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UFO captured in Criss Angel video?

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posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Jimmy910130
reply to post by eyewitness86

May I ask why you are defending Criss Angel so much? He is reputed to tell how magic tricks are done. A magician/illusionist never reveals his tricks. And yes there is a reasonible explanation to it, if there weren,t than this guy would be all over the news, not just on a thirty minute show on discovery channel that plays at 11 pm. Yes I agree, there has to be a level of open mindedness, but there is also too much. He is an illusionist, his job is to trick the rest of the populaiton into believing in something that isn't reall ythere, or didin't actually happen. Kind of like religions.. ooops, shouldn't of typed that.

Anyways, my point being, He deosn't actually levitate. Its called illusions for a reason. If he did, why would he be taking planes from city to city to advertise products and air shows? Why would he be travelling by car when he can just fly around?

It just takes a little logic. It doesn't mean I am closeminded or feable minded.

It just takes logical smarts.


You are acting..right? Mimicking some character from that cartoon?? Tell me you are write like someone that has no ability to discern anything but absolutes.You make two statements that totally contradict each other. Your first sentence says ' He is reputed to tell how magic tricks are done'. Then, the very next sentence, you say ' a magician/illusionist never reveals his tricks'. Astounding. Or disturbing, I am not sure yet. You do realize I hope that if Criss is ' telling how magic tricks are done ' , then he must not be a magician or illusionist because you then say : " They never tell how their tricks are done '. If they never
tell how its done then how can Criss be doing it? You see the effects of your ' logical smarts'?

It is not logical, what you are saying, and the format is atrocious. Are you very young?I am curious because you sound like a person who thinks in very elementary ways.No offense meant at all.

If he can levitate for a brief period then he should be able to fly from city to city..right? Is that what you really believe? Do you really not comprehend the various degrees that permeate all reality? Nothing hardly in this reality is all black or white, it is the gray areas that perdominate.

I have to laugh when you say' he doesn't really levitate, it called illusions '..unreal.How do you KNOW that it is an illusion if you cannot see or prove any props? Why do you have such faith in something you cannot see or show any proof for? " Its called illusions for a reason '. Yopu said that. What is the reason? How does that reason apply to this situation? If what you call ' logical smarts ' is what you are using to make your argument, no wonder your entire statement sounds as if I just fell into the very cartoon represented under your name..

If you are NOT being sarcastic in your writing, then forgive are on a very different intellectual plane than me and we will fail to communicate for reasons that you will not be aware I am assuming that you are playing the part of one of those characters from that show..and not really using logic that has no basis in reality.

You said: " He is reputed to tell how magic tricks are done'. May I ask you to explain that sentence to me? Are you trying to say that at times Criss has explained some of his lesser events, such as low level levitations and normal and well known illusionist tricks? If so, then yes, Criss has shown some non-secret magic type stuff so people will think that there must be some mundane explanation for ALL of the events, even those where nopne is seen or possible. People like YOU. Its not an is the truth..many people will ASSUME that because SOME things that are in the same general area of interest have a proven cause, that ALL things done in the same area of interest must have a cause also. It is nothing but an ASSUMPTION, based on NOTHING tangible or material.

You actually say this ' I believe in openmindedness, but there is too much ". Too much open mindedness? WHAT?? At what point do you suggest we close our minds? This is really funny..unless you are serious. Then it is sad. Why would anyone want to be closed minded?The mind should be open always and at all times to anything..the truth can only be known if all facts are known, right? you agree? If so then the mind must never be anything except open!!

You say Criss job is to ' trick us into believing things that didn't happen'..right? What about Criss tricking us into thinking that he didn't do something that he did? Ever consider that? And to top it off, he does it right in front of your eys and you still will believe that he really didn't do it!! Right? You know its true: Criss does something that seems to be one thing..and it is. But you refuse to believe that it is what it is, and prefer to believe that Criss is really not doing it, but is somehow just ' tricking ' you.

You do not CARE one bit HOW he might be able to do that, do you? If you did, you would look beyond the simple ' its illusion ' nonsense and realize that if you cannot believe Criss can levitate without props then at least tell us HOW he might be able to pull such a feat off.Surely you have enough imagination to come up with a LIKELY and PLAUSIBLE way he might have done it!! Right?

You say there is a ' reasonable explanation ' for this so I ask you here and now: What IS that explanation? Thanks for your cogent and complete reply.

If no one has the imagination and some evidence to prove that what we see is NOT what it appears to be, then they might at least accept the fact that they are seeing something beyond their experience, and examine it with an OPEN mind. Thats the honest way. Just saying " Its a trick ', means nothing. Prove it. DISPROVE the massive evidence..OR stop and analyze your position in light of the facts.

I hope that you stop and think about this: A person who has the ability to levitate for short distances on occasion does not necessarily have the ability to fly like Superman. One does not equal the other. Why would it? If you can lift a 10 pound weight, why can't you life a 1000 pound weight? Lifting is lifting, right? just like ' flying is flying ', correct? You see?
I hope so. You are making ASSUMPTIONS, which is a belief based upon less than solid evidence. You do not ASSUME when you are POSITIVE.

You cannot be positive unless you have evidence, proof. And since there has never been any PROOF or evidence that shows that Criss is using props on the high elevation levitations, then all that one can do is ASSUME, that props exist. I am POSITIVE that they do NOT exist, I am NOT assuming anything based upon a lack of may, but not me. Hopefully now you see that there are degrees and levels of all creations, and that lumping things together can be dangerous as it leads away from the truth. Good luck on the composition and logic studies!!

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by eyewitness86

You make two statements that totally contradict each other. Your first sentence says ' He is reputed to tell how magic tricks are done'. Then, the very next sentence, you say ' a magician/illusionist never reveals his tricks'. Astounding. Or disturbing, I am not sure yet.
It is not logical, what you are saying, and the format is atrocious. Are you very young?I am curious because you sound like a person who thinks in very elementary ways.No offense meant at all.

He likes to explain his older tricks, but not his newer money makers, and David Blain is the same way. His Lev shoe trick was cool on his show, but it turned out to be a very simple placement of the audience and trick shoes with mirrors.

This is not hard to understand, and so I just do not see why you attack and argue every little point as you do other than to try to label people as either childlike or just dimwitted to the point they just can’t comprehend.

and not really using logic that has no basis in reality.

So when has levitation ever been a part of reality? Bringing it into reality, if it is real, is what we want to do, and that is rather simple to understand.
You, on the other hand, only need his TV show to be a true believer, but the rest of us would just like a better venue to document it than TV. If no one in the world who can levitate for real is willing to do this then let it rest in obscurity.

People like YOU. Its not an is the truth..many people will ASSUME that because SOME things that are in the same general area of interest have a proven cause, that ALL things done in the same area of interest must have a cause also. It is nothing but an ASSUMPTION, based on NOTHING tangible or material.

I think you are the one assuming that his lev is real, and as you said it is nothing but an assumption, and I agree until it is proven using proper methods. May I ask why are you so against the use of proper methods of observation that would prevent bias to help prove your point?

Prove it. DISPROVE the massive evidence..OR stop and analyze your position in light of the facts.

You never quite answer this question...

Why do you believe that a TV show is empirical evidence when the lev can be faked many different ways? The ability to fake is called bias and what we need here is observation without bias.

When a person, anyone, makes their own evidence it is not usable. If you can not understand why then you are afflicted with the same limited mental capabilities as you claim others have.

I hope that you stop and think about this: A person who has the ability to levitate for short distances on occasion does not necessarily have the ability to fly like Superman. One does not equal the other. Why would it? If you can lift a 10 pound weight, why can't you life a 1000 pound weight? Lifting is lifting, right? just like ' flying is flying ', correct? You see?
I hope so. You are making ASSUMPTIONS, which is a belief based upon less than solid evidence. You do not ASSUME when you are POSITIVE.

Well you are kind of wrong here...

If I can lift 10 pounds 1 foot off the ground I can continue lift it over my head too or higher using a ladder, and I can also carry it for many miles too. Now just because I can lift 10 pounds it doesn't mean I can also lift 1000 pounds.

In the case of lev, if you can lev 200 pounds of body weight a foot then you should be able to continue to lift that SAME weight higher and then over distance.

In lifting the 10 pounds with my strength or lifting my body with mental powers in both cases they are overriding the force of gravity and so should act the same.

Your 10 pounds to 1000 pounds analogy makes no sense.

Good luck on the composition and logic studies!!

I am trying to figure out where your logic fits in all this since you just avoid addressing the need for more observation in a controlled environment.

Before you say it cannot be done on cue, I would like to point out that these guys do it on cue for their shows ever time, so we must assume that could also do it in a controlled environment. That controlled environment doesn’t need to be a lab, but does need to not be in THEIR controlled environment that they create for their shows.

If we can do this and they can lev then both of us will become likeminded thinkers.

[edit on 16-12-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy
reply to post by eyewitness86

May I ask why you are defending Criss Angel so much? He is reputed to tell how magic tricks are done. A magician/illusionist never reveals his tricks. And yes there is a reasonible explanation to it, if there weren,t than this guy would be all over the news, not just on a thirty minute show on discovery channel that plays at 11 pm. Yes I agree, there has to be a level of open mindedness, but there is also too much. He is an illusionist, his job is to trick the rest of the populaiton into believing in something that isn't reall ythere, or didin't actually happen. Kind of like religions.. ooops, shouldn't of typed that.

Anyways, my point being, He deosn't actually levitate. Its called illusions for a reason. If he did, why would he be taking planes from city to city to advertise products and air shows? Why would he be travelling by car when he can just fly around?

It just takes a little logic. It doesn't mean I am closeminded or feable minded.

It just takes logical smarts.


Your not Jimmy, I'm Jimmy. Cris angel uses ufo's and phycic powers to comand the aliens of neptune to do his bidding and the goverment and the nazis are trying to stop him!!!


The reason why he reveals how the tricks are done is his way of staying on top of the game. If everyone knows how it's done than anybody replicating it would'nt get a big responce cause they already know how it's done. some of his stuff us pretty good, but overall I've lost my fasination with style of magic. I think David Blane is better.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 04:10 PM
Uh, Ok Jimmy..I think I understand now..God bless you and have a nice day.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 05:54 PM
This is a fake/edit I destinctly remeber watching this episode and I would deffinately noticed any orbs in that vicinity of the T.V. Screen.

Athough I do still find Chris mysterious.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 06:22 PM
Eyewitness , Why do want to believe he can levitate so much? How do I know its an illusion? HE SAYS itS A FRIGGIN ILLUSION! I could say the same thing over and over, you have one argument and its, 'Prove that there is no props' well I just say 'Prove that there aren't any' .

Are you Criss personal lawyer by any chance?

Your going crazy over the fact that Im sayign its a trick. Aren't I entitled to believe whatever I want to believe? Isn't that my right as a human being?

He wants to keep the mystery.. Lol

And for the clapping part, look carefully in the video, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOBODY HOLDING A MIC EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO THE CROWD! So where is all the noise coming from? Theres 7 people and it sounds like there's 50. He tells the SPOV to film wherever she wants, why does she go back in the crowd and we never see the angle from her camera?

Why do you believe in this guy so much?

Hey, and sometimes, we have to stop being openminded. 'Hey do you believe that if I jump off this bridge I will land safely? Oh yea sure I totally believe you.' Or even better , 'Join our religion and we will bring you to an everlasting peaceful planet called Blistonia! Oh thats crazy! Im totally there!'

And again (And don't tell me its to keep the mystery!) why , if he could really levitate, would he still be on a crappy show that runs once a month on Discovery Channel at 11pm? As soon as his videos would come out the news broadcasters would be all over it, right? He's the first guy to actually levitate like 50 feet in the air, and NOONE talks about him on the news, why? BECAuSE ITS A TRICK! Can't you get that through your head?

And I didn,t contradict myself, I said ' He is reputed to reveal his tricks. Magicians aren't supposed to reveal his tricks.' I don't why you made such a big deal about it.. Like 4 Paragraphs of a big deal ...

Anyways this is really lame.


posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 09:17 AM
Whatever you say, Jimmy. You are the man..everything you say makes perfect sense and your logic and acumen have reduced me to withdrawing from debate with have overwhelmed me with fact and logic. Congratulations!!

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 12:35 PM
Thank "god" . Your arguments wouldn't even hold up in a lawsuit.

Lack of proof can't be considered proof.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

I don't even want to debate.. I want to know WHY YOU BELIEVE THIS GUY?

Is that so hard? Without you insulting me, being sarcastic...?


posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by xzacutionar
anyone feel that criss is actually 'hinting' the spectators by asking "what did you see up there?" and "shoot straight up".. its as if hes trying to say "hey man look closely and you can see something in the sky!"


posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 12:44 PM
There was another man before Criss came along who when confronted at any given place outside in the open would Levitate as high as 15ft off the Ground.
Afterwards he would almost always become Ill , sick at his stomach or become so weak that he needed help to sit down ,His name is " David Blaine ".

Mankind still does not know all about our universe or the limits of the mind and body. The only way to disprove something is to quote the laws of physics that we /science understands. What parts /laws of physics is there that man has not yet discovered??

Just think about it.. You take 2 people same weight same build muscle mass .now how come one can run faster than another? Is it mind over matter or is it the law of physics being broken?

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 02:33 AM
that was fully sick bro
how do u do it i am jellouse
cya bro

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Implosion
I see what you're looking at, but it's far too small and indistinct to make out IMO.

I know nothing about this dude, but I'd like to know why he isn't casting a shadow when he "levitates":

[edit on 14/6/07 by Implosion]

There is a shadow, you have to look at the long shot from his front and you see it behind him.
In the air the shadow moves back from him so it's not below him or anything but behind him quite a way...

Definatly there just have to look...

As for the object it does look kinda silver and glinting in the sun light, plus it's hovering, maybe some ET's like Criss.
Or maybe it's a blimp thats tied to the ground, it is a golf course and they may advertise with a blimp, Like Goodyear tyre blimp's.

Just to clarify I am on the side that he is JUST an illusionist. He can't really fly. ISn't it funny how they don't point the camera directly above him when he's in the air, you only ever see about 5 feet above him so you can't see whats liffting him, and I would also say TV shows hire actor's all the time, and close off sets too. (Not quite sure were i'm going with that).

[edit on 22-5-2008 by Chukkles]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:07 PM
rumor has it the levitation is from two blimps connected by a rope. angel's attached to the rope.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Implosion

I did not see anything unusual (not that a man flying isn't). I looked at this video several times and can not see it.

Edited for content

[edit on 7/20/2008 by kidflash2008]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:33 PM

This video isn't about CA or leviation.

It's about the Object that can be seen in the video.

Any posts about CA, levitation or anything other than the object in the video will be deleted and the User warned.


posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:41 PM


posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:10 PM

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:10 PM

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:14 PM
The object in question shows up at 1.16 seconds. It is about an inch or so above him and starts at about half and inch to the left. In the following few seconds it moves slowly further to the left. To me it looks like a possible UFO.

As far as anyone noticing while filiming, well I wouldn't have noticed it either if someone was about to float. The thing I did notice is that it shows up at the same time he starts floating, at 1.16 second.

Hey has a shadow till the moment he lifts off ground. The show his shadow for a brief moment when he is headed back down to the ground. Then once he touches ground it is completely there again. At first you see everyones shadows. The there is a spot where no one has shadows again. I don't think it was shot a different times. Just simply where the shadows are being cast in perspecitve to the sun and cameras.

I have often wondered about this whole flying thing he does and have come up with a couple ideas.
a) it's a trick - but for some reason I don't believe that at all
b) there are other forces at work ie. aliens..
c) that he has a contract with the devil and has sold his soul to become the greatest magician ever
d) he has contact with a higher power or energy source that he taps into

What ever he does it's absolutely amazing to watch it. I probably wouldn't believe it unless I was there to see it. How come the people that see it don't post anywhere? Or is there somewhere I have missed?

The one that I don't understand is the clip with the girl floating in the street. I have to say that one amazes me more than him floating.

But back to the point, not unlike Chris Angel himself, if it is a UFO then none of us are gonna believe it anyway, not till it shows up in our yard. But then we would still probably question it.

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