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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 11:02 AM
Sidd, you are going to screw around and make me spray coffee all over my new monitor! It's just a matter of timing...

I do recall the Memphis episode, just was not aware of any pictures associated with it. I think you are on to something with your theory about quantity. To paraphrase my late great grandfather, "Throw enough [doo doo] on the ceiling, and some of it is bound to stick."

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 12:08 PM
We can add that to THEIR list of loose connections Along with Brazil, 2 sisters from Lourdes, , shirley PP, the Pinocchio drone, and puff the magic dragon, Father Diivinity, etc.We must give WIDE berth to errors and small LIES, so the BIGGER ones can fit in. I did read that RIGHT, ?Yeah, thats RIGHT.the new standard at OM per OTR mouthpiece. WORD!

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Double_Nought_Spy
Sidd, you are going to screw around and make me spray coffee all over my new monitor! It's just a matter of timing...

I do recall the Memphis episode, just was not aware of any pictures associated with it. I think you are on to something with your theory about quantity. To paraphrase my late great grandfather, "Throw enough [doo doo] on the ceiling, and some of it is bound to stick."

My Manager always worried at a fastfood and made it look busy by ringingin up refills. He always said

I agree.
Thats whats goin on. The standard of proof needed would be_
if it FLIES and you cant HEAR it , you LOOK and it aint THERE, it MUST be Drone!

I ams startin to appreciate the simplicity of this my brothers!

[edit on 4-4-2008 by PhrozenKrew]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by PhrozenKrew
if it FLIES and you cant HEAR it , you LOOK and it aint THERE, it MUST be Drone!

Now, we are one step further. If it flies and you can't see it, it is allso a drone.

The only possibility to realize that you are followed by a drone is that chicken skin you get...

Edit: Oops! Possibility without O sounds naughty somehow...

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Siddharta]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Siddharta

Originally posted by PhrozenKrew
if it FLIES and you cant HEAR it , you LOOK and it aint THERE, it MUST be Drone!

Now, we are one step further. If it flies and you can't see it, it is allso a drone.

The only possibility to realize that you are followed by a drone is that chicken skin you get...

Edit: Oops! Possibility without O sounds naughty somehow...

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Siddharta]

no no no..its not in fact the pussywillow is one of the lovliest branches in our culture. Its all in the mind. we have spoken of fish and chicken, nature so eager to please us have given us iguana and fish that taste like chicken too. its quite all right.
like artifacts in pictures and dcuments, is it in the pic or is it because of scanner. I have not a clue.

Nola was intrigued by that little artifact, and so was I as it behaved beculiar in my photoshop as if waving.
I believe I mentioned that too.
As you know I have also wished Woy was here. He did stunning work, he seemed to grasp the whole picture as opposed to a few pixels like nemo the HI res expert. In fact when Woy presented the following pix at OM , Nemo was furious about the size, and just downright hornery. Mur was present too. I hope he can shed light on these as the conversations stopped after feb 2008.
I was told these appear on all the pages, I would like to know which or what, so I can look at them too.
woy display Thank you woy..I really do wish you were here.

woy full view more interesting showing a kings staff

Unusual scanner stain I think. This reminds me more of the days when I was a child, and I made little stick figures on sheets of paper. then ran thru the corner of pages with my thumb and the little stick figures moved.
I wonder. when Isaac said keep the papers together AND in order..was it for something like this.
Just a thought, a baton for someone to run with.
Another puzzle perhaps I see, but I am the only one who sees that I see. Sigh..everyone else sees a smudge..another loose connection.
Still Isaac, why does Linda want to keep you from us.
You have a much better sense of humor, and we can laugh together.
You will be treated well here.

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Sys_Config

A kings staff? Maybe a needle in the haystack. We don't have to search for such things. The DRT is doing that work - watching the PIs from their armchairs.

Let Nemo hit his nose on that monitor screen and don't join him.

Didier? - Could you just hold the line for a minute? - Thank you, I just had to take that pssbilty. (Know, what I mean about these possibilities without an O?)

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Well, I don't know what is going on in the last 50 pages but I just had some information to put forward.

First, look at what "Isaac" writes about the "language."

The language is actually a "functional blueprint". The forms of the shapes, symbols and arrangements thereof is itself functional. What makes it all especially difficult to grasp is that every element of each "diagram" is dependant on and related to every other element, which means no single detail can be created, removed or modified independently. Humans like written language because each element of the language can be understood on its own, and from this, complex expressions can be built. However, their "language" is entirely context-sensitive, which means that a given symbol could mean as little as a 1-bit flag in one context, or, quite literally, contain the entire human genome or a galaxy star map in another.

Imagine I ask you to incrementally add random words to a list such that no two words use any of the same letters, and you must perform this exercise entirely in your head, so you can't rely on a computer or even a pen and paper. If the first in the list was, say, "fox", the second item excludes all words with the letters F, O and X. If the next word you choose is "tree", then the third word in the list can't have the letters F, O, X, T, R, or E in it.

Now I'd like you to look up something called Sigils.

There are a lot more sources on Sigils on the net. More that go in depth with how to create and use Sigils. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a firm believer in magic being a mystical force from Heaven or Hell. I am footed in the fact that what is known to us as "magic" was passed to us to advance the human race. In the drone context, it is used in conjunction with technology. Plain and simple. Sigils are the same thing that Isaac writes of. A symbol has a full meaning or function. It is thought of or put in a specific environment to perform the function. Think on it.

Secondly, I want you to look at the inventory photo. Memorize what the top three rings look like.

Now, the anti-gravity technology currently being utitilized by Lockheed Martin and other private government contractors, uses the Lorentz O for propulsion. Take a look at the second video thumbnail down. Notice any similarities between the inventory objects and the object being shown in the thumbnail?

The inventory objects look very similar to the object in the thumbnail on the Tesla video. Tesla came up with an invention that mimiced the pulsating energy of the sun. It was a ring. At each of the four corners were plates that would pulse with electricity and if one wanted to, an object could be placed in the center, such as a fan blade, and it would spin as the pulse went in a circular motion around the four outside electrical plates. Now, if you know about ion wind or lifters, this should interest you about the creation of plasma and anti-gravity. The rings can work off of one another generating plasma. If you don't know about plasma, lifters, or ion wind for anti-gravity, please look it up.

I won't say what I know or do not know for sure but I will tell you that the photos of the inventory can very much be functional in the right context.


posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by VirgilsQuest
Well, I don't know what is going on in the last 50 pages but I just had some information to put forward.

First, look at what "Isaac" writes about the "language."

The language is actually a "functional blueprint". The forms of the shapes, symbols and arrangements thereof is itself functional. What makes it all especially difficult to grasp is that every element of each "diagram" is dependant on and related to every other element, which means no single detail can be created, removed or modified independently. Humans like written language because each element of the language can be understood on its own, and from this, complex expressions can be built. However, their "language" is entirely context-sensitive, which means that a given symbol could mean as little as a 1-bit flag in one context, or, quite literally, contain the entire human genome or a galaxy star map in another.

Imagine I ask you to incrementally add random words to a list such that no two words use any of the same letters, and you must perform this exercise entirely in your head, so you can't rely on a computer or even a pen and paper. If the first in the list was, say, "fox", the second item excludes all words with the letters F, O and X. If the next word you choose is "tree", then the third word in the list can't have the letters F, O, X, T, R, or E in it.

Now I'd like you to look up something called Sigils.

There are a lot more sources on Sigils on the net. More that go in depth with how to create and use Sigils. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a firm believer in magic being a mystical force from Heaven or Hell. I am footed in the fact that what is known to us as "magic" was passed to us to advance the human race. In the drone context, it is used in conjunction with technology. Plain and simple. Sigils are the same thing that Isaac writes of. A symbol has a full meaning or function. It is thought of or put in a specific environment to perform the function. Think on it.

Secondly, I want you to look at the inventory photo. Memorize what the top three rings look like.

Now, the anti-gravity technology currently being utitilized by Lockheed Martin and other private government contractors, uses the Lorentz O for propulsion. Take a look at the second video thumbnail down. Notice any similarities between the inventory objects and the object being shown in the thumbnail?

The inventory objects look very similar to the object in the thumbnail on the Tesla video. Tesla came up with an invention that mimiced the pulsating energy of the sun. It was a ring. At each of the four corners were plates that would pulse with electricity and if one wanted to, an object could be placed in the center, such as a fan blade, and it would spin as the pulse went in a circular motion around the four outside electrical plates. Now, if you know about ion wind or lifters, this should interest you about the creation of plasma and anti-gravity. The rings can work off of one another generating plasma. If you don't know about plasma, lifters, or ion wind for anti-gravity, please look it up.

I won't say what I know or do not know for sure but I will tell you that the photos of the inventory can very much be functional in the right context.


@ Sidd, a needle in the haystack, perhaps a golden needle, that is the most organized artifact I have seen, if you clicked on the blue links that is for the full view.
I could no longer bear to see Lindas House of cards collapse
, it was devastating actually, a wrenching experience that is turning my stomach into knots, So... I thought about fonder times, when things were simpler and no alien alphabets, just the ETs saying, "take me to your leader".
of course we all know those are instructions we have been subliminally trained to do in case we find an ET. Yes turn them in . Dont do like Ty and the bicyclists and go home with them.God Forbid.
Oh no, did you hang up on Didier already, tell him hello from America.

Alternatively, some argue that Vergilius was altered to Virgilius by analogy with the Latin virga ("wand") due to the magical or prophetic powers attributed to Virgil in the Middle Ages.
hmmm wand...perhaps not a kings staff, but a wizards wand.
Well Virgil that is interesting, so far I have run across Archimedes Circles, Spirals, Hermes the messenger, Helios, and by serendipity Yourself. I enjoy your presentation and have known about the Sigil and esoteric connection for a while as well as my colleagues Dr. Spacebot and Dr.Sidd but just could not put it together. Dr. Atto is incomprehensible, so I will not let him know you came or invite him..
I will read up on your suggestions, as a lot remains undone, hoax or not.
My question though is this. If you have IDd the Sigils, have you tried them out yourself? , as with all sigils, they need an activating field, be it Thought, Intent, sound, or other .The way some pray on their rosaries, or do mantras Tatoos even.. From an Anthropological standpoint, how some cultures leave glasses of water in a corner of home, to prevent "negative" spirits frrom entering house, ie grounding of analogy. same way we feel charged after a shower, all it being is losing the negative charge. Some people at unknown country became quite ill or headachy doing the intent thing on something. I dont think it was Sigals. but there was no lack of belief there. I think they were trying to contact the other side where the drones were. I can understand a headache there.
From a comboniatronic or compiler standpoint I would need somethining like a big name like 45 letters and work downwards. Oddly he did the music from the lap.
I am quite serious by the way. We already started doing numerological study earlier to at least Id the process and quantify.
I would like to know what results you got, as I am most interested.
Thank you Kindly too.

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by tomiuk

I, for one, appreciate your comments.

Either way, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by chunder
reply to post by tomiuk

I, for one, appreciate your comments.

Either way, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Thank you brave one

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Sys_Config

Originally posted by Siddharta

Originally posted by PhrozenKrew
if it FLIES and you cant HEAR it , you LOOK and it aint THERE, it MUST be Drone!

Now, we are one step further. If it flies and you can't see it, it is allso a drone.

The only possibility to realize that you are followed by a drone is that chicken skin you get...

Edit: Oops! Possibility without O sounds naughty somehow...

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Siddharta]

no no no..its not in fact the pussywillow is one of the lovliest branches in our culture. Its all in the mind. we have spoken of fish and chicken, nature so eager to please us have given us iguana and fish that taste like chicken too. its quite all right.
like artifacts in pictures and dcuments, is it in the pic or is it because of scanner. I have not a clue.

Nola was intrigued by that little artifact, and so was I as it behaved beculiar in my photoshop as if waving.
I believe I mentioned that too.
As you know I have also wished Woy was here. He did stunning work, he seemed to grasp the whole picture as opposed to a few pixels like nemo the HI res expert. In fact when Woy presented the following pix at OM , Nemo was furious about the size, and just downright hornery. Mur was present too. I hope he can shed light on these as the conversations stopped after feb 2008.
I was told these appear on all the pages, I would like to know which or what, so I can look at them too.
woy display Thank you woy..I really do wish you were here.

woy full view more interesting showing a kings staff

Unusual scanner stain I think. This reminds me more of the days when I was a child, and I made little stick figures on sheets of paper. then ran thru the corner of pages with my thumb and the little stick figures moved.
I wonder. when Isaac said keep the papers together AND in order..was it for something like this.
Just a thought, a baton for someone to run with.
Another puzzle perhaps I see, but I am the only one who sees that I see. Sigh..everyone else sees a smudge..another loose connection.
Still Isaac, why does Linda want to keep you from us.
You have a much better sense of humor, and we can laugh together.
You will be treated well here.

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

Sysco --whoaa-- That is kewl at first I said artsifact then i clicked on the blue link BOOM!
thats not suppose to be THERE Sysco. That boy Woy IZ good! This beats the LMH JIVE TALK hands down, aint nothin more to THAT after i read the interview today at EF we can move on now amenz . WHO are these people that did the LAP ?this is like a test for a game or SOMETHING not teenage prank! ^_^
U never ceases to surprize me man. That is kewl. Yeah I wants to see the other little spots now.
If we can solve the antigravities equation Virgil mentioned that give US a bunch to do in the meantime. I_ KNOW_ IT_ AINT_ REAL but jus a puzzle--Albeit-- a SCARY one ,lots of mystic stuff outs there we can find.
The timin iz great..we be gettin busy now!

Sidharta U had me ROLMAO this is crazy wacked stuff my man and you make us feels good here THANK YOU to the MC ^


[edit on 4-4-2008 by PhrozenKrew]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 10:48 PM

Nice finds about Tesla only they re hosted or displayed through Stage 6 which is terminated and i can't dnload them

I will try other search through youtube. Have to search it it looks cool!

Sidd Sys PK you guys are killing me!
Can't stop laughing here!!

and oh! For the record here's a link about a NASA man that was later obsessed with UFOs in his retirement. Might look irrelevant, might not.

[edit on 4-4-2008 by spacebot]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 11:17 PM
Thank you PK and Hello Spacebot! you are just the one I knew would love Virgils entry here. I meant to welcome Virgil to the forum and thank him also for his take . I found it very intereting and yes we can get "busy". There is still much to do. Some links on Tesla were at studio6 which is closed, but there is no shortage of material out there. So I am not too concerned.
Our own ATS boasts considerable material itself in a host of areas.
So I will look here first. Yes PK ATSers are an outrageous bunch and no shortage of humor or fellowship in most instances. I hope Virgil does not get upset when we tell him Sidd wrote the symbols on his toaster and it refused to float in the air. I think that would givea a few people pause for thought. I am sure it made great toast afterwards though
But we are game for just about anything here and we are attracted to puzzles.

Thanx for the link SB it was a fine fine article, the last two from a cultural standpoint was a liitle sad. To lose that sense of home might actually make them devoid of belonging to anything or a duty to something else.. what does motivate them. thats another thread. Thats a scary thought though.
[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 12:15 AM
Well if you could not view the thumbnail. Here it is:

Notice the similarities. Can anyone update me on what happened regarding this topic? I started looking back some pages but am just lost. Was this proven to be a hoax by someone? Like I said, the technology is there and can very much be functional. I'm not saying so much the Sigils but they are the same concept. I am talking more about the anti-gravity system.


[edit on 5-4-2008 by VirgilsQuest]

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by VirgilsQuest
Well if you could not view the thumbnail. Here it is:

Notice the similarities. Can anyone update me on what happened regarding this topic? I started looking back some pages but am just lost. Was this proven to be a hoax by someone? Like I said, the technology is there and can very much be functional. I'm not saying so much the Sigils but they are the same concept. I am talking more about the anti-gravity system.


[edit on 5-4-2008 by VirgilsQuest]

Hi Virgil this thread is for causes of the caret more so than is it real or fake, in which case the thread would denigrate rather quickly, most of the peoplele here active are looking for the cause in terms of either persons/entities and the science via fields. manifested in the LAP We are not concerned in PIX per se unless they contain a message or clue. If we find a viral connection, we tend to post on the caret as viral fantasy thread. lets look at it as project that needs disecting, an autopsy. It may contain information on its various puzzles as several disciplines were discovered, ex astrronomy, possible afiliation with em and sound, which resulted in extraction of music based on the nodes contained therein.
I detected literary figures in a colorized version (little prince) of the lap, as well as game related figures (Tom Hall). so we have several levels .
if you would like you can click on my name at the avatar and see the accumulated pix , by scrolling down when you do you will see most sans the astronomy findings which are on page 180 or 182 with the connected constellations or stars.
Hopefully be resolving this it may lead to who did it, my gut feeling being he/they want to be found, except we must solve the puzzles. This is a very strong Tom Halll trademark in all his games. if you read his biography of which I am familiar with several. Other possibilities are connection to movies, and even Psyc Studies. Despite recent developments, I have not let him off the hook yet, but I remain open to other angles. we almost were dethreaded by discussing is it real or is it hoax. It isimply is something manmade .TheLAP and the alleged reversed engineered craft Isaac never saw ergo it has man made or oriented answers.

Rently on 4/4 a poster by the name of Knowhow aka Jim and VP of a smelting company did a cad analysis of the drone for engineering purposes. this is is post at om but he has not posted further. i thought his take was of interest just to wet our interest a tad.
I will also post another done by Engineering type as it applies to the letters and function, as I believe that dealt with EM spectra.

Fisrt Jim

I then imported the photo into ACAD products and proceeded to do engineering analysis on the design criteria for the object. It becomes immediately clear that the object has a very precise design and the design construction was executed with extreme precision. This nearly rules out a hoax scenario because a model like “Star Trek Enterprise” would not be precise enough and Photoshop does not let you “create precise drawings” in their software. One would have to create the design in a CAD system and then try to import pieces of photos of airplane wings and anything else one could find to try and create the realistic appearance. One needs to keep in mind that movie companies go to extremes to create computer generated movies of known air ships such as the P-51 and Air Force One 747. Generally a 9 year kid can tell the difference between true video and the best of computer animation.
I proceeded as if the object was a real materialistic event and must have been designed by some type of intelligence. I am certain that if the US military or any other military had such technology, the last place they would operate it would be at a low elevation where it could be photographed and analyzed in the manner I am representing. It is obvious that the object is not studying the sun or stars or else it would be at a high altitude. It is not studying people or human construction or else it also would be higher. It seems it most likely is studying something underground such as earthquake fault zones.

There are 9 protruding “electrodes” extending down near the center of the object. I carefully plotted an ellipse around these ends to establish the camera angle and the distortion resulting from that angle. From the center of that ellipse I drew precise lines to the corners of these electrodes. The difference in the azimuth of each line defines the angles that the electrodes and gaps make with each other. The typical person who might try to create a hoax would likely make these angles all equal or of some specific typical arrangement of angles. It is not likely that one would understand the technology required to make these angles fit into a high level mathematical design criteria. And if one did, it seems quite unlikely that sufficient precision could be followed thru on multiple photos.

The 18 angles define a very definite trigonometric equation while still using very precise summations for certain groups of the angles. This strikes me as indicating that the object is likely using something like ground penetrating radar to examine geographical structure deep under the surface. The booms can move in a slight rotation mode and the one boom can extend and retract in a radial direction. The dimensionless ratios of these boom elements seem to indicate they might be antennae retrieving the signals sent from the electrodes. Angular and radial adjustments are likely needed to improve signal quality.

The angles prior to optical smoothing are shown in the table below. One can see in the second graph that the camera angle correction is a trig function as it should be. The third graph shows that while individual angles are all different, they occasionally sum to a precise round number like 140 degrees. I hope you find it interesting and that more technical people will take interest in this type of analysis. This is a very rare close range photo almost directly under the object.

Jim is extremely knowledgeable and professional, there is no BS here nor in Engineertypes . I hope we can extract

Engineertyps post were at page 126 and are extensive before he suddenly stopped posting. Agreat Loss. he had translated the word ELFSSS I have to locate that one as to how he got that.
I’ve pored over all the “alien writing” looking for a hoaxer’s signature. If I were hoaxing, that’s where I’d put it. The only thing I found resembling a name was “Elfisss”, which, when googled, reveals the screen name of some guy who likes to play a lot of online poker. Someone may want to chase that, but it was a stretch to get “Elfisss” out. I had to flip the image on photo 3, and found it on the side rail of the longer I-beam.


Once we embark on this we must treat it as real until it derails itself or I have run to the patent office before any of you have in which case I will contact all of you by postcard from Lichenstein.

[edit on 5-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by spacebot

"and oh! For the record here's a link about a NASA man that was later obsessed with UFOs in his retirement. Might look irrelevant, might not. "

Thanks for the link, 'bot! That's Paul Hill, NASA physicist. His book, "Unconventional Flying Objects" was published posthumously, and is a stunning piece of work. An excellent example of what happens when a real scientist treats the UFO subject seriously, and does real, hard science on it. That is extremely rare, unfortunately. Officialdom has very effectively forbidden Science from paying any real attention to the subject, which is a high crime in my opinion. It has left a huge vacuum into which Nature sucked some talented amateurs, a bazillion flakes, and far, far too many outright nutcases. "Forbidden Science" is in fact the title of another most excellent work of literature, a book by Jacques Vallee. I highly recommend both books to anyone reading this, though of course I do not agree with every conclusion reached by either author.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Double_Nought_Spy
reply to nutcases. "Forbidden Science" is in fact the title of another most excellent work of literature, a book by Jacques Vallee. I highly recommend both books to anyone reading this, though of course I do not agree with every conclusion reached by either author.

I agree Double it I can still hear the whooshing sound, it was the same sound when I opened a vacuum pack of Chock full of Nuts coffee this morning!
Itis also quite comparable to being buried alive and having to claw our way to the top. Officialdom actually doesnt have to do that much to prevent us from finding the truth when it can let the flakes legitimize themselves and lead the flocks wherever they want to.
The most recent needle allegedly is compared with the Alabama sighting, and
Lev is showing just how good he is. Once the whipping post of OM he has a an attractive blog with some provocative theories and comments

What this does then I guess is attempt to delegitimize the Isaac ones which Isaac never laid eyes on or even promoted, just the antigrav aspect. giving LMH her desperately needed out in this case IMO I believe as its apparentlyf witnesses lied but that Alabama and this latest can do a little bit better of weathering the controversy.

Lev goes on to extoll the open mindedness of LMH and of course slap OMs, excluding both us and them from his list of places to learn. Of course he fails to mention he made use of all the available designs of the drone ships as if all are valid. A little disingenuous I think. OM never banned him, or derided him any more than any here , he left himself.
What would Isaac do or say?IMO what EngineerType said, and quite eloquently though people insisted following the photos

Now, the way I read this discussion, most of the debate centers on an attempt to determine whether this is a hoax by first linking together all the various elements. I’m pretty convinced of the link between the drone sightings and Isaac’s “disclosure”, but I don’t know that proving the drones are a hoax necessarily means Isaac is a fraud. Most of the discussion has focused on the sighting photographs and whether or not they are authentic. That discussion is way outside my lane, as it involves CGI and rendering and photography and things I know nothing about.

What I do know about, however, is engineering, military projects and procurement, and reports. I’d like to specifically focus on Isaac and his alleged disclosure, which I feel okay talking about because there are no classification markings on them, thank goodness. Here is my bottom line up front: If Isaac fabricated the documentation on the CARET program, then he spent years making it. It is absolutely flawless in its presentation of an engineering study. I have seen one or two contributors refer to the language in this report as ridiculous babble (or words to that effect). I would argue the exact opposite. Every word, every diagram title, every paragraph number, every drawing, every THING in this report is perfect. One contributor somewhere stated that it had a high degree of verisimilitude - I would say that is a good word to describe it. I have read many aircraft and military system manuals in my career, and this thing reads exactly like them. But beyond that, way beyond that in fact, is my belief that the science and the technical explanations within the report are rock solid.

Hopefully we will try to take a deeper look at that.

[edit on 5-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Guess, this time I missed something.

That thing in the comparison is not the Alabama drone. So what is it? A creation of the group?

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 04:18 PM
I Hi Sidd! think that green one is levs composite, and of course it matches his BOB LAZAR Futura model just nicely
. He goes on to smack Kris, as usual.
I knew at some point he would emerge from the closet., so I am not surprised.
The other one I dont know I assume he says it is the Alabama one, it does have a Banjo look to it, I love string instrumentsJK its the one Mr Smith saw in Birmingham scrolling down. So Our eyes will be blurred, the others dropped, and conveniently kicked under the rug along with any inconsistencies appurtenant therto.

we call it it here "Out of Sight Out of MInd," and of course many will not mind that one bit.

[edit on 5-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 5-4-2008 by Sys_Config]

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Sys_Config

I thought it had been well established that Isaac's images shared several common details with the drone images. As in interchangeable parts. As in identical CGI bits. Or photos of identical parts, if you swallow this fantasy.

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