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UFO captured in Criss Angel video?

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posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 03:33 AM
This is how levitation is done.

Google Video Link

Link if above video dont work

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 08:32 AM

Great job on providing us with a video which explains how Criss Angel does his low-level levitations

Now provide us with a film documentary on how Criss Angel flies around that Las Vegas golf course, how he did so above the intensely hot and bright pyramid lights of the Luxor Hotel (500 feet in the air), and his other high levitations, like this, this, and this that go beyond any Balducci -type illusion.


[edit on 15-12-2007 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 09:05 AM
Amen PR!! I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in...and as usual, a few people cannot see the difference between one foot up and 500 feet up..sad, isn't it? The fact that NO satisfactory explanations have EVER been given, and no evidence of any props, in all this time. The deniers stiull say " He is a great illusionist', and still do not realize that they cannot answer a few simple questions, like: WHY is it that no other human being can repilicate Criss events? Why are there NO videos of anyone else doing the high levitations? Why only him?

As for the UFO feature, has anyone considered that maybe the UFO was ATTARACTED to the scene by the forces that Criss is using? Is there magnetic or other anomalies present that can be ' sensed' by the UFO occupants? Maybe..but for sure it is odd..I have watched that clip a hundrfed times and I do believe that it is a UFO, and not coincidental.

As for the naysayers, funny how after all these years they still have NO evidence to disprove the nature of the events, only witnesses paid off, no film lies, no props or wires at high elevations, etc. I am too tired from all the previous ignorance to go back into it all, suffice it to say that until another person does the same events the same way, Criss remains an enigma, and one of a kind.!!

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 09:39 AM
heres a good one to disprove he levitated

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by yeti101

WOW. Criss Angel just got owned real bad. And in the first clip, I noticed that in one part, the sky was partyl filled with clouds, then when he we see him far away with the guy under him, there is no clouds at all in the sky. Wow, he just got owned.

About the video, nothing much to see, its to insignificant to make anything out.

But again, Criss just got owned...

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Great job on providing us with a video which explains how Criss Angel does his low-level levitations

Now provide us with a film documentary on how Criss Angel flies around that Las Vegas golf course, how he did so above the intensely hot and bright pyramid lights of the Luxor Hotel (500 feet in the air), and his other high levitations, like this, this, and this that go beyond any Balducci -type illusion.


[edit on 15-12-2007 by Paul_Richard]

Why does the burden of proof always rest with the people who side on the laws of physics? The fact that we say it breaks the laws of physics and those stunts can be done using said laws doesn’t put the burden of proof in our laps.

I think throughout the massive posts on him that you defend, many of the people who post only want proof to be in the form of something other than an entertainment video that can be staged or doctored as the owner sees fit.

There are also many posts on how he did many of his tricks within the laws of physics and since these have been shown then all his tricks are also done within the laws of physics unless further undeniable proof comes to light.

The problem here is you are unable to present that proof in any form other than videos made by Criss, and you refuse to even entertain any posts that shed some light on how his feats are actually just very good tricks that he pulls off so well being a professional magician.

I guess we will just need to wait and see if further information comes to light that supports your view, and I hope it does, but that proof still rests on your side only.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

The crux of the matter being that we have an abundant supply of video evidence to support our hypothesis that Criss Angel's high levitations (and some of his low-level ones) are REAL (i.e., that they represent a Gift of Chi-Telekinsis) and that you and the other deniers - as eyewitness86 continues to point out - HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

Stop whining about having no video evidence to counter ours

Just get us some video documentation to support your flimsy argument and one that explains ALL his high levitations.

Yeah...good luck with that.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 10:42 AM
The video above does NOT disprove is one of several amateur videos that attempt to debunk Criss but fail miserably..NO ONE has ever shown that the high levitations have props or any other gimmick. Never.

As for ' laws of physics' remember that they went away on 9-11!! Seriously though, when dealing with phenomenon, we are dealing with KNOWN physics, are we not? Before concepts are discovered, they are denied and ridiculed..and then embraced when proven true!! When you say" All we want is MORE proof", you are saying that the videos, and eyewitness testimonies, and the TOTAL LACK of evidence proving the opposite is somehow not evidential..not proof. It is!! The video is proof: Just go to court and try and tell the Judge that the Troopers camera that caught you weaving was ' edited ' or ' faked ' and see what happens. It is up to the ACCUSER to prove fakery, NOT the subject to DISPROVE it!!

We present enough evidence to convince any reasonable person who has no agenda or predetmined attitude. That proof is in the films, the witnesses(thousands ), NONE of whom have EVER alleged a prop or trickery in the high levitations, NO employee has EVER claimed these things, no proof has EVER been offered that shows HOW it might have been done; I contacted the Luxor Hotel myself and questioned the Engineering Supv. very closely, and he denied ANY props, wires, supports, camera tricks, helicopter help, or any other such trickery was used on the Luxor levitation He said " There was nothing up there but Criss and the light". Unless there is a vast copnspiracy, 100% hidden and successful for decades, of p[eople lying for Criss, then what you see is what you get.

If you want to DISPROVE the claim of no props and tricks, then have at it!! Show us someone, anyone, any other human being, out of all the billions on earth, that can duplicate the events as seen. WITH props.If it can be done and the props cannot be seen, just like with Criss, then you win and I will resign from ATS forever and never darken your door again.I will admit defeat and that I am easily fooled and not able to form intelligent opinions from observable data. You can laugh and demean me and I will accept it as due punishment for my insistence all this time that I am right.

But I have never seen anyone, ever, even come close to what Criss can do and has done: High levitations in bright light ( the worlds brightest!) with NO props visible, or even possible, teleporting on many occasions with no way for all witnesses present to have been in collusion, causing material items to appear from pictures and other representations, including mirrors,..I could go on and on..but you CANNOT lump all things together and call it ' illusion' and be honest. But you reach a certain level and only THREE people stand out:

Criss Angel, Cyril Takayama and David Blaine are the ONLY three people currently performing events that defy 'physics ' and explanation on the mundane level. The others are magicians and illusionists of varying degrees of ability, but notice at a certain point it all stops and only those THREE can do the stuff that drops the jaw, out on the street, not a stage. We are asked to believe that the fact that no one else can do these things is just not important,. and that no other ' illusionist ' can upstage Criss and be the new King of illusion is just some coincidence..I say no.

How can we prove that there are no props in the high levitations if the plain and simple video, with NO proof whatsoever of tampering or collusion or payoffs are ever shown are not sufficient? If the eyewitnesses present and testifying is not enough, with NO proof of lies or collusion, then what is enough? It will never be enough, and the deniers know it: They have made their minds up and no amount of proof or logic or testimony will sway them from their certain belief that they know all the facts about the world of physics and dimensionality and the etherreal..musat be nice to be so confident of ones education!! I assume that those who insist that it is all tricks have advanced degrees in those areas since they are so sure of themselves!!

At any rate, if there were any way that props could be bought and used to pull off events like Criss does, someone wopuld be showing us how on Youtube..we would see the props for sale somewhere, or hear from those who can duplicate the events..but we never do, do we? NO ONE has ever duplicated even ONE of Criss most spectacular events, not even close. Is there no competition in LasVegas anymore? Have all the young Turks trying to make a name for themselves as illusionists just given up? Happy to always take a back seat? Content with doing the same old stage stuff and animal acts? If you believe that, then that explains why you would believe that Criss is able to procure and use invisible props, and insure total loyalty for life from all the ' paid witnesses ' and others and all the other garbage...if so you are beyond hope.

But for those who actually have open minds and do not believe that you know and comprehend all of the realities that exist on all levels, then you may well be the next one to accept the truth: Criss and a few others on this earth do not need props and faked film and paid witnesses to perform the events seen, as seen and witnessed by tyens of thousands for many years, with never a hint of fakery, props or payoffs. He can levitate: No big deal except in a world where most people cannot do it. It has been doccumented in history in many places and over the ages, and is real.

The fact that it is unusual, very unusual, is the reason that many people will ignore the plain eveidence and suppose things not seen..all to assuage the mind that the physics we have been taught in school is all there is to reality. Those who know better, or at least are open to new paradigms, can see the truth with no problem. The side that does not see the truth WANT badly to imagine that all parameters are defined and known in life, it provides comfort for many. But we better get ready for some discomfort because soon enough more people will be doing these things and soon enough the denials will turn to shocked realization that all is not as it seems. When one in ten can do it, it will be just another it is a way to make a very good living for Criss and he loves keeping people on the edge thinking it is all just a trick..but the facts say otherwise.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 10:42 AM
Hi eyewitness86,

Originally posted by eyewitness86
Amen PR!! I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in...and as usual, a few people cannot see the difference between one foot up and 500 feet up..sad, isn't it? The fact that NO satisfactory explanations have EVER been given, and no evidence of any props, in all this time. The deniers stiull say " He is a great illusionist', and still do not realize that they cannot answer a few simple questions, like: WHY is it that no other human being can repilicate Criss events? Why are there NO videos of anyone else doing the high levitations? Why only him?

You know, judging by his recent abuse of a medium on television, I really would like to see others have powerful enough Gifts to duplicate his high levitations.

Then again, it has been some time since I have seen him do that. Maybe the energy isn't there for him like it used to be.

I reference the shrinking of the telekinetic Gifts of Swami Sai Baba of India, who has many allegations held against him that he is a sexual predator and pedophile of young men and boys at his ashram.

Originally posted by eyewitness86
As for the UFO feature, has anyone considered that maybe the UFO was ATTARACTED to the scene by the forces that Criss is using? Is there magnetic or other anomalies present that can be ' sensed' by the UFO occupants? Maybe..but for sure it is odd..I have watched that clip a hundrfed times and I do believe that it is a UFO, and not coincidental.

I continue to believe that the UFO was unoccupied, as its size and shape appeared to be that of a Zetan probe. They were not on-board watching Criss Angel, they were viewing him on television and that probe was their camera

Much like the Zetan probe that was filming and transmitting images of Operation Desert Storm before it was shot down by US Naval Forces.

Originally posted by eyewitness86
As for the naysayers, funny how after all these years they still have NO evidence to disprove the nature of the events, only witnesses paid off, no film lies, no props or wires at high elevations, etc. I am too tired from all the previous ignorance to go back into it all, suffice it to say that until another person does the same events the same way, Criss remains an enigma, and one of a kind.!!

I tend to agree.

Unless I see some credible videos posted on how he does ALL his high levitations, it hardly seems worth the effort to rehash the same truths over and over again to the prejudiced.

Carpe Diem & Keep Radiating!

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 10:54 AM
Just read your posts PR, and I agree that it is quite likley that the UFO was a remote sensor; it seems to shift in and out a lot and either they were in the area coincidentally and watched the event, or were attracted to it some other way..interesting eh? It is there for sure..not a plane.

I agree that Baba blew it ( pardon the pun) and lost his abilities over fleshly matters..and strange ones at that. Criss may well be losing potential fast as he gets away from the roots of the matter..I was not involved with the matter of the controversy very much about the medium..or supposed medium..but Criss was not being very cool there..Mediumshiop is not a TV thing..a real medium does not just get envelopes thrown at him to try and get..mostly concentration is needed and not a raucous was a shame, the little I saw.

Criss is right to be confident..but when it turns to arrogance, that changes the dynamic fast. Criss knows he has no equals in the field of special events, and so he could be a lot more kind and supportive of others rather than lambasting that guy on TV. I think that if Criss went away for a while and practiced his real abilities, he could return and astound the world ..but if he gets away from his roots, he will wither and natural.

In the meantime, I will not hold my breath waiting for any definitive proofs from the deniers..all they have ever had is a negative attitude and an empty bag of evidence..assumptions and allegations only..sad.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
reply to post by Xtrozero

The crux of the matter being that we have an abundant supply of video evidence to support our hypothesis that Criss Angel's high levitations (and some of his low-level ones) are REAL (i.e., that they represent a Gift of Chi-Telekinsis) and that you and the other deniers - as eyewitness86 continues to point out - HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

Stop whining about having no video evidence to counter ours

Just get us some video documentation to support your flimsy argument and one that explains ALL his high levitations.

Yeah...good luck with that.

So you have a library of videos made for his show as your proof. Hmmm, Doesn’t that just put small doubt in your brain that these videos are actually made for his TV show?

Also, when someone shows an actual video of Criss demonstrating how a stunt is done you come back with further requests such as “well how does he do the higher flying stunt?” Don’t you get it man? He stunts one, he stunts them all.

One thing to look at is his wardrobe for those black pants with suspenders he uses in the video to show how his lev stunt works he has used those type of pants before many times. Also notice how on the golf course he is wearing a heavy leather jacket and all the golfers are in light short sleeve golfing attire. Once again his wardrobe is part of his props and so he needs a heavy jacket when it is warm outside.

How can you brush aside the all evidence leading to that he is doing very good tricks while blindly believing in others? Your evidence is not evidence for they are just a TV show, period, and the reason why you have so many videos that show his tricks is because THEY ARE A TV SHOW and he has been on the air for a few years.

No whining here my friend, for video created by the person on it is the weakest form of evidence that there can be, but for some reason you are willing to put full belief into something that is ONLY based on video support.

Honestly I would like to know what you feel would be the right evidence needed to convince you that Criss does only tricks. I don't think even Criss himself could convince you though, for you would most likely come back as you seem to always do wanting further proof with a comment like "he just says that to keep his real powers a secret" or something a long that lines.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 12:37 PM
Just wanted to briefly check-in to see if anyone posted any video evidence showing that ALL of Criss Angel's high levitations were tricks, that all of his spectators were paid off, and that none of his high levitations are representative of a Gift of Chi-Telekinesis.


Still no takers.

Hey, someone U2U me when or rather IF anyone manages to pull that off

Thank you kindly.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 12:57 PM

Just wanted to briefly check-in to see if anyone posted any video evidence showing that ALL of Criss Angel's high levitations were tricks

well once youve proved 1 is a trick its not hard to guess the rest are too. Why would he need to do all the camera trcikery if he could do it for real?!LOL i cant beilive you think he actually levitates HE'S AN ILLUSIONIST heres the meaning of the word

1. something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
2. the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.
3. an instance of being deceived.
4. Psychology. a perception, as of visual stimuli (optical illusion), that represents what is perceived in a way different from the way it is in reality.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 01:36 PM
hehe the man does not levitate - if so why would he show how its done in the first video I showed? Does not make any sense. Please be objective to cases like these, he and the team used many hours to plan these acts to fool people

It still is a need trick though! He is as human as we are.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 03:33 PM
I also noticed in the original video, there is way too much clapping for the amount of people that are actually there.


posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by ntenzpunishment
hehe the man does not levitate - if so why would he show how its done in the first video I showed? Does not make any sense. Please be objective to cases like these, he and the team used many hours to plan these acts to fool people

It still is a need trick though! He is as human as we are.

He shows the low one so people like you will think that the high ones must be some kind of trick also, even though you know that the same technique could not be used, you assume, incorrectly, that Criss wants the truth known about him. He wants people wondering how he does things..the mystery is the whole deal. If he admitted the truth, he would then be expected to perform more and more difficult events to ' prove ' it all , and on and on we go.Also, he would be placed in a totally different class than where he feels comfotable; in Las Vegas with illusionists and others who use the same techniques he does for some events. Does that answer your question? You asked why, and thats why.

He knows that no one will see any ' wires ' or props in the high levitations..they are not he knows that most people will amways puzzle over how he was able to do that..and the wonderment keeps em coming, and paying, and thats the bottom line. As long as he denies being special, he gets the continued wonder, and business. If people knew how it was done, they would be far less inclined to come and pay to see would be passe' after a while, as you know. routine, boring even.

So you see his appeal is the wonder, and when that is gone, being able to levitate will just be another freaky anomaly for a limited culty crowd and few others..what makes it special is the question, not the answer.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy910130
I also noticed in the original video, there is way too much clapping for the amount of people that are actually there.


Too much? How can you quantify that from that tape? The people wewre clapping enthusiatically, because they had never seen a man levitate for the few people there, it sounded like more because of the level of excitement..there were shouts, exclamations,etc. because the people were freaked and excited. There has NEVER been any allegation of audio or video being used to make one thing seem like another: What you see is what happened that day at that place, as seen on the video. Only a lack of open mindedness keeps some from seeing the apparent.

I believe the response was appropriate for the people there and the conditions: It is not a recording studio, and any audio is bound to be less than perfect..after all, it is not what is heard that counts ( except for the eyewitness testimony ) but what is seen!!

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 07:20 PM
Cris Angel is a poor example of "super human" ability.
1. He doesn't believe in ghosts and crap like that (he publicly admits it on his show).
2. Most of his tricks consist of camera tricks, cg, slight of hand and neural linguistics.
None of these are paranormal or supernatural or anything.
I find the ufo in that first vid pretty interesting though, well it could be a plane, helicopter or blimp. Who knows, we need a better resolution (not a blow up of a low resolution.).

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

May I ask why you are defending Criss Angel so much? He is reputed to tell how magic tricks are done. A magician/illusionist never reveals his tricks. And yes there is a reasonible explanation to it, if there weren,t than this guy would be all over the news, not just on a thirty minute show on discovery channel that plays at 11 pm. Yes I agree, there has to be a level of open mindedness, but there is also too much. He is an illusionist, his job is to trick the rest of the populaiton into believing in something that isn't reall ythere, or didin't actually happen. Kind of like religions.. ooops, shouldn't of typed that.

Anyways, my point being, He deosn't actually levitate. Its called illusions for a reason. If he did, why would he be taking planes from city to city to advertise products and air shows? Why would he be travelling by car when he can just fly around?

It just takes a little logic. It doesn't mean I am closeminded or feable minded.

It just takes logical smarts.


posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
As for ' laws of physics' remember that they went away on 9-11!! Seriously though, when dealing with phenomenon, we are dealing with KNOWN physics, are we not? Before concepts are discovered, they are denied and ridiculed..

Well it is not known physics for there is not people can demonstrate it under controlled conditions nor is there an establish academia to prove that there is, and I'm not ridiculing anything for I just ask for more proof than a video that can be doctored or staged as the maker of it sees fit.

How hard is that to understand? I have an open mind, but I rely more on establish testing where the person either does the feat or doesn’t without any bias involved. This is very simple, and his videos do not live up to that.

If you want to DISPROVE the claim of no props and tricks, then have at it!!

Criss himself says they are tricks, he even demonstrates a few in a more simple form. He doesn't give away the big ones for they are his act. If you ever actually dug in deep into real magician forums there is all kinds of info on how it is all done.

You act like a person actually levitating for real is a somewhat widely accepted feat and it is not. If there was real documentation of this feat it would be the biggest event for 2000 years. Just a simple REAL float into the air a few feet in a situation that there cannot be any bias at all and it would change how the world sees things.

I’m sorry if I’m not ready to do that from a AE&E show.

Let me see one person do it in front of me without the ability to do anything other than the real thing and I'll believe.

[edit on 15-12-2007 by Xtrozero]

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