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My life with an Alien Soul

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posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 02:04 PM
tru, thanks. i'll post again if i got anything else to say

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 04:40 PM
I have to go get some Thai food for my student right now but just wanted to relpy to theost so I can keep reading when I get back and to add...

ALL I remeber in 1989 was the BRIGHT pure white light....and the message that religion all was wrong but all had little bits to etc, and to not get stuck into religion but listent to the principles and spirituality etc...

I DO rember the plants etc and glass room at an earlier time in 1981-82 ish now though because I wrote a story about it when I was in grade 3, about how they needed the plants for oxygen on the spaceships and to grow the plants for oxygen on other makes sense now because in grade 3 I don't think I would already know that stuff would I???

What do you think???

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:01 PM

The one I am with tells me that this is where the tracking device is located. He told me we would have to use our most sophisicated equipment and we would have to look long and hard in this area and we still wouldn't be sure but he said it can be located.

The location I was allowed to know is as follows:

In the back of the head in the middle of the lower left lobe.

Wow! Thanks for sharing this. This is exactly where my tracking device is located. It's been there at least 5 years.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:41 PM
Wow, I am surprised this thread has come to life again, I guess it was meant to be.

My best to you always

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:43 PM

I don't know if you are still around but yes you are right.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:47 PM

There are mixed beings and animals but what the Grey's agenda was to create what they call a Superior Human Race, looks like us and has there intelligence but they had trouble with these creations not being able to breathe our air and with the mixtures of our bloods.

I have questions regarding this statement. You state their agenda, I believe you speak truly. If we are just one of many species why the focus on humanity, a 'stupid' species from a backwater planet? Why improve on humanity and create a superior species? This strikes me as odd, with a nefarious touch to it. I would bet this is being done not for our benefit but theirs.

Oh and nothing dies, even old threads, once they hit the internet. ('

[edit on 22-7-2010 by slane69]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 09:19 PM
Hello Slane69,

The answer is simple in a way.

If you put together the things I have written you will see that these Beings believe this Planet is their Planet they say it is their Laboratory. They consider us a stupid species because we do not know how to use our brain's to their fullest.... but.... they do say we have intelligence and this is worth a "STUDY"

Just because we live on the lands doesn't mean we are the owners they survive on their ships in our skies (all those stars up there aren't stars) and they are below or within (our deepest waters)

We are observed 24/7 they know everything about us and this Planet.

Also when they used the word stupid it is because it is a word that I would understand when I was Human it was not meant as an insult.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 09:22 PM
OOPS! Why improve Humanity, the answer................. why not!

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by observe50

Thanks for your reply observe50, your experiences are quite something.

I still get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach thinking about this. It is not their world, it was given to us to manage by the Creator. I know you stated you are not religious and that the aliens have said all religions are false and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Have you ever thought that they might be stringing you along and are wolves in sheep's clothing?

I offer a challenge next time you are amongst them. Ask them about Jesus Christ and watch their response very closely. Open yourself to the very negative telepathic emotional response they will also exhibit. The question becomes why would a simple man elicit such a negative response? The answer is there is a negative spiritual element to these beings and they are not what they seem.

Be cautious, you state you have not stopped them from doing what they wish, what makes you think you have the power to stop them? On some level you must know you do have the power to stop them and that power is in a simple name 'Jesus Christ'.

Peace to you and best wishes.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by observe50

Dear observe50 and those of you who can sense what is true, what you should do with those who hit out at us with sarcasm is to do what I did in the I am friends with an alien topic. I click on the ignore button at the left side below you avatar and presto, the offending poster and reply disappears. Put a similar reply like what I
to rid those trouble makers from the topic.
The truth is all around us and we have to seek it out. There are domineering forces out there,not only in this material dimension but the invisible(spiritual) universe as well who does not want us to know everything. The material dimension is a testing place and regardless of what form we take we will have to return to our true form in the spirit universe.All beings in this material universe have to show proof of their humble heart in their services for others. what this means is a pure soul who thinks of others ,who is willing to give his life,his existence to save others.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Slane69 I agree that does work with some Species no doubt but we have to remember there are many Species that frequent this Planet.

There are good Beings and also bad Beings and then again there are mis-understood Beings.

There are so many Humans that have had contact and it depends on who has been taken by whom. Most talk about the Grey's and they group all Grey's as being bad and they are not. If we were given a Technology and our Leaders used it for bad instead of the good it was meant to be used for then you can't blame that on them.

Take Humans and there being 7 billion people... say 2 billion are bad would it be fare for these Beings to think all Humans are bad.

They know there are good Humans on this Planet that is why when the Extinction Level Event occurs they are here to help try and lesson it so life continues here.

As I look back on things I have experienced I believe that contact was made that shouldn't have been made and because of this a seperation occurred within the Species.

I feel secure with what I know all I attempt to do is share freely and if it comes to light it comes to light if it doesn't, it doesn't........ it only makes me look bad if I write something and it never occurs. All we can do is observe and hope for the best.

As they say...... whatever is to be, will be. KEEP LOVE IN YOUR HEART

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 10:29 AM

I liked your post, thank you.

Trickery has been used to fool the peoples for Centuries and they have gotten away with it but people are waking and they are waking more quickly......let's hope it's fast enough and I do believe it will be.

People like ourselves are realizing that the skeptics in life will fall hard even though they will not probably admit it, lol............. but we need to forgive them this is what will help us evolve a little quicker.

To be honest with the things I have written I hope I am totally wrong I don't mind being wrong and I don't mind apologizing but everything so far has come to light in it's time.

We have to realize everyone has built into them the need to feel as if they are......................................

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 10:47 AM
i have a theory ... and what i have read from you is matching it(some parts)

S&F for all the time you took at your age and the many responsability you have especially with your familly...
you are an inspiration to many of us ... to have speak about that
many would FEAR today to be badly-judged ...
fear have overthrow kindness in the human spirit
with fear you cant acheive any good... just mistakes
it will make the truth hide ... it will create bad intentions .. etc etc

if i would remember my past lifes or have any direct contact with aliens...
i would gladly like you speak about it to share my experiences
but i dont know why i cant... and i know its right there deep in me somewhere

the theory goes like this (reincarnation)... (it can be far fetched but it would answer many questions)... :
everyone have a soul... bad or good... the soul is like spirit energy who can travel very fast and comunicated by telepathy to others(souls,aliens)
life on earth is like a test ... you have made some mistakes? .. you will return to earth for another try... you have been a good old soul? ... you will have ALL your memory back and will have the choice to stay like this or have other missions/research on earth with or without a complete memory wipe

the machine catching soul theory(white tunnel after we die)
(is a machine from the old empire .. a magnetic energy shield around earth that catch souls...the job of it is to keep resending soul to earth after their body dies... with a complete memory wipe out from pass lives...including your original alien life
it seems the machine have been recently failing little by little to make a complete memory wipe... some souls like you.. can remember strange past memories and other souls(rarely) can remember from a very young age many things... to the supreme knowledge of the universe (google the buddha boy)

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:15 PM
I enjoyed reading your thoughts.

We often hear of Heaven and Hell and we often hear EARTH is a prison Planet for myself I say Earth is more in the order of PURGATORY.

Many are waitiing for judgement day but what they aren't realizing is this Human life is their judgement day.

I don't fear total Nuclear War because if this were to occur it would destroy this Planet and they will not allow this to happen. As they have shown already to the Militaries they can shut down anything and everything they want.

You are correct things will get worse before they get better but the good will bring this Planet back to the way it was meant to be.

Remember the meek shall inherit the Earth.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by observe50

heaven and hell is only a metaphore

with all the bad news happening
i dont fear any of them ... even WW3 or a flood/meteorite apocalypse
many are so much pessimistic ... why not being optimist even if a disaster can occur CANT evolve with fear ... with fear its like living in a caged prison inside your mind...

my life compare to others ... is egual
but i feel more compasion and empathy to other than my self... why ?
i would also exchange my life so (exemple)a little african boy/girl living in a mudd house with almost nothing... can live happy and longer because of me ...
i would feel like ..."mission accomplished"

many people today think they are more superior to others ...
this is why ... the modern society we live today HAVE TO CHANGE
we can no longer live our life like that... while many other are suffering from violence, injustice, famine, poverty, etc etc ...

nukes were blow up a number of time already...
also on human population .. nobody have stoped that
or the 9/11 false flag operation to create all these futur war
or the oil spill disaster ... that can trigger apocalyptic scenarios
they have already let the planet be destroyed ... 2012 is there for a reason...the date they will show themself to the world ... i think
"2012 "mass awakening" prophecy
another speculation of course but so far they didnt stop anything
but they did a few time destroy missiles with a beam
in their place i would have stop ALL OF THEM from killing anyone
but im not them
cant really know their intentions or plans

[edit on 7/23/2010 by Ben81]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:58 PM

I see your Soul is right where it is supposed to!

If people only realized all they have to do is change within.... forgive themselves for any wrongs they have done and be kind to others.

As they say, the answers are the simplest, the ones you always overlook.

I am very pleased you have posted in my thread, thank you.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by observe50

you thoughs in this thread catched my attention
i see many people coming forward with more spiritual attitude
and experienced from past life or even direct contact with Alien to share some knowledge.. to others .. maybe some will walk another step with this thread to being a little more closer to "wake up"

wanted to talk to you about

Let me set this up here for you, I was sent to bed as usual and I had fallen asleep.

I wake up within.... my eyes are still closed I feel like I am floating in the air. I open my eyes and lift my head, my body is in a lying position with my hands to my sides I can't move anything from my shoulder's down. I turn my head to the left and look down and there I am in bed sleeping. I think to myself I am out of my body

many experienced this out of the body moments... especially in hospital when people suffer from something and they go out (exemple: cardiac arrest) .. do you think something like that occured to you .. and you were able to go somewhere around your body...
or you think it was some aliens who wanted to take you soul for a minute ..
the voices you say you heard after ... do you think it was another energy soul(exemple: a decease familly member) speaking to you or simply your childrens near you telling you to come back from your (exemple: heart crysis) ??

[edit on 7/23/2010 by Ben81]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:05 PM
Good queston

I was little and that was my very first recall. I knew exactly where I was going....up to the ship....they are my family.

The one teaching me to control the return was not of this Planet.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:28 PM
Hey observe!

Long time no chat!

You know often times i find myself going back to your story and thinking about your experiences. You have always been one the very few ats members that has had experiences, and we're willing of taking the time to give people some information.

Im sure i could pick your brain for hours lol! But i was thinking that if ever this thread got brought back to life again i might ask you this...since you said your not to fond of writing, im sure you could maybe make a audio/video recording, of your story/ideas/knowledge then post it on youtube.

i thought it might be a good idea

take care

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:59 PM
ATSGUY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, I have missed you. It's funny there are certain people here at ATS that I seem to feel a connection to and you have always been one of the handful I enjoyed.

I have to chuckle at myself because as much as I can't write well I speak even worse.

I'm from the old school and it takes me forever to accept the new things this generation has to offer however, what I do know how to handle is quite interesting.

My friends laugh at me but this is the way I am.

As I see things everything has its time and place and if it is ever meant to be for me to do something I will do what needs to be done.

This thread for example I never thought it would come back but I assume it was meant to.

I hope if any new members read what I wrote they kind of put what I was trying to say together better then I could ever explain.

I will tell you I am truly stumped and I can't figure out about these quakes I was shown, the reason I say this is because quakes are not known for these particular areas so why would I have been shown's not logical and I am having a hard time with it.

All I can do for now is observe.

I really to feel they chose the wrong person for this job, I really do suck at it.

Well, as they say................. whatever is to be.....will be.

My best to you always

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