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My life with an Alien Soul

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 05:42 PM
I would love to see this thread continue too.OP, you are a treasure to be valued. I hope you are back soon. I too would enjoy getting into a great conversation with you.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:43 AM
OP. i would like to know one thing! what does (within 1 is 0 within 0 is ?) mean to you?
i don't think there is a wrong answer to this by the way!

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:46 PM
Its possible what you say is true as any person could say the same for any nightmares they have or good dreams. Our brains are capable of anything its almost sickening, but the important thing u need to remember is your alive, living with this on your conscience every day must be hard. It sounds to me like you have done phsycadelics a few times or more, i can give you an example of when did shrooms, i was trying to go to sleep and all of a sudden i heard what sounded like radio frequencey and static and beeping, and i could picture green aliens with huge heads and they were ugly, and i remember them laughing at me becuz i was suffering from a bad trip, it felt like i could communicate with them telepathically and even for a minute felt like time froze and i could distribute psych messages to everybody imagineable at the peak of my experience in the general population... anyways the shrooms were some potent stuff the strongest i had ever done and i only ate 3 grams. My aliens were green yours were grey, hence the invention of aliens in general. Not saying what u experienced wasnt real but it can defenitly be your minds way of trying to cope with an issue or problem far deeper then what your telling us, my advice to you is to face it and if u dont like it then overcome it and you will be alot stronger than you are now. I do not contribute to the use of drugs for any person, any natural substance should be taken with the utmost precaution and safety.
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unwrittenfate726 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:27 AM
i like the story, im gonna try and read all of it. i will come out and say i dont "trust" any of it(its the internet) but i can see it as possible. Ive had a reading done on past lives (and i thought i'd just get a copy-paste thing) and i can actually say the tie-ins with my behaviour from this current presence is extremely specific and correct. On top of that i was told i was only around 30 some odd lives lived here but im supposedly old/more advanced/etc in the other dimensions or whatever you call them, where i originally came from (again im thinking default saying at the end of a reading). Needless to say i asked about others as well(family,etc) and its ridiculously (as in funny) how close to home it hits in every single case (the person with most lives here i found out about was something over 700).

I do definately think we come here with purpose (wherever we may originate from), and im just hoping we can have a positive impact as much as possible. They werent kidding when they told you you'd be dumber though(lol).

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:05 PM
New update for you I just found a thread about mars that included ur place,Wyoming check it out id recomend if for you.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by observe50
Observe this is the best thread ever I can't stop reading every post you make I'm so envious that you've had this wonderful experience, you lucky woman and I believe every word you've written you are a very good writer, and an e-book would sell for you if you can't do it I'm sure you would get help here on ATS someone would make it sell for you and like you said you could do with the money, money well spent I say, just keep feeding us more and more please Oserve thank you so much for spending the time to write to us all it's wonderful i'm amazed!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:35 AM


posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by observe50
Hello Observe i have sent you a pm please read

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 12:18 PM
Again I am amazed how things come about.

As I have mentioned a few times before I am not good with the computer I just wing my way around. I never think about U2U's and I only remember them when a pop up on occasion comes up and I see it. Well, one did pop up and I read it but I couldn't answer at the time I was just closing down however, as I was doing the things I needed to do I thought about that U2U and all I could think was that message had to be about an old thread I started years ago, I thought again it was in cyber heaven.

The message was from missiongal about writing an e-book and how to go about it. It's kind of fuuny in a way because I can write a long post here on occasion but to be honest I have NO impulse or interest in writing but I will say this: Anything that I have every shared about this subject is free and if anyone wants to re-write it you are more then welcome to do so as long as it is written to mean the same as I intended it to be written. As each should know words can be taken to have different meanings by different people so words need to be written simple and understandable.

ThatsAUfo thanks about the Missouri and Mississippi River I thought that's the way it was I wanted to make sure my thinking was going in the correct direction. I will have to read the link about the Tower on Mars and I will see what I sense one way or the other.

Seanwalsh....... "Alien Soul, Huh!" I understand how that sounds but it is the best description I can give. I can chuckle sometimes when I make comparisions such as the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other with me it the Human heart and brain verses the Alien Soul. Since I know the Alien Soul is much older and a good old soul and much wiser then the Human container..... I still take the time to view things from both aspects.

tmw93 I believe to call someone a liar without even meeting or knowing them is a wee bit harsh. I can understand it is difficult to understand all this but to be honest I'm not smart enough to come up with something like this. About all I can do is write of the things I have been shown and told to me by them. I share freely and if what I write doesn't come to light then it is me that looks bad and I DO have some respect for myself. To be honest I am hoping of what I write that is to come our way does not come I would gladly give my life to be wrong on all this.

UnlimitedSky I am sorry to say I do not know the meaning of which you wrote.

Unwrittenfate726 I never used the things you wrote about and you do have the right to believe what you believe. There have been a few times in my life when I have wondered what would my life have been if this didn't happen to me or I didn't have recall of all this. This all weigh's on me heavily and many that have experiences will probably agree that when they are busy and their minds are occupied with matters at hand is about the only time this isn't on their mind. You can try to forget but it won't let you...most will always wonder, "why me" what did I do to deserve this.... but in my case I was allowed to remember that I stood infront of our Creator's the Elder's and I was asked to come here to this beautiful Planet Earth and help the Human race when it was time ...I have a job to do and I intend to help everyone I can when this time comes because this is the job I agreed to do for my Creator.

buggy166, I can understand and you are correct you never know who is on the internet and who to believe. This subject is difficult because there are so many that will do all in their power to discredit it and make ones that have had experiences out as liars and so on. I am a 63 year old Grandma now and I still feel as if it is time that people who have been through this or feel as if something has happened to them dealing with this to be able to talk and share and not be belittled. I know there are many experiencers right here on ATS that stopped sharing because of the harshness and abusive words by some members BUT for myself I no longer am upset I see it as I am writing it and it is out there and each can take it the way they feel they need to take it.

As for an update I still don't feel as it is time yet but it is slowly coming. If any of you observe you can see slowly things are coming forward. New fissures are opening and quakes are happening in areas they aren't usually known for. Actually when the event does occur it "isn't" going to be where all the activity is known to be it will as I described earlier.

People need to pay attention to their gut feeling and instincts...all yeah! and don't you think for one minute the US government doesn't know what's coming just observe them raping their own Country but remember it is the meek that shall inherit the Earth.

This post has tired me out my best to you all

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by observe50
Hello Lorraine, I happened to come across an article yesterday, but sorry I can't find it, but it was a pshcic reverend statting that Caper Wyoming would have a nuclear attack in the near future, no date given, thought that may be of help to you, do don't go visiting now out of curiosity, I'm an avid follower of yours as you know and this thread is fantastic even though i've read it before, I thought I would also mention that I believe you also said that when you've been inside the space crafts that the aliens take off the black eye shields, just thought that atsers might like to know that too! Keep chatting to us never give up, you are one of the lucky ones to have seen what we have not seen.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 11:17 AM
I can't believe my eyes were glued to a 19 page post, but here I am. Thanks for sharing. Now I hate to bring paranoia into the fold, but you're putting yourself out there. The government is getting scary with categorizing certain types to be potential problem childs to their form of governing. They zoom in on people who become a beacon of "light" so to speak, so I'd say be careful. Those who are in control know very well the game they're playing and they don't have a problem dragging people like yourself under. This is the evil of humanity, to maintain as much control as possible while the sheep are sold a limited brand of "freedom".

There are some of us who are awake and asking the right questions, but these aren't the questions the government cares to attend to. Acknowledging the presence of higher intelligence would be giving up a Paradigm of governmental control. Yes I believe the government is in the know, but they also know there is more money to be made off the cattle.

I think it's beyond the point of waiting for a UFO to land on the white house lawn because theyre (aliens) already in the know of how the government wants to treat its people. To step in and say its wrong would undermine much.

My experience comes from a sighting in 1986 that to this day is unexplainable but I know why. That sighting was for certain a seed deposited in me that has kept my mind wondering for a long time. More people need to wake up.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:24 PM
Hey Observe, i was wondering if you can share some info on what they told you about the human brain. What can we do to improve our use of it?Does the human brain have any latent potential or abilities?

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 02:27 PM
Today there must be a reason that not one but two or my older threads come forward to me.

ATSGUY this is twice today I say hello to you.

All I was shown and told about that was this:

I was shown the Human brain on this particulr experience in short this is what I was told

Humans are a stupid species they don't know how to use their brains but they do have intelligence and this makes for a good study. I was told we only use a very small portion of our brains we don't know how to use it.

When he used the word stupid he wasn't being insulting he used it because I was young and a word I would understand.

Also thank you for everyone writing, and so you know I do not fear for myself ever as they say whatever is to be will be and I live by that.

Also I am a Grandma I never did drugs in my life other then Tylenol or what a Dr. prescribed ...I do not like Dr's, hospitals (especially since I worked in one for almost 10 years) or medicines and only use them if I feel it is needed for an ailment.

Also it doesn't matter how or what you feel about me I put it out there because I feel it needs to be written and shared once you read hopefully you will store it in your brain and one day you will know one way or this other.

You will all know when you know this is the way it is to be.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by observe50

Thanks for the reply observe. If you get anymore info please post, its been a fascination of mine for a while.

Brain development and the understanding of how to use its facilities is probably very much related to becoming a more realized and better human being. When you look at yogis, monks, and saints of the past all these individuals spent countless hours in mediation or prayer...All that time spent basically focusing your thoughts and concentration did major changes to the wiring of the brain and its development, basically allowed them to eventually experience higher levels of consciousness.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 11:20 AM
hello observe, I noticed you started to post on this thread again and thought since it has came back 2 life sort of it would be well worth my time posting this.. not to be rude Id like to ask a few questions involving a few things.. would be nice to know

First of all how are you?
) and have u experienced anything else lately?

before u get contacted by the grays, is there any sign that it will happen or do u need to do anything for hem to go to you?

Also id like to know if u no anything about the rumored 21st of December 2012 regarding it being the end of the world, like will anything big happen at this time or not?

And also is there anything others can do in order to be contacted, and do you know whether the grays will call themselfs our gods??


posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:59 PM
To thatsAUfo,

I am doing well, thank you for asking.

I was told when I agreed to come here that they would come to me whenever they could hence experiences. As I see it the Soul (the good Soul of the Grey) was transferred here into this Human body.... don't know how it was done. With the Grey's you must know that they are in many ways like Humans meaning different colors (pigments), height, weight (size) and so on. There are Grey's much like Humans also meaning good and not so good and some mis-understood. There is good and bad and with any Species there is more good then bad.

When I came into Human form I was shown and told things now they were dealing with me in Human form not like themselves and things had to be done differently. I am Human in case you wonder it's the Soul in me that is a transfer and I remember things because they allow it...I also know that there are things within that will not be known until they allow it and there is NO way to get to that info period by anyone.

After the audio visual device was put in through my right ear they use this to show and tell me what is needed whenever...

The last things I was shown was the two large connecting quakes at the hump of Brazil out toward the Ridge next was an undeniable P-WAVE (later in time) Ridge area it will be the animals that will let you know but when that occurs the event the entire hump of Africa look at a map and see.

I try to observe all and if I see something I think worthwhile I will write so far as 12/21/12 I observe closely. I think however it is interesting that my oldest daughters birthday is on that date hmmmmm

As far as God goes for myself our Creators are known as the Elders they are extremely tall Grey/ WHITES

Only time will tell and as they say.......... whatever is to be will be and I live by that.

Many different Beings are here observing many deep in our waters our skies are full of ships of all sizes.

Don't believe for a minute they are here to take over our land they can't survive here there is to much oxygen in our air. They are here because they can't stop what is going to happen but they have been all working together to lesson the blow....

I will say for myself I do not know of this Galactic Federation you read about the Species I have seen are mixtures of this and that and much superior then we are...... we are actually known as a stupid species but we are slowly evolving as they say and this is why they believe we are worth saving.

If I see anything I will post it.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by observe50

The part about humans not using their brains correctly, and the childlike way of saying we're a stupid race, its how I feel in this body suit, the conscious part of us, is dumbed down and the most stupid part of us, we need to knock on the door of our greater soul, but this layer of self in the body suit is in tests so our fuller soul often plays peek a boo and hints and nudges, but not outright usually giving some answers.

But this is quite a bit similar to the greys of Jim Sparks and Bob Holden interview.

And that they are not giving up on us. We are in need of the upgrade that is taking place and the other side is working hard to maintain its grasp on the slaves.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:48 PM
thanks for a fast reply
also there is 1 more thing id like 2 know.. do u know what happens when we die, does our soul not die or do they bring us back if needed?? 1 thing that really confuses me, is it possible for us to revive another being?

Thanks, ThatsAUfo

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:09 PM

From what I know the Soul never dies and I'm not sure what you mean revive another Species bout all I can say is I know that they have the ability to bring back someone that has passed say if they were here to do a job and they have not finished said job I believe I described the way they did this somewhere here they say they don't use that equipment often. As for Aliens what we need they do not like Grey's they are more so Botanial and would need to be cared for in that way.

Unity99 long time friend we need to observe everything time will tell, so far I am not sensing anything

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by observe50
Today there must be a reason that not one but two or my older threads come forward to me.

ATSGUY this is twice today I say hello to you.

All I was shown and told about that was this:

I was shown the Human brain on this particulr experience in short this is what I was told

Humans are a stupid species they don't know how to use their brains but they do have intelligence and this makes for a good study. I was told we only use a very small portion of our brains we don't know how to use it.

When he used the word stupid he wasn't being insulting he used it because I was young and a word I would understand.

Also thank you for everyone writing, and so you know I do not fear for myself ever as they say whatever is to be will be and I live by that.

Also I am a Grandma I never did drugs in my life other then Tylenol or what a Dr. prescribed ...I do not like Dr's, hospitals (especially since I worked in one for almost 10 years) or medicines and only use them if I feel it is needed for an ailment.

Also it doesn't matter how or what you feel about me I put it out there because I feel it needs to be written and shared once you read hopefully you will store it in your brain and one day you will know one way or this other.

You will all know when you know this is the way it is to be.

Why hello there I know you ^_-

You were here long long ago when it all began I believe your group was 1 of the 12 to contribute their knowledge,genetics and DNA to the creation I am not sure if your group was the Grays

I believe your group was responsible for the evolutionary stages etc. Do correct me if I am wrong my memories are a bit sketchy at times.

I forgot to introduce myself but I believe there is no need to I am sure you can pick up on it ^_-

We are in the final stages and the jump will happen this cycle.

You will love the new place it is amazing

Soft grass, nature all around, advanced city and a few other things. But.... I must not spoil the surprise.

Take care and it is nice to finally see someone from the origin laboratories.

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