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The NWO has been given a Death Threat it should Heed!

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posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi

Originally posted by srsen
Also, the Noble Resolve Nuke exercise in Oregon on August 23/24 - these types of things are quite common arent they? What makes you single that one out?

The locals are having a hard job getting any info on it, the local congressman has been denied access to continuity of govt details, and there was notable 'al qaeda' activity in Ashland, Oregon a few years ago. Given the history of good drills going bad (911 & 7/7), it just has a stink afaic. Google al qaeda oregon.

so your suggesting that an 'al qaeda' cell may pull something off here. If by AL Queada you mena false flag then sure, i could see that possibility. I guess time will tell. If details are shady i suppose something could be up with it. Lets hope not!!

I was thinkig the October surprise would be something positive, a change for the better, i wasnt thinking it would be some kind of attack. i hope im right

[edit on 14-8-2007 by srsen]

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by srsenNow someone has 'committed suicide' (always suss) it makes me wonder if this guy stumbled onto something and was threatening to come out with it.

The article says

It is common for disgraced officials to commit suicide in China.
Unfortunately, the same thing happens here in Japan.

Suicides Cast Shadow On Japan's Government
Link to Forbes article

I think we can take this at face value.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 10:57 PM
yeh of course. al qaeda is an amorphous entity hardwired with the cia, but with roots trailing in many directions afaic.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 11:04 PM
In Fulford`s latest Japanese Blog entry he talks about the Bush administration stepping down this autumn. The free translation I did with this website came up with

Resignation of the curl lob that is said to be the brain of Bush was first step upon toward it

I was wondering what 'curl lob' meant and then worked it out, the computer means Karl Rove.
That cracked me up. I can read katakana, hiragana and some kanji, so I can always check what the computer is translating. Anyway, it`s basically a mini-summary of his latest update in English.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by srsen
I was thinkig the October surprise would be something positive, a change for the better, i wasnt thinking it would be some kind of attack. i hope im right

The way I read it is the 'autumn surprise' means, "U.S. President George Bush’s government will resign, before his term expires, and will be replaced by an interim regime headed by Al Gore."

At least I really hope so!

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:06 AM
Just an update on the OP's article, I had listened to the interview with Jeff Rense and Benjamin Fulford it was interesting to say the lest, far fetched to say the most. Though I would like it to be true it still remains to be seen and wont be holding my breath.

Secret Government Promises Big Changes
By Benjamin Fulford

If the sources are to be believed, U.S. President George Bush’s government will resign, before his term expires, and will be replaced by an interim regime headed by Al Gore. This will start a 2-3 year transition period during which suppressed technology, such as free energy, will be released and a new system for running the planet will be implemented, according to these two sources. “They [The illuminati] know their rule is ending but they do not want it to end in an ugly way,” the security police source says.

The recent market turmoil, including the Chinese threat to sell dollars, was part of the bargaining towards major changes in the secret balance of power, we are told.


The Chinese secret societies meanwhile, are watching carefully for any sign of new attempts to spread disease or otherwise carry out genocidal attacks. They only give one warning and have now initiated a news blackout. I am not in the loop about what they would do if a new breach was found, but they did say whatever action they took would be "unpredictable and worse than expected."

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by bridas

Resignation of the curl lob that is said to be the brain of Bush was first step upon toward it

I was wondering what 'curl lob' meant and then worked it out, the computer means Karl Rove.
That cracked me up.

Curl Lob - that's his new name from hence forth for me... Curl Lob, love it. So yeah, it was just saying that he is the first to go then huh? cool.

Guys there is a serious problem with this whole Al Gore thing... We need to get to the bottom of it - and it doesnt help that Shar_Chi and myself are Aussie and Bridas is Japanese, but we need to know more about the upcoming US election.

How can Al Gore become Bush's replacement if there is an election coming up and he isn't even in the running??

What will happen to the Hilary Clinton's, Barack Obama's and Ron Paul's? Are they all going to simply step aside and be cool with it? It makes no sense?

As an aside though, i can see how this changes the plan. i'm convinced that the pre-existing 'evil' plan was to have Hilary Clinton run the US, but now possibley the 'good' plan is to have Al Gore run it instead and use him to introduce the new technolgies. but damn i hate that guy - dont trust him as far as i can throw him!!

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:57 AM
Yeh as you say it just doesnt make a whole lot of sense. I mean Gore's democrat, Bush is Republican, so even if Bush / Cheney did step aside I don't see how Gore could just step in. I mean Kerry would have more argument than Gore at this stage. So I have to question the logic here.

BTW I've also never forgotten or forgiven that Tipper Gore (Al's wife) co-founded the censorship lobby group PMRC (Parents Music Resource Centre), a constant source of ire for myself being a headbanger in the 80s lol.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by srsen
but damn i hate that guy - dont trust him as far as i can throw him!!

Neither do I. Anyone who can get to the top of the US political system has to be in cahoots with the Illuminati. For example Kerry is a fellow Skull and Bones member with Bush Senior and Junior. CBS News on Bush and Kerry ties

However, with all that went on in Florida and Ohio in the 2000 election, Gore should have won. Has anyone done any background checking into Gore? Is he a member of any secret societies?

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by SauronThough I would like it to be true it still remains to be seen and wont be holding my breath.

I don`t think any of us are holding our breath, but I`m sure like myself people are hoping good comes of it. Fulford and his reputation are the key. I just hope he isn`t being played by the Illuminati. But he`s an investigative journalist with a lot of experience and contacts in Asia, so he should be able to suss things out.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:58 AM

If the sources are to be believed, U.S. President George Bush’s government will resign, before his term expires, and will be replaced by an interim regime headed by Al Gore. This will start a 2-3 year transition period during which suppressed technology, such as free energy, will be released and a new system for running the planet will be implemented, according to these two sources. “They [The illuminati] know their rule is ending but they do not want it to end in an ugly way,” the security police source says.

If the whole of the Bush administration were to resign including the president before his term expired then the US constitution calls for the speaker of the house to assume the office of the presidency and would only last until this term expires.

What Fulfurd is saying is going to happen is in violation of the US constitution.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by etshrtslr
If the whole of the Bush administration were to resign including the president before his term expired then the US constitution calls for the speaker of the house to assume the office of the presidency and would only last until this term expires.

What Fulfurd is saying is going to happen is in violation of the US constitution.

See, this exactly the kind of thing i suspected, thanks Etshrtslr.

Someone needs to pull Fulford up on this and get him to investigate this further. We must remember that he is only relaying the info from his 'senior Japanese public security police officer and Freemason who has been acting as an intermediary with the Chinese secret society'. I mean it could be this guy who has gotten it wrong and Fulford simply missed it and didnt pull him up on it.

Being such an experienced journo you think he would have noticed this discrepency, but alas he did not - i dont doubt the entire scenario though simply because of this error. there could be a simple explanantion, but i think we NEED that explanation.

I may send Benjamin a link to this page of the forum and have him examine our exact concerns.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by etshrtslr

What Fulfurd is saying is going to happen is in violation of the US constitution.

Just say, Bush proves without a doubt that he stole the election in 2000, with the help of the Diebold voting machines and the Judges in Florida. What would happen then? Would that change things at all?

Check this out:
QUICK SUMMARY: The Clint Curtis / Tom Feeney / Yang Enterprises, Inc. Vote-Rigging Scandal
Link to article

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:30 PM
Oh good lord, now the Asian Alliance will kill the North American Union, and I the US citizen will have to fght a revolt against the Chinese now? Oh Brother!
Check list jsut grew for secret societies to infiltrate in my life.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by bridas

Just say, Bush proves without a doubt that he stole the election in 2000, with the help of the Diebold voting machines and the Judges in Florida. What would happen then? Would that change things at all?

Even though I am a US citizen I am not an attorney. With that clarification, whatever one believes about the 2000 elections the fact is the Supreme Court of the United States rendered their opinion of the of the 2000 presidential elections. And the fact is the American people have lived with the results of that election for close to seven years, its the law however much one might disagree with it.

The courts and the constitution worked in 2000 even if one did not agree with the results.

And whatever one thinks of the 2004 elections Bush was elected and is still president of the United States.

I still think the United States Constitution (despite what has happened with various legislation enacted recently and the previous elections) when it comes to the succession of the president the constitution still reigns supreme when it comes to who succeeds the president in case of resignation, death or incapacitation.

If thats not the case and if someone where to be appointed president in clear violation of the constitution then I think there would be civil war.

A blatant and obvious violation of the constitution such as presidential succession is a whole other matter imo.

In our current political environment if the whole administration were to resign including the president then the next in line would be the speaker of the house who is Nancy Pelosi (a democrat from the opposition party).

Again I say, if what Fulford said is true then it would be a violation of the US constitution despite whatever one might think happened in the previous elections.

And if someone is appointed president such as Algore who is not currently an elected official of the US government and without following the LETTER OF THE LAW in regard to the constitution when it comes to the succession of the president then God help America!

And yes I know we need that help now.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:22 PM
ok, great reply, that helps. thanks

but now answer me this - is there ANY circumstances you could see that may allow Al Gore to replace Bush? What if Pelosi also resigns or is not around?

I'm just trying to explore all possible ways this could be true. Is there ANY law that says the president can decide who suceeds him?

What does the constitution say about presidential sucession anyway? Is it what you said about Pelosi being next in line?

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 01:46 AM
I had a dream the line of succesion was killed off in a nuke, and the War Czar took over. Then a revolution declared its own war czar and a civil war broke out. Colld happen.

But on topic, no, the prez cannot decide who succedes him.

direct from wikipedia:

This is a list of the current presidential line of succession, as specified by the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (3 U.S.C. § 19).

# Office Current Officer
1 Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate Dick Cheney
2 Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi
3 President of the Senate pro tempore Robert Byrd
4 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
5 Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson
6 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
7 Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
8 Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne
9 Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns
-- Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez
(ineligible; not a natural-born citizen)†
-- Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao
(ineligible; not a natural-born citizen)†
10 Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt
11 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alphonso Jackson
12 Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters
13 Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman
14 Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings
15 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson
16 Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff ††

[edit] Notes
† Non-natural-born citizens are ineligible
It has been a subject of controversy whether cabinet officers who are not natural-born citizens, such as Carlos Gutierrez (born in Cuba) or Elaine Chao (born in Taiwan), are constitutionally ineligible to be acting President, because Article Two establishes only eligibility requirements for the office of President. The same question exists for officers in the line of succession who are not at least 35 years old or have not resided in the United States for 14 years. To avoid a needless constitutional dispute at what would likely be a time of great crisis, the statute (3 U.S.C. § 19(e)) specifies that even the acting President must meet the constitutional requirements for the office of President. Thus, Secretary Gutierrez and Secretary Chao are ineligible to serve as Acting President since they are not "natural-born citizens" of the United States.
†† Inclusion of Secretary of Homeland Security
On March 9, 2006, President Bush signed HR 3199 as Pub.L. 109-177, which renewed the Patriot Act and amended the Presidential Succession Act to include the Secretary of Homeland Security in the line of succession after the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (§ 503). In the 109th Congress, legislation was introduced to place the Secretary of Homeland Security into the line of succession after the Attorney General but that bill expired at the end of the 109th Congress and has not been re-introduced.
'Acting' officers are ineligible
To be in the line of succession, an officer must have been appointed, and confirmed by the United States Senate, prior to the death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or otherwise failure to qualify of the President pro tempore. Therefore, 'acting' officers who have not been confirmed into the position cannot be in the line of succession.
Members of the Presidential cabinet who are not heads of Departments -- for example the White House Chief of Staff and the United States Ambassador to the United Nations -- are not included in the line of succession.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 06:44 PM
interesting, thanks for that Gorman91.

So in essence, due to the fact that we've apparently confirmed that it is pretty much impossible for Al Gore to succeed Bush, then have we not then debunked Fulford's most recent message?

I'm not doubting Fulfords entire story here but i am now suggesting that his sources on the most recent update may have been massively off and unreliable, and possibley he should have not been as hastey to trust this guy's info.

I still believe the Red and Green have given the Illuminati an ultimatum BUT i am pretty much discarding the most recent update as misleading and unreliable.

I'm back to where we were a week ago - trying to read bewtwen the lines of the nightly news and attempting to decicher the stories we see to try and find a connection...

[edit on 16-8-2007 by srsen]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by srsen

So in essence, due to the fact that we've apparently confirmed that it is pretty much impossible for Al Gore to succeed Bush, then have we not then debunked Fulford's most recent message?

Constitutionally its not possible but in Fulfords world of secret societies, trained assassins and secret governments, then I think anything could be possible.

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 08:53 PM
I asked Fulford about his opinion of Al Gore and whether he can be trusted, as I said that anyone who can get to the top of US politics must be in cahoots with the powers that be. Anyway, he said, "Al Gore is definitely kissing Rothschild *** but, he represents the faction that wants to present a moderate image for a while in order to make everybody passive again."

I wonder how long a 'while' is.
And also, what will the Rothschilds do once everyone is 'passive' again.

I`m still waiting for him to reply about the US constitution question we have.


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