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Nasa...pulling the wool over or eyes?

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posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:00 AM
Just a quikie to get some feel forwhat you guys think..

you here a lot of conspiracy theories mention that technologically we are really 30 -40 years ahead of where we are now and that space programmes and such like are simply there to fool the public.... to hide what is really going on.

any views folks???? I would be gutted if we ever found out that it was true

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:09 AM
Prepared to be gutted.

Of course they ALWAYS have technological advancements that are ahead what we know about.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:09 AM
Internal Studies show that government science is 42.5 years ahead of public science. This does not mean everything the government has will be discovered/invented by the public in 42.5 years but rather it is taking the public 42.5 years on average to come up with the same technology.

The gap is increasing due to the fact the government can draw from the public but not vise versa.

This does not include NASA (to the best of my knowledge). The military is notorious for running space program independantly from NASA however. This would be where the advanced technology is, not actualy NASA.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:30 AM
Retired astronauts Gordon Cooper and Dr. Edgar Mitchell have both publicly proclaimed the incident in New Mexico in 1947 was a real extraterrestrial ship crash. Cooper claims some military friends told him. Mitchell claims to have read secret government documents that prove it that have not been released to the public. Of course there are other people that proclaim this too, such as the late Colonel Phillip Corso and Major Jesse Marcel who were more intimately involved with the event. Anyway, it seems as though at least some government people are certain of our government having retrieved alien technology.

There seems to be enough proof of UFO cover up anyway with regards to events like the 1967 Edwards AFB case that was part of Project Blue Book, the 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident, and the testimony that could happen from groups such as The Disclosure Project if an investigation could ever get started.

Since NASA is part of our government, of course they are involved in any cover up of potential extraterrestrial information. They are the public outlet for such endeavors and as such have to actually lie to the public instead of simply not communicating with us like other silent government branches regarding this information.

IMO, all our current space endeavors are lame events done in an attempt to pacify the public and keep us blinded to any other information that could threaten the security of the nation if we were to find out about it (meaning we would tear apart the government in anger if we found out). This latest Mars probe is no exception.

[Edited on 8-1-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:50 AM
please see this thread for my explanation on the matter.

heres a few excerpts from it for you lazy bums

the motive is obvious. if you have control over one direct flow of multimedia from a planet, you don't have to worry about funny pictures like that Mars Face or a ship docking with Olympus Mons (made that up)

if you have several space agencies that you may NOT have direct or indirect control of, you will have all of that multimedia being spread around like a virus. an intelligence virus.

this is why on CSPAN they show you Spirit's work in progress, but with goofy 3-d vision (the red/blue on black and white pictures)... AND they restrict certain pictures. I caught the guy say at least once, "and here is another picture of the curious large rock formations. hmmm, i guess not." Because the picture remained the same as before. And he proceeded, like a programmed dolt, speaking of the picture that shouldve replaced the old one but didn't, "You could see a truly alien surface around here, and we were talking about sending Spirit to investigate the rock formations."

then he bored the hell out of everyone, and then put on an engineer to talk about the dumb craft and not the data from the planet.

how much data is the mission receiving from the Mars crafts? the guy said: "we're bouncing off from MGS @ 100Kbs about 100Mbs of data, and we're getting more bandwidth by getting other ortbial sattelites to work in coordination with the crafts thus increasing the efficiency"

that's a lot of data, and all you get to see are dumb pictures. not always in color, and not always panoramic.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by bryn
Just a quikie to get some feel forwhat you guys think..

you here a lot of conspiracy theories mention that technologically we are really 30 -40 years ahead of where we are now and that space programmes and such like are simply there to fool the public.... to hide what is really going on.

any views folks???? I would be gutted if we ever found out that it was true

There is definitely technology ahead of what "we" know. I guess it could be looked at like this. I don't understand all technology. So I dont know it. The average person couldnt build a stealth bomber. Most people couldnt build a television I would predict (I couldn't, but maybe im wrong).

After saying that, I do think people believe that the government is capable of things that it is not. It is clear that there are secret projects that the military works on and keeps secret to the best of their ability. It is also clear that military technology is not the only technology. The people who develop this military technology often turn out to be civilians. In other words, us "commoners" are just as intelligent as the people in our government. We have the same capability of schooling. The same potential in our minds.

I dont believe that the government technolgy is 30-40 years ahead of us. It may be ahead of us in a military standpoint, or "national security" standpoint, but that doesn't mean it's ahead of business and private motivations. The military has different objectives. The NSA has different objectives.

We have our own needs as people. So we go seek out that toaster that can hold a WHOLE BAGEL! Or the tennis shoes that have springs in the souls so we can jump an inch higher. I mean...look at the rubik's cube, or the slinky. Thats technology for the rest of us!

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 01:26 PM
I think that the major agencies in this world that are highly protected from public scrutiny are well above technologically to what the average person is aware of.

As evidence of this is the repeated ufo sightings worldwide and the major government stakeholders refusing to comment intelligently or seriously investigate and present findings to the public about these reoccurring phenomena.

The Phoenix Lights still amazes me, it kind of looked like one enourmous ship, because the lights all stayed in one place--or it could have been several aircraft in perfect syncronocity, perhaps utilizing technology to accurately maintain the steady distance between the individual lights, they (lights) were quiet, which I find strange.

I remeber hearing of a person who believes that the Space Shuttle space programs from NASA are all staged and fake, which is just an opinion from this source.

NASA probably also does experiments is space that we don't know about, and perhaps they also use non-gravity to create new substances for use on earth's dark projects.

Be prepared for the revelation of paranormal phenomena of the skies to the mass society.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 09:07 AM
Personally, I think NASA is just a sideshow. Either the U.S. already had a space program in the late 40's, and NASA was started just to calm the average American down about the Soviets going into space, or the Air Force simply took over the program once the astronauts started finding peculiar things on the Moon. Seeing as how the UFO sightings became more frequent (or at least more widely reported) around 1947 with the Roswell incident, I'm leaning towards America already having a space program before the Russians. Regardless, I'm fairly certain that the military is in actually charge of space exploration.

Btw, in Hebrew, nasa means "to bear, carry, lift up; forgive; to be forgiven, honred, carried; to be carried off, lifted up; to cause to carry, to bring; to exalt oneself, lift up oneself (Strong's Concordance reference #5375). Kind of interesting, especially considering that space might be identified as "the second heaven" according to Biblical cosmology (the sky/atmosphere being the first and paradise/God's domain being the third). In Isaiah 14:14, Satan says, "14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

Notice the title for God used in KJV Isaiah 57:15, "For thus saith the high and lofty [nasa] One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. "

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 09:25 AM
and you vote for these people? i thought the goverment is supposed to work for not against its people

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 01:09 PM
I think I read it somewhere on ATS, maybe not, anyways, since Yuri G.'s first space flight, and subsequent sighting of the monolith, the space program has been in full force. The NASA shuttle is a showpiece, supposedly there are twice weekly flights up to a much larger space station then the ISS. When you think about the military and civilian technology gap, it is not hard to believe that the government has at least in some way upgraded the current shuttle. Along those lines, why haven't we bothered going back to the moon with a manned mission, maybe something up there that we plebs don't need to know about. It was on May 20, 1962 when the first words from the moon were, "Today will go down in history as the day man first stepped on the moon and found life." (Sorry, can't find the link, I'll keep looking.)

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 02:03 PM
If the airforce is already in outer space which may be the case but to what extent I have no clue should there be a spaceforce or would it just be run by the airforce? Spaceforce sounds cooler if you ask me

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 02:14 PM
I saw a clip taken in space of a saucer like craft approaching the earth... then some sort of projectile or pulse laser shot up from earth and was most definetly aimed at the saucer.... saucer made a dramatic getaway.. end of film.

Advanced tech... anything with the speed of responce and tracking ability that this projectile exibited is well out of the public eye of what we know to be true of current weapondry. Not to mention that said saucer avoided the projectile.. meaning it was dangerous to them, if it was an alien craft then it would hold that we are well capable of defending ourselves against them.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by UnusualMe
I saw a clip taken in space of a saucer like craft approaching the earth... then some sort of projectile or pulse laser shot up from earth and was most definetly aimed at the saucer.... saucer made a dramatic getaway.. end of film.

Advanced tech... anything with the speed of responce and tracking ability that this projectile exibited is well out of the public eye of what we know to be true of current weapondry. Not to mention that said saucer avoided the projectile.. meaning it was dangerous to them, if it was an alien craft then it would hold that we are well capable of defending ourselves against them.

yeah I remember them they can still be found on internet look for STS-47 I think that's it...
I don't know if they are fake or not

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 02:35 PM
I think the ET technology is here and has allowed NASA and other orgainizations do their thing largley because pretty much all of our rockets and space ships look like a giant johnson. Our space program is a big joke to them and they're probaly laughing at every launch. I cant forget the scene in the first Austin Powers movie.

[edit on 27-6-2004 by jrod]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by DeKay
I think I read it somewhere on ATS, maybe not, anyways, since Yuri G.'s first space flight, and subsequent sighting of the monolith, the space program has been in full force. The NASA shuttle is a showpiece, supposedly there are twice weekly flights up to a much larger space station then the ISS. When you think about the military and civilian technology gap, it is not hard to believe that the government has at least in some way upgraded the current shuttle. Along those lines, why haven't we bothered going back to the moon with a manned mission, maybe something up there that we plebs don't need to know about. It was on May 20, 1962 when the first words from the moon were, "Today will go down in history as the day man first stepped on the moon and found life." (Sorry, can't find the link, I'll keep looking.)

I thought it was in July 20 the year 1969 Apollo 11

[edit on 14-1-2005 by ancientsailor]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by DarkSide

Originally posted by UnusualMe
I saw a clip taken in space of a saucer like craft approaching the earth... then some sort of projectile or pulse laser shot up from earth and was most definetly aimed at the saucer.... saucer made a dramatic getaway.. end of film.

Advanced tech... anything with the speed of responce and tracking ability that this projectile exibited is well out of the public eye of what we know to be true of current weapondry. Not to mention that said saucer avoided the projectile.. meaning it was dangerous to them, if it was an alien craft then it would hold that we are well capable of defending ourselves against them.

yeah I remember them they can still be found on internet look for STS-47 I think that's it...
I don't know if they are fake or not

False or not, it stills opens us to the fact that this stuff might very well be happening without the mainstream public knowing it. It's kinda like what nostradamus used, parables, because the church was more controlling back then. Maybe this is something similar to that, it's not the actual video, it's the idea.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 07:41 AM
I know it's old news, but I wanted to ask what's the general consensus on the alleged quotes from Neil Armstrong regarding the alien spacecraft already on the moon when Apollo 11 landed ? and that's why we never went back there ?

I've seen it quoted many times and I would normally ignore such statements but when a guy like Neil Armstrong says something I'm inclined to take notice. Does anyone know if he has since confirmed or denied it?

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:32 PM
If you live in the US why dont you join the National Association of Rocketry, get the right permits to build the high powered rockets and build a satellite and put it up in space and take pictures and video.

Everything you need is available commercially.

Until then I think the UFO conspiracists need to STFU about moon bases or spaceships flying around Earth daily.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by nukunuku
and you vote for these people? i thought the goverment is supposed to work for not against its people

Always somebody ready to get a nationality kick in there.

I bet you two to one that YOUR government doesnt make you privy everything either. You are a fool if you think so.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 04:16 PM
"my" government suxx so much its not even a government. They are mostly still involved in dirty laundry from ww2.


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