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Liberals Want End of 'Right-Wing Radio'

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posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Now why is that one wonders.... Is it because you are so much more intelligent than Rush, or any of us conservative? hmmmmm, That does not sound right...
Maybe you all give your millions to charity? naw, Probably not that....

Darn it, I just can't figure out why I have read about you liberals having job problems, when Rush and myself are so very successful... Strange indeed..

Now I am not in Rush's league, but I can safely say that I am VERY comfortable economically, and I just found out that all you Libs are so much more intelligent than me...

This is quite the mystery...

Well I guess if you have your way you will all begin to take an even bigger share of the money I HAVE MADE, then you can spread it around to all of you that have not earned it....

Yeah, Liberalism makes a lot of sense I guess, I'm just too stoopide to unnerstan....


So, I guess that if you make alot of money then you are a good person, right?

Sorry, don't see the coorelation.

btw, I made the company I work for $302,323 in sales so far this month, I know its not enough to buy myself a gas guzzling lear jet, so I guess I have only a fraction of his integrity. Sorry everyone.


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:27 PM
The discussion was no where even in the vicinity of whether or not Rush is a good person...

I do not know him personally, other than his radio persona, do you?

The discussion was in reference to success...

It is very clear if you read the post...


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:30 PM
Well to mock someone with a disease like Michael J. Fox, just because he disagrees with him does not speak well of his character. At least in my book it doesn't.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:32 PM

I'm a liberal...I ain't calling for an end to free speech...just asking for some self-control...

Self Control by who's standards?



Why is your standard any better than mine? Because you say so? Why is your standard better than Rush? Over 20 million people think that Rush is doing just fine. Are there that many people that think your standard is the "one"?

I'm guess that 20 million people don't know who you are any more than they know who I am..

Guessing mind you, but I'll wager it is true..

Currently I'll side with the 20 million that apparently agree with Rush and take my chances instead of the hate and vitriol on here being spewed forth trying to destroy free speech...


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:40 PM
Of course not Grover...

I would never expect anything else from you..

You have a great amount of hate in you and it is only logical that you would feel that way...

I was actually watching the broadcast and listened to the back and forth as well as MJ Fox's reply as such I managed to make my judgments without the hindrance of hate ....

With your level of hate for Rush you are of course going to find fault in everything... Your continued child's play on his name speaks volumes as to your professional ability to debate the issue at all..

That is why I have not responded to your posting in awhile, I feel no need to lower myself and respond to obvious attempts at the manipulation of emotions in a debate that should be professional and succinct..

That and I have really grown tired of anyone questioning my intellect. Now I am not in anyway near the top intellect in the country, but I feel I hold my own, at least on this thread...
That is of course just another lib tactic, when anyone presents sound valid arguments, your only recourse is to insult or play games with their name..


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:41 PM
I guess I am confused about what point you were trying to make about his financial comfort level. Was it that he is successful becuase of his content? If so, that is a shame, because he is an idiot, maybe even a bad person based on his shameless techniques, and if that is where his income is derived from, then the conversation is very much in the vicinity of how good a person he is - hence the shameless techniques part.

So I will disagree about that, and no I don't know him, he is a tool, and I try not to keep those in my company. You can spot it from a mile away.

And if he is really not, then why would he act like one on a nationally syndicated radio program? Some people are naturally tools, that's just the way they are. That is fine - I don't have to listen to his show, and I don't. But I digress to the point of the thread, the fairness in media clause is bogus, and he HAS THE RIGHT to transmit his opinion, similarly to my right to tell it like it is on this thread. Awe yes, it feels good to be able to call a turd a turd.


Oh, btw Semper WTF are you talking about with the "childs play on his name" stuff?

I'll take it that you are human just like myself, and maybe misread my post, or maybe I accidently misspelled his name... Probably did, since I don't read Rush's blogs, or listen to his show.

Jumping to the conclusion I was making fun of his name is your fault because I didn't. But thanks for taking the consideration for me that you expect everyone to take toward you and all the cops around the nation....

Whatever bro..

[edit on 27-6-2007 by tha stillz]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:47 PM
And again we see the truth of the matter...

It is apparently only your definition of an idiot that applies....And should apply to all of us?

The 20 million that support Rush then are also all idiots.. By your way of thinking...

So if you persuaded me to come around to your side, then I would be supporting your idea of what an idiot is, and going against 20 million peoples idea of what an idiot is...

If I did come to support you, then using those numbers, I would then truly be an idiot...

Now it all makes sense to me...


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:48 PM

I am also replying to Grover...

Not all of my post was directed at you or your comments...


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:50 PM
Also, could you please explain what my being in Law Enforcement has to do with my political philosophy?

Or my posting style..

Or anything else relating to this thread???


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:54 PM
OK I have just about had enough of this crap.

First off... my dislike of mush is, as I have said repeatedly, stems from the poison he spews. I stand by that. I find it extremely offensive. Hence I have no respect for him. Hate has nothing to do with it. I do not respect the man because of his behavior what is so bloody hard to understand about that? The same holds true for Ann Coulter and Micheal Savage. All very rude and offensive people who demonize those who disagree with them.

Second... my calling him mush loosebowels is no better or no worse than some of the things you on the right said about Al Gore, or Bill Clinton or anyone else left of center field. In fact it is rather tame by comparison.

Third dislike of him has far less to do with my personal politics than you might think; I know some very conservative people who cannot stand him either.

Fourth...How over the top is his behavior that he almost immediately got fired from ESPAN after one broadcast for racist comments about black sports players?

I have no respect for ANYONE who plays that kind of game.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
And again we see the truth of the matter...

It is apparently only your definition of an idiot that applies....And should apply to all of us?

The 20 million that support Rush then are also all idiots.. By your way of thinking...

So if you persuaded me to come around to your side, then I would be supporting your idea of what an idiot is, and going against 20 million peoples idea of what an idiot is...

If I did come to support you, then using those numbers, I would then truly be an idiot...

Now it all makes sense to me...


If the true followers of Rush are not idiots, I have trouble understanding why so many "realistic" conservatives dismiss him as entertainment.

These realistic conservatives I speak of admit he is a blow hard, and cannot be taken seriously. A respectable position.

One can have an opinion that he is a moral guy, who loves america, and I can stand side by side with my conservative counterparts, and call it for what it is - BS.

There are a lot of idiots out there, the ones I am talking about are the ones who cannot convince me that 1+1 does not equal 2.

The MJF debacle is a good expample.

And moreover, I would actually prefer these "takers of Rush seriously" stay on their own side, as they are not welcome near me.

Hope this clears up my opinion on this. And BTW Semper, I doubt someone of your intelect could actually take Rush seriously, so I speak for a lot of people when we say we respect you. And if you actually do take his show seriously, I will make an exeption for you as far as the idiot calling, because I know there is a lot going on in your dome, a lot of intellegence.


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Also, could you please explain what my being in Law Enforcement has to do with my political philosophy?

Or my posting style..

Or anything else relating to this thread???


-wires crossed, got heated... thought I was falsely accused of the childs play..... no pun intended. :blushing:

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:12 PM

You always have been and remain in my book a true joy to debate!!!

We really need to go at it one time in the H2H ring...

I really think you might whoop me...

As to your post,

Fair enough, we stand at the point of agreeing to disagree....


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis

You always have been and remain in my book a true joy to debate!!!

We really need to go at it one time in the H2H ring...

I really think you might whoop me...

As to your post,

Fair enough, we stand at the point of agreeing to disagree....


Ha, I would surely get my ass handed to me.... Thanks for the kind words though, you likewise are a formidable debater, and because we stand on the opposite sides of the aisle on many issues, there is a high level of fervor, and I can draw close to the line of personal attacks. I certainly try hard to not do that.

I don't like ruining friendships over things like this, no not at all.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Well my friend, that is really hard to do with me...

I have a SUPER thick skin.. (Think Rhinoceros...)


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:41 PM
What really bites my butt is that self declared conservatives like Ann Coulter, Micheal Savage and mush loosebowels can spew the most toxic hate filled crap and people like you Semper have absolutely nothing... I repeat ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to say about it. You don't repudiate it ,or say that they are wrong, or that they do not speak for you or for all conservatives; YET should a person like me, a liberal, mock them because of it or objects to their diatribes suddenly I am hate filled. HRUMPH!!!

Talk about a double standard.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:45 PM
I put a link about the fair tax on your other thread semper. It is by the non-partisan It is quite interesting and worth a read.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:58 PM
It is no where near a double standard Grover....

What you refer to as Hate Filled Crap, (I apologize to all that know me for using this language, but it is quoting, so I ask for some literary license) I call common sense....

The difference is this...

Any single human that talks for 3 hours is going to make mistakes and even gross errors in judgment.

Where the differences come into play is this, I do not consider myself so grand as to only focus on those mistakes. You apparently do...

I have NEVER once ridiculed Stern, Colmes, Maher or any other liberal for anything they say that I consider to be ridiculous or insulting. I have given my opinion of them and it is not a favorable one, but never simply looked for something they may say that was out of context. In point of fact, I have always and will continue to support their right to say what they do, no matter how offensive I consider it...

That is how freedom of speech works. You obviously don't feel the same and want to restrict their right to free speech. That is offensive to me as an American...

As for the bastardization of anyones name, yes I did it once on here, to a member. I was called on it and felt shame for having lowered myself to that kind of childish behavior to either support a weak argument, create a fact base where none exist, or simply to insult. All of which I want no part of in debating serious issues.

Your defense of the attempt to eradicate free speech is to me a serious issue and does not deserve to be taken to the gutter and debated as if we were 3 years old and have not the mastery of the English language necessary to illustrate our points...

What you call "Crap" (Sorry again) is to me an indication of either uncontrollable frustration/anger or an inability to debate on a serious mature level. Either way, I can have no part in it...

I appreciate the times we have debated and find this very unlike what I had come to expect from you...


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:18 PM
I have NEVER.... NEVER once called for censorship or for the eradication of free speech; NOT ONCE.... Implied or otherwise; nor would I.

NOR for that matter is the call for more diverse ownership in broadcasting; which is the subject of this debate.

To assert that it is boggles my mind.

AND despite your claims to the contrary... it IS a double standard.

BTW mush loosebowels is not a member of ATSNN so your analogy does not apply... it is my way of expressing the contempt I feel for him as is my right.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by grover]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 06:40 PM
SO... How do you feel about Ann Coulter personally telling Elizabeth Edwards that from now on she will say about John Edwards that she (Coulter) wishes that he would have been killed in a terrorist attack?

THAT is the kind of crap that I find so disgusting and poisonous to the political discourse in this country. And the fact that you conservatives will not condemn it from one of your own. But, should one of us on the left say something similar; you will rail against us until the cows come home.

That is the double standard of which I speak. You harass me for calling him Mush Loosebowels but you will not speak out against the likes of Coulter or Savage when they indulge in hate speech.

BTW that does not mean that I favor censoring them or taking away their free speech; I don't. They have every right in the world to be an ass; but if the right is as moral as you like to make out, speak out, say that what they do is wrong and that they do not speak for you.

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