9-11 was an inside job!
No, terrorists did 9-11!
No, I mean Muslim extremists.
Yea, those guys too.

It's a happy New World Order plan and it's coming together perfectly. I don't care who did 9-11, pretty soon all the criminals will be off the street, the poor will be gone, and the people that live their lives in a proper fashion will prevail. It's beautiful.

Cheers to the NWO and a unified world government. Chip me up, baby.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by charlie_the_loafer

you don't even know to express your thoughts , and if you can't express them maybe you have problems in thinking too.

i ain't here to give you proof about one thing or another, nor am i trying to convince anyone of anything.

check the entire 9/11 section and you'll find proof , although it might dismissed by someone qouting " accepted sources " like known media (big newspapers , televisions ) .
an easy search on the net will bring you enough evidence.

the problem with people like you, is that you believe only what you consider " official evidence" and something like this you will never find in big newspapers or in other " accepted sources"

Typical post... I ask for some proof and Im told to check the entire 911 section.... section of what? The internet? This forum? Wikipedia?

I think for myself thank you. Searching for the truth brought me to this site. The truth was found. There is ZERO proof that leads me to believe this was an inside job! Were there some weird things that happened...perhaps...but to me are all explained through common sence.

Charlie, Instead of attacking me by saying I can't think, perhaps you can tell me what proof you have that 911 was an inside job. Im not asking for you to attempt to convince me...I'd just like to understand why you are so steadfast on accepting the 911 conspiracy theorys.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily

Everyone knows we are working together for the NWO.

We must divide the people because together they stand and divided they fall, muwhahahaha.

Cheers to the NWO and a unified world government. Chip me up, baby.

AMEN!!! Viva La Bush!!!

Spoodily...that avatar is nothing short of disturbing!! I love it

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:36 PM
Most of the world hates America at this point.

Not quite sure why anyone would hate on the World Police though!?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 09:04 AM
I hate to say it, and if I'm wrong then no disrespect to the president intended... but I too have wondered about the whole thing being an "inside job" and whether or not he knew or was involved to some degree, and hearing this information just helps me make up my mind a little more. I've wondered since that first day I stared at my tv in disbelief watching the towers come down, with the whole nation terrified and so many deaths mourned as a result... and to think that our government possibly had knowledge... worse, that they may have even started it...? It makes me very angry and very hurt. I've been reading about this for a while and have been to several of the 911 info sites, and yes... I think it's a real possibility, as much as I hate to think it could be true. Let's just say my patriotic spirit has not been what it used to be.

It's a sad day when you wake up and see that someone/something you trusted has very possibly been lying to you. There are just too many things that don't fit together or make sense about the whole situation.


posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 10:26 PM
Well, I guess that just reitterates the fact that 911 'official story' believers have anything substancial to say in opposition of skeptics. I was actually worried before that I would end up getting all of these sources, and info. from the 911 believers in response to my last post, that I wouldnt have enough time to devulge. But, instead all there was was more petty arguing and demanding of data from skeptics.

Where is your idea about the events of 911. - Dont debunk theories or tell us why this and that is wrong- Seriously, come up with a theory as to how the US government could have in no way had prior knowlegde of the attacks Obviously the 911 commission report has fallen a little short, enlighten us!

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 12:40 PM
At this point (in hindsight) how can 9/11 not be viewed an inside job?!?!?!

After all of the exposed lies by bush and co?

The fact he'd send thousands of troops to die in battle in a illegal invasion and occupation that they knew would go badly from the git go?

Just like the revelation in Zeitgeist, the public thinks that Iraq is going badly! Its going exactly how it has planned. Private contractors (who out number our troops in Iraq BTW) are getting very wealthy!

He's committed treason during war time for vengeance against dissenters. (Plame Gate)

He's has and so far succeeded in stacking the DOJ w/ like-minded criminals. So when The White House is held in contempt of congress for ignoring subpoenas, when it done being dragged out by our lame congress and finally goes to Federal Court.............they will all walk.

This is a plan that was hatched before 9/11. These are truly greedy, evil people at the helm of a once great country. Now its becoming a corrupt empire.

The transgressions that I've seen so far after 9/11 make the 9/11 complicity scenario seem like for gone conclusion. IMO

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