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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Evasius
Sounds like fun indeed, however answers would be nice. Do you have any?

Answers don't grow on trees

Find em'.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Evasius
Fine. we'll do things your way here. We'll continue to hem & haw about whether it's real or whether it's fake for 80 pages until the hoaxer or Springer sets us straight. Sounds like fun indeed, however answers would be nice. Do you have any?

Ofcourse I don't have any answers but that isn't the point. My point is that it is counterproductive to congratulate well done is just pointless and a waste of time.

It is akin to playing a RPG where the dungeon master is the hoaxer and we are trying to save the princess (figure out if it is a hoax or not), if you get my analogy.

While sure it is a lot of fun it is in the long run just a game that we are pawns in and frankly I don't come to ATS to play games, so all I am saying is we shouldn't encourage other hoaxers with praise.
That was probably one of the geekiest explanations I have ever come up with.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:18 PM
I am following.

My first thought comes to Kundalini

Signs and Symptoms
Coiled Up

I am at the least, impressed. I am a magician; have built illusions and built hoaxes that have fooled thousands. This is more than your average book report.

If this were a hoax, it is world class.

I believe hoax or not, there is something to be learned from the images.

Especially page 119. I'm going to kinkos for a blowup of that one. to review more of Isaac's site.

Do we have anyone here that can convert the imaged text to quotable text?

Please post.

Semaphor Cascade?

I am cognitively dissident,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes

Originally posted by Evasius
Sounds like fun indeed, however answers would be nice. Do you have any?

Answers don't grow on trees

Find em'.

Trust me, I'm lookin'

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:22 PM
You people need to expand your mind as to what is capable with 3d software these days:

All of these images are completely fake, yet look completely real. And you think to make a few semi circles with light reflections is hard eh? Wake up..I mean it in the nicest possible way, but please..its not beyond anyone's capability to fake these 'artifact' pictures and indeed they look quite rendered by either Alias Maya, Softimage or Renderman..

More CGI that cant possibly be fake..

Probably this posting will be ignored as it seems people only read their own posts and that it, but for what its worth..

Originally posted by jhanks28cold
Been following this for a while tonight, and I can reasonably state these photos were definatley scanned into a computer, and after looking at the reflections off of the objects, they are definately real objects.

If you look in photo 3, the left I-beam has a piece of lint that is perfectly visible. This is virtually indisputeble evidence they were scanned in to the computer, not simply created with an image creater."

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:26 PM
Oh! lets don't forget to compare Isaac writing style or terminology to John Titor.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:29 PM
It is exceedingly tiresome however to read post after post telling us that it is absolutely guaranteed certified to be a hoax because the "blue tint around image 4 is proof positive that the aggronomator function on FauxPrint 5.2 was utilized along with recumbant destabilizing fennestrations which any graphics dummy will tell you is a CGI telltale."

Can't we move past such obvious and tedious crapola by simply acknowledging that, with sufficient effort, ANY IMAGE can be decently replicated? I get the strong impression that some folks are more interested in displaying their alleged CGI knowledge than rationally discussing the evidence

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:33 PM
I saw this on Artbell and liked it also. This is by far the best project to deconstruct I have seen in a long time. The writing is flawless. The timing is great as everyone has this undercurrent that something is afoot somewhere. some new revelation. The idea of holographic software where each symbol acts almost like a gear or machine itself interactively with the environment is quite nice. He mentioned something about paper proframs, which actually was done about 30 years ago but never caught on . The blacking out of areas is routine if you want to protect names and departments etc. it seems to me that if true he reveled more than the british fellow Gary Mckenna who is facing extradition and jail time. I feel sorry for him as in a way he is a martyr if he goes down. I think he is still alive because he does a an ace up his sleve, knowledge he may have given others and is secreted somewhere.
This material is by far even more revealing, and taken in context with the Gary Mckenna story, means this person Isaac (name of ancient Prophet) has placed his life in jeopardy or he was authorized to release it. I think it was the latter. from his scans it appears he was in a rush.This may be a test for us, the public.
I'm glad some people are downloading this stuff. If its not the latter than the man has snapped. Some secrets are just too big, and he may have been left out of something he felt a part his job or promotion.. who knows what triggered but he should know the IRS is the least of his problems. But this really looks fabulous. I wonder if the recent Japanese work with integrating the brain or reading is tied into this stuff as the hardware shown may very well need that can of input . Thats going to be some programming. Not long ago they purchasedd the Skylark of Valeron series by EE doc smith. This is Pre PC days, when slide rulers ruled, where the ships operators brains interfaced with the ships. But I never heard anything else.

Well, they showed us the pieces..whats our move..If its in pieces the familes of who ever operated the craft may not be keen about coming to the funeral.

But it is really enjoyable and thought provoking ..Thanx whoever posted this first..

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:33 PM
I think we should focus on these photos a little closer. Something doesn't seem correct. Looks like a software generated set of objects. The background, the objects, the symbols. I want to see a lot more info and documentation before I make a final judgement on anything.

I just want to see the ATS members find the facts, so lets all look very closely at what we have before us, and the possibilities of what we could create. I can't knock the minimal set of detailed scientific information provided on these devices as of yet. The author promised more information and I am hoping that he can produce something of useable significance. As detailed as the work has been, its still lacking details.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:43 PM
My vote's with Palatino. Apples shipped with that in the 80's as I recall (others can be seen here Mac Fonts), and at the quasi governmental institution I worked at back in '86, Mac's were the machine of choice for all of our in house publications. It was the first font that came to mind when I looked at the "documentation", actually. If it is indeed Palatino, it would lend a nice air of authenticity. At the very least, someone knew enough not to present the doc's in Verdana...

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:43 PM
Well, first off I gotta say this.. thank you for finding this and posting it here. Second of all, I have been watching this "drone" thread (among others) here and I decided it was my time to jump on board here, and since I am not the kind to test the waters I will just jump in with the full assumption of drowning. The sheer volume of knowledge and open-mindedness of you guys has inspired me to say the least. So here is my dive in:

It has been noted, and as we speak I am saving these images to disk for further analysis. One thing that did strike me as this being a hoax is not the images themselves (as I am sure all of you CGI guys will be on this like flies) but the story behind them. It is definantely an interesting read, and that it came out after this discussion of "drones" makes it less believable for me, but it could just be attributed to that itself. Maybe Isaac has been in hiding all this time, with relevent data to back up his claims... and all of a sudden there is static about these things and he decides to release what info he has. That in itself raises a flag for me, unless this man has the time and will to browse forums like these and somehow sees something that jogs his "memory" of a time when he was in the DoD.
I am not trying to be sarcastic with that statement, and in all actuality the documentation that he has submitted is monumental, and I admit I am no professional on imaging but it has been how long since this drone thing has been floating around (no pun intended) and all of a sudden there is all of these scans and diagrams. Yeah he said he was retired, but unless he had no life and some MAJOR motivation I coud not see someone putting this time and effort into a hoax as elaborate as this. I'm sure there are people like that out there, but it boggles my mind to think about the motives here.

Now this is the fatal blow that makes me sit on the fence (right now) story:

"But upon [much] closer inspection, we began to learn that it was actually one big holographic computational substrate - each "computational element" (essentially individual particles) can function independently, but are designed to function together in tremendously large clusters. I say its holographic because you can divide it up into the smallest chunks you want and still find a scaled-down but complete representation of the whole system."

So he is either stating that what they have discovered is something fractal, and thus repeating itself on a larger scale, maybe they only figured out one part of the smaller "text" pattern and could not recreate the entire piece of the puzzle? You would think that if they had mathematicians they could have acheived that.

Or, being that this "language" was indecipherable by us humans, we had no starting point and had to impovise through trial and error, assuming that there were experiments that had taken place. I know that I couldn't figure out the Rosetta Stone if someone just handed it to me.

And If this craft is what Isaac states, then why do the images in Q3-85 seem like they are laid on a tile floor? He said it was disassembled and they only worked with "parts" right?

As far as I last read, we have no estimate on the size of this thing.. surely it wouldn;t be able to transport a full-size human being, much less someone that is only 4 feet tall assuming there are pilots.

This is very troubling indeed.

Sorry for the rant, but I had a few beers... I will try and analyze these images some more tomorrow in photoshop. I'm not the best in the visual department, But I am willing to explore this "language thing" a little more with some side-by side comparsis.


posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:53 PM
i found some links to things that have caret in it

[edit on 6/27/2007 by lord sword]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:31 AM
I vote hoax. Anyone who worked on this project for as long as Isaac claims would have a lot of technical knowledge, If he really wanted to disclose this technology, he would have relayed some technical data, ie equations, etc that explain the principles behind "antigravity." Instead, he rambles on for pages and pages about his motives, his employment history, etc, but never providing any useful information. It's just someone's idea of fiction. Nice pics of who-knows-what.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:33 AM
Thanx for the links..interesting that cambridge is involved with state of art learning ( haha..its still one of the best high schools in the world)and the second site is with real real state of the art brainmapping.
this leads me to believe that although we may reveresed engineered some things, its not to the point we have a interplanetary craft. the craft appear to hardwired to the aliens bodies/brain. much the sameway we use fingerprints now to lock our laptops and fighter pilot helmets retinal movements...we would have to literally think like an Et to operate their craft. its like getting a nenderthal to use an old fashioned eggbeater. anyway. I'm going to sign off as i am listening to artbell..some discussion on cia ufo reports that just came out. Thanx Lord Sword

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:34 AM
But just remember lethal, 100 years ago if you told someone you had this box and in that box you could see and hear pictures which move and could even look 3D, or if you said 200 years ago that man could fly in huge machines people would have also said pfft….

My point – we just NEVER know what is possible…..

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:38 AM
oh and wildone106, not being involved in CGI type stuff i found some of those pics quite amazing and now understand why people are so quick to claim cgi - coz you just CANNOT tell with some of them!

wish it was never invented - we cant even trust what we see anymore!

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:15 AM
Clever Hoax IMO

Wants to spill all before meets his maker!?. Could have said much more about how antigravity works, how they back engineered it, who and why it is being done.

Described how impossible it was to decode the language even with the then available "super computers" (meh!! 1986) and yet they were able to determine somehow that the language interactd with the matter! BS!

No moveable parts. But does not show pic of S1 which is some form of remote control device ( read in context... I reckon "remote control" was blacked out as did not sound spooky enough)

I believe in antigravity potential but thisis an effort to Kick along the UFO INDUSTRY!

2 cents worth

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:21 AM
I dont think a lot of you are for real someone said ghostraven was a hoaxer how was that proved most of you tend to talk yourselves out of it you can talk all you like but only time will tell about ghostraven as for Isaac all I can see is a person trying to enlighten and a lot of people rubbishing all his or her efforts making up every excuse possible to convince people not to believe as for me I know what I have seen and because of that I know anything is possible instead of condeming why not just try and listen with an open mind nothing any of you say disproves anything Long Live The Whistleblower

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:21 AM
I'm almost sure it is some viral marketing for Transformers movie. Timing is exactly right (2.5 weeks).

One screenwriter (wannabe, there are millions in LA) and a graphic artist could do it. Gee, do they work for movie studios I wonder ? They'd know about the Mac and Xerox PARC and that's where their confabulation would easily start.

I bet the effect of "rigid body motion" without intervening structural members will look just like what the Transformer Alien Robots do.

I bet some character actor in a white coat will intone "Transformers seem to build themselves out of their own controllable anti-gravity, that's how they can alter form so quickly". He gets blown away at minute 17.

And no, secret employees aren't hovered over by tons of guards with "machine guns". Why would they need a machine gun? To defend themselves against nerds gone wild with the stapler?

In actual government sites where they store and manufacture parts with weapons grade uranium and plutonium the workers---inside---are left to work unmolested. Of course they're searched, and weighed, on the way in and out and there are plenty of TV cameras. The guards are on the perimeter. It's too expensive and pointless to have guards in every room.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:31 AM
Secret employees are hovered over by armed guards when the secret is deemed important enough

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