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The NWO has been given a Death Threat it should Heed!

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posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 07:33 PM
Historical background to Green and Red Gang Benjamin talks about:
Green and Red Gang.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:59 PM
Great articles on that site, even if just for historical perspectives on the Orient. Cheers

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Great articles on that site, even if just for historical perspectives on the Orient. Cheers

You`re welcome Shar_Chi. I`m keeping an eye on Benjamin`s blog (All in Japanese.) . He wrote about the recent election here in Japan in which the ruling party soundly lost. Unfortunately, he thinks the opposition party is also in cahoots with the powers that be.

Anyway, I plan to follow this story closely. What will August bring?

[edit on 1-8-2007 by bridas]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by bridas
Historical background to Green and Red Gang Benjamin talks about:
Green and Red Gang.

Again I ask, why should anyone trust these well established and brutal drug dealers to save America from the banksters? Why would the new bosses be any better than the old bosses? His uncritical acceptance of these gangsters and his assumption of benign intent is very suspect to me.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by SevenThundersAgain I ask, why should anyone trust these well established and brutal drug dealers to save America from the banksters? Why would the new bosses be any better than the old bosses? His uncritical acceptance of these gangsters and his assumption of benign intent is very suspect to me.

SevenThunders, I don`t think they`re saying they wish to set themselves up as world leaders. They just want to put a stop to the Illuminati`s depopulation plans. Personally, I`m under no illusions that segments of this Chinese group are not 'brutal drug dealers' as you describe them. But as with the Yakuza here in Japan, things are not as simple as they seem.

I quote from wikipedia here:Until recently, the majority of yakuza income came from protection rackets in shopping, entertainment and red-light districts within their territory. This is mainly due to the reluctance of such businesses to seek help from the police. The Japanese police are also reluctant to interfere in internal matters in recognized communities such as shopping arcades, schools/universities, night districts and so on. In this sense, yakuza are still regarded as semi-legitimate organizations. For example, immediately after the Kobe earthquake, the Yamaguchi-gumi, whose headquarters are in Kobe, mobilised itself to provide disaster relief services (including the use of a helicopter), and this was widely reported by the media as a contrast to the much slower response by the Japanese government. For this reason, many yakuza regard their income and hustle (shinogi) as a collection of a feudal tax.

I know the part about Kobe is true as I live here.

Anyway, Benjamin said, "It must be made very clear though that it is not a crime gang. Although many members are Triad and Yakuza members, over 2/3 thirds of the members are intellectuals such as university professors, researchers and government bureaucrats. Each member earns their own living and membership in the society is like belonging to an emergency fire brigade. Their book of rules reads like a book of ethics filled with instructions to do things like help the weak, fight injustice, help your comrades etc."

"They approached me and asked if they could help after I made a speech in Tokyo describing the Bush regimes' use of race-specific biological weapons. For me it was like a ghost from the history books appearing right in front of me. At first I thought of silly things like having them play 911 truth videos in Chinatowns around the world. However, then I remembered the scene from the movie Kill Bill where Uma Thurman snatches out her opponent's eye. I soon realized these people could save the world by directly attacking the eye at the top of the pyramid on the one-dollar bill."

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:34 AM
Yeah seven thunders i dont think we are here debating the merits of triads or yakuzi as much as following fulford's story.

Bridas are you able to translate anything relevant from those blogs? i note that they are quite current (as of today), as well as several comments being left which i can see mention Assuming you read Japanese, anything interesting happening?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Assuming you read Japanese, anything interesting happening?

Unfortunately my Japanese isn`t that good. But I`m in touch with Benjamin Fulford via email, so if anything important does happen I`ll let you know.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Great, thanks. Oh and here's how Google translated that site.. pretty nifty" target="_blank" class="postlink">Fulford Blog (Translated)

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:55 PM
great thread here - good stuff.

been following this story since it aired on - read a transcript the day after - very interesing. (NB: the audio link no longer works - any chance of repairng it so i can finally hear the interview?)

my two cents - Fulford seems quite a confident character. there must be some truth to his words or else i dont see why he would bother. He hasnt been taken out yet either so there could be some kind of fear on behalf of those who would want him silenced.

I DO feel a little concerned about one mega-power secret society threatening another - it really could be a power struggle. seems to good to be true to have a six-million strong society be genuinely thinking in a positive manner.

So what do we think this August event could be? Who would be the one man who they would kill to send a message to the rest?
Are we talking David Rockefellar here? It was my understanding the Rothchilds are bigger players.

Who do you guys think is the most likely target?

(NB: please remember, i only read a 15-pg transcript of the interview with Fullford. i have yet to get through the full 50-pg transcript, so am not sure if the likely target was mentioned)

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:51 PM
sorry i just don't buy this

the NWO crowd would not relinquish there power based on some threats from this character....representing some group like this

if anything the illuminati control the chinese gov't and would be used to attack america at some later date and they would like those that "don't trust gov't and read alternative news" to associate this with some secret chinese organization conquering the NWO, or maybe just to deflect attention to some chinese secret society lol i don't know but i don't buy the story line here

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:08 PM
HYPOTHETICAL: what if this Chinese secret society WAS Illuminati working by proxy...

The plan could be to 'overthrow' the illuminati and have everyone see this new secret society as the good guys.

However this new secret society would simply continue the illuminati's plans and use this 'overthrow' to introduce new ideas and concepts which people will tend to believe.

They will believe because they would think "the evil illuminati is gone - our new saviour will show us the truth which has been hidden for so long". It would be an elaborate con-job.

So the illuminati working via the CHinese secret society would actually reinforce its doctrines and plans and at the same time instill new beliefs and basically refresh its whole scheme.

Make sense? what do we think?

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:31 AM
I think the Yakuza and some of these other groups are extremely hostile to the West. I'm sure this is all the more true if illuminati plans to exterminate asians can be proven. After all the Yakuza have had some dealings with such lovely groups as Aum Shinrikyo, who launched the Sarin gas attacks in the Japanese subways and whose followers have launched attacks in the U.S. Aum Shinrikyo almost succeeded in releasing enough cyanide gas to kill 20,000 commuters. It is well known they have had some dealings, although the Yakuza did manage to assassinate Aum Shinrikyo's chief scientist.

By the way Aum Shinrikyo philosophies, based on some mixture of buddism, the occult and even christianity appear at first examination, benign, filled with positive thinking etc. Unfortunately paranoia and leader idolatry went along with it.

So lets just imagine that they do us all a favor and start taking out our criminal mass murdering banksters here in the West. What do you think is going to happen? Will the illuminati just sit back and take the damage? Do you not think that there are some of their friends and offspring waiting in the wings, anxious to take power and probably seek revenge? If the triads et. al. are successful what do you think they would do with the power they have inherited? I predict that any of these outcomes leads to more misery for the masses.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:42 AM
There is no NWO group.

So death threat is meaningless.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:49 AM
link atleast some of this story checks out benjamin did used to work for forbes magazine.....ickey i hate to be that guy but something about you is starting to scream disinfo to me thats all you have posted for the past few hours is there "is no nwo so just forget it"....oh and babout the gangster thing even the CIA trusted gangsters when they wanted something done ((castro)) when it comes down to it well have to put these differences aside till the mess we are in is cleared up then you can go back to arresting us and wut not

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:52 AM
NWO/Illuminati propaganda nonsense IS disinformation.

I think that we can investigate whether Illuminati/NWO propaganda circulating on the internet is a CIA operation to direct attention away from Bush regime's dubious activities.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by Ickey]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:59 AM
like i said before bushs regime is the nwo illumanati whatever title you want to give it as long as we stay suspiscious of the entire government well be okay...but bushs regime supposedly is the nwo because he was part of skull and bones and heeds to there agenda and skull and bones is linked to this and that and the other really the way i approach it is its illumanati for lack of a better term but bush isnt doing it by himself theres more people involved and they make up the NWO

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:05 AM
Bush is member of Skulls and Bones so?

What influence does Skulls and Bones have on USA regime?

What agenda does Skulls and Bones have and by what methods are they steering USA policies towards that agenda?

The simple fact is that Skulls and Bones has no influence whatsoever on USA regime's policies.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by Ickey]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:58 AM
um guys please don't turn this into another 20 page trainwreck. if you've got nothing specific to add to the fulford discussion, then there's the million and a half trainwrecked threads regarding the existence of the NWO, SKull bones whatever, just a short mouse click over there ->

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 11:08 PM
I didn`t catch this part in the Rense/Fulford interview.

"They're basically [gangsters and] they're not capable of running the planet." There's a snag (A big snag I think! - ed)

"But if it comes to something actually violent, then they are the professionals. They've doing this for 500 years and I won't [know what they are going to do] but they did tell me to say that it would be unpredictable and far worse than expected." They're gonna get the one (Congruent reversal. They will go after the leader or the one.)

Reverse Speech analysis done by David Oates.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
um guys please don't turn this into another 20 page trainwreck. if you've got nothing specific to add to the fulford discussion, then there's the million and a half trainwrecked threads regarding the existence of the NWO, SKull bones whatever, just a short mouse click over there ->
i know last night i sent him a u2u saying we shouldnt pollute the thread.....but if this is true then this is a great step in the right direction

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