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Man Sexually Assaulted for Refusing to Convert To Islam

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posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
1. Why are Muslims so intolerant to the fellow countrymen in which ever country they are?
2. Why do they always feel that they can put across their point more impressively if they rise up in arms?

3. Why are most of the terrorists in the world Muslims?

I think those top three questions are the ones that always seem to be left unanswered.
If you want to see the core of islamofascism all you have to do is look at the middle-east and how they take care of the non-muslims there. If you want to talk about ethnic cleansning, look no further, islamofascism is the most active participant in that.
It seems that when there are a lot of muslims in the same area, there is also a presence of islamofascism. One good example is how the islamofascists in Thailand have been butchering Buddhist teachers and targeting 'infidel' women for rape and murder. And I was shocked this time, which is unusual, that people were defending these islamofascists who were committing these atrocities. Once more blaming the country's government or policies without being definitive as to which exact policies.... As if the government motivated these islmaofascists to take up arms and murder thousands of Buddhists / monks and instructors. It's quite tragic and pathetic to see anyone defend terrorists of this sort. That's why I support any efforts to destroy islamofascism wherever it may be.

[edit on 5-7-2007 by laiguana]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:08 AM
i just wanted to go on record as saying i lol everytime i see the argument that they are not 'true muslims'....literally, L O L..

are they fake muslims? aperitions?

guess what? those radical terrorists that blow stuff up think they are 'true muslims'....the muslims that rape and force people to convert think they are 'true muslims'....the muslims that don't commit these acts and pray 3 times a day think they are 'true muslims'....
now i ask you, can they all be the real deal true muslims or can there be only one?[/highlander]
if there can be only one, then which one is the 'true muslim' and how does that get decided? i think that if we get 20 'true muslims' together to talk about the koran, they would disagree on what it you think this is true or false?
that is the fantastic[/sarcasm] thing about can read and interprit exactly how you want...then, you get carte blanche' to to whatever cause it was 'written in the scripture'.

if there is a 'true muslim' then how come there are several different kinds? sunni/shiite etc?.....
same deal with christianity...look at all the different 'branches' and's ALL BS in my opinion. as i have said before, it is a plague. religion i mean....all of it. that is just ones guys opinion.
just wanted to chime in on the 'true muslim' stuff. i get a little chuckle out of that...i really do

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
As bodrul said there are MANY Muslims in this country in the forces fighting for YOUR freedom against tyranny.

they are?
they are in foreign lands fighting for MY freedom in the states?

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by neformore
because I think you - with your fundamental christian views, and the muslims with their fundamental views are ALL crazy.

And while you are all throwing hate at each other, and killing yourselves in your righteous "crusade/jihadi" in the middle are normal people who just want to get on with their lives, and instead end up having them trounced by people who somehow think they are better because of a book they read, or where they are born.

great little paragraph there and i agree 100%

stuck in the middle is exactly how i feel....good post

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:17 AM
is this 'normal' for 'true muslims'?

a madrassa in pakistan.............

go ahead and give it a watch as i am curious if this is true muslim behavior.....they don't get out of the madrassa much unless it is for 'agitation'.....

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:19 AM
Isn't homosexuality strictly forbidden in the Muslim world? I'd have to say that with them sodomizing a man, that they kind of qualify, eh? I mean they have so much compassion with the way they treat those whose beliefs differ - you know, friendly things like stoning. I have to believe that they could have come up with something different since they're so devout to their religion of peace. I mean when the first guy said "Hey Ahkmed, I have a great idea!" Don't you think some of the others would say something? Instead they lined up and took turns sodomizing that man. Trust me I'm certainly not holier than thou, but I do not get the mindset of these people at all. Not even a little bit.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:22 AM
laiguana . . . You make some excellent points. And, I have a doc from another forum/site wherein a former RABID JIHADI asserts that blaming government policies is laughed at royally by the Jihadi's.

They know they'd be doing the same thing REGARDLESS of government polices--past, present or future. They will do the same things until every last Non-Muslim is killed--then set in on the Muslims who disagree with them.

Originally posted by Boondock78
i just wanted to go on record as saying i lol everytime i see the argument that they are not 'true muslims'....literally, L O L..

are they fake muslims? aperitions?

guess what? those radical terrorists that blow stuff up think they are 'true muslims'....the muslims that rape and force people to convert think they are 'true muslims'....the muslims that don't commit these acts and pray 3 times a day think they are 'true muslims'....
now i ask you, can they all be the real deal true muslims or can there be only one?[/highlander]

if there can be only one, then which one is the 'true muslim' and how does that get decided? i think that if we get 20 'true muslims' together to talk about the koran, they would disagree on what it you think this is true or false?. . .

I THINK it IS A VERY PREGNANT and CRUCIAL point that many of the non-Jihadi Muslims who pray 5 times a day BELIEVE IN THEIR HEARTS that the Jihadi's are truER Muslims than the moderates are.

There was a Muslim expert on C2C . . . forget his name--maybe a year and a half or so ago . . . Somehow, he was triggered to call his experts on Islam WITHIN the Muslim community--which he is not. So he called all of say his best, most respected, most connected Muslim experts around the world who are within the Muslim community.

He asked each one--what percentage of all Muslims, in your estimation from your contacts would you say are actively or otherwise in support of the Jihadi's and their actions?

THE ANSWER FROM EVERY LAST ONE OF ABOUT 12 WAS 70%!!!! HE WAS UTTERLY SHOCKED. He was shocked it was so high and that the Muslim experts within Islam were ALL in agreement it was 70%.

When he asked the question of the first buddy he was dialoguing with, He asked the question then volunteered--I forget--something like 3%? His buddy said no. He volunteered--5%? His buddy said, "No--70%." That's what caused him to poll all his other experts.

Suicidal ignorance is not a good survival habit. The war on terror may have been set up by the NWO folks as von Braun asserted to Carol Rosin in 1974. But as far as the Jihadi's are concerned, they are in it for the long haul and to the death of every last Non-Muslim. Denial of the TRUTH is not a good survival habit.

[edit on 5/7/2007 by BO XIAN]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:57 AM
this "story" sounds like exactly that to me.

this dude probably went to the pub one night and after a few too many brews he woke up laying in the back alley with a sore bum and $20 in his back pocket and feeling humiliated had to make up this "story"

it stinks of sensationalism, much like the 9/11 hijackers going and sucking down a few coldies while slipping some $$ into a strippers G-string

[edit on 5/7/07 by Obliv_au]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 01:47 PM

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 01:53 PM
any opinions on the madrassa?
is that normal, true muslim behavior?

looks like indoctrination to me...and please, i am talking about muslims, please do not redirect to say that christians do it too with bible camp. i kno this and that is not what i am asking.

for those that know 'true muslims', from what they see in that vid, is that 'normal' behavior for a 'true muslim'?
meaning, do true muslims let their kids do that? do they make them?
do those kids really only get out a little bit and mostly for 'agitation'?
i mean, do tell. we have a lot of experts here and i am admittingly ingnorant. so please, enlighten me.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 02:34 PM
I wonder if these guys even considered the fact that they unknowingly created gay porn?

This is absolutely sickening that this poor man was brutally raped by his peers for not converting to their religion of peace. What a crock. Like instances such as these are going to make anyone look morefavorable upon Islam. Good luck.

Isnt gay sex a big no-no in Islam? No virgins for those guys...

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Obliv_au
this "story" sounds like exactly that to me.

this dude probably went to the pub one night and after a few too many brews he woke up laying in the back alley with a sore bum and $20 in his back pocket and feeling humiliated had to make up this "story"

it stinks of sensationalism, much like the 9/11 hijackers going and sucking down a few coldies while slipping some $$ into a strippers G-string

[edit on 5/7/07 by Obliv_au]

What a farce of a 'valid' off the wall conjecture. GTTM--Guffaws To The Max.

A well sourced and verified article by a very long term MOST RESPECTED Christian Magazine . . . and we are to believe your wild conjecture instead.

And then after giving such a baseless conjecture MORE valid than the well sourced Christianity Today article, we are to consider ourselves RATIONAL? GTTM--Guffaws To The Max.

Wellllll, try some similar stories on for size. Should give you plenty more reason to be irrationally dismissive, derisive and otherwise offering no clue of being in touch with the TRUTH AND THE REALITIES involved:



Weblog: At Least Ten Christians Killed as Indonesian Violence Reignites

Weblog: Lebanon Bus Bombs Target Christians

Ordinary Terrorists
Muslim extremists in Pakistan do not always belong to dangerous groups.
By Jeff M. Sellers

October 1, 2004

Even as violence against Christians has increased in response to U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, signs of improvement in Pakistan's dismal human-rights record have begun to appear. But the murder of a Christian by an ordinary Muslim—not a member of terrorist organizations in the country—underscores the climate of fear for Pakistani believers.


Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws Strike Again--and May Get Worse
Christian sentenced to death, nursing school shut down.
Elizabeth Lawson | posted 6/07/2007 10:02AM

Pakistan's controversial blasphemy laws have been used against Christians in two recent incidents, prompting a louder by groups who say the laws are abusive.

Related articles and links

Younis Masih, a 29-year-old Christian from Lahore, was sentenced to death on Wednesday, May 30, for allegedly making derogatory remarks about Muhammad in September 2005.

On September 9, 2005, a neighbor of Masih's demanded that Christians gathering in their town observe Muslim and not Christian rituals, precipitating an argument between him and Masih, according to Masih's lawyer. The resident accused Masih of blasphemy two days later, and a lower-ranking officer investigated and arrested him.



Pakistani Christian Student Dies from Torture
Muslim seminary implicated in forcible conversion attempt.
By Barbara G. Baker, Compass Direct

May 1, 2004

Pakistani police in the central province of Punjab reluctantly detained a Muslim cleric last week after a Christian university student savagely beaten and tortured inside a local Islamic madrasseh (seminary) died of his injuries.

Maulvi Ghulam Rasool was put under detention at a Toba Tek Singh police station at midday on May 2, about 10 hours after Javed Anjum, 19, died in a Faisalabad hospital.

Despite repeated attempts to obtain the cleric's release before judicial magistrates, he remains in temporary custody. At Saturday's hearing, the lawyer for Anjum's family persuaded the court to include the victim's deathbed statement recorded by the police on April 26 in the formal First Information Report on the case.



Pakistan: Three killed in Christmas attack on church
Two men in burqas throw a bomb into a small church during worship
Religion News Service

February 1, 2003

Three girls died during a Christmas day attack on a small church in eastern Pakistan.

Witnesses said two assailants dressed in burqas—all-encompassing garments worn by women in some Muslim countries—threw a bomb into the middle of worshippers at a Christmas Day service, wire services reported. The attack injured 13 of the 40 Pakistanis inside the church in Chianwala, northwest of Lahore.

By the following day, police had detained an Islamic cleric who days earlier had allegedly urged supporters to kill Christians. They were questioning three other people as well. On that same day, about 2,500 people gathered for a memorial service for the victims—ages 6, 10, and 15.



Karachi Police Defy Pakistan High Court
Christian massacre survivor released from custody, detained, and then released again
Barbara G. Baker

October 1, 2002

Karachi police authorities forcibly abducted an eyewitness survivor to last month's deadly Christian welfare agency massacre from the premises of the Sindh High Court Tuesday, minutes after the court had ordered his release from illegal police detention. He was re-released later that night.

Robin Peranditta, 27, was the only eyewitness not shot during the September 25 attack against the Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ) offices in central Karachi where he worked. He has been held in police "protective custody" ever since the attack, in which seven Christians were shot to death and another was critically wounded.

When he appeared Tuesday before a division bench of the Sindh High Court, Peranditta could barely walk, observers in the courtroom said. "He appeared visibly shaken and scared," reported the Center for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS), a Christian advocacy group which filed a constitutional petition for his release on October 4. "He didn't say a word in the court," one observer noted.



Radical Muslims Massacre 16 Protestants
Six masked gunmen spray bullets into a Church of Pakistan Sunday service.
Stan Guthrie and Yunis Khushi

October 1, 2001
Masked Muslim militants shouting Islamic slogans and carrying assault rifles slaughtered 16 Protestant Christians at a worship service on October 28 in Pakistan. The five-minute attack was in retali

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 06:34 PM
BOONDOCK78 . . .

Much appreciate your good reality testing, rational posts.

I finally watched the following video . . . the whole thing . . .

I think watching that video makes it easy to understand how the Christian bloke could be raped all night by 30 Jihadi's.

I encourage all those overly easily given to appeasement and glib rationalizing to watch the WHOLE video.

Here is another worth while article re child Jihadism . . . titled:

Suckled on Revenge: Child Soldiers
Mark Earley

Note: This commentary was delivered by Prison Fellowship President, Mark Earley.

For thirteen weeks, former child soldier Ishmael Beah has seen his memoir, A Long Way Gone, hover in the top-ranks of the New York Times’ bestsellers list. For a young man whose village and family were burned, who evaded capture amidst the war-torn landscape of Sierra Leone, and finally was given an AK-47 and coerced to join the government army, a best-selling book comes as quite a twist in the road.

As a child soldier, Ishmael heard his commanding officer frequently tell him and his comrades, “Visualize the enemy, the rebels who killed your parents, your family, and those who are responsible for everything that has happened to you.” In their drills when they did not properly bayonet a banana tree, the officer reprimanded them by saying: "Is that how you stab someone who had killed your family?”

ABOVE found here:

And this article:

45 Muslim doctors planned US terror raids

By John Steel, Crime Correspondent Last Updated: 2:25am BST 05/07/2007

A group of 45 Muslim doctors threatened to use car bombs and rocket grenades in terrorist attacks in the United States during discussions on an extremist internet chat site.

can be found at:

It seems to me that any philosophical perspective that turns Medical Docs into Jihadi mass murderers . . . evidently also finds it easy to approve of 40 Jihadi's raping a Christian male victim all night long.

HERE is a link to the article by the RABID FORMER JIHADI who asserts

I was a fanatic...I know their thinking, says former radical Islamist


When I was still a member of what is probably best termed the British Jihadi Network - a series of British Muslim terrorist groups linked by a single ideology - I remember how we used to laugh in celebration whenever people on TV proclaimed that the sole cause for Islamic acts of terror like 9/11, the Madrid bombings and 7/7 was Western foreign policy.

By blaming the Government for our actions, those who pushed this "Blair's bombs" line did our propaganda work for us.

More important, they also helped to draw away any critical examination from the real engine of our violence: Islamic theology.

this link:

[edit on 5/7/2007 by BO XIAN]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

A well sourced and verified article by a very long term MOST RESPECTED Christian Magazine . . . and we are to believe your wild conjecture instead.

You have to remember who you are dealing with. Several have stated over and over in so many words there are no gay Muslims yet any fool knows there are. The roman catholic church says it is wrong to be gay so does the Koran and we all admit it. The problem here is the Muslims or some of them I should say refuse to accept the fact that some of there own are gay and therefore crimes likes this can and do occur.

The bottom line here is the so-called religion of peace is not what they claim. It is impossible since saying they are a religion of peace and one breath and death to non-believers in the next is an oxymoron

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 07:28 PM
you might consider a christian magazine to be a reliable, honest and truthful source of info on OTHER religions wrong doings, but for me all those links are worthless tripe.
Christianity has had its fair share of black marks too ya know. we all know muslim + christians both have argued over which is the "true" religion for years. One claims the true first born, the other claims an "immaculate conception"

got any from other sites that are NOT from opposing religions?
how about we get some muslims to post links about church priests + pastors raping little boys? we all know 100% this has happened many times..

i think you get my idea, how can we trust the truth of a christain based magazine which speaks out about gay muslims when christianity itself has done exactly that to many little boys in church? (hypocrits)

[edit on 5/7/07 by Obliv_au]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Obliv_au
i think you get my idea, how can we trust the truth of a christain based magazine which speaks out about gay muslims when christianity itself has done exactly that to many little boys in church? (hypocrits)

I have already brought that very thing up as an example to prove this goes on within the catholic religion and admitted it ,yet for some odd reason those on the other side insist there are no geays within the muslim religion. Not in those exact words mind you but they insisst crimes such as this were not done by Muslims when any fool knows it is very well possible

[edit on 7/5/2007 by shots]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by shots

Originally posted by Obliv_au
i think you get my idea, how can we trust the truth of a christain based magazine which speaks out about gay muslims when christianity itself has done exactly that to many little boys in church? (hypocrits)

I have already brought that very thing up as an example to prove this goes on within the catholic religion and admitted it ,yet for some odd reason those on the other side insist there are no geays within the muslim religion. Not in those exact words mind you but they insisst crimes such as this were not done by Muslims when any fool knows it is very well possible

[edit on 7/5/2007 by shots]

Shots, i do beleive what your saying about gay muslims but i just think this story *might* be exagerated a bit.
After all, the OP linked to an opposing religion (christianity)

its always better to hear/read about these things from an impartial website rather than the opposing team.

I remember seeing a TV doco' a few mths back about a gay muslim man in his early 20's who lives in Aus yet has to hide the fact he's gay from everyone he knows for fear of religious persecution.

[edit on 5/7/07 by Obliv_au]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Obliv_au
I remember seeing a TV doco' a few mths back about a gay muslim man in his early 20's who lives in Aus yet has to hide the fact he's gay from everyone he knows for fear of religious persecution.

The same usually applies to the gay Catholic, or Gay Jew, etc.

Does anyone believe that only Gay Muslims fear religious persecution?

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by UM_Gazz

Originally posted by Obliv_au
I remember seeing a TV doco' a few mths back about a gay muslim man in his early 20's who lives in Aus yet has to hide the fact he's gay from everyone he knows for fear of religious persecution.

The same usually applies to the gay Catholic, or Gay Jew, etc.

Does anyone believe that only Gay Muslims fear religious persecution?

of course not, but i do beleive that you cant always get the truth from the opposing team.

do we beleive everything GW Shrub says? no, we make our own judgement rather than beleive everything on a whim.
most knew the WMD, deep underground militant bases etc was a load of garbage from the start, we knew our team lied about their reasons for invading.

how can we be sure that this christian magazine is not distorting this in some way for their own purpose, since christianity + muslims dont mix?

edit: since i havent found this article on any other news site i tend to think its probably twisted into an anti-muslim statement to benefit christians..
but hey ive been wrong in the past so if i hear this story on some other non religious sites i might tend to beleive it a bit more.

[edit on 5/7/07 by Obliv_au]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:00 PM
ok, here it is again but once again, from a religious website.

here is a report of muslims raping everyone in an entire block of apartments, once again from a religious site.

theres dozens and dozens of reports of muslims raping non muslim women from all over the world, but so far that one story is the only one i can find where muslim males gang raped a man.

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