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Virgin Mary visits South African teen

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 09:35 PM
Muaddib I also had my share of visions of the future and they are not of the end of the world, they are of a shared government and its not a very nice picture of it.

People in my dreams will have less liberties that some third world countries enjoy now.

But those are my dreams.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:06 PM
Awesome thread
She could be a fake, or not, but to be fair when people state that she saw 'visions' this could be a substitute word for what she actually felt for the figure in front of her. We dont need to know what Mary looked like, per se, but rather the sense of her 'being'. For if she were to see only a figure dressed as a Catholic depiction of what Mary is 'suppossed' to look like then it could very well be a demon. Yet, if it were more of a feeling of Mary that engulfed her it would appear more legit. Does that make sense?

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:13 PM
Also, thanks to Muaddib for sharing your experiences.
I have had similar 'religious' experiences, due mainly to my close connection with my Grandmother (who was the closest person to a saint that I've ever known).
I wont bore anyone with the details, as they are numerous and drawn out, but I have no doubt in 'angels and demons', and their existence here spirituously and physically.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:23 PM
After reading you experiences, Muaddib in one of your posts, I can tell you that they are very similar to many of mine through childhood and adulthood.

While my father didn't want to have any of it, my mother introduced me to study santeria and spiritism.

Occurs coming from the caribbean this practices are not unheard off.

Time makes many of the visions and experiences fade, while during childhood they tend to be very clear.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:07 PM
Yes, the future is going to be very different.

I have spoken about the visions i have had many times.

What i have seen since i was a little boy is nothing good. I have seen atomic bombs explode in at least two U.S. cities, at least i think they are because of the skyscrappers i saw, and i experienced what happened as two different people. One I was a boy holding the hand of his mother who were walking to a park, which was in a low valley, full of people, and in the background I could see many skyscrappers. As we were walking to the park there was a very bright light, and as some sort of energy raced towards the mother and the child, we saw the buildings explode, everyone started screaming, including the child's mother who embraced the boy as she cried, but there was no time for anything else.

When the energy reached the boy and mother, I jumped to the body of a young man, who had his arm wrapped around the shoulders of what i could feel was his girlfriend/fiancee. I was in the body of the young man, and i witnessed everything he saw and felt. He was talking to her and they were both smiling and laughing when off in the ocean, not too far from the docks, there was a bright light. Everything shook, including the dock, then it took but a second for the energy to reach us and destroy everything around us.

I have also seen that in the not too far off future there will be wars in U.S. soil, it will start almost certainly as race wars, which have been planned and instigated by other countries to occur here. Certain countries will use these conflicts, which will happen in U.S. soil, as a reason for sending in troops, but what these troops will do is spread the conflict and make it worse. It will become a war. This instigation and what these countries will do has nothing to do with anything the U.S. govenrment has been doing recently, this has been planned by other countries for a very long time.

Many Americans, and including our troops will fight against these foreign armies, at the end and according to what I saw, the war will be similar to WWII, and we will be fighting in many small groups against the invaders. I am not sure what the end would be like after that war.

I saw myself in many of those conflicts, and the enemy was wearing some sort of green uniform. The uniform they will use is not similar in any way to any of the U.S. Armed Forces uniforms.

What i saw in these visions have been corroborated years later by what Russian military defectors, and others who know have come forward explaining about this plan the Kremlin and China, among others, have in mind for the U.S.

I was also shown what i think is the reason for the current Climate Changes that are occurring. I was shown there would be a massive earthquake which would be felt around the world. In the vision that earthquake made the bells in churches around the world ring. (i was reminded of this vision when scientists said the Sumatra earthquake in 2004 made the entire Earth ring like a bell) a volcano on the Northwest part of the U.S. will explode, the water would rise in parts of the U.S. such as Florida, and the flooding would be extremely bad, and then I was shown that all of this would be caused by something from the heavens, nothing to do with mankind. I was not shown any timeline, I was shown the succession in which these things would happen.

Throughout the years I have gathered many scientific facts, which i have posted in the forums with hints, and even interviews of other people, such as father Malachi Martin, who talk about something coming from the heavens which will cause chaos in the world, and according to him the Vatican and some others in power know of this event.

I don't know exactly what it will be, as i didn't see what would cause all of this, but evidence can be seen throughout the Solar System that something is causing Climate Changes not only on Earth, but throughout the Solar System.

Here is the interview of father Malachi Martin before he died where he talks about this particular event.

Just click on the icon that is between "Malach 'icon' speaks" to hear the interview.

BTW, remember this interview was done back in 1997. Later that same year father Malachi Martin died. I became aware of this interview much later in about 2001-2002 or so. Well after i had most of the dreams visions I explained above.

---edited to correct some mistakes---

[edit on 13-6-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:43 PM
Wow! that is crazy! This may be a dumb off-topic question, but how do the vatican have any "muscle" left? Thats a long line of blood money, eh? Not to be rude, it's just that I just got done with my Modern Europe class, and Im tracing lines in my head.
Also, a relative of mine, who is a devote, completely honest (often too much so, or pee in your pants hysterical So) Father, Dr. ect.., and he was accused of something (hmmm...)- It was complete injustice thats all I'll say.
And, I'm impressed with your abilities. Please post me your 'threads' and whatnot. Im new so I dont know how to send or message anything

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:31 AM
There is nothing really special about them. There are many people who can do a lot better, and i was lucky to find someone who was like a great-grandmother to me, and who not only corroborated what I have seen, but her abilities were beyong anything I had experienced since then, and she taught me a lot.

Anyways, here is an old thread where I posted some of these visions.

This was the first thread i wrote in the forums I think.

[edit on 13-6-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:35 AM
whhhha?? i haven't heard about these happenings for a while! remember the "bleeding " statues.? when i was little i would watch the mexican news and it was like all they would show.. sightings and junk like that. the bleeding looked pretty crazy though.

i don't see why it couldn't be a possibility. i saw jesus in oaxaca .

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 03:50 AM
Miracles do happen everyday but many people want to see far greater miracles to satisfy their own mind and are nearly always left wanting more.
A miracle is not a true sign that God exists or that He is preasent......ame goes for the virgin Mary(Theotokos).
We are first to question ourselves in a true sense if we are worthy enough to see God.
A miracle can be a many number of see an image or a bleeding icon or statue or what have you, does not make it a miracle of God.
An image of the Lord Jesus Christ has been around for thousands of years.
The image in that link....'not made by hands' has been known to the Eastern Orthodox for many years.

Aside from the legend that Pilate had made an image of Christ, the fourth-century Eusebius of Caesarea, in his Church History, provides a more substantial reference to a “first” icon of Jesus.
He relates that King Abgar of Edessa sent a letter to Jesus at Jerusalem, asking Jesus to come and heal him of an illness.
In this version there is no image. Then, in the later account found in the Syriac Doctrine of Addai, a painted image of Jesus is mentioned in the story; and even later, in the account given by Evagrius, the painted image is transformed into an image that miraculously appeared on a towel when Christ pressed the cloth to his wet face.

Image ,not made by hands.

what is an Image?
Why is it allowed?

No one has ever seen God; only the Son, Who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made Him known (John 1:18)
the Evangelist proclaims. That is, He has revealed the Image or Icon of God. For being the brightness of [God's] glory, and the express image of [God's] person (Hebrews 1:3), the Word of God in the Incarnation revealed to the world, in His own Divinity, the Image of the Father When St. Philip asks Jesus, Lord, show us the Father, He answered him: Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know Me, Philip?
He who has seen Me has seen the Father (John 14:8-9).
Thus as the Son is in the bosom of the Father, likewise after the Incarnation He is constubstantial with the Father, according to His divinity being the Father's Image, equal in honor to Him.

more info on the above

An icon is meant to be a window into
the spiritual world, used to help us contemplate spiritual matters or to put
us into a prayerful frame of mind, as a reminder of events in the Bible, the
life of Christ and the Saints, but never as an object of worship.

There are people that have never ever seen a certain image before and have dreamt of that image not knowing about it, but only after they had seen it for the first time have come to talk of it.
If Faith in God is only increased by certain miracles, then that faith in God may decrease just as quickly.
In my opinion,Miracles should not be the focal point of ones beleif in God.
When Jesus Christ 'fed the people at the mountain

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 05:51 AM
Interesting visions muaddib.

South Africa is a good place for her. Since the end of apartheid most of the political activists fighting for the people in the slums have been bought out with money, now noone defends the poor who are forced to hand over all their income in order to have access to water.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Togetic
The Virgin Mary predicted the end of the world at Fatima too, if I remember correctly.

No, there was not an end of the world prediction at Fatima. You might be thinking of the prediction that Russia would 'spread it's errors'. Which did indeed happen.

Originally posted by closettrekkie
are there any pics of him from when he was actually alive?

Of course not.

Originally posted by RRconservative
when God chooses to send messages he uses angels. At least that is what I read in the Bible.

Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus, James, John, and Peter. Also - the bible doens't contain all truths .. even Christ said that. (paraphrase) "I have much more to teach you, but you aren't ready yet". AND - "if all the teaching of Christ were to be written down, there wouldn't be enough books in the world to hold it all".

God uses who ever He wants to send messages. He's God. He can do what He wants to.

Originally posted by Xfile
the girls from fatima had all displayed unusual phenomina.Like walking backwards,

That's not Fatima (2 girls, 1 boy). You are thinking of Garabandal (four girls). Garabandal has been declared by the Catholic Church NOT to be from Heaven. The Church has officially issued that statement three times. Garabandal is a false apparition (and in my opinion - demonic).

Sometimes these things are psychological.
Sometimes these things are people just being confused.
Sometimes these things are demonic.
Sometimes these thngs are real.

The Catholic Church investigates - which usually takes a while - and makes a decision. Their decisions on these things are usually based on a very good investigation. They tend to NOT WANT them to be true and they try to prove them wrong. Only time will tell if this is approved or not.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 06:30 AM
I got one better.

I walked into work 3 days ago and a man with a tattoo of Jesus was saying that Jesus was bleeding. He proceeded to show the bleeding Jesus to everyone.

It couldnt be that he picked a scab or something, of course.

I'm sure he felt he was witnessing a miracle.

People will beleive what they want to beleive.

I'm sure there are genuine miracles out there, but for the most part, its a figment of people's imagination, IMO.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:41 AM
You know Muaddib the same kind of destruction with one world government is what my visions has been.

But in my case is about lack of resources what will bring the wars, the fights will be for control to support the population that will remind after the wars.

Perhaps that is where the clima change comes into the picture, lack of water, resources and to much population.

No really armagedon like many think with the comming of a saviour and salvation.

The salvation will be under one leader and the population control.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Satan is called the great deceiver for a reason. Using visions of Mary would not be beneath him.

This reminds me of a quote from an excellent movie,
"Thus I clothe my naked villainy with old, odd ends. Stolen forth, from holy writ and seam a saint, where most I play the devil."

Great movie, btw (guess what movie this quote came from

This girl is also a religious healer... I don't know what she can heal, but as far as I've heard/read, she heals people and the people are flocking to her house on a daily basis to receive some "supernatural" healing...

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:26 AM
Sorry for another post, but I can't edit my posts anymore... due to the fact, that I added myself as a foe (so now I see "one of your foes" on top of my avatar. I am my own worst enemy

Thanks for the input Mauddib on those "prophetic" (in a sense) dreams. I had my fair share of them. I would like to see if it comes true.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf

Originally posted by closettrekkie
Frankly the whole end times vision scenario never really made sense to me. Why tell us days, months, years, or minutes in advance when theres nothing we can do to stop it?

They tell us in advance and ask for us to pray to God in order to avert the impending doom. Our prayers can do this!

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Using drugs to alter your mind is the worse way to try to experience the spiritual. Mind altering drugs, all of them, leave you open to all sorts of influences and beings, what some call demonic.

This is off topic but i doubt ill get another chance to ask you. What are your feelings about shamanism them? If you believe that "drugs" shouldnt be used to experiance the spiritual, what opinions do you have of say, brazilian tribes that use the Ayuashca vine as their spiritual guide?

should only be used by people who are ready to experience the spiritual side, and not many people are ready for such experiences.

PS: If you are supposed to, and if you are ready to experience the spiritual, you will experience it.

IMO, some people are lucky (like you) and you were born equiped with the proverbial key to the door. Others (like me) have to pick the lock and jiggle the handle sometimes.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
You know Muaddib the same kind of destruction with one world government is what my visions has been.

But in my case is about lack of resources what will bring the wars, the fights will be for control to support the population that will remind after the wars.

There will be a lot of that too. Yes, there will also be wars for natural resources, but at first the wars will be for other reasons.

I really do hope none of this happens though.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 05:55 AM
I agree with your visions, Muaddib, and i have seen similar things myself.
Specifically, a pulsating light from the sky which causes much fear. Also troops other than Americans here in USA soil.

I have also felt there will be many explosions in America.


I think we'll see it all in our lifetimes.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf

This is off topic but i doubt ill get another chance to ask you. What are your feelings about shamanism them? If you believe that "drugs" shouldnt be used to experiance the spiritual, what opinions do you have of say, brazilian tribes that use the Ayuashca vine as their spiritual guide?

The problem is these people train from a very young age, their outlook in life and the Universe is different from what people in the west are brought up to believe in.

There are certain skills you can attain by training yourself. you should perhaps begin by meditating, as in not thinking in anything, don't desire anything, and don't ask for anything, just concentrate on breathing. Yes I know it sounds corny but it does help.

Have you contemplated the thought that maybe you are not supposed to be able to connect with the spiritual world as some other people do?

There is no shame in not having such a strong spiritual connection. Some people are born not to experience such strong connection but rather to experience life.

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
IMO, some people are lucky (like you) and you were born equiped with the proverbial key to the door. Others (like me) have to pick the lock and jiggle the handle sometimes.

The problem is that with drugs you will open yourself to energies and entities which are up to no good.

Have you ever heard the phrase "when the student is ready the teacher will appear"?

If I were you I would be patient, try not to think too much on this. In fact not thinking about it will help you more than thinking about it all the time. Perhaps you also are not able to attain this connection because you lack balance with your material life?

Your outlook of life also helps you with your spiritual connection.

Meditating or praying, whichever you believe in, can help a lot, just don't get disillusioned if you don't get the results you want, just keep meditating or praying and if you are ready and if you are supposed to it will happen.

[edit on 15-6-2007 by Muaddib]

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