Ahh god, I wasn't going to post but i'll just give a few thoughts.
Hate trying to remember what people have said already i don't like the quoting system here.
This is the kind of stuff I love to see around ATS, its all very convincing and nothing can be picked apart instantly.
Alot of information was given, he is intelligent, seems pleasant, and provided that much needed 'further photo and file documentation' that we all
love to see with claims such as these.
So i'm really looking forward to see where this will go.
My thoughts
- Crop circles, to whoever brought that up yes the way these devices symbols function does tie in with crop circles nicely! Are they
influencing/helping the planet through their energy manifesting symbols? The most believeable crop circles give out energies, and the fake ones do
not. This is a fact.
article&artid=25 Some basic info can be found here from this well known crop circle site. Search for it on google, theres scientific studies on
these energies and I haven't seen any debunking of them so far. When a group of investigators had to the task to recreate a crop circle, one of the
requirements was to recreate this energy. It's well known!
I'm saying these things because i'm surprised how many people have stated crop circles are fake and also dont have energies associated with them.
- These are scannings of the original documents i assume? He has given this impression anyway. I agree, it would be a little odd to scribble all over
your originals. Unless you had no other choice and wanted to show the actual originals rather than copies of the copies. Not too logical.
Would they blank out the documents before they left the building? Unlikely.
So he has scribbled over his originals. A strange move.
- I agree with the person who mentioned that these black projects may work differently in their documentation methods, since they are not really
working as a part of the government in the usual ways. I do find the documentation rather simple though.
But this matches with the simplicity of the actual writings I suppose. Perhaps these are not really the good stuff and dont really need
special....secret numbers. It's just a handbook.
Above all, i dont like how it says 'Palo alto caret laboratory' on each page.
This means if they are leaked they are traceable. Not logical.
They're working there, they're not going anywhere else. They know where they're working theres no need for placing the name of where all this top
secret research is taking place on each page of the handbook.
To this person typing in capitols saying this is not how classified documents are kept, these departments are different to the ones you have
supposively worked in. Yours were most likely official government sponsored and run jobs.
- The lint on the picture as someone mentioned is awesome, nice find.
Adds to the elaborateness of this possible hoax.
- To those who say that some of the symbols look Japanese, I might say 'so'?
Perhaps we could say the japanese symbols look alien?
"Japanese is a language isolate, unrelated to any other known language"
"There is currently no accepted theory about the origin of kanji with accounts ranging from intermediary introduction by Korea, importation by
Japanese in China, and exportation by Chinese in Japan."
Strictly speaking, it may not be as suspicious as most people would think, if there are similarities between the two that may be okay since we don't
know where the japanese language came from anyway.
Afterall, out of all races on the planet which one would you say has the most classic alien features?