posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 08:50 AM
If there is one constant in this Galaxy, is that everything within it slowly goes toward a 10,000 light-year long Black Hole that sits at the center.
The Milky Way itself has been estimated to be only 100,000 lightyears in diameter.
Therefore, I postulate that our souls make a return to the source of creation, which could very well be a black hole; more specifically, the quantum
singularity which resides at the very heart of every black hole.
A lot of cultures in the past have likened to this idea, and even the culturally acceptable idea of a "tunnel with a light at the end" resembles
some of the fundamental aspects of a black hole.
They usually called it a stargate or an omega point, from which all life sprang and eventually returns. As for what happens inside or within it, I
would imagine, is again commanded by the spirit's perception and interaction with the singularity. This means that within the heart of eternity, the
possibilities are endless but promising, indeed.
We all have a promising existence to look forward to when our biological one has expired here on Earth; this I am sure of, with no exceptions being
made. The differences in that kind of interaction has to lie in the personal perspective developed by the spirit or soul that enters the
for more on black holes, i just posted an easy-to-read thread on his complex area of science.