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Where can we go six years later....

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:40 PM
I think and hope that we are heading for our first criminal prosecution in regard to the events of 911. What that will be and when it will take place I have no idea. Maybe Christy Whitman will go down first. Somebody eventually will. The first layer of the onion will be peeled off in court and that will expose the next layer and the next. Each layer has a stratum where it interlocks with a deeper layer, where another layer of beetles is exposed.

All it will take is one prosecution for the process to begin. At the end of it all America will have to start over in many ways. It will certainly have to get a new mainstream media. In fact it is already getting a new mainstream media.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:26 AM
Yes, Bin Laden is enjoying Cheerios in the mountains of Pakistan and he is the most hunted man on the planet. I suggest you read up on his son who is in Iraq via Iran. Quite good reading.

Iraq is in an early stage of it democracy, and if you look at the history of the US, it took us alot longer than a few years to get it right. I would say that we are stil attmepting to build and abide by our original by laws but it is becoming difficult as technology advances.

We need to as a country find a common ground. Where do we go 6 years later....

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Yes, Bin Laden is enjoying Cheerios in the mountains of Pakistan and he is the most hunted man on the planet. I suggest you read up on his son who is in Iraq via Iran. Quite good reading.

Iraq is in an early stage of it democracy, and if you look at the history of the US, it took us alot longer than a few years to get it right. I would say that we are stil attmepting to build and abide by our original by laws but it is becoming difficult as technology advances.

We need to as a country find a common ground. Where do we go 6 years later....

jumpin in a little late here but here's my 2 cents.

I believe the actual question is where do we go 7 years later... not to throw political views ( i am fairly open-ended and will vote for either party... unless your last name is BUSH) but I believe it is going to take a total change in our governmental leadership for us to redirect our course. Not to say the democratic forerunners are my first choice either, but i notice something new this election...

a darkhorse candidate speaking the light to truth FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE!!!!!

If the people would speak up, and force the parties to put forth the candidate that represents them, (be it Ron Paul, Fred Thompson or Mike Gravel, Al Gore) we may actually be able to affect change in Washington. Hopefully this is the election where the people will finally come to power.

Kinda off topic but hey maybe if not the election in 2008... maybe 2012... (do doo do doo)

Anywho, when the people take back the power, we will learn the truths of all of the events that have occurred in the past 50 years.

if you wanted the specifics on 9-11 here goes

First I agree with Esdad... I believe there was government cover up of the blunder of a terrorist attack getting by our security so easily... End of Conspiracy... bunch of cratchity old men covering up their screw ups.

Secondly Nothing will come to light about 9-11 or any other event in our national history, until the people demand it. this is why i love ATS... though some of the ideas put forward are a bit outlandish (holographic planes perfectly timed with thermite explosions... bush riding the nuke on the way to afghanistan and such and such) But it is a think tank...


ATS is the Cato Institute of the common man...


Coven Out

~huh??? was i sayin' somethin??? whoa man~

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
I am not here to talk about the War on Terror.

...back on topic, where can we go six years later?

But don't you see? The (phony) War on Terror has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. 9/11 happened purely for the Illuminati (notice I don't say the USA.. nor GWB) to get a foothold in the Middle East, so the Cartel (yes that's what I call them) can control all territories in the Middle East from East-to-West. Geographically, we have Iran in the middle. To its East, we have Afghanistan. To the West we have Israel (whom I believe had a leading hand in 9/11's inception). In between, we have Iraq. Bit-by-bit, little-by-little, the Cartel is sweeping control of the M.E territories.

6 years down the line, the wider plan is slowly coming to fruition. We are about to see an invasion of Iran. Is it any wonder Iran have nothing but disdain for Israel? Meanwhile, comparisons are drawn between Iran in 2007 and Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The stage is being set for total domination. On the horrible day 9/11 happened, my flatmate immediately stated "this is all about oil". At the time, the rest of us were still in shock over what happened and got suckered in by the news media over the 'hunt for Osama'. It was never about Osama. Osama was a patsy. As Michael Moore said in Fahrenheit 911, the Bush and the bin Laden families shared close ties. He's probably either dead, or in a CIA / ISI safehouse. Arnie would perhaps say "Relax, you've been erased". 9/11 was a jackup, plain and simple.

Where is my proof, you may ask? PNAC - look no further.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:15 AM
Pure and simple, there is no "closure" to such an event. It profoundly trivializes it.

And to know that the impossible occurred, that the WTC towers fell the way they did--blossoming into destruction, leaving dust plumes across lower Manhattan and molten steel months later at ground zero--and that it was supposed to have been caused from plane impacts and jet fuel fires, is to know that the gov't is lying, and thus a conspirator in the attacks.

It is not for us, the People, to turn the other cheek and seek some politically correct and convenient "closure" to treason on such a massive scale. It is for us to seek the truth and save our nation and bring the guilty to justice.

Nothing less.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:24 AM
Everything needs closure, it is a step in the healing process, and that is what I am trying to understand is are the ones who are against the official story angry at the government and using this as a platform, cannot grasp that it could happen to the country they love, or they are simply looking for attention.

9/11 is the largest tragedy to hit the US since the assasination of JFK, both country changing events. The nation needed years to heal after that only to then lose RFK and King, two other leaders looking for change. You have to put closure on something like that and then work to make a better place in order to make sure it does not happen again and a country can survive.

I am not stating that we should forget, but even in the hardest circumstance there is a day to move on. Keep your conviction but accept fact.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 06:09 PM
Six years later, what happens now? People will continue to spread the word of their doubts of the official story until something actually happens in a court room somewhere. It's hard to believe that anyone can buy the official 911 report after doing even a modest amount of research. And as for no new evidence....who needs new evidence when there's soooo much old evidence?

-NORAD stands down for the 1st time in history.
-Passport from the plane just happened to survive the explosion (which is claimed to be hot enough to melt steel, remember?)
-"Terrorists" that could barely fly in flight school pull off some amazing maneuvers.
-ETC, ETC, ETC, goes on forever and i'm sure we've all heard it.

Also, why would we need an official story thread? Is there anyone who doesn't know the official story after having it beat into their brain for 6 years. We will not find a common ground, simply because those that believe the official story are chasing one thing("Terrorists"), while those that doubt the story are trying for a totally different goal.(Justice against the US gov't") It's not going to happen, and you will never find "solid proof" that says 100% "Yup, it was the terrorists, or AHA!, it was the government!". So we go by what information we can glean independently, and most people are starting to see that it points straight to our own government.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:47 PM
"So we go by what information we can glean independently, and most people are starting to see that it points straight to our own government." by exemplar

just wanted to say hello to everyone, this is my first post and probably not the last. i took this quote from a post previous to mine. i have read comments like this throughout these forums.

in this case you say people are starting to see that the "official" story is not correct and that the gov is hiding facts and so on and so on, then...

why is it six years later and aside from this website i have not heard much about 9/11.

and if so many people ae buying in to what you say than where are they all?

i don't mean to make my first post argumentative, i just want your opinion on my reaction.

[edit on 13-6-2007 by JeffNR]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:12 PM
"why is it six years later and aside from this website i have not heard much about 9/11.

and if so many people ae buying in to what you say than where are they all? "

Because the media is heavily controlled and moderated, monopolized by about 5 big companies. And its not like we all go around with T-shirts and buttons on all the time, reading "I don't believe the official 9/11 story."

And if you can't find 9/11 sites besides this one, well you're just not looking. They even did a south park episode about 9/11.

Oh, and welcome to ATS

[edit on 13-6-2007 by Exemplar]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:32 PM

--NORAD stands down for the 1st time in history.
-Passport from the plane just happened to survive the explosion (which is claimed to be hot enough to melt steel, remember?)
-"Terrorists" that could barely fly in flight school pull off some amazing maneuvers.
-ETC, ETC, ETC, goes on forever and i'm sure we've all heard it.

There is alot more to the stand down than that statement, if anyone is repsonsible for the late response it is United and the FAA.

A passport survived. I mean, if they all survived would it make it any less suspicious?

The terrorists were trained in schools across the US as stated by the FBI and the comission report

The list goes on and on but there is nothing new. No physical proof of demolition.

Those are the answers to your questions. The time for healing is over. The time to deny is over. The time to come to a realization is here. What direction do we as a nation take? Shold it be a large issue in 2008?

ALso, it is important that both sides are represented. If you look hard enough you will find an answer and a follower not the truth.

[edit on 13-6-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:40 PM
"Because the media is heavily controlled and moderated, monopolized by about 5 big companies."

exemplar its funny you said that. check out the thread by "byrd" in the disinformation section.

good stuff, i'll see ya around.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:44 PM
i am sure this is the wrong place to post this question but here it goes...

on the left of the screen i see ATS, BTS, and PTS. i know what ats stands for but what do the other 2 stand for...also whats the deal with the points?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by JeffNR
why is it six years later and aside from this website i have not heard much about 9/11.

Because you didn't research it specifically.

Type 911 or 911 inside job or anything related to 911 in google and you will see just how many people are talking about it.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

The list goes on and on but there is nothing new. No physical proof of demolition.

No physical proofs of demolition?

I don't think you did much research if you didn't see any proof of possible demolitions...

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by selfless

No physical proofs of demolition?

I don't think you did much research if you didn't see any proof of possible demolitions...

Could you share this physical proof?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by snoopy

Originally posted by selfless

No physical proofs of demolition?

I don't think you did much research if you didn't see any proof of possible demolitions...

Could you share this physical proof?

Bah, it always comes down to this. No, we can't share physical proof. This is a forum on the internet and all "proof" is digital. If we had physical proof, it would no longer be a conspiracy THEORY. Besides, do you think we have some steel from the WTC laying around? Asking for physical proof over a computer just doesn't make sense. Can you physically prove that the WTC buildings fell because of the plane impacts and burning jet fuel? Of course not. You could post video, audio and pictures in a digital format, but that is hardly "proof".

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by snoopy

Could you share this physical proof?

This video shows plenty of it.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 03:22 AM
Do you want it to always be a theory? Conspiracy theory sites are created so you can post a theory, and people can help you prove it. Without physical evidence, the argument can never be ended.

I have researched enough to see how you have to rig a building as large as the WTC 7 and short of using tactical nukes, you could not bring down the WTC unless you had so much explosives exposed Stevie Wonder would know something was wrong.

A common ground needs to be created, a truce shall we say, that creates one faction to find the truth, not prove our own thoughta. No agendas. No ignorance. Just research. In the end, there can only be one.

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