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Liberals Want End of 'Right-Wing Radio'

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posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:50 AM
I haven't been here long enough to form any kind of opinions about the government yet....can't be any worse than the one we left in NY, the state that creates bogus slush funds and then proceeds to borrow money (paid by the taxpayer of course)...that they then thow out in various useless projects...can't be anyworse than that one...they've borrowed billions, quite illegally really.

I kind of expected when we moved here that it would be pretty heavily saturated with religion, so it doesn't bother me much. as far as the radio goes though....I don't listen to it enough to really notice.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar
by the way, becky...

you'd think that a gridlocked congress would be a good thing...they don't do nothing so at least the damage the government does is contained.

That's a sad but true observation, dawnstar. Except that you'd think we should be able to expect more results from a bunch of college educated lawyers.

and the congress wasn't gridlocked the first four years of Bush's presidency, bush had a rubberstamp, and congress had non-veto sessions....and some of the worst, costliest laws were written!

[edit on 24-6-2007 by dawnstar]

I have to disagree with you there. I still remember Hillary standing up and applauding when Bush announced that discussion on Social Security reform was DOA because of partisanship. She did that at the SOTU address.

Whether or not you agree with SS privatization is not the point. The point is, the Dem's, led by Clinton et al, refused to even sit down and discuss it.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 05:31 PM
Here's something for all of you:

I Hate

I hate

I hate

Yes, i am able to hate and i'm disclosing this to you. Its simple.

I can love also, and i try to see the positive in everything, but in this case, GET THEM OFF THE AIR AND GET THE LIBERALS OFF THE AIR IF THAT IS FAIR. ENOUGH TALK AND LIES.

I'm with the NWO, I'm disclosing this today. I dont want anyone talking.
Shut the Internet down, shut the TV down, Shut the radio down....

And give us all free passes to see specially made government movies at our local theaters.

Wont that fix everything?

Lets build a campfire.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 06:00 PM
Lets build a campfire...


no, no no... no can have any idea how many toxic substances is let loose when wood is burned?? you'll kill everyone, and everything!!! Now be a good little nwo citizen, take your mind altering drugs, go asleep and dream about your campfire...please.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:35 AM
As a liberal, I am not for shutting down conservative talk radio. This is, or is supposed to be, a free country with free speech. I don't think that everything can be legislated in order to fix it. I just wish the folks like Rush and O'Riley would use some good judgment, good sense and good taste when they speak. I don't like their lies either and they lie, all the time.

But, more importantly, it's not just some (emphasis on SOME) evil liberals that are concerned about these conservative talk radio hosts. Trent Lott is also:

"IMMIGRATION -- RIGHT-WING RADIO HOSTS ADVISE SENATORS ON IMMIGRATION BILL: "Talk radio is running America," Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) recently told the New York Times. "We have to deal with that problem." Since Lott uttered his comment about right-wing talk radio's disproportionate influence on the Senate immigration debate, he has become a pariah on talk radio and in the conservative blogosphere. Unfortunately, the radio talkers have become more influential as well, with some even helping to craft legislation."
(scroll half way down to Under the Radar and under that to Immigration -- Right wing radio hosts advise.... and you'll find it right there with links.)

This was said by Sen. Trent Lott, the poster boy for conservativsm. So you see, it's not just "the liberals" who see it as a problem. Rush, et al have too much influence on Americans because they listen to them and believe every word they are saying. That's why so many conservatives hate liberals and have an entirely incorrect impression of what liberals are about and what their opinions are.

So for crying out loud can we stop the liberal-bashing on this thread? I've seen people who I respect bashing us liberals on this thead and alot of other places on ATS and telling us what we think - and they usually get it wrong. It is really against the spirit of ATS. I don't mind someone saying why they don't like some politicians but to make blanket statements about liberals as if we all think exactly the same way and have exactly the same opinions, is just plain prejudice; and it's incorrect.
And before someone tries to accuse me of Republican-bashing, I have stated what I don't like about some Repub/conservative politicians, but I have never made any derogatory blanket statements about Repub/conservatives. I don't name call or try to paint the whole party as evil. I'm not perfect, but I really abhor hate and prejudice in ALL its many forms.
OK, now I"ll get down off of my soap box and resume my normal programming.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
The airwaves should be used for the TRUTH. Reporting non-truths is unAmerican.

Ah yes, but how to determine the "truth"? There's the rub. There's your "truth" and, of course, my "truth" and everyone elses "truth". So, who gets to decide - you?

I call for the end of the talking evil heads myself. We would all be better without "LIES" permeating from their lying mouths.

No, you are calling for the taking away of our constitutional rights through censorship by the very liberals who love to claim that it is the conservatives that are taking away our rights. See the irony?

The FCC should crack down on this and permit nothing but true reporting- in keeping with good excellence in reporting and journalism.

That would also include the liars on television- which would shut down tv altogether. That's fine with me.

How, exactly? Censorship? Thought police?

I dont know HOW Sean Hannity, Limbaugh, etc can get away with saying what they do- the hypocrites that they are.

Same way michael moore, ted kennedy, nancy pelosi, harry reid and al franken do it - it's called the 1st ammendment - and it applies equally to all Americans.

I am for freedom of expression, but when its pure unadulterated twisted lies, its another thing.

Funny (tragically), but your whole post says that, in fact, you are not for freedom of expression - unless it agrees with yours.

* go ahead now, punch me- but you cant. I'm at home and you cant get to me*

I could never get "physical" (at least in terms of a fight) with you, my friend, but sometimes a mental struggle is just what's required.

Don't come here often anymore, but felt compelled to deal with this post.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 07:33 PM

By Forestlady:
Chavez shut down only one TV station, last I heard. And the reason was because the station was spouting lies and propaganda. Any media outlet that allows lies isn't doing their job as journalists and checking their facts.
Let me guess that what were "lies" to Hugo would be interpreted as the shocking truth in the free world. Hugo gets to decide what is "truth" or not.
Rush Limbaugh is the most popular talk radio host in the world at about 30 million listeners a week. Coast to Coast gets about 6M a week and Air America was about 1-2M/wk. Limbaugh's listeners tend to be highly educated and up on issues. His listeners would be all over him in a minute if he tried to spin an issue. So he doesn't come down anywhere near the Howard Sterns in the radio world. Liberals accuse Rush of lies all the time but listen to Rush for an hour (or 3) and try to find a lie, won't happen.
30 M listeners would be very upset if a Hillary or her liberal counterpart were to come on the air for equal time. She'd get switched off in a minute.
That's how people vote in the radio world.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 08:07 PM
mush loosebowels spins all the time. he either rearranges facts or out an out lies; he has been caught at it many times. As for how educated his listeners are... you flatter yourselves.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 09:25 PM
I've listened to rush quite a bit...
lie number one....
everyone in the country who needs medical attention can get it...they can't be refused...

although, technically this is true....I know for a fact, that sometimes, you need to know someone with a little clout to get needed medical attention if you don't have a nice stash of money or health insurance. but, I've heard him state this claim several times...

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 10:23 PM
Welcome to police state radio. If the democrats win the Presidency, equal time on issues will become common place. They will monitor or I should say police every word every sentence and demand equal time for every conservative talk shows view. You get 3 hours we want 3 hours even if the democrats listening audience is 9% and the conservative talk show listeners make up 91% they want the show to go on no matter how small.

Who pays for this, the tax payer because it is mandated even though the show with a 9% democrat listening audience is losing money? You think we have controlled speech now you have not seen nothing yet. Does this have the makings of a dictatorship or communism? Never in America, dream on. Remember this scenerio again if the democrats get in you lose I lose the freedom of conservative talk radio and the free enterpise system. Rik Riley

[edit on 26-6-2007 by rikriley]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by apc

Because their shows are for entertainment, not formal journalism.

I think its funny how most conservatives claim Limbaugh is "entertainment" because his views are so demented that not even they consider what he says to be intelligent. But really, how entertaining is it to listen to Limbaugh? - I would jump off of a moving semi in heavy traffic before I would willingly listen to his show.

It says a lot about conservatives denial, in general, of the world around them when they don't immediately dismiss him - naw, its "entertainment...." No it's not its retarded nonsense, that even a sharp preschooler could cut through.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:24 AM
After the apparent ongoing implosion of U.S. conservatism I don't see any reason at all to try to hamper their public opinions. It's what led them to the point they're at now anyway. Though I do think some of what some conservative political pundits say could be classified as inciteful to violence.

As it currently stands with conservative political pundit buyer's remorse on their voting choices, there just appears to be no reason at all to add any further regulation to public talk radio.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:16 AM

by Stillz:
But really, how entertaining is it to listen to Limbaugh? - I would jump off of a moving semi in heavy traffic before I would willingly listen to his show.
Maybe you need more entertainment? Or at least lighten up? As I said liberals accuse RL of lieing all the time. But they never listen to him because of their prejudice. Try listening an hour or 3 (the length of his program) If you can come up with a lie you are the winner. Journalists can't.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:18 AM

mush loosebowels

As for how educated his listeners are... you flatter yourselves

that even a sharp preschooler could cut through.

There you have it folks....

THAT is the opinion that Liberals have of Conservatives. That we are less than they are.

That they and only they have the correct answers...

The funny thing about it is this.....

If the Liberals on here, or anywhere, are so much more intelligent then us, or Rush; that begs the question WHY is it that Rush is making so much more money than they are?

Now I am just assuming here, but my guess is that none of you own a private jet, or make even a good percentage of what Rush does...

Now why is that one wonders.... Is it because you are so much more intelligent than Rush, or any of us conservative? hmmmmm, That does not sound right...
Maybe you all give your millions to charity? naw, Probably not that....

Darn it, I just can't figure out why I have read about you liberals having job problems, when Rush and myself are so very successful... Strange indeed..

Now I am not in Rush's league, but I can safely say that I am VERY comfortable economically, and I just found out that all you Libs are so much more intelligent than me...

This is quite the mystery...

Well I guess if you have your way you will all begin to take an even bigger share of the money I HAVE MADE, then you can spread it around to all of you that have not earned it....

Yeah, Liberalism makes a lot of sense I guess, I'm just too stoopide to unnerstan....


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:34 AM
Paris Hilton and Britney Spears probably make more money than bright do you think they are?

they have one thing in common with Rush though...they are all entertainers.. I guess the average american now days value their entertainment pleasures far more than they do the food that keeps them alive, or the clothing that keeps them warm, since they are paying the people who makes these things close to slave wages...

and it's like 5 men changing a light bulb, the five men stand around discussing how to most effectively get the job done. one decides that they need a step ladder and sends another off to home depot to buy one. two others are debating the wattage of the bulb...and the fifth one is on the internet researching the topic. By the time they actually have their act together, the women has come along with a dining room chair and a lightbulb, and there is light...
she has done the work, but is paid far less than these "planners" although she's the one who has actually done the work..

I'm not here for your entertainment pleasure, and I am interested in spending my time producing something usefull in the shortest amount of time possible....I"ll spend time planning and researching if it's necessary, but for the most part, if a job needs to be done, I get it done...
thus...I am not valued in this warped society.

this is why I am not paid as much as you or rush...soceity is warped!

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:41 AM

Paris Hilton and Britney Spears probably make more money than bright do you think they are?

THEY are not talk show hosts....

At least I don't think that they are....

THEY have not demanded the end of free speech, as the Liberals are calling for.

THEY are not centered with a Conservative or liberal topic agenda, unless I seriously missed some point made prior.

THEY are not engaged in this debate, or the topic of discussion....

What you said makes about as much sense as "Isaac Newton was more intelligent than you are because he never resorted to the childish manipulation of celebrity names."

But that kind of logic is what has been carried on and on by the liberals to further their cause, so it is not surprising. They can't use the truth, so why not bifurcate the issues...


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:50 AM
I'm a liberal...I ain't calling for an end to free speech...just asking for some self-control...
if people were more willing and able to control themselves, we wouldn't need the government meddling so danged much!!!

by the way, my post did answer you question...why you and rush appearantly make so much more money than us must be that you so much more intellegent...
britney and paris probably make more than you two do....don't they don't strike me as the intelligent type.
the answer, dear, is that it isn't about intelligence, or the impact one makes on the society that matters, it's how much society values you goods or services. and their values are warped!

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 06:12 AM
You want to know why I have such contempt for mush loosebowels and his ilk? Its not because he makes money at what he does, believe me if people want to listen to his trash thats fine with me but don't go claiming that his average listener is more educated... his screeds are ignorant, hateful and full of lies and generalizations and simplifications. THAT IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT UNLESS YOU LIKE THAT SORT OF CRAP. My contempt for mush loosebowels and his kind are that he, Ann Coulter, Micheal Savage and all the lesser "stars" of talk radio and the like have done nothing for our society except to poison the political discourse in this country. THAT IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT. They have done it no service in this. I presonally refuse to listen to ANY talk radio, left or right. I am smart enough to make up my own mind without having to listen to the toxic dribble of some over-paid drug addled hypocritic blowhard. THAT IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT.

And for the record when I said "As for how educated his listeners are... you flatter yourselves." It was in response to: "Limbaugh's listeners tend to be highly educated and up on issues." Which is not so much a slam as an objection to a very broad generalization. It would be an equally broad generalization to say the same thing about all liberals. I have known really well educated conservatives, and I have known some liberals who were not. Again I stress liberal and conservative are a matter of viewpoint, not education or lack thereof or religion or the lack thereof.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by grover]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by plumranch

by Stillz:
But really, how entertaining is it to listen to Limbaugh? - I would jump off of a moving semi in heavy traffic before I would willingly listen to his show.
Maybe you need more entertainment? Or at least lighten up? As I said liberals accuse RL of lieing all the time. But they never listen to him because of their prejudice. Try listening an hour or 3 (the length of his program) If you can come up with a lie you are the winner. Journalists can't.

Spin is not flat out lying I know that, and I am with the poster above who says that censoring them is going to prevent them from shooting themselves in the foot. We need them to shoot themselves in the foot, it is good for America.

Censorship is very bad, and even Rush should have the right to his opinion, even if it is an assinign one.

The followers of his show do make me laugh though, so I guess you could say that listening to them justify Rush mocking Michael J. Fox is enterainment for me by sheer absurdity alone. Kind of like watching that Schlozman ass fidgeting in front of congress....

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis

that even a sharp preschooler could cut through.

There you have it folks....

THAT is the opinion that Liberals have of Conservatives. That we are less than they are.

It is not my opinion that conservatives are lower than liberals.

It is my opionion that if one takes Rush seriously, then one is an idiot. Conservatives usually tell me that his show is "entertainment" - so therefore not taking it seriously??

To each his own, though I think he has the tact of a buttered floor... and the wisdom of a door mat.


With all due respect, I think the fairness in media thing is stupid, but as far as fair media, for what its capable of doing despite the corperate shill owners, the Hannity & Combs format is more fair than the O'reilly or the Limbaugh format.

PS Olbermann owns them any day of the week.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by tha stillz]

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