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"One Nation Under God?"

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by douglas2k4
@Annee: I agree with you, but what they have been doing to "gain" trust is to use "fear" as a weapon to gain control. They use "fear" to have you believe they are looking out for the best interest of the public against "terrorism", which in turns gains the trust of a majority of the public, who then follows these "leaders" and decide to go along with what ever they say, which means they can push their personal (and corporate) agenda forward more easily.

In fact, they are terrorist themselves when you get down to it, scaring America (their own people for crying out lod) to death that the "enemy" wants to attack us because of our freedom, wealth, blah blah blah. It just saddens me, I MEAN IT REALLY DOES, when the American people can't even think for themselves, it really is sickening.

Yes - they are.

They use - Fear - Religion - Flag Waving - Sex - Bribery - Elimination - Money - you name it.

I don't see anything stopping it.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Annee
SatansQue - at least we do agree on that.


It really makes me happy that we agree on something. LOL!! And I appreciate your thoughts, and participation, even if they dissagree with mine.

Originally posted by douglas2k4
Don't get me wrong though, I believe that there are some great presidential candidates who do "attempt" to live up to their title, but not many.

Only problem, they're working within a system designed to side-step the constitution, and screw the American public. Truman and Esienhower, the CIA and NSA. If you don't have to obey the laws of the country, or tell congress exactly what you're doing, then you are the defacto government.

Originally posted by douglas2k4
@Annee: I agree with you, but what they have been doing to "gain" trust is to use "fear" as a weapon to gain control. They use "fear" to have you believe they are looking out for the best interest of the public against "terrorism",

See how fast those who want a change become the terrorists. Already they're warning us about the possibility of some terrorist detonating a dirty bomb, or nuclear weapon on American soil. What do you want to bet that they would be the ones to let it happen, the same way they let 911 happen, just to tighten the screws on us, and take away a few more rights.

Originally posted by Annee
They use - Fear - Religion - Flag Waving - Sex - Bribery - Elimination - Money - you name it. I don't see anything stopping it.

The people will wake up. I truly believe this. It may be at the very last moment, on the very last day, but they will wake up, in time to take back this world from those bastards. Call me a fool, an idealist, but I have faith in the spirit of these Indigo children we've been raising since the late 70s - 80s.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 07:44 PM
I believe there will always be an underground.

As there has always been through out history - - of oppressed people.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by SatansQue
[The people will wake up. I truly believe this. It may be at the very last moment, on the very last day, but they will wake up, in time to take back this world from those bastards. Call me a fool, an idealist, but I have faith in the spirit of these Indigo children we've been raising since the late 70s - 80s.

YOU believe in Indigo children?? Now I'm shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am an adult Indigo. Or pre-Indigo if there is such a thing.

Currently working with my 7 year old granddaughter I presume to be a Crystal.

Its funny - - she looks almost identical to the hy-bred child alien pic recently posted at ATS (deemed a hoax).

We call her "Pumpkin Head" - - because of her large round head and huge round saucer eyes - - a small nose - small chin and thin little mouth.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Annee

YOU believe in Indigo children?? Now I'm shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL!! I raised one.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by SatansQue

Originally posted by Annee

YOU believe in Indigo children?? Now I'm shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL!! I raised one.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I raised me - and two daughters. One is - the other - not sure yet (could be a sleeper)

It certainly is not all fun and games - like some think we live in La La Land.

Its more like being an invisible soldier dropped off on the wrong planet - waiting for direction. I usually use the movie Witch Mountain as an example. You want to be like everyone esle - but you're not. You have this "force" pulling on you and guiding you. Its more energy conciousness then physical. You have to connect your energy with others - to strengthen the purpose - - - all the while trying to live in the human world.

It takes strong character.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I raised me - and two daughters. One is - the other - not sure yet (could be a sleeper)

It certainly is not all fun and games - like some think we live in La La Land.

Its more like being an invisible soldier dropped off on the wrong planet - waiting for direction. I usually use the movie Witch Mountain as an example. You want to be like everyone esle - but you're not. You have this "force" pulling on you and guiding you. Its more energy conciousness then physical. You have to connect your energy with others - to strengthen the purpose - - - all the while trying to live in the human world.

It takes strong character.

"Its more like being an invisible soldier dropped off on the wrong planet - waiting for direction."

You have just put words to the adventure that has been my life, and the life of my daughter. A pain in the arse! But, an adventure none-the-less.

I used to seriously believe the two people I called mom and dad, were imposters. And I was always looking to the sky for my ride to the real place. LOL!!! back when I was in the 11th grade, I woke up in the middle of the night with a strange feeling someone was staring at me. When I rolled over, I saw a little girl with her elbows on the bed watching me. Of course I freaked!

But many years later when my daughter arrived in the world, I realized that I already knew her, and she me. Because it was her face I saw that night.

I have only just begun to understand why I'm here.

Back on Point:

Would he veto this legislation if he wasn't a Christian?

In his veto threat, the president accused Democrats of recycling an old measure that he already vetoed and argued that the bill would mean American taxpayers would - for the first time - be compelled to support the deliberate destruction of human embryos.

"The president supports and encourages stem cell research, including using embryonic lines, as long as it does not involve creating, harming or destroying embryos," Fratto said. "That is an ethical line that should not be crossed."

While I may be against abortion, I recognized that the laws of this country, or any country have nothing to do with God. But this man Bush, is compelled to follow his beliefs on an issue involving discarded embryos, but it's so easy for him to send men/women to die for a people who won't fight for themselves. Go figure.

Oh... I see; he thinks of the Iraqi people as helpless little embryos that can't defend themselves, so he must defend them, seeing they're newly freed pawns of a now dead dictator. You figure once the dic. is dead, they should be good to go - let nature take it's course.

Between the two embryos, I say the ones that could save a few lives, and cure desease as apposed to being thrown out with the garbage is a no brainer. But then, Bush has never been accused of having a brain.

One Nation Under God, strikes again.

[edit on 21-6-2007 by SatansQue]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by SatansQueI used to seriously believe the two people I called mom and dad, were imposters. And I was always looking to the sky for my ride to the real place.


As far as "One Nation Under God" - - - Right On!

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:43 PM
What you have in Bush is somebody who believes Jesus Christ is "guiding" him to bring good to the world. And of course this involves starting pre-emptive wars, lying to the American public, letting 9/11 happen, taking away civil liberties, allowing the innocent people to die (note the sarcasm). Don't blame religion, I say blame the man for abusing the title of saying he's a Christian.

I don't believe Bush is the devil like some say, I believe he did "HAVE" a good heart, but somehow during all the imperialism he's doing, surprisingly he lost it!

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:48 PM
I believe Bush-Lite is a moron puppet.

Now - lets talk Cheney - Rumsfeld - Poppy Bush - Paul Wolfowitz

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by douglas2k4
Don't blame religion, I say blame the man for abusing the title of saying he's a Christian.

I don't believe Bush is the devil like some say, I believe he did "HAVE" a good heart, but somehow during all the imperialism he's doing, surprisingly he lost it!

I do bame the religion, because what is it but a contruct designed by men to encourage followers to imagine that God is leading them, in anything other than the Love of our brothers and sisters? What is called Christianity, does not resemble what The Christ Jesus came into this world begin - a way of living in the love of God, and neighbor.

Hey, I've admitted it already in other threads: I voted for the guy. I was a Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity listening to, supporter of the war. Then I learned about Prescott Bush helping the Nazis rise to power, and everything changed for me. I cannot to this day, believe how stupid I was. First thing I did was to appologise to as many people I could, who I defended him to, and ate major crow gladly.

I now believe the only reason Bush came into power, was for this war. Because this war will change the face of the planet forever, and secure the NWO's final plans to enslave us all. And the Bushes are knee deep in the NWO elite.

Also, his spiritual energy in words and deeds, resembles the energy of other dark beings like Hitler - ego driven, believing in the power of war and violence as a means to create "peace". Add bald-faced liar to the mix, and you have, I believe, an even greater threat then Hitler. Hitler didn't have nuclear weapons at his disposal. Karl Rove is his Joseph Goebbels, and perhaps one of the most powerful men on the planet.

But the dems aren't much better. Their inaction, and selling us down the river by not having the balls to put an end to the war, as they promised, is criminal.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:02 PM
Damn! I think we got off on the wrong foot.

Most people don't realize Hitler was a devout Catholic - even though he also delved into the mystical origins of the "gods" of the fertile crescent.

There is some deep history on Christians eliminating Jews - - that some people want to ignore.

However - like Bush - Hitler was a puppet of the "order".

IMO - there is a major difference between the "Christ conciousness" - - and the insulting man made religion that stole his name.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Damn! I think we got off on the wrong foot.


Originally posted by Annee
Most people don't realize Hitler was a devout Catholic - even though he also delved into the mystical origins of the "gods" of the fertile crescent.

Wasn't he buddies with Pope Pius VII?

Originally posted by Annee
There is some deep history on Christians eliminating Jews - - that some people want to ignore.

Yes, the Essenes were the greatest threat to the Catholic Church, and they did their best to wipe them out. It is believed that Jesus was an essene, which makes a lot of sense - his lifestyle, the healing, the rejection of the temple animal sacrifices, his friendship with Martha, Mary and Lazarus, who were also possibly Essenes.

Originally posted by Annee
However - like Bush - Hitler was a puppet of the "order".

Yeah, but he was a puppet to a Bush.

Originally posted by Annee
IMO - there is a major difference between the "Christ conciousness" - - and the insulting man made religion that stole his name.

Holy Mackerel!! You got that right. It was one of the hardest things I ever did, rejecting that, as you call it, "Insulting man-made religion".

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Damn! I think we got off on the wrong foot.

Most people don't realize Hitler was a devout Catholic - even though he also delved into the mystical origins of the "gods" of the fertile crescent.

There is some deep history on Christians eliminating Jews - - that some people want to ignore.

However - like Bush - Hitler was a puppet of the "order".

IMO - there is a major difference between the "Christ conciousness" - - and the insulting man made religion that stole his name.

This is easy to say since many of them have no depth and are there just for selfish reasons and easily used as puppets. But Hitler was more than that, just check out his book, Mein Kampf. You will see he had same views and was using his own brain.

What happened later is a different story. He made or was led to do some really stupid strategic mistakes. But that's OK since i don't want to learn German or worry where to look if my eye are not blue and hair not blond.

Blavatsky got this race thing all wrong, as usual. Master race is not about skin and blood, but about people with new awareness, like in ancient history. I mean spiritual awareness and peaceful and in cooperation, not retarded prejudicial stuff.

This happens all the time -- they are given some knowledge and they get it all wrong because their level of thinking is too primitive to understand it. And then you get theories about Aryan race and similar nonsense. And what is even worse, some 'educated' fools will make additional theories based on this theory and so on.

Just use your reason when someone tells you certain group of people is demonic for this or that reason - it's a propaganda in order to make you agreeable. Church does it too all the time, telling there is no salvation outside it. Stupid church, who needs you anyway?

[edit on 22-6-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:43 AM
LOL SatansQue - - "puppet to a Bush"

Yeah - well I suspect we will all soon be "puppet to a power hungry Bush"

Hillary synonym - - Power that corrupts absolutely.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:46 AM
sb2012 - I do not deny Hitler's intelligence and insight. It is his weaknesses that made him a puppet of the "order".

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 11:51 AM
Still don't have an edit button.

Yes Prescott Bush - - - was all about money and power - financing Hitler and his political endeavors.

But that's what these people are all about. The names we don't know probably scares me more.

What is Hillary all about? Power and Money - - - IMO she is "owned".

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Yes, also what i was referring to previously is relevant to doctrine. After all became political different people got involved. For example, Nazis wanted to move millions of Jews to Madagascar but after WW2 this idea was abandoned and they moved them to Israel, starting new series of never ending conflicts. Actually they will end but maybe only after World War 3. All done by people who nobody really knows. They will all blame Bush, but i doubt he has any real power.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:20 PM
To be honest - I really only know "sketches" of this time in history.

Not to diminish the horrors of what happened during elimination - - - but does that blind people to see further into what this power realm was about?

Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden, such as Hitler's connections with the Rothchilds,

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Annee
To be honest - I really only know "sketches" of this time in history.

Not to diminish the horrors of what happened during elimination - - - but does that blind people to see further into what this power realm was about?

Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden, such as Hitler's connections with the Rothchilds,

A lot was kept hidden, about Hitler and his rise to power...and him being in power for so long.

And yeah, Anti-Judaism has some serious roots - it didn't just start with Hitler...but the outbreak of such materialized hatred in a 'civilized era' was insane - to the point I think the Germans were brainwashed in some sort of massive experiment - I still can't see how educated people could be that stupid for that long, and that cruel - I don't get it.

In God We Trust - printed on snake green money (why isn't it pink, with doves and hearts? Nothing that represent Jesus. No fluffy clouds, no cherubs, nothing...). I guess that god is money. Blood money -> war = human sacrifices in the 21st century.

[edit on 22-6-2007 by Soraia]

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