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Communing With Extraterrestrials

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posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:12 PM
SC, I have been following your thread intermittently since it began, and I'm impressed by your gracious demeanor. It's clear that you understand the law of non-resistance, and for lack of a better word, you express a certain naivete that I find welcoming. However, I remain troubled by a couple of issues.

First, again, with all due respect, I do get the impression that you just emerged from a 1980's time-warp so to speak. Like others, I read your information as a somewhat dated, Buddhist..Christian..ET conglomerate. This fact doesn't necessarily render it invalid...for you at least. I'm not a proponent of consciously inducing ET contact. My formula?...not very exciting I'm afraid, just do your best to live consciously, be kind, and pay special attention to the simple things, the insignificant things. They will have no problem finding you...if, and when it's appropriate. My contact experiences deviate greatly from yours, both in style, and substance...and I'm always left with more questions than answers.

Clearly SC, you introduced yourself in your initial posts as someone with answers, and an exciting methodology for inducing ET contact. Unfortunately, your methodology can only be accessed by buying your book. You also immeadiately solicited private email responses, as opposed to sticking with open board discussion.

Why am I left with the impression that your primary interest is to assume the role of teacher, promote a spiritual ideology, and possibly sell a few books along the way...rather than to simply share your personal experiences for open consideration? Curious...were you ever a seminary student SC?

A non-reluctant Messiah?...well-intentioned anachronism?...or...the Snake-Oil Guy?

I'm sure time will tell.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by torsion

Originally posted by spiritconnect
I should add that the book was brought up after the OP. I did not start this thread with the intention of talking so much about the book.

But it was you who brought up the book. Maybe not your first post, but certainly your second.

You also stated "I want to share in the joy of communing with spiritually advanced extraterrestrial beings..." and "I suppose my purpose in sharing my experiences with you is simply to let you know that you, too, can be in constant communication with a spiritually awakened ET, ".

Of the ETs you claim to be in contact with you say,"They are both extremely loving and concerned about the spiritual awakening of humanity, and they have shared their spiritual philosophy with me."

There's a lot of talk about sharing but when it comes down to it, it is clear that you are here sell, not share.

You claim that Yeshua is the incarnation Jesus Christ and he has given you specific information for the benefit of mankind. But instead of passing it on you choose to copyright it and profit by it. I would think that some Christians would consider that somewhat blasphemous.


Bibles are sold. All new version have copyrights.

I will not participate any further in conversation about whether I should or should not sell my book. I will talk about the contents with readers, as I am doing with Catlantis. I will also answer questions about my experience that are not included in the book. That is my final answer^^

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

[edit on 14-7-2007 by spiritconnect]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by -0mega-
As above person said, even though you might or might not have had finished the book after this topic started, you DID refer to it.
As said above, "I wish to share, if you want to know, go read my book".

Now as far as I know, the rights that are on that book, are about HOW its written, and not WHATS written in it.
After all, I've never been arrested because I told someone how to cook this or that, or how to do this or that, even if it's been written in countless books.

It might be me but I don't see in any problem in (when you wish to share knowledge) to phrase the knowledge you've written and sold in a book, in a different manner, and still show it to the people.

Just like there are $10+ books on lucid dreaming, i'd rather go to a free lucid dreaming site, which has the same (or even more) knowledge / articles / files than the book holds, and costs nothing compared to the X dollars.

To sum it up:
Since you claim to have copyright on that book, you're not allowed to copy paste something from within that book.

But you ARE allowed to write it in a different manner (summary, alternative version), as long as you don't copy the original text.

And on your comment about why you wrote a book.
If I liked writing, I would write a book yes.
But if I knew the secret to something special and / or completely uber:

- I'd either show off and do nothing.
- I'd show off BUT also share the knowledge (for free).
- I'd write a book and distribute copies for free (or at the cost of printing one book).

[edit on 14/7/07 by -0mega-]


It seems to me that you and others are simply trying to drag out an issue that I feel I have already addressed. The book is being fleshed out in this very forum by me and Catlantis. The only other thing I could do that would make you happy (I suppose) is to reprint it word for word here, which I will not do because of the copyright.

The general ideas of the book (and more) are quite available by following my and Catlantis' conversation.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by OBE1
SC, I have been following your thread intermittently since it began, and I'm impressed by your gracious demeanor. It's clear that you understand the law of non-resistance, and for lack of a better word, you express a certain naivete that I find welcoming. However, I remain troubled by a couple of issues.

First, again, with all due respect, I do get the impression that you just emerged from a 1980's time-warp so to speak. Like others, I read your information as a somewhat dated, Buddhist..Christian..ET conglomerate. This fact doesn't necessarily render it invalid...for you at least. I'm not a proponent of consciously inducing ET contact. My formula?...not very exciting I'm afraid, just do your best to live consciously, be kind, and pay special attention to the simple things, the insignificant things. They will have no problem finding you...if, and when it's appropriate. My contact experiences deviate greatly from yours, both in style, and substance...and I'm always left with more questions than answers.

Clearly SC, you introduced yourself in your initial posts as someone with answers, and an exciting methodology for inducing ET contact. Unfortunately, your methodology can only be accessed by buying your book. You also immeadiately solicited private email responses, as opposed to sticking with open board discussion.

Why am I left with the impression that your primary interest is to assume the role of teacher, promote a spiritual ideology, and possibly sell a few books along the way...rather than to simply share your personal experiences for open consideration? Curious...were you ever a seminary student SC?

A non-reluctant Messiah?...well-intentioned anachronism?...or...the Snake-Oil Guy?

I'm sure time will tell.

Dear OBE1,

Thank you, as well, for your gracious post. I was a seminary student at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary from 1998 - 2001.

Concerning what most people feel is a re-hash of old material, I would like to say two things that I hope help:

(1) I believe all wisdom is old wisdom, and my communion with Yeshua and Gabriel has confirmed that.
(2) There are some new things, I believe, that are evident in reading through the conversation me and Catlantis are having (specifically in regard to Lucifer).

I do not wish to be a teacher, but I do feel I have been given a mission as messenger. I also feel that I should attempt to protect the information while making it as freely available as possible. If my communications with Yeshua and Gabriel were not made copyright, I feel that they could be changed and used in ways not conducive to the mission of Yeshua. I am trying to use the tools available to me in the best ways I know how. Of course, one person can never satisfy everyone.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

[edit on 14-7-2007 by spiritconnect]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 10:32 PM
Awareness, can you hear this?

Awareness is the key to the doors of perception, the fast track to Change, and the first step on the road to wisdom.
See, many talk while few listen... fewer still listen to their own selves As they talk caught in preset programs created by force of habit.
What to think? What to fear?
Where to go? What to wear?
But he who dares to roam the outer reaches teaches by virtue of living What most of us are missing.
I, salute you starchild and I...think I see something of me in your eyes
For I too have ties to realms beyond the senses I...sense it.
Sometimes a voice beyond intellect intercepts and says:
"Yo, go right" when common sense and even experience suggests left would Be the best, beyond me. Or at least, it's beyond the limited
Image I've been led to believe is me and, far too scary for that "me" to
Fully conceive.
Could I have been deceived?
Could the name that I own and the way that I roll be just a drop in the
Ocean in comparison to the whole?
Well then what?
Well then I guess you must make a decision....between who really talks..
And who really listens.

The Beginning.

[edit on 14-7-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 03:15 AM

I have to compliment you on your poetry. How beautiful that it speaks so many layers at once. It was really quite heartwarming.

If you write any others, I would recommend starting your own thread to share your work. I'm sure it would draw an audience and be appreciated here.


[edit on 15-7-2007 by Veritas Lux Mea]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 07:13 AM
*Edited: Post would be useless since we're obviously not getting any further, and I just realized I already made my final point in the post before*

That you, the OP, or anyone else, can possibly not (or can) interpret what I *AM* talking about (and interpret it how I MEANT it to be interpret), is the only thing that remains.
And from your response, it is apparent that you do not interpret it in that manner.

Good luck with your book sales.

And if you did not understand yet.
The discussion was never about whether you should or should not sell that book.
Or whether I do or do not want that book word for word.

[edit on 15/7/07 by -0mega-]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by spiritconnect
I will not participate any further in conversation about whether I should or should not sell my book.

The issue isn't the fact that you've written a book. My issue is that you seem to be using ATS to promote it and attempt to generate sales. Surely the proper route is to place a banner ad here on ATS and pay the advertising fee.

The thread is titled 'Communing with Extraterrestrials', yet the method of communication you claim to have is the information you refuse to share! Nobody is asking you to cut and paste the entire book here, just explain the method of communication - people can then try it and decide whether it is bunk or not! No copyright infringement will have occured.

This whole thing smells too much of King/Aetherius, Greer/CSETI and Meier/FIGU who all suffer delusions of grandeur and superiority complexes by claiming they have been chosen by the ETs/deities. Like you they also claim to hold information that is beneficial to mankind but aren't prepared to divulge the 'big secret' unless punters start handing over cash.

Catlantis (assuming he/she is not part of the spamming exercise) has no doubt read the 'method' by now so we can await a report of his/her experience in communing with extraterrestrials.

[edit on 15-7-2007 by torsion]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 09:16 AM
I'm opening a new directory named "Payne" and another for the publisher of this "Kool-Aid" prescribing doctor. ATS is, as "eye$pace" goes, "the place" and can have unintended consequences for those who prey on those who may pray and we're all walkin' perimeter - stone immaculate and frosty fresh.

This one is a novice-huckster (only selling one book as oppossed to a complete library and lifestyle "upgrade") - we (ATS members) have examples of real professional organized slime with which to compare and contrast.

Have a pleasant commune,


[edit on 15-7-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 09:23 AM

Bibles are sold. All new version have copyrights.

Also the bible is completely free of charge online. "new versions" are not needed according to christianity, since everything has been said in the first edition. Therefor it is pretty safe to conclude, that the "new version" serves the same purpose as this thread - making money.

And please, you bough... got your "Dr."at the "University" of Sedona

When searching a lil bit, we'll find the same marketing scheme




aaaand here

you also bunked out of the randi test here

I may add from the T&C

1e.) Recruitment Content: You will not post advertisements, chain letters, petitions, pyramid schemes, or solicitations of any kind.

Polite advertisement is still advertisement.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 09:46 AM
Sedona... $90.00 down and $25.00 per month... I hope it was worth it. Oh my, Fry I am glad you are back. I'd never have even looked at this thread but I saw tors' handle and simply could not bare to not look. This guy's toothpaste is contaminated with a viral self-promoting entity... greed.



posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 12:13 PM
SC, you not only do your self a disservice here, but worse, you're a pox on the field of ufology...and you manage to contaminate a pretty weighty religious tradition to boot. I'm not a Christian. People like yourself are probably the reason. Guess I owe you one for that

Now go away

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 12:19 PM
Greetings Spirit connect

I find this thread of curiosity and fascinated of your writings.

i have some few simple question.

1. Do we have a spiritual guide who follows us entire life? even we haven't reached any form of spiritual curiosity. I mean .. I live everyday by going to work and do some training at gym, and all that. but we still have them some where and watching us? even without knowing that?

2. I always had a feeling .. that someone was watching me but i always shrugged that was just my imagination. therefore i pointed that first question.
I would love to know more about it that i have a "guide" probably visiting me unconscious while i sleep. No wonder i don't remember any. but still i get that feeling. if i'm being watched then i come to conclusion. which side am i on or which side is my "guide" on. at Lucifer or the Yeshua's faction
3. You talk about balance. so in other word is Lucifer a necessary part of the balance. that it should have a resistance to "father" and "mother" spiritual philosophy. I don't really know how to put that. but i guess you get a certain idea what i trying to tell.

4. I am not spiritual in nature.. however I'm very curious and i do belive there is something more then meets the eye in this world or reality. is that my ego is sorta slowing my perception and sense to know that feel the spirituality?

I hope you can answer some of my question

Sincerly yours


[edit on 15-7-2007 by Viperion]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 02:55 PM
A fine bit of research there, Fry!

I wonder if our 'Doctor Emissary' friend has left for pastures populated with the less critical and more gullible.

Catlantis, are you going to tell us how the book ends?

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Viperion
Greetings Spirit connect

I find this thread of curiosity and fascinated of your writings.

i have some few simple question.

1. Do we have a spiritual guide who follows us entire life? even we haven't reached any form of spiritual curiosity. I mean .. I live everyday by going to work and do some training at gym, and all that. but we still have them some where and watching us? even without knowing that?

2. I always had a feeling .. that someone was watching me but i always shrugged that was just my imagination. therefore i pointed that first question.
I would love to know more about it that i have a "guide" probably visiting me unconscious while i sleep. No wonder i don't remember any. but still i get that feeling. if i'm being watched then i come to conclusion. which side am i on or which side is my "guide" on. at Lucifer or the Yeshua's faction
3. You talk about balance. so in other word is Lucifer a necessary part of the balance. that it should have a resistance to "father" and "mother" spiritual philosophy. I don't really know how to put that. but i guess you get a certain idea what i trying to tell.

4. I am not spiritual in nature.. however I'm very curious and i do belive there is something more then meets the eye in this world or reality. is that my ego is sorta slowing my perception and sense to know that feel the spirituality?

I hope you can answer some of my question

Sincerly yours


[edit on 15-7-2007 by Viperion]

Dear Viperion,

Thank you for your questions.

(1) Every single person (i.e. soul) has an ET guide from physical birth to physical death. Our soul chooses this guide before incarnation. So, yes, you do have an ET guides even if you do not realize that yet. I am overjoyed that you seem to be coming to that understanding.

(2) Our guides often communicate with us during dreams. Whether the being communicating with you is of Yeshua or Lucifer depends on your motivations and intentions in waking life. If you always strive to be honest and sincere, and desire communion with a being of a higher spiritual stature than yourself, then the being communicating with you is of Yeshua.

(3) I use "balance" and "imbalance" as substitute terms for "bad" and "good." Since everything is heading toward reunion with the Spirit, although at varying paces, I think the words bad and good are not useful. However, we have to distinguish levels of spiritual awakening. Hence, the terms balance and imbalance. Eventually, even Lucifer and his forces will reunite with Spirit, but they will go through many more incarnations and harships to arrive at that point.

I would love to answer any more questions you have.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 04:27 AM

As far as this thread being spiritual, I have asked the mods to move it to a more appropriate forum.

So i may ask, why you are here again ? Maybe because this is the most frequented forum and for selling it's the more the better ?

external quote taken from:

There, your soul, Father and Mother will decide the experiences you will live through in your next incarnation.

I will use a personal story to finish off this post: I was sexually abused three times when I was a child by three different men (not in my immediate family). For the longest time, and mostly throughout my teen years, I was bitter about the abuse, and I literally hated the abusers. After meeting Gabriel, however, I have come to the realization (most people do not understand this at all) that my own soul chose the abuse before I was incarnated in order to teach me the real meaning of forgiveness and the purpose of pain.

First let me say, that this is the single most disgusting thing i've read in a very long time. Abused people CHOSE to be abused to get teached ?! You crossed a line here, a very thick one.Unfortunately i care about my account here, otherwise i would let my girl, who happens to work with abused kids, do the posting on this.

external quote taken from:

Their answer, though still quite unsatisfactory to me, is that humanity simply is not ready. Yeshua tells me there will be mass hysteria if they come in league now

Ah now here we are, you are ready, we are not - now who would have thought of this completely original mindset.

spiritconnects own book review

Yes yes i know, some friend of you used your own personal email id to review your own book in a positive way.

The Fellowship - The Video

And as said on other forums, if i'm wrong about this guy, (choose your deity) may come and strike me down with lightning.

external quote taken from:

Their technology and their place of "residence" is unimportant to them and to me. They have no interest in telling me useless information

And yet, they told you, that their planet is named crackpotia or something ?!
Now, if this ain't useless information, i don't know what is.

Please, in all honesty, go away.

[edit on 16-7-2007 by Phil J. Fry] darn, monday, editing needed :/

[edit on 16-7-2007 by Phil J. Fry]

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by Phil J. Fry

As far as this thread being spiritual, I have asked the mods to move it to a more appropriate forum.

So i may ask, why you are here again ? Maybe because this is the most frequented forum and for selling it's the more the better ?

external quote taken from:

There, your soul, Father and Mother will decide the experiences you will live through in your next incarnation.

I will use a personal story to finish off this post: I was sexually abused three times when I was a child by three different men (not in my immediate family). For the longest time, and mostly throughout my teen years, I was bitter about the abuse, and I literally hated the abusers. After meeting Gabriel, however, I have come to the realization (most people do not understand this at all) that my own soul chose the abuse before I was incarnated in order to teach me the real meaning of forgiveness and the purpose of pain.

First let me say, that this is the single most disgusting thing i've read in a very long time. Abused people CHOSE to be abused to get teached ?! You crossed a line here, a very thick one.Unfortunately i care about my account here, otherwise i would let my girl, who happens to work with abused kids, do the posting on this.

external quote taken from:

Their answer, though still quite unsatisfactory to me, is that humanity simply is not ready. Yeshua tells me there will be mass hysteria if they come in league now

Ah now here we are, you are ready, we are not - now who would have thought of this completely original mindset.

spiritconnects own book review

Yes yes i know, some friend of you used your own personal email id to review your own book in a positive way.

The Fellowship - The Video

And as said on other forums, if i'm wrong about this guy, (choose your deity) may come and strike me down with lightning.

external quote taken from:

Their technology and their place of "residence" is unimportant to them and to me. They have no interest in telling me useless information

And yet, they told you, that their planet is named crackpotia or something ?!
Now, if this ain't useless information, i don't know what is.

Please, in all honesty, go away.

[edit on 16-7-2007 by Phil J. Fry] darn, monday, editing needed :/

[edit on 16-7-2007 by Phil J. Fry]

Dear Phil J. Fry,

Your reaction is normal for those who first hear of my understanding of my abuse. On the surface, and to those who go no deeper than the surface in their reaction to such things, I completely understand. It was not an easy philosophy for me to accept, but I cannot describe the wonderful peace that has followed. My hatred is gone, and a deep sense of forgiveness and compassion has replaced it. Nothing can shatter that.

I would be more than happy to talk to your partner about my experiences, both as an abused child, and as a forgiver of those abusers.

Phil, my heart goes out to you in your obvious anger. Just know that I and your ET guides have nothing but compassion for you and all humanity, those who have been abused, and abusers, etc.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

[edit on 16-7-2007 by spiritconnect]

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 08:40 AM

Out of curiosity, why do you think reincarnation is a primitive belief?
And, what makes a primitive belief inherently wrong?


Well human society has true beliefs and false beliefs. It is important to throw out the false ones if we are truly to know ourselves. The purpose of life is to reproduce and pass our genetic code to our children. There is no purpose in survival after death. Therefore it seems pointless for a being to live on after death. The human mind comes from the brain. When the brain dies then so does the mind. After all consciousness due to the workings of the brain which is just a giant neural network. Once this is destroyed then the mind is destroyed too. There is no way the mind could survive death. And even if it could what would be the purpose of living on?

Nature is simple we are born - we reproduce we die. Thats all. WHy delude ourselves that we are reborn have an afterlife? Its just wishfull thinking to escape the fear of death.

I don't want to offend your beliefs I just think that this is the truth.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 11:41 AM

Catlantis (assuming he/she is not part of the spamming exercise) has no doubt read the 'method' by now so we can await a report of his/her experiene in communing with extraterrestrials.

I have not got that far yet. I will outline it when I get there.
(Sorry, got married this weekend... well, not sorry

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 12:10 PM
Congrats catlantis! My wedding is this saturday, so I bet you're glad it's all done with.

As far as spiritconnect's disposition towards his abusers, no matter what path taken, I think we can all agree that the best end result is not holding on to the anger and to push for forgiveness. I mean, really, what good does it do yourself to continue to be angry towards someone? Not much really, and you're the only one with the ability to let it go. I agree with the philosophy with forgiving all tresspasses upon you and to return a smile, granted sometimes are much easier then others, but I think this is the general goal that people KNOW deep inside their heart is the correct response.

I can see where that may be a strange thing to see looking in, but really it doesn't matter what spiritconnect's beliefs are, if it was another belief that was encouraging him to forgive and forget, then that would seem quite strange as well.

Spiritconnect, I tried the MP3 file you had a while ago and I didn't have much success with it, although the environment wasn't ideal and I have been busy putting a wedding together as well...

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