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BlackWater USA

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:22 AM
BlackWater USA
Just think, 10 years ago this company did not even exist!

"Blackwater has about 400 ... armed commandos" in Iraq, said the Washington Post: it, not the military, guards US proconsul L. Paul Bremer. Blackwater "has contracts as well with the departments of Defense, State and Transportation. The company also did work in Afghanistan ... Blackwater is in Moyock, N.C., just across the Virginia border, and U.S. law enforcement and military personnel frequently use its 6,000-acre site for weapons training ... [it was also] paid $13 million between April 2002 and June 2003 for security training of Navy personnel. The firm's president and training director, and Blackwater Security Consulting's director, are veteran Navy SEALs. The name Blackwater alludes to covert missions undertaken by elite divers at night."

Imagine being a US military personal working beside a BlackWater employee who is making $30,000 a month US!

Talk about Your Soldiers of Fortune.

The numbers in Iraq are skewed because they do not reflect the BlackWater employee soldiers only actual US military

the role of mercenaries in Iraq

BlackWater employees are used instead of standard military at guantanimo and other places because they will bend the rules more, which still leaves egg on the face of America

BlackWater in New Orleans

Lets face it, leave the military, Join BlackWater, make your fortune and get while the gettings good

[edit on 12-6-2007 by junglelord]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:18 PM
Hey, in one year it paid off all my bills!!!

And from what I understand there will be some new contracts awarded to B-USA here in the near future for some other locations... $$$

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:03 PM
This is a type of militia that is growing in front of our own eyes and our own government is supporting them.

If you read the background of the co founder you should be very worry as the true intentions of this group that is getting to run rampant in Iraq and perhaps other places with the US government funding and blessing.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by shadow_soldier1975
Hey, in one year it paid off all my bills!!!

And from what I understand there will be some new contracts awarded to B-USA here in the near future for some other locations... $$$

I think my son should join for two years and make his fortune
I see it as a dangerous thing to have milita like this as soldiers of fortune but with the money they offer its hard not to sign up

I bet the average american military pay is no where near what Blackwater least thats what I read.

Is $30,000 a month correct?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:44 AM
Interesting article from a Northern California weekly Newspaper about Blackwater, and Jeremy Scahill, the author who wrote "Blackwater, The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army."

That little paper/website is the closest to true Journalism I have seen lately, especially in Northern California...

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:52 AM
It no secret and I'm not going to hide what I made. When I was active duty Army as an E6 I made $1300 a month = ALMOST $16,000 annually. I worked 12 months for B-USA and returned stateside with $193,550. Average contract for a qualified soldier is $180,000 for a 12 month assignment. Can be much higher depending on skill, tradecraft, etc...

Private Military can actually be more affective AND deals with fewer losses then our regular military. In the active Army you have a$$hole generals, political suits, and all sorts of people putting young men and women in positions where they WILL die, and they don't care because THEIR agenda does not care about loss of life. A Private Military commander, or operations coordinator will not send his men into an AO on a whim. He is also right there to make the call, not sitting in DC in a suit drinking coffee watching ESPN sending troops to their death because he is to chickens*** to even visit Iraq. And the generals making STUPID decisions sitting in command posts 50 miles from the nearest flying bullet is a shame too.

Bottom line, we get paid very well, to fight smart, not hard, paid to do what it takes to win, not take what they give you and hope you make it out alive....and just so you know, I would love to see our military paid their just salary. Starting salary for any enlisted soldier SHOULD be at a minimum $30g's

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 11:08 AM
oh and jungle...$30,000 a month is steep, the only guys I know making over the $300,000 a year were pilots, and field commanders...

[edit on 14/6/07 by shadow_soldier1975]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 11:23 AM
Absolutley amazing isnt it.
Compare the sizes of the armies occupying Iraq.

United Kingdom
yadda yadda...

Notice how teh USA has a extreme majority?

It speaks volumes that the 2nd largest army, alot closer to the USA % than the second closest, is a corporate army.

Dick Cheney has effectivley created an army, better equiped, better paid and more transparent when it comes to rules of war.

How is this not a war of corporate ambition?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 11:24 AM
Absolutley amazing isnt it.
Compare the sizes of the armies occupying Iraq.

United Kingdom
yadda yadda...

Notice how teh USA has a extreme majority?

It speaks volumes that the 2nd largest army, alot closer to the USA % than the second closest, is a corporate army.

Dick Cheney has effectivley created an army, better equiped, better paid and more transparent when it comes to rules of war.

How is this not a war of corporate ambition?

Im glad all those blackwater soliders are making bucketloads, because greed is one of the most evil sins about, which always usually ends in misery.

Sure hope you like laying in your copper encrusted oak coffin that your 'contract' enabled you to buy, tis a pitty your widow and children will never know their father, all beacuse you wanted a little extra cash.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Im glad all those blackwater soliders are making bucketloads, because greed is one of the most evil sins about, which always usually ends in misery.

Sure hope you like laying in your copper encrusted oak coffin that your 'contract' enabled you to buy, tis a pitty your widow and children will never know their father, all beacuse you wanted a little extra cash.

We do make bucketloads...sorry your jealous of us cashing in on what we are good at. If a private company offered you 20x more money than the company you work for now, you would go do it too. Has nothing to do with greed. Have you been to Iraq? or the Middle East for that matter? Have you seen the things people do to each other FIRST HAND over there? Have you any clue what people do to each other outside your little warm house where NOTHING bad ever happens to you? If I have a company willing to pay me good money to go and take care of some scumbags who won't let their children play in peace, who stone their women because they showed to much skin, who kill their kids with bombs in the name of god, and who without hesitation would cut your throat regardless if your in their country or not....your damn right I will take that paycheck and in my own little way rid the world of some real peices of S***!

And to reference that I am going to die or that we "contract" soldiers should die just proves your but worthless. You prob NEVER earned anything you have. You have the right to say what you want without fear of reprecution, you NEVER sacrificed a thing to better yourself, your family, your nation, your planet. You the prime example of most people...when the big bad bully shows up looking to rape, pilage, destroy, and take over you turn tail and run...lucky for you and those in the bullies crosshairs guys like me and everyday soldiers won't allow it!!!

p.s. i don't want a copper encrusted coffin.....i'd rather spend that money on something else

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 12:39 PM

You post is very insulting, mercenaries for hire has not clue what this war in Iraq is about, but just the money to be make? that is it?.

Sad indeed.

It only takes research to see what Blackwater is all for at least their militia leaders.

I will also ask you what is your goal if you are indeed a mercenary for hire, in the middle east fighting for what?

Helping to liberate an bring freedom to the Iraqi people seems not part of the blackwater commitment but rather that was the goal of the government we have in power right now and our military.

With over 40 different groups of mercenaries for hire in Iraq working right now under US and the UK contracts it seems that the agendas are quite something to be worry about, after all is our tax payer money paying your salaries.

[edit on 14-6-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 12:55 PM
whats insulting is people who think they know and understand things they HAVE NEVER BEEN A PART OF!!!! Marg you can sit and do research ALL day from your can read articles, watch youtube clips, and listen to the media..and NEVER have a true understanding what is actually going on until YOU HAVE BEEN THERE!!!

Your statement that we have no idea what this war is about is semi true...and i will grant you that. We don't really care what the OVERALL war is say we don't have a clue shows your stupidity! have you ever fought in combat? were you ever in the military? were you ever a merc? have you ever been to a country in the middle of a war? ....if not then YOU have no clue what its all about!

Now to answer your questions:

WHAT IS OUR GOAL? Simple, rid the middle east and world of complete and utter scumbags. Marge imagine leaving your home because your going to go vote. You walk outside and BOOM take a bullet to the head because certain people think you dont have that right, and that your just a lowly woman who overstepped her bounds...wouldn't you like to make sure that the people responsible paid for their actions? Imagine you have a 10 year old son whos father told him to walk this box over to the corner store for him, and when YOUR son enters the building, daddy dearest dials a phone number and BOOM, YOUR SON, and INNOCENT people in that building are now chucks of flesh because he THINKS he has a calling to kill in the name of god. My purpose then is to put my own bullet in said father and make sure that doesnt happen again! You may not see it as moral, don't really care, I see it as just....

funny part is alot of people say yes what these people do is horrible. Suicide bombers, killing wives, stoning kids, etc...but when someone like our company goes to help stop this stuff then its oh those poor people...bottom line is make up your want people walking around doing horrible things to each other for stupid reasons or you wanna help stop it?

And not sure where your getting your stats, but over 40 merc groups is wrong. There are only about 6 private companies that hire and fund actually mercs (triggermen). The rest are private companies who hire truck drivers, construction workers, kitchen staff, etc...

and I guess when we sign contracts for Africa to help stop the genocide in Darfur that will be wrong too? thousands are killed, raped, cut up etc by the government there...guess when I go kill a few rapists and shoot a few guys who cut little kids throats I'll be the bad guy then too right? And your bleeding heart will feel bad for those poor men who at this point already killed over 200,000 people because of an idea! I think the problem is people think these problems can cure themselves, and worst part is as long as your in the confins of your little house where you won't experiance any of what REALLY goes on in this world, all you'll ever do is talk talk talk and THINK your right!

[edit on 14/6/07 by shadow_soldier1975]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:24 PM
If these guys are making over 30K a month can you imagine what BW is getting per head..They would have to be making a lot more than that per head to be such a prosperous corporation. I think its an insult to the regular service people over there with families here, mortgages to pay, credit card bills and many of them are suffering. Absolutely uncalled for and a big waste of $.

Sorry Shadow nothing personal against you, but its just not right.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:33 PM
Pieman no offense taken...I have served...and your right..its a shame our government won't pay servicemen what they deserve. As I stated above enlisted soldiers should be making a MINIMUM of $30g a year and still get the housing, meals, etc... Some people don't agree but those people are all home for the holidays, those people don't spend days without water, food, showers, etc..., those people don't sacrifice ANYTHING yet EXPECT everything....those people can't imagine being away from their family for 1-2-3 years just hoping to get home...etc

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by shadow_soldier1975
We do make bucketloads...sorry your jealous of us cashing in on what we are good at. If a private company offered you 20x more money than the company you work for now, you would go do it too.

Jealous? heh, nah... honestly im jealous of the occupied fighters who lay down there lives defending their nation against the opression your corporate buddies are enforcing on them. Im jealous that they get to look you, and yuor kind ( mercenaries ) in the eye right before they press that little red button that sends your greedy behind to meet your maker, who i might add will not be very accepting, being your in an arab nation ILLEGIALLY, murdering and maiming all for personal wealth.

Has nothing to do with greed. Have you been to Iraq? or the Middle East for that matter? Have you seen the things people do to each other FIRST HAND over there? Have you any clue what people do to each other outside your little warm house where NOTHING bad ever happens to you?

No, I will never put on a uniform, head to Iraq and ORDER the born citizens of that nation to obey my command or be thrown into a gulag. sorry, if that seems odd to you, but i find it rather INHUMANE.

The only reason Id of 'gone, or go' to Iraq, is before the US illegially invaded I would of backpacked, met some iraqi's, tried their culture and to understand places such as Eden, or babylon. thankfully, you and your corporate leader have ensured no one on this planet will ever enjoy the beauty of such places....

If I have a company willing to pay me good money to go and take care of some scumbags who won't let their children play in peace

fundly enough, there called Anti-Americans by people such as yourself. See, we see Bush as a scumbag who wont allow a nation to play in peace.. funny, your fighting for him..... and not the money right?

damn right I will take that paycheck and in my own little way rid the world of some real peices of S***!

So do it the noble way, the american way, the way of your forefathers and join the Army, fight for your nation, not the corporation, but again, you care more about the money than your righteous effort to rid the world of scumbags, other wise you would of joined like 'REAL' Americans.

And to reference that I am going to die or that we "contract" soldiers should die just proves your but worthless. You prob NEVER earned anything you have. You have the right to say what you want without fear of reprecution, you NEVER sacrificed a thing to better yourself, your family, your nation, your planet.

Risking my life to protect corporate elite from people defending their own homes in a land I invaded and occupied illegially is 'bettering myself'?

I enjoy hard situations, I enjoy sacrificing the liberties of life for culture.
I spent many nights sleeping in cold parks, on busstation benches, walking the streets of Paris or Rome at 4am with nothing but a backpack, a passport and my IT skills... fundly enough that seemed to of gotten me around the world many a times...
I never found the need to go and kill people.

You the prime example of most people...when the big bad bully shows up looking to rape, pilage, destroy, and take over you turn tail and run...lucky for you and those in the bullies crosshairs guys like me and everyday soldiers won't allow it!!!

Problem there is, there wasnt a big bad bully.
Your leader CREATED him, to fool the public.
It makes me sick, thinking some people who ACTUALLY have a head on their shoulders, still buy this HORSE CRAP about saddam being evil and into wmd's.

YOU, and YOUR CORPORATE buddies STARTED THIS WAR for money, your the prime evidence to this. And you still justify it because saddam was a bad egg......

fundly enough, its the same CORPORATE buddies of yours that got him in that position.

So before you go on your bs rant about how mercenaries are noble people fighting for an opressed nation, jsut remmeber..

you have made them more opressed than they ever were, and your still collecting big paycheques...

Fundly enough, for every dollar you earn, further people are dying needlessly, further familes are becoming homeless refugee's, and more 'honest and nobel' americans are dying while earning minimum money, driving in under-armoured humvee's while sleeping in tents and sleeping bags.

There's one thing that makes me sick in this world, and thats the corporate elite, and im pretty sure that some of them sit in their beds at night shaking their heads in disgust, that someone of 'american' workings still believes that being a paid mercenary in Iraq is a 'good-deed'

Pssht, go lay on an IED for your corporate master you puppet.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:54 PM
I don't care much for mercenaries, even less for corporate fraud.
Blackwater contains both.

The idea of mixing you high-flying, over-paid war whores with the regular
forces is deplorable. You have no cause, you serve only yourselves, you
sell yourselves to the highest bidder, and then you want us to believe
you're there to rid the world of scumbags because someone has to.

Excuse me while I . . . . . .swallow. That story . . .right.

Let's try a little reality. Most of you are greedy, looking for a short cut to
financial security, don't give a rat's ass what policies are in place in that
particular incursion, and really couldn't care less about suffering civilians.
It's a job, courtesy of someone's tragedy and some corporation's greed.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:56 PM
Agit8d...your obviously not very bright..and you DID NOT read my second post! I have served like a REAL american for 6 years of my life. UNLIKE YOU! I have sacrificed for my country and all the people (including you) who live in it..yeah your welcome!..
even though you wish me dead...its all good...atleast I would have died doing something, not sitting at home with twinkies and watching tv THINKING I know everything...and the fact that you associate me dying by the hand of a suicide bomber (hence the pressing of the little red button) proves that you are not worth much and quite frankly I wish you would go back packing in iraq...just let me know when your going so I can be there too... =)

And you are like confuse your hate for bush and the war with people like me who don't go over and order ANY iraqi people around. It is their country, MOST of the time we let them dictate what THEY want. If a woman wants to go tell her town council shes sick of being treated unfairly...I will escort her...and PROTECT her..because she SHOULD be able to speak her mind without some scumbag killing if thats wrong then so be me whatever you want.

and you say we made them more oppressed than ever...hmmm..thats funny..HAVING ACTUALLY BEEN THERE, I would beg to differ...but of course I can tell you have been around the world, your knowledge is far out of reach of mine, Your life and world experiance is to much for me to friend are the exact type of person that if backed into a corner will be destroyed...your kind has to be protected or life as you know it wouldn't exsist....

as for the go lay on an IED...tell you what..go take a ride to a VA Hospital where a vetran has no legs lost to an IED, or no arms to an IED, or a father whos son was blown up from an IED and open your mouth.....go to arlington national cemetary and say it.....MEN make sure you keep your right to be an idiot, so with that..carry on little boy

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:02 PM
SIEGE we all sell ourselves to the highest bidder...tell me if you (doing whatever it is you do) are offered 2 jobs. 1. pays $10 an hour, 2. pays $300 an hour...which would you take? Yeah don't even try and sell me that BS...welcome to the real world...your as greedy as us...just don't have the balls to admit it

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:07 PM
History will judge all of you in the proper light.
Paid mercenaries making bucket loads of cash are no better than the corporate elite whom started this war.

Your not there for any humane reason, your not there to fight against opressive people.... your there simply because the man who signs your hefty paycheque says he wants you there.

I, like many other people would be ASHAMED to accept a paycheque for doing the dirty work of the elite.

A day will come when you have to explain to your grandchildren what you did during the great war of the 21st century, you will be seen as no better than the French, and Dutch whom collaborated with the Nazi's.

Anyone, making personal wealth in any way shape or from the misery of an occupied nation deserves nothing more than to be humiliated, drawn and hung in the public square.

Its a disgrace that you even breathe the same air as people who die for their nation.

I have nothing more to say, about you paid mercenaries. Your no less a war criminal than your boss.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:08 PM
When do they issue "Order 66"

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