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zeitgeist the movie - All the worlds a stage

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:54 PM
But yet missing my point that you are using a completely different conspircy theory as evidence of this conspiracy theory. It's derailing the thread. If you want to believe in voter fraud, be my guest. But using it as evidence that everyone on the board of governors and every bank and ever auditor and accountant or congressman involved with the federal reserve is part of some cover up (not to mention the millions and millions of others who would all clearly be able to see it) is not a rational argument.

And it still doesn't change the fact that the movie's claim that we are paying interest on interest is 100% false and you can't use a voting conspiracy to get out of that one.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by snoopy


You didn't answer the points I raised.

I would be interested to know if you accept that the Fed 'sells' currency to the US government. It charges for printing the currency, doesn't it? If so, it has, in effect, sold it surely.

Which begs the question, where does the US government get the money to pay the charges? Does it get it from the Fed? If so, isn't this tantamount to paying interest on interest?

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
Can we just get a film that doesn't start with 10 minutes of quotes displayed to over dramatic background music?

The reason the quotes are emphasized is to stress the fact that the people who made the film aren't the only ones who believe in conspiracies.

How can you discount or discredit what the filmmaker says when so many powerful and influential men in history (most of whom are American heroes) are saying the exact same things?

The quotations by top bankers, government officials, presidents, prime ministers, and businessmen should be taken seriously, since these are people in positions to know what's going on in the money and power circles of the world.

Without exception the quotes say something to this effect:

1) People are not ruled by government. They are ruled by people who rule the government using money.

2) The money system forced on the masses is corrupt and cheats the user.

3) Seemingly random political and historical events are often crafted by design to produce a predicted, desired outcome by the power elite.

4) The structure of society is being torn down at all human costs and misery in an effort to rebuild it as THEY desire, not how you would desire it.

5) The masses must awaken to this deception, and join together to work against it, because the elites are never going to give up until they have and control everything, including you and I.

Believe it, or not.

[edit on 11-11-2007 by dionysius9]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by coughymachine

There were two possible ways the money system could have been run in the United States. The first is this:

Congress creates the treasury notes and coins, and spends them into the economy on government expenses. This money then circulates around indefinitely. Good policy would dictate that congress wouldn't increase the money supply faster than the population grows.

Method two:

A private bank prints the money at 2 cents for a $100 bill, then sells it to the government. The government pays for the money by people paying them for treasury bonds. The bank then calls this sale a LOAN, and charges interest on it. The interest to pay back the loan isn't created, only the principal. Therefore, eventually all money in circulation becomes representative of DEBT rather than VALUE, and Americans pay each other with someone else's debt, over and over and over. The income tax is created to gather up the interest owed on this debt. The process recycles itself indefinitely; the bank gives out more loans so that the banks can be temporarily satisfied as people run around frantic trying to pay back debts which exceed all the money in circulation. Inflation continues year after year, the money supply dilutes the value of the dollar. People, businesses, cities, counties, states, corporations, and the nation go into debt with the banks who privately own the Federal Reserve, and we all become slaves to the system under their control.

Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution: "Congress shall have the power to coin money, and regulate the value thereof."

Somehow this power was given to a private banking system instead. I wonder how this is legal when SPECIFICALLY forbidden by the constitution?

More importantly, WHY was it specifically forbidden? Thomas Jefferson has something to say about this subject:

"The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."

Is it getting clear yet?

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by dionysius9

You are exactly right dionysius

It is those who control the Money supplies (international bankers), the standing Armies, crude Oil production and distribution, and Science and Technology, who effectively rule the world and govern the governments.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by dionysius9


I'm glad we have people like you who here on ATS (and the world at large) who can keep the truly important talking points remembered! I do my best to as well, but I'm only human and sometimes get lost in the details of unrelated material...

The fact that the DEBT can only increase in the current system is why there is so much commotion about it! It is STRUCTURED to COLLAPSE! Even if it was only originally intended as a temporary answer to the problem at hand (
), WHY is it still there and considered infallible by the Gypsy Ducks?

GREAT short story BTW! Fits perfectly with everything we are talking about!
Amazing how synchronicity works...

**EDIT: fixed typos

[edit on 13-11-2007 by TrueAce]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 09:29 PM
i have yet to make a decision on wether 9/11 was an inside job or wether it was done by terrorist organizations in a way that the gov't isn't exactly telling us the truth about. The official story is a joke, kind of like the warren commission report.

but i reserve my judgement and honestly i don't really care that much, i mean i would ask someone like Melbourne Militia the following

IF 9/11 as found out to have inside involvement from "rogue" elements within the U.S gov't and intelligence agency's and that "HYPOTHETICALLY" it was * proven to be this way (not sure what proven really mean's ) but anyway what would be the ramifications of evidence of U.S involvement in the attacks? I mean we started a war because of it, granted people who had foreknowldge and invested in DEfense company's Made millions upon millions, and strategically we have secured some more oil fields. but also many hundreds of thousands of combined Iraqi's, Afghans and American soldiers have died. What would the penalty be levied back at the america for this sickening act?

You know and how about the possibillity that all the war spending propped up the economy for a few more years and perhaps suspending iraq investing in euro's gave the dollar a little more strength for a few years (2003-2006) and suppose this helped american's standard of living and purchasing power.

3000 or so people were killed that fateful day on sept. 11 2001 and it was unfathomably tragic , especially for the victim's families. However in the big scheme of things you shoud understand, even if rogue elements within the gov't completed this act/ w help, you still have a better chance being struck by lighting and being killed than a victim of a false flag terror attack.

I think in the big picture, the most important thing in society for gov'ts is to maintain "order". yes there is profit to be made from chaos, but controlled chaos . Certain difficult strategic decisions that may need to be made to maintain a country's position in the world may involve inconceivable plans (such as operation northwoods) where a few hundred or even thousand deaths are seen as a means to an end. And bringing me back to an earlier point, how much disorder would be risked (in the name of civil protest and violence ) if should we say american gov't involvement was linked w/ 9/11. Any evidence would need to be surpressed in order to maintain the very security of the nation. The potential for chaos and disorder would be too high to risk finding out if the people could handle the truth about rogue fractions of gov't making poor deady decisons or wether it was small elite fractions of gov't trying strengthen their global influence in the world and profitting handsomely at the same time (while sacrificing and seeing 3000 american deaths as a mean to this end) especialy deaths of citizens the decision makers may not have any personal ties with.

it is those who are too uncomfortable to fathom the different possibilites (wether they wouldn't feel safe still) who may need the bliss in which this ignorance provides them.

The Federal Reserve was designed to be a monster that devours economy's and leaves people drowning in debt. The employees are puppets are mostly just indoctrinated and enjoy the prestige and power of the positions. They are just pawns in the elite's self serving system. The bigger question is wether the elite's decide they would like to hyper inflate the credit supply ( and indebt as many people as possible) AND then short the markets and allow a deflation of asset prices to occur. This of course would leave people with a smaller chance of ever paying back there debt which after the deflation would appear relatively several times larger.

Also a sneakier way to get the same conclusion i think would be to try to offset a credit deflation (that would inevitably have to occur) by printing more and more money and then finding a way to lend it out, by doing this inflation would likely flow into goods and sevices as well as gold. People's assets would'nt lose the value as obviously as in a bout of price deflation, however the result would be the same, although in deflation the wealthy would be #ed because their high debt would never be paid back, in hyperinflation people would drown in the costs of living and this rising tide would take out the lower classes first and work their way up , likely as asset prices would not be rising in price nearly as fast as living expenses (food, gas, etc)

[edit on 13-1-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 10:14 PM
Yo todavia Creo en Dios Todopoderoso y Siempre lo are, tambien que las enseñansas de los Unigenitos de Dios son Enseñansas de Bien de Libertad de Rectitud a Dios , no de Doctrina de Hombre.
sobre el resto solo es Comentarios de la Intro que son orientados, sobre la relevancia de los Unigenitos de Dios. esto Solo demuestra que ahi Hombres que Dieron un Uso no Comun, si no Personal Ambiguo de Amor
Mientras que el Hombre en Su Naturalesa encuentra la Paz y el Amor a Dios de igual Manera por se Parte de la CreaSion . y Bueno queda claro que Quienes sacan Provecho de Guerra es el banco que impone intereses(esclavisacion)al ejercito de un Pueblo que da Soldados que es Controlado por insititusiones Militares Creadas por Hombres de Doctrina , para que Ellos, los pocos que controlan Numeros mucho mas saquen mas Provecho Economico mas y mas ... con eso al FUEGO de DIOS TODOPODEROSO
un Amor un Destino

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Well the last words are pure propaganda... Why theese great men represent figures of east religion? This kind of oneness theme is obviously the basic propaganda of the new age movement. Something of course being stated in the first part was about the age of aquarius, but documentary then didnt have the guts to claim if believe or not. This newage, aquarius theme is exactly that kind of facism, the world will get into. What the us try to do and what nazis also wanted. One man. One land without barriers means one country. Or they want one land without state? This is anarchy of course, which is also a facism theme.
The final ideas are exactly the manifesto of the one government. Just think about it...

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:15 AM

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:26 PM
Open your eyes people! This is real... and it's happening now. There's no point in discovering the truth in 60 years time. Get angry! do something, spread the word, ask questions, get involved.

If you're too scared, then just take care of your family and loved ones and worry about yourself. At the end of the day, that's what's life is about.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by KINGOFPAIN

on the website their is a torrent link.. its xvid

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 01:46 AM
I'm not sure if the movie was the same but you said it was a half hour. The link didn't seem to play for me. But I just watched this 2 hour film that is suppose to be shown at the film festival in LA in October. I've known about a good portion of information that was given. But the perspective and how everything just ties in together is just amazing and scary. I got chills watching the video and I would hope everyone can take the time to educate themselves so this doesn't happen to us PLEASE our lives and future generations are at risk.

I promise it is the most amazing 2 hour video you will ever see....

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:47 PM

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

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