posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:43 PM
Well, first off I gotta say this.. thank you for finding this and posting it here. Second of all, I have been watching this "drone" thread (among
others) here and I decided it was my time to jump on board here, and since I am not the kind to test the waters I will just jump in with the full
assumption of drowning. The sheer volume of knowledge and open-mindedness of you guys has inspired me to say the least. So here is my dive in:
It has been noted, and as we speak I am saving these images to disk for further analysis. One thing that did strike me as this being a hoax is not the
images themselves (as I am sure all of you CGI guys will be on this like flies) but the story behind them. It is definantely an interesting read, and
that it came out after this discussion of "drones" makes it less believable for me, but it could just be attributed to that itself. Maybe Isaac has
been in hiding all this time, with relevent data to back up his claims... and all of a sudden there is static about these things and he decides to
release what info he has. That in itself raises a flag for me, unless this man has the time and will to browse forums like these and somehow sees
something that jogs his "memory" of a time when he was in the DoD.
I am not trying to be sarcastic with that statement, and in all actuality the documentation that he has submitted is monumental, and I admit I am no
professional on imaging but it has been how long since this drone thing has been floating around (no pun intended) and all of a sudden there is all of
these scans and diagrams. Yeah he said he was retired, but unless he had no life and some MAJOR motivation I coud not see someone putting this time
and effort into a hoax as elaborate as this. I'm sure there are people like that out there, but it boggles my mind to think about the motives
Now this is the fatal blow that makes me sit on the fence (right now) story:
"But upon [much] closer inspection, we began to learn that it was actually one big holographic computational substrate - each "computational
element" (essentially individual particles) can function independently, but are designed to function together in tremendously large clusters. I say
its holographic because you can divide it up into the smallest chunks you want and still find a scaled-down but complete representation of the whole
So he is either stating that what they have discovered is something fractal, and thus repeating itself on a larger scale, maybe they only figured out
one part of the smaller "text" pattern and could not recreate the entire piece of the puzzle? You would think that if they had mathematicians they
could have acheived that.
Or, being that this "language" was indecipherable by us humans, we had no starting point and had to impovise through trial and error, assuming that
there were experiments that had taken place. I know that I couldn't figure out the Rosetta Stone if someone just handed it to me.
And If this craft is what Isaac states, then why do the images in Q3-85 seem like they are laid on a tile floor? He said it was disassembled and they
only worked with "parts" right?
As far as I last read, we have no estimate on the size of this thing.. surely it wouldn;t be able to transport a full-size human being, much less
someone that is only 4 feet tall assuming there are pilots.
This is very troubling indeed.
Sorry for the rant, but I had a few beers... I will try and analyze these images some more tomorrow in photoshop. I'm not the best in the visual
department, But I am willing to explore this "language thing" a little more with some side-by side comparsis.