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New Yorker's asked simple questions about 911. *video*

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posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 11:24 AM
I thought this was interesting. September 11, the enigma that causes many disputes in our nation presently, should truthfully be scrutinized from every angle, considering all the fishy coverups. I saw this video and something hit me... I personally do not believe the official story, yet I could speak for hours about the intricate details of 9/11 and all the anomolies and suspect points of reference on that day. Sure I can't provide any indisputable evidence that a the government hasn't tossed out a flimsy excuse to cover, but nonetheless I have mounds of information from that day.

It is my personal belief, not just because of this video, but I believe that the believers of the officla story are less knowledge than the people that will question it. Now I will say there are a few members on this board that believe the official story and can back up there claims (to the best of their abilities), but they have never convinced me with their dialogue.

Do the governments rely on people's ability to not care enough to question the official story?



[edit on 8-6-2007 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 01:50 PM
that was pretty funny, thanks for posting.

Do the governments rely on people's ability to not care enough to question the official story?

IMO they are counting on it!

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by VicRH
that was pretty funny, thanks for posting.

Do the governments rely on people's ability to not care enough to question the official story?

IMO they are counting on it!

Thanks for the reply, and I do agree with your assertion. I am wondering if anyone else thinks this is a possibility, or a actuality of our nations collective intellect? I guess it goes to show that even intellect is only as strong as its weakest link.


posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 06:36 PM
You need to understand that you will be always in the minority. People simply do not care anymore its a fact. Paris hilton is much more important. The biggest problem we have right now in the world is not corrupted rogue govts but the medias. To few ppl control it and people are to easy to be influenced.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 06:36 PM
There is already multiple threads on this subject.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
There is already multiple threads on this subject.

And do they carry the same message?

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 07:47 PM
WOW! NoT OnE PeRsOn KnEw!!!!

"The evil Gubment' is counting on those dumb people to not ask questions."

This is why gullible people get tricked so easily, so often-- not by the government, but by their own lapses in logic.

I bet they asked many people those three questions all day long. I am also willing to bet *most* got those questions correct. Of course that doesn't make for entertaining television --does it. Person after person answering those questions correctly, then there is that one that doesn't know $#!t.

The whole premise of shows like that are to ask people ridiculously easy questions (ones that most EVERYONE knows the answer) and then laugh at the ignorance of those that missed the bus. Of course the 9/11 twoofers get a golden opportunity to say: "see, just look at those sheeple, tisk, tisk," and give themselves a big pat on the back for being so unsheeplelike, instead of thinking for a second about the multitude of people that answered the questions correctly, and were edited out of the TV segment.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
WOW! NoT OnE PeRsOn KnEw!!!!

I'm sensing sarcasm, is that allowed anymore in this forum?

"The evil Gubment' is counting on those dumb people to not ask questions."

There have been many studies indicating the density comparisons for higher educated states. Take a guess which catagory the RED STATES are always in. So while you can create and independent position for yourself to stand, the other majority of believers wouldn't understand there was danger.

This is why gullible people get tricked so easily, so often-- not by the government, but by their own lapses in logic.

Hello pot, have you met kettle?

I bet they asked many people those three questions all day long. I am also willing to bet *most* got those questions correct.

Do you think you are shedding light on anything anyone else couldn't deduce? I think it is you getting lost in your own appreciation of your lackluster logic. Hello, I'm over here on page 76, not 32.

Of course that doesn't make for entertaining television --does it.

Nor do your indirect posts about feeble aspects of the OP's thread.

Person after person answering those questions correctly, then there is that one that doesn't know $#!t.

Searching for your point... can't find it.

The whole premise of shows like that are to ask people ridiculously easy questions (ones that most EVERYONE knows the answer) and then laugh at the ignorance of those that missed the bus.

OMG, you are serious about thinking you're uncovering something that isn't obvious to everyone.

Of course the 9/11 twoofers get a golden opportunity to say: "see, just look at those sheeple, tisk, tisk," and give themselves a big pat on the back for being so unsheeplelike,

Open your mind. You keep repeating this.


posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation

There have been many studies indicating the density comparisons for higher educated states. Take a guess which catagory the RED STATES are always in. So while you can create and independent position for yourself to stand, the other majority of believers wouldn't understand there was danger.

[PulpFiction] English, MuthaTrukah! Do_You_Speak_IT? [/Pulpfiction]

I might contest this notion, that is, if I could decipher it.

This is why gullible people get tricked so easily, so often-- not by the government, but by their own lapses in logic.

Hello pot, have you met kettle?

So you feel I am gullible? Is that your contention? Please, if you would be so kind, as to point out to me exactly what has led you to this conclusion.

I bet they asked many people those three questions all day long. I am also willing to bet *most* got those questions correct.

Do you think you are shedding light on anything anyone else couldn't deduce? I think it is you getting lost in your own appreciation of your lackluster logic. Hello, I'm over here on page 76, not 32.

You are promoting this video as justification as to why our government might feel that they could perpetrate the crime of the millennia based on a few clips of ignorant people. Either that, or you are wasting peoples time.

Of course that doesn't make for entertaining television --does it.

Nor do your indirect posts about feeble aspects of the OP's thread. are the OP..dude.

Person after person answering those questions correctly, then there is that one that doesn't know $#!t.

Searching for your point... can't find it.

The point is: The general public isn't as stupid as you want to believe.

The whole premise of shows like that are to ask people ridiculously easy questions (ones that most EVERYONE knows the answer) and then laugh at the ignorance of those that missed the bus.

OMG, you are serious about thinking you're uncovering something that isn't obvious to everyone.

I guess you are saying that this thread you have created is worthless then, thanks for the clarification.

Of course the 9/11 twoofers get a golden opportunity to say: "see, just look at those sheeple, tisk, tisk," and give themselves a big pat on the back for being so unsheeplelike,

Open your mind. You keep repeating this.


It isn't about an open mind. When I began this goofy lark I watched the twoofer videos, I read the Twoofer websites-- I thought just for a second--OMGZ! WTF? Then I went to a debunker site, and read some boring but pertinent info. --Got a bit more centered in my research, then I alternated one pro CT source, then one con CT source; looking for more details along the way. I have found that many of the CT sites and videos begin to "circular reference" one another for the support of their views. From this it is simple to deduce that the 9/11 Ct's are predominately built on speculation and agenda. Where as the logical mind bases findings on fact and credibility.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
From this it is simple to deduce that the 9/11 Ct's are predominately built on speculation and agenda. Where as the logical mind bases findings on fact and credibility.

I don't find your bottom line applicable at all. So then, why are you here? To harass and agitate is the only conclusion.

There is more to 9/11 Truth than Killtown and BSregistration, unfortunately it seems the damage has been done. Read a Steven Jones paper and associated follow ups.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 09:31 PM
Heh, now that is funny!

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
Of course the 9/11 twoofers get a golden opportunity to say: "see, just look at those sheeple, tisk, tisk," and give themselves a big pat on the back for being so unsheeplelike, instead of thinking for a second about the multitude of people that answered the questions correctly, and were edited out of the TV segment.

Its just too bad the people that still believe the official story can not provide any real reports or evidence the suport thier theory.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
I saw this video and something hit me... I personally do not believe the official story, yet I could speak for hours about the intricate details of 9/11 and all the anomolies and suspect points of reference on that day. Sure I can't provide any indisputable evidence that a the government hasn't tossed out a flimsy excuse to cover, but nonetheless I have mounds of information from that day.
[edit on 8-6-2007 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

The point was not the video as you seemed to have jumped all over. It was the fact that people that believe the original story do not know any of the details surrounding it. Am I just throwing it out there? No. I am from the midwest and have family all over the country. When I am at holidays we talk, and they don't see below the surface on any subject about 9/11. You don't believe me, go experiement yourself instead of assuming that the whole world operates from with inside your thought process.

It was you that ran with the rest of your defense mechanisms. For the moment, forget the video exists so that we may progress. Would you agree or not that the believers of the official story know less about the evidence surrounding 9/11 than the CT'ers?


posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Now this is freaky...

Sorry. Couldn't resist

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Zarniwoop
Now this is freaky...

Sorry. Couldn't resist

God works in mysterious ways.

I wish there were still WATS "Z" you would get mine.

Oh, and to the point I was trying to make, here is another clue.

Asking, "Which State is Smartest?" Morgan Quinto compiled information based on 21 factors and concluded that Massachusetts is the most cerebral state in the union. But even more intriguing, according to projected electoral votes for 2004, Kerry is ahead in 9 in 10 of America’s smartest states, while Bush leads in but one, Montana, which, by many accounts, is Ted Kaczynski crazy.

As of this writing, this is how the candidates fare in the country's top ten "smart states":

1) Massachusetts -- Kerry, strong lead

2) Vermont – Kerry, strong lead

3) Connecticut – Kerry, strong lead

4) Montana – Bush, strong lead

5) New Jersey -- Kerry, strong lead

6) Maine – Kerry, barely leads

7) Pennsylvania – Kerry, weak lead

8) Wisconsin – Kerry, barely leads

9) Iowa – Kerry, barely leads

10) New York – Kerry, strong lead

There are holes in this theory, of course. Hawaii and California strongly back Kerry, for instance, even though their education standards leave much to be desired. On the other hand, it could be that smart people simply move to Hawaii and California after being educated elsewhere.


[edit on 9-6-2007 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 12:28 AM
Gwionx if you're so sure the official story is true then why not answer the question I've asked you now how many times? Four times? I just want to know what the official explanation is, and seeing as I've been unable to find it I thought you, being an expert on 9-11 and the official version 'an all, would have the answer for me.
I'm disappointed in your lack of response. I really wanted to believe in you Gwionx, I thought you were the 9-11 messiah, the savior of all that's true. Do I have to face the truth? Prove to me you're not a troll, so I can live again...

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 01:12 AM
ANOK, you have asked me twice and I answered once.

Your question is off-topic in this thread-- However I will guide you in the right direction. Are you familiar with Dr. Bazant? Try a google search --since you are a keen investigoogler and all.. You might just find the answers you seek.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by GwionX
Are you familiar with Dr. Bazant?

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 05:27 AM
It's a sad state of affairs when people get those questions wrong in that video . Sad indeed .

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 05:47 AM
I can understand to forget the exact year, or even exact date..But how can you answer: "Hindu" ....?....Maybe she was an alien, just landed to the world.

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