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Area 51 worker calls radio station and tells everything he know in panic (very,very,S

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posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 10:22 PM
Here is one thread where I know it was discussed, I don't know if this is the only one though. Freaky stuff to say the least when listening to it the first time.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 10:28 PM
"The disasters that are coming...the military...i'm sorry...the government knows about them."

This call was made in 1997.

This guy is a psychic. Four years before 9-11-01. Please click on the link in my signature to the Washington Post news article. Los Alamos...

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 10:42 PM
Not sure if people know this already, because I haven't seen it mentioned in the thread here yet. But this was a caller to the art bell show. I don't have the time to listen to it but from the descriptions that's the audio.

Art was baffled also, he stated that the only way the signal was lost was through outside intervention and was no failure on his stations side.
I dunno pretty interesting. Was a fair few years ago though.
If anyone has any explanations i'd love to hear them.

Another thing: Reverse speech was done on this call. Some interesting things were found. I'll see if i can find the file. If not, maybe one of you guys can reverse speech it and see what you find.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 11:13 PM
From what I have researched so far I believe the date of the radio show was September 11, 1997.

Originally posted by thedangler
if you want to find the audio just listen to a tool song. i dont remeber which one it is but the song per say is that exact guy talking about the ET's.

i know its not on 10,000 days cd so go hunting for it... and its that for sure.

when i listened to it i was baffled because i knew it from a tool song.

found it songs called Faaip De Oiad - album Lateralus

Good luck.

Here is a reference to the Tool song Faaip de Oiad. Here it also states that the 2nd time the caller was heard from that most believe it not to be the same man.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 11:30 PM
I found a continued version of the conversation Art Bell expains.

Art reported that the telephone conversation continued off the air for
about a minute, when the caller "screamed" and "screeched" and the
telephone connection went dead. Art also reported that his Web site
registered 5 million hits just after the outage.

Later, a Tucson caller who he said worked for Hughes (which Art said
supplies microwave systems to Area 51) reported that his computer memory and electronic watch were zapped at the same time that the broadcast went dead, and suggested both events may have been caused by a cloud-reflected EMP (electromagnetic pulse, which are created by nuclear explosions or by special EMP generator).

A caller claiming he was with Area 51 security said: "[We're] Professional
cleaners, you know they dig a lot of holes in the desert...I use a lot of
acid....We worked with satellite operations in the Gulf War when we cut
down certain transmissions...." He predicted the caller would not be
calling in again.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 12:15 AM
Glad I was right about the file without listening to it. I would have looked stupid

I'm glad this has been digged up again. I think it was one of the first few things that got me interested in this kind of stuff. Would have been about 19-20 at the time.

It wouldn't be nearly as interesting without the EMF thing. If it weren't for that it could easily be written off as a prank.
Theres the EMF and the reverse speech ( If you believe in that stuff )
So it's worth a look.

I recall some of the things found in the reverse speech file was

'they're going to kill me'
'he has a gun'

Along those lines anyway.
Reverse speech is creepy to listen to so i only listened to it once

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 03:26 AM
Has anybody actually confirmed the power-sap? Or is it all just "alleged"?

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Rhain
I found a continued version of the conversation Art Bell expains.

A caller claiming he was with Area 51 security said: "[We're] Professional
cleaners, you know they dig a lot of holes in the desert...I use a lot of

What the hell is that meant to mean!?

Is it possible that Area51 security came round and gave him a good kicking then forced him to tell everyone it was a confession? Then proceeded to make him disappear?

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 07:49 AM
Here we go, heres the reverse speech files.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:56 AM
It was mentioned earlier in the thread but you guys don't seem to want to read it
This has been covered before...later Art Bell actually stated, as said here on the thread, that the caller called back and admitted to the hoax.
As far as the power outage I recall something about it being a weird conincidence, which is why Art too was baffled.

...Midway through this call, Bell's program went off the air for about 30 minutes. After talking to network engineers, the official explanation was that the network satellite had "lost earth lock" or forgotten where the earth was. Network officials were baffled. The caller surfaced a couple weeks later, by the name Brian, and said he had created the character (confirming the claim after a brief performance, using the same panicked voice) but said he had no idea how or why the show was knocked off the air...

Art Bell
Scroll approx. a third down the page under the subtitle "Featured Callers"

[edit on 30/6/07 by flice]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 09:13 AM
Yeah he did call back. But it's not really case closed...
A hoaxer, after doing a great job, AND getting the miraculous power outage at the perfect moment wouldn't ruin his wonderful acting skills on calling later on to tell them it's a hoax.

Man if I was the hoaxer and I got that power outage at just the right time i'd be over the moon. Like i'd call back and ruin it all.

Which leads to the question, what kind of technology would 'they' posess for manipulated admissions for these types of situations? Theres alot of threads on mind control etc here, it's not out of the question.
I recall oswell, and the guy that killed lennon both showed signs of mind control. Please correct me if i'm wrong though.

Interview with Mark, the guy who killed lennon. Kinda interesting.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 09:49 AM
That guy gave a convincing speech , but he didn't get to the point and started crying like a little baby, which gave it off as a hoax . The part about the signal loss was the secret government thinking the guy was the real deal and by mistake scrambled the show to cover their own behind. None of the info was usefull anyway so why even bother to scramble it.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 03:16 PM
A lucky psychic though, to call in on the SAME date as the event that would later trigger theterrorism hysteria that allowed the USA to go to war with an exceedingly oil-rich country...

Did the twin towers count as 'major popultaion centres'? their destruction certainly did make the rest of us easy to control as far as swaying public opinion goes...

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Rhain
I found a continued version of the conversation Art Bell expains.
A caller claiming he was with Area 51 security said: "[We're] Professional
cleaners, you know they dig a lot of holes in the desert...I use a lot of
acid....We worked with satellite operations in the Gulf War when we cut
down certain transmissions...." He predicted the caller would not be
calling in again.

Professional cleaners=well-known euphemism for hitmen.

Dig a lot of holes in the desert=Area 51 is a restricted access site sitting on a ton of desert-you could be buried here and no one would ever find you.

I use a lot of acid=Various types of industrial acid can be used for torture, execution, and also destruction of corpses.

I think the so-called hoax was not a hoax at all.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 11:40 AM
the odds of being cut off by the government in mid-speach are beyond a million to one. more than likely, a trillion to one. it never happens. consider the odds of all the radio shows in America that occur on a daily, no an hourly basis and then add them all up. it's just mind boggling. clearly this guy said some truth. why else would the government shut it down? i'm guessing the discussion of et's from other dimensions and impending disasters hit a nerve. of course their "camps" that can hold populations may have hit a nerve as well. what this man speaks of is similar to the D4rk Knight's prophecy of horrible disasters occuring near large populations.

i don't believe wikipedia. it's too conveiant, like google. it's monitored by "them." not to mention, anyone can edit anything and input what they desire.

it just makes too much sense that it would be a cover up. this scared man was probably never heard from again. he called in to a radio station where he probably believed it would do the most good, the government shuts down the radio station, and then weeks later a guy not even sounding like the original caller claims it to be a hoax. that appears to be standard military protocol.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 11:45 AM
I remember that show and i also remember the one flying over area 51 and losing communication with Art as he approached this area.

I dont know if they're for real or not but it sure made me stay with this show for years after that.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 12:05 PM
Somethings........can't ever be perfect, most things are not. Anything put forth, real or not will be debated. "The Sky is Falling" ,and all that. Where did that man go, what did he see, what happened...a break down of a human spirit. Perhaps a joke, or not. An open mind seeks answers to all thats not understood, I want to know more.....The truth. Information is a human thing.....not always done well.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 03:06 PM
I have this C2C show, if anyone wants it, U2U me.

And yes, coincidentally, this C2C show took place on 9/11/97

[edit on 14-8-2007 by slackerwire]

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 03:10 PM
how about the theory that first call was real then gov captures him and makes him say that its a hoax?

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 09:35 PM
Art Bell is a huckster and a shyster. I know people who were guests on his show, who would concur. I also know a group of people that hoaxed Bell on a number of occasions; it wouldn't surprise me if "the Area 51 guy" was one of their productions.

Interesting you should mention Reverse Speech..... there's a connection there...

EDITED TO ADD: read this if you haven't already seen it. Any respect I had for Bell dissolved after I read this.

[edit on 14-8-2007 by FosterVS]

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