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Why forums are watched ....

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posted on Nov, 28 2002 @ 12:07 PM

November 25: In the last few hours DEBKAfile counter-terror sources report a heightened volume of traffic over the Arabic Internet forums frequented by al Qaeda and its partisans.

Most of the last messages end: �The zero hour has come.� One particular release was aired three times today, all posted by �ARAMCO boy�.

The last one to reach our sources was issued at 12:28 EST, 19:28 IST. �Today, at 6:20 hours, there will be a surprise program, one of the most beautiful I have ever seen over our Qatari channel.

Anyone who knows what I mean must tell no one so as to keep the surprise whose content everyone will love. Only God knows what I mean. The program forced me to write these lines at great speed and I ask God to forgive me and reserve Paradise and not Hell for me. The zero hour has come.�

According to DEBKAfile�s sources, these messages may be red herrings designed to confuse and mislead outside monitors. However, the source who picked up the latest batch was the first to detect and correctly interpret at least two such enigmatic messages in recent months as presaging the re-appearance of Osama bin Laden and his lieutenant Ayman Zuwahri after many months out of sight.

They were followed by pre-recorded statements over al Jazeera satellite TV. The timing too is suggestive: Thursday, November 28, is Thanksgiving Day in the United States.

Also worth noting is that while messages over these forums usually draw responses, the one cited here went unanswered.

Three days after this was received, two simultaneous terrorist attacks targeted Israelis in Mombasa, Kenya at a hotel and aboard an airliner.

Three Israelis, including two young girls, were killed in a bomb blast that wrecked the Mombasa Paradise hotel and 80 were injured. The Arkia Boeing 757 escaped harm from two Strella missiles shot from a white minivan as it lifted off from Mombasa airport with 260 passengers.

DEBKAfile counter-terror experts note: The Mombasa attacks like the Bali bombing targeted exotic tourist spots frequented by Western vacationers - focusing on Australians in the first and Israelis in the second.

[Edited on 28-11-2002 by Netchicken]

[Edited on 28-11-2002 by Netchicken]

posted on Nov, 28 2002 @ 01:00 PM
The day where,us, the Westerners, will say " enough is enough " is coming.

posted on Nov, 28 2002 @ 01:07 PM
How could you be a westerner if you live east of Greenwich???

posted on Nov, 28 2002 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Actually for the first time I am tempted to make a "# the arabs" website. I have had enough.

Palestinians are a good justification for Genocide ....

And being robbed of your homeland is a good justification for suicide bombing. The Isrealis have no right to be in Palestine, and the Palestinians have every right to resist occupation. Would you not do the same? Oh, and BTW, the Isrealis have already commited genocide against the Palestinians, so you're too late. Did you happen to hear or read any news reports on what went on at the refugee camp in Jenin? 441 Isrealis killed-1,539 Palestinians killed.

posted on Nov, 28 2002 @ 05:23 PM
I agree chicken, Adolf Hitler would know how to handle the Arab problem....

posted on Nov, 28 2002 @ 05:52 PM
Obviously you are unable to read the document correctly,

These are the figures for ALL the intefada

Since the outbreak of crisis in September 2000, the origins of which have been comprehensively set out in the report of the Sharm el-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee headed by former Senator George Mitchell, there has been sustained violence between the parties, fluctuating in intensity, causing by 7 May 2002 the deaths of 441 Israelis and 1,539 Palestinians.

There was no massacre, have you not read the news on it it was all propaganda by the Palestinians.

By the time of the IDF withdrawal and the lifting of the curfew on 18 April, at least 52 Palestinians, of whom up to half may have been civilians, and 23 Israeli soldiers were dead.

The blindness of some is amazing... will you see when they kill your family?

Originally posted by CiderGood_HeadacheBad
Oh, and BTW, the Isrealis have already commited genocide against the Palestinians, so you're too late. Did you happen to hear or read any news reports on what went on at the refugee camp in Jenin? 441 Isrealis killed-1,539 Palestinians killed.

[Edited on 29-11-2002 by Netchicken]

posted on Nov, 28 2002 @ 07:22 PM
I gotta ask:

What kind of ultra-secret terrorist organization posts its messages on a public MESSAGEBOARD f'r catssakes???

If I was planning a big global strike, I sure wouldn't be sitting in front of a computer typing 'power to the people' messages. If I was sending messages to my family, I'd be darn sure it was private and secret and that it couldn't finger me or them.

You can track down posters' ISPs.

Lame Terrorists or Red Herrings?

My guess is "red herrings"

posted on Nov, 28 2002 @ 10:58 PM
Herrings of the very reddest variety, Byrd, and it's a measure of the contempt in which the masses are held by those who circulate this nonsense,that "Al Jaziira" is STILL cited as a reliable source.

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Midnight Mutilator
I agree chicken, Adolf Hitler would know how to handle the Arab problem....

You have a weird humour sense MM. !

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 10:11 AM
The blindness of some is amazing... will you see when they kill your family?

[Edited on 29-11-2002 by Netchicken]

Why would they kill my family? And who are "they"?

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 10:15 AM
I don't understand Ciders post because of the editing.

Cider could you post again without posting whatever it was that needed editing.
Thanks in advance.JB

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 11:33 AM
What I was trying to say, JB, is that the Isrealis have no right to be in Palestinian territory, and that under occupation it is understandable that they might use violent means to reclaim their land.

Netchicken, do you really think that a f**k the arabs website is the way to solve the problem, the root of which is racial and religious intolerance?

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 01:33 PM
Firstly I didn't edit ciders post above, that was because of his quoting that it looks funny.

No it probably wouldn't make any difference, but what else is there to do? That post, which I deleted on reflection, was an emotion reaction to the frustration of the situation and the blindness of individuals.

Should I become an apologist for violence and depravity as many people who justify the palestinian / radical arab elements in the world do of a people who seek to destroy OUR society?

Islam is a fundamentally violent religion that is easily manipulated by people seeking to dominate the world.

How many people before WW2 stood up and said "Hey these germans are killing jews, hey these people are dangerous, their regime should be destroyed as they threaten world peace with their plans for domination. "

Very few,

Peace is so desired that the west will hide from the truth in an illusion that all is well, until it is forced by events to respond. 10 years, 20 years, from now there will be a military conflict, its like an express train coming down the tracks towards the woman of liberty and peace tied to the rails.

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 01:37 PM

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 01:53 PM
All people do not agree.Below is only one reason why.

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 01:56 PM
Listen, you can have all the posts about ATS Dying or bitching about lack of original content. But, until you diversify you 'Inner Circle' of mods and admins to give a more balanced P.O.V., you'll have site quality degradation.

Right now, you have a bunch of:
- White
- Male
- Conservative to far Right
- "Jesus is the only true__________" Fundamentalist folks
- Jingoistic bordering on Weimar Germany Brownshirt hysteria
- First Worlder first, the rest be damned Westerners

[Edited on 29-11-2002 by Bout Time]

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 02:17 PM
are you describing me, BT?

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 02:24 PM
That's harsh Bout Time,
Look carefully at any alternative Mods.
They are hardly moderate.
This intervention was exceptional and NC has admitted as much let's leave it at that.

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 02:25 PM
If the shoe fits......

Though, I haven't heard you say that Eve lived to be 900 years old and that the Earth was populated by inbreeding, or that another religion is 'evil'....yet.

posted on Nov, 29 2002 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by John bull 1
That's harsh Bout Time,
Look carefully at any alternative Mods.
They are hardly moderate.
This intervention was exceptional and NC has admitted as much let's leave it at that.

John, give me examples of mods whose point supports your protest. I will concede that I don't visit all boards; I do 'laps' around the Web/War/Political/Religion forums. The ones who post in the forums that I frequent, however, fit that list to a tee.
Don't confuse my observation with ingratitude, it's not, I do cheer those folks for spending the time in free work they do.
But come on, painting a faith or people with such a broad brush to label all of that group as evil or inferior is's not a flat world anymore John.

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