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Micronuke theory question

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posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by VicRH
I think its more of a leap of faith to believe that both the twin towers could be rigged top to bottom with the common demolition explosives without people noticing. Perhaps a few floors may of been done that way, but not all of them. I simply don't buy that one.

Anyone that knows anything about typical demolition procedure realises they need to work every other floor with explosives and it takes months on buildings 1/4 the size of just one of the twin towers, and it requires a large crew.

But this is exactly why the idea of a some type micro nuke or an extremely highly powerful compact explosive fits the bill so well. Since it would only require a dozen or so devices that could be easily planted out of sight (most likely on the core framework) and planted within a matter of hours by a very small crew. If such devices actually do exist it makes the whole scenario realistically plausible.

So if your into the theory that something other than the plane and fires brought down those buildings you should logically arrive at this sort of conclusion eventually, or some other type of uncommon demolition weapon/explosive. It should be on the table for serious discussion.

(Sorry to quote all of the post, I know it's frowned upon by the mods, but it is a whole that can't be easily cut apart.)

I vacillate still on this question. On the one hand, I think you see so many anomalies afterward and so much withheld information that to deduce exotic explosives is almost unavoidable. But then certain monumental stumbling blocks remain. neutrons, mostly. I can perfectly see using a number of very small devices to minimize this problem, but then on that scale, why not go for conventional instead?

On the other hand, this was such a complex and well-planned project that I also think that "wiring" the towers for destruction conventionally could well have been a long-term process, carried out over months if necessary.

On the face of it, it looks like an insurmountable problem, but really how many of us would question that guy in a maintenance jumpsuit if he appeared on our work floor and started tinkering around the electrical conduits or in the hvac ducts? We'd just assume he's there for a good reason.

I do agree you come to the conclusion that it was complex and exotic. Of what nature and to what extent we'll probably never know.

Was it the consummation of conventional tech, a tour-de-force of good ol' bombs and thermate? Or did classified/unconventional explosives figure in the mix? Those anomalies pull you to the latter, but they don't necessarily explain them once you get there. The heart of the enigma.

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