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A new Minister of France saying it is possible that GW BUSH was behind 911 attacks.

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posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:15 AM
The video its in French, she is a new minister in the govt of France, she is asked if she thinks that GW BUSH is behind the attack of 911.
She answers saying its very possible and also references all of the web sites deidicated to 911.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:18 AM
Not only possible, it's highly unlikely it could've happened any other way.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Not only possible, it's highly unlikely it could've happened any other way.

Um... purely speculative. I would say it is extremely improbable that it WAS an inside job. ( IMO & based on facts)

Here is a transcript of the video:

A minister of "social housing" of Sarkozy's government since May 18, 2007, French right-wing woman Christine Boutin is in the middle of a scandal after bloggers found an interview of her, dated November 2006, where she supports the conspiracy theorists calling 9/11 "an inside job".

Here is the transcript of the video :

Young French idiot - "I wish to talk about the Bush government and its threat for democracy. Do you think Bush could be behind the 9/11 ?"

Minister Christine Boutin - "I think it is possible. I think it is possible and I know that the website which run these stories have more and more visitors. As a person deeply concerned by the new technologies of communication, I think that this expression of people cannot exist without a part of truth. I don't say I agree with what is saying, but I'm wondering [wether 9/11 is an inside job]."

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:48 AM
I'd say it's possible as well, but not very probable. I feel it's more probable that people on the inside, like Bush and Cheney knew about the plan and did nothing in order to create a war to profit off of(think haliburton...).

[edit on 5-7-2007 by curiousbeliever]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:04 AM
Lemme' see .. someone high up in the government of France says something anti-Bush .. oh what a surprise. Most French hate Americans and America, and just about all of them hate Bush. IMHO.

She can have her opinion ... but it means nothing.

[edit on 7/5/2007 by FlyersFan]


posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Most French hate Americans and America, and just about all of them hate Bush. IMHO.
You must live in France then, since there really isn't any other way to know that the French hate Americans and America.

Sorry but your an idiot if you think that.

edit: apparently not a very nice thing to say so ill add some positive thoughts. Put simply your wrong, most people from all contries tend to like Americans, and the country its self even more its the government no one likes, I haven't met a French person who ever hated Americans or the country.

[edit on 5-7-2007 by Edn]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:16 AM
I don't think Bush would have been in the loop from the beginning but took a back seat as Cheney and Rumsfeld ran the show.

I don't know where some Americans get the idea that the French all hate them. My sister-in-law thinks the same, yet has never been to France or socialised with French people. She just watches Fox news all day (works from home) and it's idiotic talking heads and takes it all in as the gospel truth

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Edn
Sorry but your an idiot if you think that.

If you DO NOT know that .. then back at you.

[edit on 7/5/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:33 AM
Not the old "Cheese eating surrender monkeys" stuff again.

Let's not forget that if it were not for the French, your dear old republic would likely have failed and us stiff upper lipped Brits would still be running the show and you'd all be paying homage to dear old Lizzie as head of state

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:41 AM
After reading the thread "too many coincidences" on ATS some months back, and verifying most of the claims with mainstream news sources, I can really come to no other conclusion. I had been a skeptic all along, and always kept in the back of my head that "there was no way our government was involved", after researching that thread, my thoughts on the matter changed 180 degrees.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Hello and Bonjour,

you should open a new thread about who hate who in this world we all living.
Has for the French Minister and her allegation about involvement of The American Presidency on the 911 events, is just a sentiment of doubt that is growing fast in France about the actual official report of 911 and the 2 wars that show the way after the events.
France didn’t want to go to war in Iraq because of the interests that should have been aloud to go threw after they lifted the embargo against Iraq.
Of course France as American want to secure all they interests where ever they are in the world.
This is the only explanation I can see why Chirac didn’t approve the war on Iraq, for the same reason that the American administration went to war.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:28 AM
i do believe the French Gov't didn't support the war against Iraq because they were supplying them goods.

check it out

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Not only possible, it's highly unlikely it could've happened any other way.

Um... purely speculative. I would say it is extremely improbable that it WAS an inside job. ( IMO & based on facts)

Lol please state some of these facts i'd be very interested in hearing them....In FACT theres much evidence to the contrary.explosives were reported by every media outlet on scene,first time in history three steel structures have callapsed in on themselves,granted there was alot of fuel but take a gander at the building directly under the wtc they have major structual dmg(chunks of building missing from falling parts of wtc),are burnt to a shell yet they did not fall...WTC 7 had way way way way less dmg then these buildings yet it fell.even watching the video its so blatent its have vurtually 0 structual dmg except a few very insugnificant fires.some of the hijackers are known to be alive and well and living in saudi arabia..The whitehouse turneddown the cia 3 seperate times when they tried to give evidence on the highjackers whereabouts in the us and there plans.The cia even went as far to present a chart showing the hijackers on the outside of a spider chart and usama was in the middle,they also correctly names muhamad atta as lead hijacker.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Most French hate Americans and America, and just about all of them hate Bush. IMHO.

You know, I read stuff like this and I sit here and wonder what the hell happened to America, and how ideas like this managed not only to be seeded, but actually take hold in the populace.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Project_Silo

Lol please state some of these facts i'd be very interested in hearing them....In FACT theres much evidence to the contrary.explosives were reported by every media outlet on scene,first time in history three steel structures have callapsed in on themselves,granted there was alot of fuel but take a gander at the building directly under the wtc they have major structual dmg(chunks of building missing from falling parts of wtc),are burnt to a shell yet they did not fall...WTC 7 had way way way way less dmg then these buildings yet it fell.even watching the video its so blatent its have vurtually 0 structual dmg except a few very insugnificant fires.some of the hijackers are known to be alive and well and living in saudi arabia..The whitehouse turneddown the cia 3 seperate times when they tried to give evidence on the highjackers whereabouts in the us and there plans.The cia even went as far to present a chart showing the hijackers on the outside of a spider chart and usama was in the middle,they also correctly names muhamad atta as lead hijacker.

Hello, and please please please.... go do some reasearch and stay away from PrisonPlanet, InfoWars. amd Loose Change. Your entire post is nothing but old false news,speculation, and contradictions. Please re-read your post.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Most French hate Americans and America, and just about all of them hate Bush. IMHO.

I don't buy them goods. My next door neighbor just came back from France after spending 2 weeks there. I asked him about this specifically. "Do the French dislike Americans?" He said that the French do dislike the American President, but have no problems with Americans in general. Most were even happy to speak English with you if they knew the language. Your statement is as broad-sweeping and laughable as saying "The French always surrender." Absolute statements like these generally turn out to be unfounded.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:43 PM
See I would have to depart on the title of this thread. I do not believe that Bush was Behind the attacks, as in helped plan them. I do believe that they knew about them, did all they could to help them carry it hrough, such as pulling off FBI etc.. I also believe that they planted bombs in the towers to ensure those buildings came down, they did need another "Helpful Pearl Harbor type event", Dick said so. I think that there are many reasons they did this, not the least of which is Money for Pals. The world is on a slowmarch towards One World Order / Global Domination and according to them it is high time you decide..

Will it be fascist NWO or Socialist NWO???

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:54 PM

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by neformore

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Most French hate Americans and America, and just about all of them hate Bush. IMHO.

You know, I read stuff like this and I sit here and wonder what the hell happened to America, and how ideas like this managed not only to be seeded, but actually take hold in the populace.

I think we can point the finger at the media who have been spewing the anti french quips for some time now.Over here our media also jovialy imply things about the french.

We dont however call them surrendering cheese eating monkeys as our history has shown them to be fine warriors who rise when honer calls.There seems to be a lot this (freedom fries)mentality on the net with individuals whos knuckles drag on the ground when they walk

[edit on 5-7-2007 by noangels2006]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Either they planned it, or they did nothing to stop it and took advantage of it. It instilled the perfect mixture of fear and patriotism in the masses; exactly what he needed to pass all the laws giving himself dictorial powers.

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