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My life with an Alien Soul

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Ben81 just wanted to say I thought what you wrote about Chris Angel was interesting. I wonder why he chose that symbol and if he has ever had contact in any way. Interesting I think....

Smashenator I believe I have written down most things I would have to reread everything to see but it is all close enough.

The problem is I know what I am saying when I write it but people that haven't had any experiences may not understand and with me not being a good writer it can all get confusing probably like what I just wrote.

All I can say is I have much recall and I feel as if I am that child even though I am 61 on the outside looking in. I ssee and understand both sides of the coin Human and Alien bet no one else can say that.


Sadly I can't tell you what happened to you but with you being here after all that happened to you then I say you are here for a reason.

This could or could not be related with this subject and until you recover more memories will you know one way or the other. I say go with your gut feelings about this until things become clearer.

Do you mind if I ask you how old you are. I ask this because it is usually in the the later twenties or early thirties that most people start to wake up and put things together.

When anything about this subject comes to you in any way dreams etc. close your eyes picture in your third eye the little details in the background you might pass over and write everything down time and date it.

I did not write things down wish I had someone tell me to do so at the time but I have great recall because I was ALLOWED to have that recall.

Also do not let anyone make light of you when dealing with this subject because people will put you down in many ways please remember you are the one that knows what you experience not them.

If ever you need to talk privately let me know through U2U.

One thing I would like to say is Humans always seem to be looking for something they always seem bored even though they have busy lives.

This is a beautiful Planet and their are beautiful people here we have to in a peaceful way stop the greed by doing the dirty deeds of the Leaders of the World and we need to take our Planet back and bring her back to health. If we do not... it will not be she that kills us but us ourselves because we did not care for her when we know she needed help. Without her there is no, :we the people:

Plant trees in mass is only one of many things needed to correct the wrongs done.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by observe50]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Dear ben81, I have not seen the movie "nine". I will look for it and see what it is about. Nine9 is not an ats member. He is a ordinary human,but we sense a great force of goodness within him. He does not want anybody to call him a leader,as he says he is a guide,so we call him nine9 as he says that is his name. and that he is part of living forces that combined and merged into an infinite force that is the essense of good in the original living universe (the infinite void before universes and dimensions appeared) He is awakening us to the plain original true form of the universe and a moment(time) when everything existed truely freely.
The ones we call gods,the ones who created the material dimensions and material,physical life,who put into force the universe laws and systems,the ones who dominate,who dictate all existence of the spirit,astral,material universe and dimensions may never allow truelyfree existence to happen.They brought you into being and their plans must be followed through eternity,infinity.The are millions of them in the universe(dimension) reserved only for their kind,with one (whom you call the supreme god) overlooking all.The heaven that is referred to in religion is another dimension because no one except those(others of the original universe,infinite void who do not go with them) can enter their universe to be shoulder to shoulder with them. What the universes are is too complex to explain,and the important thing is to know what all beings deeply wants,-to be truely free,to be able to evolve,to elevate,to exist truely freely and not be made to exist as the script of the plan dictates.
It is difficult to understand the unknown,but as understanding emerges,knowledge is gained. But without struggling to obtain the real truth all is in vain.
What is the past is,is no longer important,the future and deep need to be Really truly free is what matters.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by 1Starman]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by 1Starman

i agree

if you have read many of my post ... there is many similarities between our statements

about your mystery guy
he sound almost exactly like the buddha boy
i beleive many are wake up to the real truth
1: the buddha boy
2: nine9

ask nine9 how he see the buddha boy ... if he his at the same spiritual level before the complete enlightment

if you tell me one day that nine9 didnt eat or drink for months ... i wouldnt not be surprise ... the buddha boy have been meditating for months without any food.. now he is still meditating under groundand he will come back when he his finish prior to 2012

hope you can tell me more about nine9 and how did you actually meet him the first time ?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:49 AM
I am sorry,but I am not going to post any more about the past.I do not want to know and I will not ask nine9 about it from now onwards.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by 1Starman]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by 1Starman
I am sorry,but I am not going to post any more about the past.I do not want to know and I will not ask nine9 about it from now onwards.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by 1Starman]

...are you in a defensive mode ??
i rarely talk about the past .. its the futur that is important to me
are you afraid of what or who i might be ??
my friend .. im the last person on earth to be afraid of

i like talking about GOOD things .. spirituality thread
to know what the futur might look like
2012 might be the transition to this better world
enlightment for many is ahead of us

its not time to hide anything that can help anyone into the correct path
i know i was meant to something bigger in this futur
this wake up wave display the knowledge of the universe
of who we really are ... and what we need to do to HELP

i wasnt born yesterday on this matter ... trust me .. dont have fear
you know what fear is ??

fear can lead to the darkside ... that someone said once

i beleive this to be true

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:48 AM
Hi Observe

I was wondering if you could talk about the two (or more) groups of greys that are areound?

I've seen greys since i was 4 and have remembered them for the past year and a half (i have scatered rants about them here on ATS
) and have resently made some progress on my understanding of things and am tring to learn more.

i have had good and bad greys come arounf but have realy only just figured out which were which. i've broken it down into "those that use puppets"and "those that use shadows"

the ones that use puppets have showed up when i was in need of them (mostly when i was younger) and have been helpful, even explaining somethings to me (and then removing the memory of the explanation
). the others show up in "bulk" peroids and have made me afraid of the dark, their not very nice (also i think one of them was a Reptilian/hybrid thing-a-majig

anyways, do you know what the good ones gerneral aproach/method to interacting with humans is? have they ever used puppet/illusions when talking to you?

also could you also pass on an apoligy to "bob" (my name for him, i don't think he has one, anyway hes short and grey, very desciptive i know
) for questioning his existence and poking him in the face next time you talk to them


posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:03 AM
Hello Rokninja,

When I deal with the ones I go to it can range to a few times a month to maybe being spread out once in a decade.

When I was younger I went more to them and was focused on job at hand, and now that I am older I am just shown or told through the audio/visual.

With the Grey's there are different tinges to them and in some cases somewhat different facial appearances.

All I can really tell you with these are that some are good some are not so good and some are just not understood.

There are many different looking type Species other then the Grey's and from what I have seen there is much more good then bad out there.

Everything has its time and place and when it is time for things to be they will be.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by observe50]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:55 AM
Observe, I read through this entire thread and I have to say you seem more credible than any thing else ive ever heard of or read. I am so very interested in your experiences. I envy that you know so much about the greys, perhaps one day I might have some flashbacks or something. Anyway, Do you know if they greys age? And also, do you believe that every single human is abducted?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:05 AM
I bookmarked this to read, but forgot. Observe50 has such a gentle, intelligent, sensitive way of writing. I see a beautiful soul. I just finished reading the thread on the moons being the wrong size and a thought came to me. Its from bits and pieces I had read, though didn't understand from various people, including ET_MAN. The solar system is like a mechanism, and the sizes perhaps need to be right, for the shifts to occur, ie for planets to change position, or any kind of change. Perhaps even the gears of time itself which is clocked to the sun and orbit. I believe whatever was done, bring in the wrong size moon here and elsewhere in the solar system, may upset the way the mechanism, akin to a machine works, may even relate to time as well. Just a guess, but I will through this out while I seeing gears, and a mechanized system where I think orbits may exchange. This could create a trap of sorts, not sure.

Thank you for sharing all that you have in this thread.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
I bookmarked this to read, but forgot. Observe50 has such a gentle, intelligent, sensitive way of writing. I see a beautiful soul. I just finished reading the thread on the moons being the wrong size and a thought came to me. Its from bits and pieces I had read, though didn't understand from various people, including ET_MAN. The solar system is like a mechanism, and the sizes perhaps need to be right, for the shifts to occur, ie for planets to change position, or any kind of change. Perhaps even the gears of time itself which is clocked to the sun and orbit. I believe whatever was done, bring in the wrong size moon here and elsewhere in the solar system, may upset the way the mechanism, akin to a machine works, may even relate to time as well. Just a guess, but I will through this out while I seeing gears, and a mechanized system where I think orbits may exchange. This could create a trap of sorts, not sure.

Thank you for sharing all that you have in this thread.
Yeah the moons being the wrong size baffles me, I really cant come up with anything , its frustrating.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by reesie45

Also, orbits relate to space time channels. We are in an infinite universe, a hologram I believe, and though it can be explained in simple terms such as dvd player playing an infinite number of DVDs, which are star systems, which are "in time" relating to their orbits, its far more complex, with organic material, its almost like cell structure, the glaxies. So it could be compared to digital but its also organic too.

Large stars are huge influx's of consciousness. Ours is pretty ordinary and towards the bottom of the heap. So an infinite number of space-time channels and also densities/astrals.

Now time is a software program relating to our planet of origin and its orbit around its star. All moons and planets have their own orbit, their own channel.

I don't quite understand the significance, but I see a well organized mechanism, akin to having ball bearings, that moves at the right moment. That things occur in cycles. Not sure why I'm seeing this, might have been something I read from ET_MAN's thread.

And something that Sleeper has said, about our moon, actually being from Jupiter. Saturn would have enormously different implications I think, as it is called the black sun and of some big significance as the bloodlines have coded all things to it for thousands of years. Jupiter and Saturn are large planets more akin to failed suns or small dwarf stars themselves.

I imagine whatever was done was to stop the flow of normal time, disrupt us here, and impose some kind of blockage to the normal mechanisms, perhaps enhancing their matrix and control over souls/us.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:21 AM
Hello my friend, I am so happy to see you writing again. I too love reading about your experiences.

I hope you are well. I am on ATS daily but choose not to participate due to the nasties who frequent the threads. I like being an observer instead.


posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:55 PM
I just wanted to mention that this thread is alarming as well. I do believe that the "greys" have plant type dna, that at least one is pink, the one I saw was between 4 and 5 feet tall, the same height of my youngest son roughly, he's 8, very delicate (and that is being interfered with he doesn't want to be called that), fine boned, very thin, typical body, but sense of strong. Head not quite the way depicted which is usually bigger rounded top, he was fine, narrow head shape, much more like my sons, a little long, bald, the typical dark eye lenses.

He was right outside my sliding door, the color was unusual, dusky (it was nighttime and this may have interferred), kind of muted (same thing possibly), but a ruddy, flushed rosey hue. What my friend called pinkies. I guess. I was therefore expecting a bad experience, though I have no memories of anything bad directly, have woken with wounds and panic over some areas where I remember things abit, as if the wall might burst and I don't want it too, but on the other hand, checkups are done giving me choice to sleep or altered state without pain, so I don't know what the panic is really. I don't think that was even 2 months ago, the date of that. The resulting masked dream that night was actually very interesting in itself, very informative, answered questions I had all day, so they could hardly be negative. It all pertained to time.

I also want to point out that greys are not in control of this planet. In a heirarchy way, its kind of hard to pinpoint what is going on, but there are higher beings, behind the soul progression here, and of course Family of Light, for I've connected to Higher Self and had some interesting downloads. There is also more negative elements. But, I do see positive beings, perhaps having different roles, and getting along. So, I won't argue with this, I keep sensing the extended Family has many roles and species involved, as these are but software suits for schooling/lessons.

The idea of correcting a wrong keeps coming up in various sources, but I thought it had to do with everyone's progression including theirs. ie. we are tied in together, and as races that have invovled themselves with others there is corrections needed to progress. There could also be something coming that isn't meant to come. Not sure.

From Observe50 (first page):

Let me explain this ship, it is one of the OLDER Gathering ships. The color is very dark greenish/grey-black.... when just inside there is a walkway that goes around this circular ship and sections are closed off by doors that slid open when the one I am with raises his hand to it. The rooms are on the inside and I will describe what I saw, please remember I am little here.

Wow. I see a craft in my memory shorts that is also circular, with doors leading into rooms, along an outside corridor, there are "windows" along the outside, and remember being shown the wonderful scenes by a grey who was pleased with my joy. Inner rooms there was a screen, and something before a screen. I don't recall alot of it but the doors slid as well, I'm not sure but to the side. There were greys and humans aboard. I was a child during that, but have also seen checkups with a human woman, blond, holding my second youngest son, soon to be 11, as an infant.

I thought there was an Orion connection as the one man that was walkign with women, who was somewhat important and hung back was connected to Orion.

Other mentions of a chair, like a dentist chair, only its much more hitech, and I wonder if she saw headgear, something on the head, that is connected to the persons neurology perhaps. I saw my friend in one of those and my 18 year old son.

The men in black. Well my friend, who wrote to me asking if he knew me, my son, and I have all had encounters with dark haired me, strong chests, black uniforms, almost like rubber suits, but I don't know what they're made out of really. No clue, form fitting uniforms/armor/suits, who knows. My son was shown dates and images by these MIB's on a viewing screen on two different times he remembers this, the first time they were taken from him, for a later date, these were future events, and the second he remembers a small amount of crashes and past events.

But we do have to get into morality and who is who kind of. With a state of positivity, and trying to reverse engineer our difficulties and failings, and trying to improve, love, be helpful, we are progressing, and nothing can prevent our progression though they might try to interfere. So there is definitely different groups and agendas.

One friend shared a very negative experience from an astral investigation into underground bases here. In my case, that was a huge abudction for the family and wounds, April 17 09. In his case, it was astral abduction (but your body is the same and very real, I have been told if a disaster happens in the night, so your death could seem dream like, many would not even know they had died, they may think the shft happened. Our astral bodies are real, in fact, since earth is a density, and astrals are densities how is our body not a layer of astral? Its just a special configuration of energy)

I was told about a negative encounter where a grey by a friend, who spoke Sumar, sounded a bit Scottish/German and ancient, the "loch" hard sounds, in any case, he claimed Godhood over us.

Being a creator of dna, and higher level, does not = God. Our spirits are all equal, profoundly equal, though we see them in different grades and even needing to repeat some grades, in "no time" we thereotically are globally our whole infinity of soul at once, though could sit in a meeting with many other Us's in diffent "time " clips, for "past", "present", and "future" are concepts or a kind of mental organization merely, but are silmultaneous.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by observe50
The post right before I started about the implants I was talking about why I was sent here, I was sent here to help heal.

I wanted you to know about the audio/visual implant because after this time my being taken -- experiences could now be done through this audio visual if need be.

I'm sleeping then I am woken within I see what would look like a ticker tape going by, the words were going by fast but from right to left and I couldn't pick up any words, I knew instantly I was being programmed because I have memory of this happening one other time. When this stopped I saw a small, thin booklet and pages were flipped somewhat I was told this was the booklet with the Cures for "all known" Viruses. The cover was with the orange and red swirls and at the bottom was on word:
Next I see a symbol come forward and I will try to describe this:

Black background then a circle about the size of quarter colored in with orange and red swirls, in the middle is a small black circle. Now I hear the word---Cancer a few times. Next another symbol comes up to the left of that, it's the same way but instead of the black dot it was more like a longer, enclosed less then < colored in black and I hear the word Aids a few times. After that it begins to happen again and all I get is the third sybmol it is like the second one Aids the less then sign closed off at the end and black but it's shorter then the Aids one < I don't know what this is the symbol for because at that moment I heard this:

End of transmission someone is coming.

At that moment I flick awake and sit up and listen and I can hear someone coming up the basement steps I hear them walking through the livingroom then coming up the steps down the hall and into the next room it was my grandson he had stayed up a little later and watched TV with his Grandpop.

On another occasion I was woken and told only three words:

I know there was a Wyoming but I didn't know there was a Casper so I thought one day if I see a map I will look it up. Wee, in short in four days I opened up a book and when I looked in I was looking at a the map of the state of Wyoming and my finger was right under the word Casper. I believe this was n January of 97. Since then it seems like I for some reason am not allowed to forget this, something always comes up that I hear or see Casper, Wyoming and I live on the East Coast. I have no clue but I use there words when it is time to be known I will know.

I picked up visual and audio the visual was two militery men in an underground area. One man standing and one man sitting behind a desk. The man sitting seemed very upset and was telling the other man they would have a major disaster on there hands if the volcano went because they would be dealing with a radio active volcanic eruption.

Things settled down after that maybe the frequencies were changed who knows.

There is a volcanic dome near Casper Wyoming as well as being near a fault line. In the past Casper, Wyoming has experienced a 6 to 7 point earthquake on the Richter magnitude scale.

This is interesting a profit, Reverend Jonathan Hansen, telling what has been given to him by God to relay to the people of the Nations. Read where he says there would be a nuclear incident near Casper Wyoming. ^Y^

[edit on 25-7-2010 by amari]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:10 PM

I just got back on we are in the process of having a large storm so I want to get off. I just want to let you know I need to read all your messages when this storm passes and I will be back on soon.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Its not true that you haven't been told to spread a message. The very fact that you are allowed to remember anything regarding experiences with that which is over our head and pertains to both the mystery of life, and the future, and that this means there is much you don't remember, but which is allowed to influence you in many ways, at a subconscious levels and directs who you are, and therefore your sphere of influence an indirect way of spreading a message.

Also, about an upgraded human. This has been talked about by various others, a couple even said another batch of cookies from the oven, that different versions of us, and animals are put here, not so much evolution in the traditional way at all. Also, that we are going into space, not out of the system, but colonizing this, Sleeper has talked of this one.

So if there is an upgraded version of humanity to come, they will be formed from our own dna, they will be our children. Family.

And this is not something that can or will be done by a rogue group, but by a consensus. Nor is it something that could be done without freewill and the school still maintaining value as a as a school, or Beyond and Higher Selves would put a stop to this.

I have seen an upgrade myself and some teaching being done in extended Family.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Unity_99]

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:06 PM
Thank you observe50 for taking the time to respond to my request. I am 21 years old, and my awakening process started when i was 20. I have had dreams of seeing many spirals in the skies, and there being some sort of time rift, where everyone older became young again. Once i realized this, i knew to go outside, and there was a craft waiting for me. I take a deep breath and jump in, and it begins to take off. I ask, "can i say goodbye to my family before I leave?" Something was very compassionate to me, and flew me over to the window, and i knocked on it, and said my goodbyes. I was then taken to a piece of land in the sky, and given a simple task. "Water the rodent". I was given a wooden bucket with a hole on each side, so that whenever i filled it up with water, it would pour out quickly after. In my dream, i saw many statues resembling different animals, but failed to find the rodent.

I can't remember if I have had contact with people from another world, but apparently I currently am, but I still remain in the dark as what they are, and their intentions. About the implants Observe, could a cyst or tumor grow from an area where it was "put in" at. I had a "cyst" on the back left side of my head where the occipital bone is. It was removed and the doctors had no idea why it was there. It was called an "old man's mole". Hench, elderly people get them.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:50 PM

I do not believe every Human has been abducted. From what I know we are in a way to them as our animals are to us. Some are pets, some are testing specimens and some are left to roam.

There are others here that have agreed to come here for one reason or another so they were transferred here. Beyond that I don't know.

The ones I know live long lives but I don't know much beyond that, I'm sorry.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:08 PM
unity_99, hello

I have not been in the presense of the ones that have pink to them. I find that interesting what you wrote about ET_MAN and what he has said, I do remember ET_MAN.

This is why people need to share there experiences because what one doesn't understand someone else might. I don't understand why they wanted me to make people see that its all wrong, the Planets and the Moon sizes....all I can hope is that someone might pick up on what I wrote and understand.

With your son I know how it is with being shown stuff then only being allowed to remember so much. The dates you said he was shown I am sure that when the time comes and he is to remember he will remember the dates and what they were for. It's the same with me for that magnification number for the tracking device.

Now that I am older and I understand more I really don't like the way they do things but I know it doesn't matter if I like it or not.... this is just the way it is......and to be honest I think it sucks lol

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by observe50

I'm on page 5 or 6, and antar mentioned the shift occurring more each day, that surprisingly while I'm still not convinced of a physical shft, have had it come during meditation, a shift type eutopia instantly being there, new young body experience, but, the vibational changes as if we are entering something new, I'm aware of.

Then a few posts down you mentioned again relating to underwater, ufo experiences. I need to add that the dark haired human looking ETs, one of whom I call L'Arna, communicated telepathically that I was invited to their underwater base, have had communication that I was to go somewhere and it occurred to me afterwards I had gone but no memory. Also, these same people are connected to hollowed out astroid that is very green and though whatever size on the outside is much larger inside. My friend told me that this is akin to all of Georgia fitting into the inside even though on the outside this would be impossible. He had said I was there, and I could recall this, also when he described I would see, and whole room and area fleshed out. When he was blocked and not recalling any of his experiences, I described to him what I saw when they pulled me there and why he woke up with wounds on his head.

In addition, the moon base also had inner levels and much greenery in areas. This part brings panic. I don't even want to push past the views I see.

What you're sharing is stirring so much, its almost alarming, but also, I sense there is not just one race, this is a multi species level, maybe some have more private plans with regards to the whole, but there are human races, insectoid, and my son speaks of feline, and I also know that no one can make a mistake in one way, for soul progression and lessons will take place and nothing can really hijack that either, for those who are worried. We need to do the best we can, and try to wake up more to world issues.

I keep being shown some very advanced cities, that seem to be here, and also in other systems, more eutopian, the ones very much so. If what you saw about the barren earth occurs, then I believe the shift has happened and we have changed channels, I saw positive changes in the end and advancement.

If the channel changes, some would be here, in a more space age earth, with more awareness of ETs, according to Sleeper, and I sense with the cities I saw that could be true, some would be in distant places, and new worlds, some would go home outside the universe/school.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Unity_99]

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