Originally posted by observe50
Do you kind of understand what I am trying to say.
[edit on 26-7-2010 by observe50]
Hello again Lorraine,
Yes I do understand.
Not only I understand your reply but I understand many other things that you've posted, to which I can only agree with. I've had past lives
recollections, human past lives, in various circumstances. Some through meditation, some instantaneous flashbacks and one in perticular through a
guided automatic writing session. I was a druid, saw the village, my wife, my kids, I remember choosing different plants for some healing preparations
with roots. Chlorophyll had an immense curative value. I couldn't believe it when you mentioned it.
When I was contacted through meditation, I was told that I had lived many times but NOT only as a human. Up to that point it never occurred to me that
I could have had other incarnations of a non human type. I was told that my soul had a name and that I had many friends from different races who knew
me well. I was told that I had chosen to be back at this specific time in human history to help. That when the time came I would remember everything.
Including healing, where we're from, who we are.
I was shown bits and pieces of what happened to me thirty seven years ago. I was shown planets up close. The sun up close. A star system that I knew
nothing about, Arcturus. After the meditation, still pretty much "in a daze" I wrote down notes of what I saw, what I was told. And there are some
notes written down for which I have no memory. Like intentionaly wiped out. I wrote that I was shown what I looked like in a higher vibration. I wrote
it but I don't remember it. I wrote that when I touched him/her, I felt emotions on a different level, we are different emotion wise. Again, no
memory of what he/she looks like, of touching him/her. As if I am not aloud to remember just yet. Isn't that strange?
My root chakra has been vibrating ever since that contact. Comes and goes. But never happened before. I have tried contacting him/her again without
success. I was told they would contact me again soon but nothing yet.
Since that contact, I can only say that my beliefs have expanded. From a belief that we humans are one but it's a way larger portrait than that. One
is everything. All that our senses feel are just a tip of the iceberg. One includes many other races. The human species is only starting to become
When you mentioned seeing your parents, that strange emotion resurfaced. And this is one emotion that I cannot describe with words. It is love yet on
a bigger scale. I understand why it makes you sad. It is not love as we comprehend it. I hope I'm making sense here. It is a pure form of love, given
the choice this is how I would describe it. I have felt it and it still resonates. This is why I was told "Emotions are the clues and Love is the
Do you kind of understand what I am trying to say?
I'm sure you do.