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Wrong galaxy, I am afraid!

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posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 11:00 PM
Did I read that article right? I swear in one quote, the writer says we've experienced no less than EIGHT rotations around the Milky Way, at an off-angle...and then in another quote, the writer says our course will change and we'll join our galactic brethern on a permanent equatorial rotation.

Well, I gotta ask...which is it?

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by America Jones
Basically, the article describes how the molten core of the earth is like a dynamo.

And THAT Mr Jones is the secret to free electricity for all

To bad the Oil Barons won't let us study that

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by ghostryder21
sorry for stating an idea. i thought the story was kinda intresting but never bought into the whole thing. i wasnt trying to debunk anything, i wasnt stating that it was going to happen i just thought it was an intresting side note.

LOL Don't take it personally... there is nothing wrong with your Idea... I see your new here... we take a little getting used to around here...

Never be afraid to express a thought

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by junglelord
thats not a new idea, galaxy collisions are real life events and not surprising we are part of one

either way we are now a part of the Orion arm of the Milky Way and will collide with Andromada in the future, billions of years of now....

just like our collision was billions of years in the past

lol @ your avatar

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 02:34 PM
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

There is probably someone-- somewhere on the planet today that would personally stake his life on the "FACT" that the Sun rises in the sky while the Earth is rock solid still.

It is pitiful that there are always those who argue to keep us all ignorant based on "old science"...

We can kick and scream and try to hold onto "world is flat" "old science" that has now been clearly invalidated by the discoveries of 2003 with the new map:


Yes -- clearly this has invalidated a large amount of published science textbooks.

Follow this by the recent ABC News announced discovery:


--and an even deeper-- more widespread bloodbath in published science/ academia had instantly taken place-- for all this time and in most all the theories, published "Science" did not know "which way we were 'even going' ".

Did you get that--?

Published "Science" did not know "which way we were 'even going'-- Since possibly-- Copernicus --

If we stand around with arms crossed and closed minds worshiping "Published Science" -- waiting until everything that we allow in-- is first pronounced from the lips of "Textbook Science" you'll be doing something that even the best Scientists don't do... base their thinking alone on "Old News"...the best cutting edge scientists are "on it" but are not permitted to go out on a limb and say so --lest bigoted blokes complain and get their funding cut-- right out from under them.

These discoveries are just like the
plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face hidden-in-plain-sight--
'world is not flat' discovery!

We look back and say--
"it is astonishing that people were being actually "Put To DEATH" for even just "SAYING" "the world is 'actually' ROUND" back then--"

It is equally astonishing that anyone could look at these positionings and orientations in the new star map and having it actually pointed out to them-- NOT GET IT! and come on here and get all in a huff that it isn't being spoon fed to them yet through a science textbook. sheesh!

Plain as the nose on 'yer' face discoveries--

--like a whole galaxy up in the sky at night with 200 billion stars that is completely sideways...

In 2003 your life boat of "old science" lost its oars.

With the ABC Newsrelease, your lifeboat just went clear to the bottom.

What do you have to stand upon?

Current real data backed up by massive landmarks in the night sky, and a recent full scale all-sky infrared survey with half a bilion stars sorted by supercomputer... and your own courage of course...


it's not a 'job'...'s an ADVENTURE!

Hmmmmm... says Yoda


posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 02:44 PM
Puzzlingly, the O.P. said: "Sorry Wrong Galaxy"

the Curezone article does indeed have it right.

O.P. said "Segdeg" and for us to get a true handle on the proper reference, it is actually Sag DEG. There are a number of smaller galaxies that are similarly named and it is not all that hard to get them mixed.

Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy.

It started out being called just Sagittarius Dwarf and then in 2003 they did the infrared all-sky survey and discovered the entire loop shaped structure enabling the creation of the new star map. The new star map helped to trigger the latest discoveries, and brought our understanding to a new level.

The Milky Way is considered to be formed around Sagittarius "A" with black hole at the center.

There are alot of very bright people on these forums but what we should not just allow is for entrenched ignorance based on outdated science to go unchallenged no matter how many feathers it ruffles.


[edit on 22-6-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:31 PM
thats some heavy stuff, So what does that mean for the ever evolving environment? Does this also mean we will shift in polarity once again due to the magnetic alignment vs the gravitational pull of the other stars? This has got me all excited, I dont know what to think, maybe it's for the worst?

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 05:25 PM
The MATTHEW PERKINS ERWIN Blog on Curezone is accurate, and we have a front row seat.

Why worry about the nailbiting details just yet?

Live in the moment, enjoy the ride and the wonder.

If we wake up somewhere else as a result it is no biggy...
If any of us need stuff like this to cause us to anchor one's identity in an inner spirituality before anymore time passes, that's actually good.
(Just remember-try not to confuse 'manmade written down religions' w/ true spirituality and you'll start to develop your own inner spiritual barometer).

This is sheer adventure to come across such original thought and paradigm shifting discoveries and watch our own range of reactions to it...

Can't get a good laugh in @ ourselves (once in a while)...

...we are missing out on some of the best humor : )


[edit on 22-6-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Scienceguy
Puzzlingly, the O.P. said: "Sorry Wrong Galaxy"

the Curezone article does indeed have it right.

O.P. said "Segdeg" and for us to get a true handle on the proper reference, it is actually Sag DEG. There are a number of smaller galaxies that are similarly named and it is not all that hard to get them mixed.

Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy.

It started out being called just Sagittarius Dwarf and then in 2003 they did the infrared all-sky survey and discovered the entire loop shaped structure enabling the creation of the new star map. The new star map helped to trigger the latest discoveries, and brought our understanding to a new level.

The Milky Way is considered to be formed around Sagittarius "A" with black hole at the center.

There are allot of very bright people on these forums but what we should not just allow is for entrenched ignorance based on outdated science to go unchallenged no matter how many feathers it ruffles.

[edit on 22-6-2007 by Scienceguy]

SORRY O.P. It wasn't you that made the gaffe and the poster that did already edited : )

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Scienceguy
Why worry about the nailbiting details just yet?

Why worry? You mean massive global extinction on the planet like happened the last few times is nothing to worry about?

Okay I'm cool with that...

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Good sig. line!
"The louder the opposition protests, the more I know I am on the right track"

"Copyright 2006,2007, Matthew Perkins Erwin"

Looks like this has had a little time to be cross researched:

All Discoveries, Copyrights, Manuscript Titles, Headings, Intellectual Property hereby author retained: Copyright 2006,2007, Matthew Perkins Erwin

Matthew Perkins Erwin is a researcher, technogeek, inventor, and recording artist.

Contact Info: Matthew Perkins Erwin [email protected]

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 12:01 AM
Our solar system wasn't around when the galaxies collided right? Well I know the earth wasn't...I don't know about the sun...forgot how old that fella was. But I would think that the time this mini galaxy first smashed into the milkway it would have been way before our solar system was pooped out. Well I guess I'll look it up somewhere.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 01:05 AM
Is this theory still around? Isn't it practically already prooved that we're not part of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy? I still don't get why anyone would even come up with a theory like that.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 01:10 PM

I don't mean to pop your bubble bub --
but most everything you have been told and that you "think you know"--





We live in an amazing time.

Just with the ABC NEWS Release it was proven that all previous science has been proven to be based on INACCURATE FOUNDATIONS--

--All the way back to Copernicus...

You See -- they didn't even know WHICH WAY WE WERE ACTUALLY GOING IN SPACE.


I don't mean to pop your bubble bub --
but most everything you have been told and that you "think you know"--





We live in an amazing time.

Heck-- just last week I discovered SantaChrist was a plagiarized myth-story!
Imagine my shock-- with my Greatgrandfather a minister, my Grandfather a minister, my Father a minister, and my Mother a cathedral organist!

Ready for a real shock?

See the actual prebiblical text that story was taken from side by side in print on the screen:

Everything you have been told is a lie or wrong mr. know-it-all. Stop spreading your ignorance please.

Is there a God? Of course!

Is true spirituality the same as manmade religion? Of Course Not!

Is there a Heaven world? Of course... it is within you.

Is there a hell? Of course-- it is also within you.


[edit on 23-6-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Neon Haze
Hi there all,

Firstly I want to clarify to all those with a panic head on, this has absolutely nothing to do with 2012 or any other numerology or religious / metaphysical related topics.

Nor I might add is this spectacle unusual as it it conforms to standard cosmological models.

I can assure you that this phenomena is squarely a physics issue and has no mystical properties other than perhaps the mystic of beauty.

In fact in about 4 billion years the milky way is very likely to completely merge with Andromeda (M31) Galaxy... a process that will take about 1 billion years to complete.

Due to the size of M31 it is very likely much of the milky way will be destroyed and re-made.

Not including dark matter calculations Andromeda mass may total around 350 billion Solar masses

Andromeda's core has a supermassive central black hole of around 30 million Solar-masses

The Milky Way’s super massive black hole has and estimated 4 million solar masses, much less than M31’s core.

The resulting gravitational waves that will occur when the two cores meet will be felt across the entire visible universe.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe

admin edit: removed childish content...

The curezone article mentions 2012 from a purely scientific ending of the most accurate calendar on the planet even to this day as simply the wandering from a heretofore accurate read point from Earth [Pleiades star cluster] to one that could not be as dead-on accurate for the pupose of calendar accuracy. Hence the ending of the calendar altogether may possibly not mean what doomsayers have surmised that it should be interpreted to fully mean either the 'end of time', or 'the end of the world'.

While course corrections may be investigated as a research topic as possibly triggering any of the many pole shifts that science has found evidence of in the past with our planet of both the electromagnetic and geophysical variety, this may be possibly an "all of the above" multiple choice equation that is not predictable ahead of time given the fact that we have never before merged with another galaxy insuch a manner.

Voyager I & II had detected recent pole shifts for bth Uranus and Neptune.

If we can't get in a good laugh at ourselves once in a while, we're missing out on some of the best humor!


[edit on 23-6-2007 by Scienceguy]

[edit on 6-24-2007 by Springer]

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Scienceguy

given the fact that we have never before merged with another galaxy insuch a manner.

[edit on 23-6-2007 by Scienceguy]

What are you talking about?

Current theories of galaxy assembly suggest that many -- perhaps all -- of the stars in the halo and thick
disk of the Milky Way originated in smaller dwarf galaxies, which were dissolved when they merged into
the Milky Way itself. "The new dwarfs are really just the crumbs from the galactic feast," says Zucker.
"Most of the merging happened early on -- billions of years ago -- and what we're seeing here are the


posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 03:33 PM
I'm sorry but this whole thread is predicated upon a whole new paradigm and set of discoveries and science you are evidently not familiar with since you are asking questions and still referencing outdated, innacurate science as proofs.

Our Solar system is reportedly 4.5 Billion years old.

We are arriving into the Milky Way just now and are not to be considered as part of the Milky way until the present merging for the very first time when SagDeg leaves off of its hold on us.

There is simply not enough time for us to have been ALSO a part of another galaxy prior to being said component of SagDEG.

If you are not understanding the new science involved please take the time to review it on the O.P.'s first page post LINKS.

The 2003 discoveries and the new star map changed everything. The ABC News release so changed the picture it is simply innacurate to consider any so-called related published science as applicably valid or relevant until corrected and rewritten for the ensuing innacuaracies.

What innaccuracies? All related published science all the way back to perhaps Copernicus is now considered suspect and possibly innacurate because the very foundations were based upon wrong science. The ABC News article makes clear that published science has been utterly and completely wrong about which way we were going in space.

When science becomes wholly unscientific, then we do well to at least pause and get in a good look see eh?


[edit on 23-6-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
Our solar system wasn't around when the galaxies collided right? Well I know the earth wasn't...I don't know about the sun...forgot how old that fella was. But I would think that the time this mini galaxy first smashed into the milkway it would have been way before our solar system was pooped out. Well I guess I'll look it up somewhere.

your hitting on something there,

scientists have deduced that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old
and the sun a max. of 10 billion years

so it would figure(or not figure) that the primeval solar system
was gobbled up by the larger milky-way, but hasn't had the time
to be completely evidenced by the apparent skewed
galactic horizons we in the Earth's solar system have in a sort of 'discordance' with the 'home' galaxy....

in another reference, it was pointed out that the earth's solar system
(a captured part of a different galaxy) has traversed the Milky-Way for ~8
galactic revolutions---the same scientists and recent extrapolations
have determined that a galactc rotation takes near 250,000,000 [250million years]===which, mathematically equates to 2 Billion Years

so that means the sun, Earth & solar system of 7 other planets,
along with the Oort cloud, the asteroid belt, all made it throught a gallactic merging...intact,
or a near as possible to our present condition without any major alteration in the solar systems profile for all those 2-to-10 billion years ?!

next, i recall that our sun & solar system is a product of a 3rd generation
supernova of suns....that is the only possible way all the heavy & exotic & complex elements in the abundance needed to create these inner rocky planets would have in the known laws of physics/science to become the real objects in space we see & know today

A dwarf galaxy is not a crucible furnace to generate this series of 3rd generation at best the Earth/Sol solar system is born in the MilkyWay...but may have been 'tilted' as a result of this hypothetical collision/merging of Galaxies....

i rest on what i've said,
your >(the OP Author) extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs, not just fantastic; Ifs, suppositions, fictional scenarios....


[edit on 23-6-2007 by St Udio]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:35 AM

"next, i recall that our sun & solar system is a product of a 3rd generation
supernova of suns...."

'Quoted' is theoretic data, presupposed upon a discussion as a deductive reasoning default-- for even in this snippet you have defaulted to a foundational theory that is only conjecture and not established as fact in the case of our solar system creation. You do not see in the new science presented what you can cognize as the answer that you can personally agree with, so what have you resorted to? You have defaulted to some other conclusion in hand as though it were fact-- based upon a suppositional theory -- the only other conclusion you have been exposed to, or allowed yourself to consider. Deductive reasoning is faulty in that if you don't have the answer in the pool that you are drawing from you choose the last one that is left to be chosen by default-- even though it may not be the true answer.

Inductive reasoning is altogether different in that it also permits the idea that old science and/or older understanding has not arrived yet at the true answer in the past and that more original thought is in fact required before jumping to such an incomplete conclusion and therefore wrong answer.

What you see is clearly backed up with the New Star Map, as well as the actual positioning in the sky before us of a Milky Way that is clearly sideways in the sky.

We have some smart people here... very smart people, and I am duly impressed-- and while I do not pretend to have all the answers, when I see fudging for the sake of either quashing new data or new discoveries just so that some can feel that their take on reality and their world is not falling apart, which can cloud the reasoning all by itself, we have to have the courage to speak up.

This stuff is on the money and you sitting in that chair there personally actually have access to a real first in history-- right in your very lifetime, and you are personally one of the very first few out of billions who has access to real knowledge and real discovery.

It takes real courage to set aside your programming and go for real truth...

What kind of stuff are you personally made of? What kind of courage do you really have to look square in the maw of Truth with a capital "T"..?

How many of you have "actually" had the 'courage' and even "dared" to look up the 10 min. SantaChrist link above?


[edit on 24-6-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Toelint
Did I read that article right? I swear in one quote, the writer says we've experienced no less than EIGHT rotations around the Milky Way, at an off-angle...and then in another quote, the writer says our course will change and we'll join our galactic brethern on a permanent equatorial rotation.

Well, I gotta ask...which is it?

There's obviously some kind of confusion. It's still only considered a theory, so I'm going with the first quote.

Btw, I'm really enjoying everybodys posts. You guys really know how to back up your theories. I'm not experienced enough to join the argument yet, but I'm getting there

[edit on 24-6-2007 by ZikhaN]

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